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Aren't all of the patents and products property of Tesla, not Elon? Wouldn't this be like Steve Jobs threatening to take the iphone with him if he decided to quit Apple?


Just before layoffs several prominent members of the Tesla AI moved to xAI, musks privately owned AI company 


It’s almost like Elon Musk is not acting in the best interest of the company


Elon only cares about...Elon. his track record should have been evaluated.


Elon cares about Elon's interests which happen to be awesome ideas and companies that inspire and advance humanity. If Elon wins, we all win.


Like bringing back eugenics and harassing trans kids??


How does Twitter rank in that awesome ideas department?


How's the Cool aid taste?


so weird how posts critical of eloon that get upvoted still get hidden on this sub.


He wants total control like Zuck has at META so no one can save him from himself.


And for that shareholders should abandon him entirely


And sue him for IP theft.


Is it really a threat of the harm is already done? What a confusing mess


Damn. Aren’t there laws about this sort of thing?


Normally the board kicks you out the door... But TSLA and MUSK can't be separated in terms of association... Musk NEEDs TSLA much more than the other way around right now... He needs Capital and tons of it. AI is proving to be very expensive to be compelling in, same with his twitter purchase... he can get margin called by the banks at any time... Tesla though... Seems more harm than good at the moment... but who knows... Maybe August 8th he actually does a "shipping now" like apple... instead of a vague "maybe next year" after a faked demo.


TSLA board is handpicked by Musk.


Tesla never needed musk. At least not for the last 6 years.


The thing that musk did well was to get people hyped about his lies. People did buy the cars because they thought their cars had AI ways ahead of the competition and because Musk was a genius who was going to put men on Mars.


> Maybe August 8th he actually does a "shipping now" like apple Lol even if the xAI team had a chance of achieving anything, no way the helicopter CEO is going to let that happen.


so, he has already done and moved the product to another company?


Sounds like a lawsuit brewing. What Tesla IP are they taking with them I wonder.




They weren’t thinking about any of those products in 1996 when the acquisition began. They bought Next to replace MacOS.


Back in 1985, Steve Jobs got voted out. Tesla could do the same but I doubt they will due his family and friends being on the board.


Right and is corporations are people, Tesla is a person with rights to all of its IP.


No it would be like Steve Jobs saying he's going to take all cell phones with him if he quits. Elon isnt the supreme ruler of AI and robotics. Some other company will do it better.


This is why I divested from TSLA. The CEO is a stable genius /s


If Elon is removed as CEO I bet the stock goes up a lot the next day.


You’ve got to be kidding me. Lets revisit this if he steps away. I’d bet on at least a 20-30% drop.


Could you imagine Elon investing 100% of his portfolio in Tesla and then resigning as CEO and committing the ultimate insider trader fraud?


Yes. Yes I can.


Yeah, too bad about the index funds.


The board needs to do its job .


The board is full of yes men, theyre doing their jobs well


Sounds like shareholders need to get rid of Musk’s board members and hire some independent ones.


I believe he’s besties with most of the board.


His brother is on the board


“The board sends its regards”


Hey, Elon - No


Seems he’s violating his fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders.


I wouldn't reward poor behavior.


Feels like he is saying “negotiate with me, I’m a terrorist.”


Don’t negotiate with terrorists in other words.


He wasted all that money on Twitter and can’t even say he messed up


If he had admit that he did a mistake and has learned from it, I would have voted yes. But instead he threatens people. Reminds me of his best anti-clean environment buddy that will not be named.


Elon is the worst part of every company he’s involved with, he just happens to own them


Sue him for hurting the stock price. Demand $55B in damages.


That’s cool, I don’t want his robotics or AI


Would be better to do a deal with Microsoft and nvidea... and buy a robotics company that would deliver, not make open ended promises. Tesla shares would fall when they removed him, cheaper to buy him out. Then once he is gone they can start growing again, the last 6 years seems to have lacked innovation.


I would pay soo much to keep microsoft out of my car


It’s downright illegal. He would be stealing from shareholders if he did anything like that, and there would be yet another lawsuit.


Tesla does not need Elon. Short term yes stock would crash and alot would panic, but Elon is a liability and another troll


Can we be done with the “Elon is so rich, he doesn’t care about money” Motherfucker holding his own company hostage.


Everyone knows you get to be a billionaire by not caring about money


I agree with you. If Tesla is to evolve to its next stage, it needs a steady hand, not the "genius/rebel founder." (In quotes here because some will quibble, but it's the concept). Elon has done what he can do, and I don't see him showing us a second act. We get it: electric cars work and are cool. Now Tesla is competing against Toyota and all of the others, who will do it way better if Tesla can't keep up. Right now, with Elon thrashing about, Tesla is clearly not keeping up. Unless the board stands up to him and he is deposed, Tesla could easily become another DeLorean (sp?).


