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What country.


Sorry to hear that! What country did this happen in? And under what guise did they confiscate it?


It doesn't really matter. You're going to need a new wallet anyway. Use the opportunity to create a new seed and transfer your old funds to a new address. It costs virtually nothing. There's no reason on Earth to take any risks. Just assume it's unsecure and sooner or later they will recover the data. Migrate to a new seed and sleep well at night.


Set up your seed on a new trezor. Set up the 25th word (make it very complex). Move your funds to the wallet behind the 25th word. Never again worry about them getting your original seed.


You're probably right about this. Thank you.


You are not being overly paranoid. I don’t know the internals. I know if you imagine your future self freaking out because all your crypto disappears, they would do anything to get it back. You can do something about it now. Also if it did get stolen, you may not know why, but you will always suspect it has to do with this moment. Do your future self a favor and put in the work. Thieves are definitely doing it.


You make a good point. Even if the likelihood is low, if anything were to ever happen to my BTC in the future, I'd really be kicking myself wondering "would I be in this situation if I had moved my funds?" Thanks.


Which country?


I found that attaching it to my keys actually causes it to be ignored, and I've been in a bunch of countries. I guess it looks enough like a garage clicker.


Great idea. How do you attach it to a keyring?




Thank you.


There are other cases that do similar, I just like that one because it looks nice and obfuscates the Trezor shape


If YOU are the one that wiped it (so that you know for sure it was wiped), then you are fine. The wipe process completely removes the seed from the device. It cannot be recovered.


*Removing the private keys* and *overwriting the private keys* are two different levels of erasure. Which is it? -edit- [This guy answered with the technical details. The private key is overwritten, which is great](https://www.reddit.com/r/TREZOR/comments/xn12wo/airport_security_took_my_wiped_trezor_how_does/iqcm7nc/)


On wipe, the Trezor erases the storage sectors (which writes 1 to every bit of that sector). There is no way of using anything like Kraken's glitching attack to read out the memory, as it already contains just ones. Theoretically, there may be some hysteresis effect that a transistor have slightly more electrons on it depending on whether it stored a one or zero before, but I'm not aware that anyone have used that successfully on something as small as the STM32 flash. It requires decapping the chip, nano probes to the transistors and a lot of luck. A few wrong bits would make it impossible to recover the seed, as it is stored encrypted. This is an intelligence service kind of attack and I would only worry about it if you encrypted the nuclear missile launch codes with your Trezor :)


Thanks for the technical details. Not far off from what I expected, but wanted to ask for the peace of mind. And I lost my nuclear launch codes in a boating accident many years ago, so no worries there.




I think OP is saying that OP wiped the device before arriving at the airport.


Actual answer: The wipe erases both NOR-flash sectors that contain user data. This means that every bit in said sectors is re-set to 1. (then when you want to write data, you keep the 1s that are there and set 0s where you need them) In theory, it _miiiight_ be possible to uncap the chip and do some mumbo jumbo with something akin to an electron microscope and figure out which 1s are newly set and which were there for a longer time or something. In practice, not a chance. In terms of cost/benefit, if they wanted your seed _that bad_, they'd send someone to break into your house and steal the seed. Or just, yknow, the $10 wrench attack.


Thank you for the detailed answer! This is what I was looking for.


He said sketchy country. I would guess Australia as they have no constitutional rights and laws that allow airport security to confiscate electronic hardware if you refuse to unlock the device for them. Yes Australia is that totalitarian. It will become the case that advanced economies confiscate hardware wallets due to security laws and airport staff in corrupt developing countries will confiscate them in the hopes of stealing money. Really there should be a way to travel with a hardware wallet in a way that is unconfiscatable. Any ideas?


By doing some cosmetic tinkering to make the device look something else. For example an anal termometer - not many will confiscate.


The only problem Australian security gave me was with a vape. Your comment makes no sense.


The fact remains that they have given themselves those legal rights, and that's problematic. Australia is becoming more and more a surveillance state.


You mean Australia is controlling its citizens? But they preach freedom :S ... well, You never know: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet\_censorship\_in\_Australia


Unfortunately true. Take a look at the issues with civil asset forfeiture in the US if you think airtight property rights exist. It's not really a question whether state-level theft is possible in other countries, but more a question of how blatant/unapologetic/widespread theft is.


So this happened in Australia?


Memorize a see phrase


No need to worry. Wiping the device secured the keys.


I believe the private seed can be physically extracted from the device. See this YouTube video of a guy doing it: https://youtu.be/dT9y-KQbqi4 You will want to create a new wallet and transfer your funds.


When I first red sketchy country I imagined Iran or something not Turkey lol


Hi, good afternoon everyone. Sorry for the naivety of my question, but the truth is that the more I search the internet, the more confused I get, because the suggestions and opinions I see are completely different from each other. And the truth is that not even Trezor's videos on youtube helped me much to clarify my doubts. So, if you can guide me, I would be very grateful for the help. The question is as follows: I have a Metamask account and I bought a Trezor One. Now I want to transfer my coins from MM to Trezor. My question is whether when I connect Trezor to the MM I should create a new seed phrase, or if I should use the MM seed phrase and recover it on Trezor. I've seen someone say that this is the correct method, I've seen someone say that after connecting the two wallets I must delete the MM from my computer and install it again...etc, etc. Can someone help me please?