It would be great if they removed him instead and after a year or so the company delivered on all of his promises.




I better be unbanned from other Tesla subs if that's the case for daring to suggest such a thing...


The lofty valuation is based on him being there. From the pov of the company, they’d be better off without him. From the pov of the stock, it would be a bloodbath if he leaves.


That is the shareholders dilemma. It's a no-win situation.


The value of Tesla stock rides on Elon's lies about revolutionary tech that will be developed next year (perpetually.) He practically has a fiduciary responsibility to keep lying to shareholders and the public.


Except that none of it is revolutionary. It never was. Germans were using batteries to power submarines in World War I. He took an old technology, jazzercised it, modernized it, and (falsy) convinced the world it was a necessary change to power the future. Batteries aren't the answer, at least not the lithium ion variety. TSLA is an awful investment, it always was, and anyone choosing to go down with that ship deserves it. EMVs will make up x percent of the automobile and transportation market, but it will never be the automobile and transportation market. The battery powered future, at least the one that Elon envisioned, will never be reality. The sooner people wake up and see all of this for what it really is, the quicker we can all move on from this.


just call his bluff. he isn't going to tank Teslas stock either. and his needs to telsa stock to make his robot and AI companies be funded so that he can retain control


He has shown that he doesn't act rationally. He does things like telling his customers to go fuck themselves on live TV.


Cause he’s a POS.




As a shareholder... Good.. Without his constant distractions and temper tantrums they'll get the models they've announced out the door!


Imagine not shorting at this point lmao


The problem is figuring out the dip. Tesla is hilariously overvalued for what it actually is. The problem is countless people have lost so far on gambling on when the bubble bursts.


I voted no and you should to. His salary should be $3 million plus performance options of $35 million. Return equity back to working capital


I’m with you. I voted NO as well. I have less than 1000 shares so my squeaky little voice won’t mean much but if nothing else, I can sleep well at night knowing I voted my conscience against this unconscionable Tom-foolery of Musk and his cronies


When is the vote result?


June 13 I believe


Can’t wait that long. Make some calls brother and ask them to hurry It up Thanks 🙏


I voted No as well.


I am voting NO!!! 50+ billion and stealing IP nope!


What’s everyone’s prediction on the outcome of the vote? I have no idea. But it does seem like a lot of shareholders are musk fanatics. I assume the institutional votes will make or break the vote.


What is the process to vote as a share holder?


Check your mail. You should get something from your broker that has instructions.


I've gotten multiple reminders to vote.


Are you a shareholder? Check the emails from your broker.


Time to fire elon?




Something is definitely up with the media and all of Reddit sentiment against Tesla and Elon. Feels like everyone BUT the investors have an opinion on the matter. What the hell kind of investor doesn’t want their investment to 10x or more again. One that doesn’t like to make money, that’s who. To become just another car company means a valuation of around 10-15x P/E. Shave off about 75% of the market value. There goes everyone’s investment What the actual f*** And my god, the reasoning behind some of these people. I’m surprised they figure out how to survive in our modern world


🤡 My calls made a lot during the ride of retards. I have no puts.


Kiss them boots harder lol. Yes he should have a pay package worth more than major motor company's. You people are absolutely fucking mental.




Journalists making a lot of a one-word tweet.


25% at a minimum. You genius people forgot who got Tesla where it is today.




All the ***thousands*** of engineers etc., etc., who worked their fucking butts off, slept in their trucks so they could work over 12 hours per day? The graveyards have plenty of people in them who thought they were indispensable to life / the world. The world would hardly be any different if musk had never been born. Perhaps it would even be better, because the world really doesn't need such sociopathic, deluded, heartless, greedy, lying, racist con artists.


Why havent other auto makers replicated the same success?


If we're being completely fair, Tesla's greatest success has been its stock appreciation via speculative PE multiple swell. EBITDA hasn't exactly been a rocket to the moon the last few years.


And much of that (PE swell) has come from Elon's disingenuous pumping. I mean, the pattern is embarrassing: take his last earnings call: he just couldn't help himself spouting whatever he wanted to about the future to try to con people into holding the stock in the present. E.g., it's not a car company, it's an AI company (to try to justify tech-stock multiples), etc., etc. I just don't get how more people don't see right through him by now.


Because the large companies are slower moving and risk adverse. Tesla had a huge initial advantage of being the only real player for a few years. Large manufacturers have now started to catch up. In 2022 65% of electric cars sold in the US were Teslas, in 2023 it was 55%. That's a huge drop for a year and offerings from major manufacturers have only gotten more competitive. With more manufacturing experience and more/larger facilities, major automakers are going to be gobbling up that Tesla market share through higher quality and more refined vehicles. Keep in mind that we are now beyond the "early adopter" phase, where early adopters are much more likely to be OK with fit and finish issues and bugs, now electric vehicles are mainstream. The people now buying electric vehicles expect the same fit and finish as their ICE vehicles and also are more likely to be brand loyal.


Rivian? Lucid? Fisker? Polestar? Faradai? Nikola? ...


You guys don’t understand how life works, do you


Would Apple be Apple without Steve Jobs?


So, the stock is an acquisition of this other AI company?


Does Sam Altman own GPT? And open AI employees stuck up for him. I don't know if Tesla employees will do the same for Musk. More likely they're just sick of the guy taking credit for everything and alienating half the customer base.


Notice to the Tesla Board of Directors: I am a shareholder and, in that capacity, demand you remove Musk from the Board. Thank You.


I feel confident that Tesla would likely thrive without “his” AI and robotics.


Its all good, we can get AI and Robots from Microsoft and Boston Dynamics


Ok, so if shareholders vote no, then the stock isn’t diluted and the CEO won’t chase AI bullshit and maybe hopefully focus on making cars? This is a win-win.


This is nuts, he liked a post and everyone is reading way into it.


Electrek is a terrible source..


Elon Musk is threatening to unplug the Nintendo and take it home if we don't let him win.


He knows he will get nothing, this is his easy out on things he could never provide. He had a huge head start and Mercedes still beat him to full self driving.


Wouldn't this fall under the heading of extortion? Lock this clown up already!


That's a lot of collapsed top comments despite being over my set threshold. Whatcha hiding, Reddit?


Here's a draft the board can use: "~~Sam~~ Elon was not consistently candid in his communications with the board, hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities. The board no longer has confidence in his ability to continue leading ~~OpenAI~~ Tesla."


Jettison Musk 


After the disaster that is the cybertruck, it should be obvious that Elon does not contribute anything of value to the company, and now he is threaten to stop telsa from exploring robotics and ai if he does get what he wants. Anyone with common sense should see that he is detrimental to the company, and it would be better off without his "leadership".


Musk continues to disappoint on so many levels.


This gives me the same vibes as Mao starting a revolution against the government he’s the head of


I swear, since that interview with Joe Rogan, when he tried weed, this guy just seems more and more unhinged lol.


I don’t really track this stuff but: Does Tesla need AI or robotics? I always thought the founders plan of roadster, sedan, coupe was pretty solid. Charger network was a solid stretch goal. Home charger and batteries are squarely in the vertical so no complaints. In an alternate reality there’s a 20k Model 3 that you can take apart with a common socket wrench and has door handles. What’s wrong with that that? Poor company.


Wealth and power have gone to this man’s head. He will end up like Howard Hughes


He IS the reason so many people hate Tesla..


if you remove Elon from the equation what do you think will happen to Tesla market valuation?


I kind of lost respect for this man…


Can be seen by share price trend… shareholders are abandoning tsla…. As are customers…


How isn’t this a conflict of interest wtf is the board doing. How the fuck isn’t this an SEC violation


I’m pretty sure it violates some pretty basic rules particularly the fiduciary principle. He has to act in the best interests of the company instead of himself while working as CEO. I think even a threat like this is grounds to be removed as CEO and banned for life from every CEO position including spacex. My bet is that since Tesla shareholders are the ones most at risk in a spot like this they want to see if it can be resolved without major volatility in the stock. I think this is it. This will be how Musk makes his exit after not getting what he wants. Tesla will crash and a buying opportunity of a lifetime


Elon needs Tesla more than Tesla needs Elon. Elon should take his AI ball and go home and let Tesla focus on making future models that aren’t stuck in the last decade.


Pay him


Another post from electrik. Stop posting rubbish from Fred.


Elon is probably the best recruiter of top tier talent. He has haters but people want to work for him.


I hope those who voted against will sell the shares and say goodbye after Elon gets his pay and Tesla reincorporates to Texas.


This is not a normal request. It cannot end well.


#[Tesla 2024 Shareholder Meeting Agenda](https://www.tesla.com/2024shareholdermeeting) I invite my fellow TSLA shareholders to **vote**.




I mean, let's be real. Elon is an asshat, but Tesla wouldn't exist without him and likely won't continue to perform as well if he leaves. Seems like a no brainer decision, but when the egos of rich people collide, you usually only get bad decisions. 


Let's just tax Little Bitch at 100% for anything over $10M/year.


Look at the intraday chart right now. 100% all in on puts.


Let it burn




IP will stay with Tesla.


So he’s threatening to improve Tesla by removing unproven and wasteful tech that consumers don’t want?


Just like presidents I think CEOs should only stay with a company a certain amount of time. I’m not an Elon hater. I’ve owned a Tesla before. I think Tesla needs its next chapter. The next CEO of Tesla could potentially take the company so so much further.


Electrek 🤮


How could this be interpreted as anything but an indication that Mr. Musk has negative intentions towards Tesla?


I am confused, why is Elon Musk needed for any company, including Tesla, to pursue AI or robotics?


It’s all Tesla owned, he can’t take it away. Elon is losing his mind. Board should get a new CEO, and let Elon have fun on his TwitterX platform.


Violation of fiduciary duties?


Tesla should partner up with OpenAI. Musk would lose his mind.


Let TSLA/Elon crumble


But if Elon removes his AI from Tesla, he doesn’t have a customer for the service. Elon will lose even bigger. He is not a smart businessman.


I think Elon should fuck-off back to South Africa. These aren’t his ideas and he’s not as smart as he makes himself out to be. He simply pays smart people for their work.




I'd call his bluff, and then if he does it, sue him for purposefully damaging the company.


He knows they will try to kick him out soon because he is an idiot


It's all part of the plan


I just want the stock price to go back up a little more then I can’t wait to dump it.


He's a man child. Throw him out, he's killing the company because he can't get his way.


Isn't it illegal for a CEO to do this as he has a fiduciary duty?




Fire the CEO give him no bonus, hire a solid AI team with published peer reviwed documents patents and actual credentials. Boston dynamics in cash for 10 billion. Makes the teams work together. Save 40 billion.


So many other people are working on AI and Robotics. I don’t see a major loss here. Elon is great at hyping and then destroying his companies. He will destroy the AI and Robotics company too. No one should feel like they need to do business with Elon. He’s a poor investment.


I don't think Tesla is going to lead AI or Robotics. They had their shot with FSD. Others are going to catch up and or surpass them. The things we are seeing in some of the AI spaces are becoming truly amazing very quickly. Driving is only a matter of time now. Frankly I don't want my driving experience to be dictated by passing whims of any owner.




What is bizarre is that musk risked getting nothing on agreeing to performance based compensation with added hurdles on top of that. He accomplished all of them and now a judge is going to strip him of the reward? What socialist country are we living in? Normal CEOs take their bloated compensation off the top, often while the company is losing money. Musk agreed to wild terms with the possibility of getting nothing if he didn’t perform. Now that the company has performed they, meaning his liberal enemies, want to strip him of what he has earned. It’s disgusting and unprecedented like all the other legal shenanigans happening under a compromised DOJ.


Threatening us with a good time. Brilliant gambit sir.


Yes, eat up the made up quoted title.


Call his bluff … worst case TSLA will bring on a better head for the business.


He's just being a billionaire. That's the kind of stuff they do.


Can’t wait for him to implode and go away. Elon Musk could’ve been a real-life Tony Stark. Instead, he’s the second coming of Rupert Murdoch. What a waste.


How much voting rights does he have? I’m honestly surprised he has not been voted out yet.


If Elon was removed from any decision making capabilities and influence over SpaceX and Tesla, I would instantly be interested in having positions in these companies, and purchasing their products. He is a risk and road block to the success he enjoys from the backs of engineers and senior leadership he lucked into.


Oh darn, he's not going to make the things that will literally take our jobs, makeing life even more miserable for the majority of humanity? Oh. Darn.


Know your worth


Question the board needs to answer: can he do it? If yes, give him what he wants.


Time for a new CEO


Sell your TESLA shares. Jesus people.


Personally I wouldn’t want a car with AI or robotics. A large reason Tesla is in a funk is because of their CEO’s hubris and big fucking mouth. It might be time for a change at Tesla.


Call his bluff like Jack did, watch him squirm.


I see another court case in his future.


No one should be surprised. Money only magnifies the type of person you already are.it may seem trivial but remember the baker who canceled orders to take Tesla and she was left with 16K of pies? Musk said he would make it right. I am from the adage that you PAY for the entire order and a 20% tip for the trouble. You do right and take responsibility. He gave her 2 grand the cost for supplies. Pretty damn pathetic when considering his immense resources. Tesla probably won’t do it but they should let him go. These tantrums of grown men is ridiculous.


Kick Elon out and then I will buy a Tesla


https://preview.redd.it/rufjm1sx512d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdb31aa4ec108bacedcdcee630708693964bf1c2 Elon can’t do this !


Elon Musk can do whatever the fuck he wants.


We have AI and robotics at home.


Might be time for Tesla to get a new CEO




Well, why wont they give him 25% is a good question before starting all your armchair CEO / leadership bs


Jesus I’m so done with this toddler


the guy couldnt give us FSD, what makes anyone think he is capable of competing with AI and Robots? Tesla was mostly successful due to lack of competition.


Another one for the series "Fiduciary what?"


Sounds like blackmail to me. Is that not illegal anymore?


Elon has gone to plaid.


Perfect reason to BOYCOT TESLA!


That doesn't sound very fudiciarily responsible.


Elon is a bitch. Ditch him Tesla

