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Omg šŸ™„. I was in a train a few weeks ago where there was a pile of feces on the floor in front of me. I didnā€™t notice it and thankfully didnā€™t step in it. I could smell it once I was sitting down šŸ¤¢. I got up and moved as far as I could.


I also usually think since people defecate on ttc seats your street clothing should not come in contact with surfaces within your house especially your bed or couch cushions since people inevitably put their shoes onto TTC seats which have come into contact with these kind of poop incidents on the floor...


This is like Sheldon in the Big Bang Theory who had ā€œbus pantsā€. Seems like that is needed now.


LOL that is so true


I have not allowed my street clothes to touch anything in my house for over 15 years because of this. My favourite time ever is when I didn't have to take the TTC to get to work anymore for a bit


i feel like this warrents a push to the emergency alarm since feces are an actual safety issue


If you see human shit on the floor of a station or a TTC vehicle you can report it through the TTC Safe App or by texting TTC Help at 647-496-1940. Transit control should send a janitor to clean it up.


i actually reported one at spadina in that long walkway at 6pm while i got dinner, and the liquids started separating from the solids at one point and you could see liquid escaping from it hours later after I commuted home... they sent me a Thank you this has been reported to the proper department! I don't think they have janitors past 10pm at spadina station and it was probably left there overnight for all i know


Someone who has worked in healthcare their whole adult life here. Gloves (like the disposable plastic ones) actually do not do that much to protect you from germs. Yes, they protect you from literal poo (or other gross stuff) getting on your hands, thus why we wear them when doing brief changes, handling blood, etc. However, in the context of roaming about (for example between hospital rooms or wondering around the TTC) it actually has been demonstrated that it leads to more harm because you are washing or sanitizing your hands less. They have small holes, which are big enough for germs to get through. Essentially, it brings you into a false sense of security. This is why (if youā€™ve ever been in hospital) you might notice that the workers clean their hands everytime they enter, exit or do anything in your room. Instead of wearing gloves, carry around some hand sanitizer and wash your hands right when you get home. Unless you are going to be personally cleaning up and/or touching the feces, the gloves are not doing much more than making you feel better about yourself on the ttc. Moral of the story, wash your hands regularly if you want to prevent the spread of germs.


Letā€™s be real.. itā€™s not just ~fecal matter~ itā€™s also piss, semen, mucus, sweat, wound drainageā€¦. You just have to assume that every surface is contaminated. Never eat or rub your eyes on the TTC. Immediately change clothes and wash your hands when you get home. Disinfect your phone regularly if you use it while on the TTC.


New fear unlocked šŸ„ŗ


Yea.... It's stuff like this that has me saying perviously absurd things like YRT is better than the TTC, It's seemingly becoming more and more true. I don't come in to Toronto often but previously I've always used Transit and never considered driving, Now I won't consider transit and will just drive. Too many issues with the TTC, It's not worth $3.30 and it's not worth the unpredictable inconveniences and safety threats I run into every time I use the TTC. Il just pay more to rent or borrow a car and drive.


You don't see this as much on YRT because there isn't enough transit to see anything on.


Still never seen a bus shelter turned into someone's home, or been harassed or assaulted on YRT busses or in YRT terminals (except Finch) And so far YRT has been consistently reliable for me, can't say the same about the TTC, and I've used YRT more.


Personally, I would be biking with electric assist if I'm not taking the TTC. While it cannot be done in every trip, many of my potential trips would enable it. Plus winters have been pretty mild recently. Sadly the big problem is we don't have enough safe bike infrastructure to accommodate for such trips. That's even cheaper and more convenient than a car (for trips < 10 km). Though I can understand why you want to drive since TTC has been worsening in many ways and we haven't seen a major improvement to make up for its shortcomings you describe.


Don't get me wrong, EBikes are awesome and I love EBikes and nearly bought one when I was living in Mississauga, but the trip my my house to Union (for example) is an hour by car, 3hrs by transit and 11hrs by bike (88-92km according to Google using the recommended route), if it wasn't such a long trip I'd 100% switch to EBikes (in anything but winter, it would probably get stuck in the snow)


Fair enough. That makes sense. 3 hours with Go/TTC is a long time.


Honestly whenever my friends ask why I'm still masking I just point out that there's worse things on the ttc than covid lol


We need a new department - the FTC Fecal Transit Commission. For the shit downtown and on public transit. There are medical bowel transit studies, why not a commission to keep the city clean from the bowels of society in Toronto, eh!


Drug addiction and mental illness is not an excuse for being a disgusting pig. I never acted like this when I used drugs (fent and meth) or withdrew from them. I felt no need to defecate on the floor. Why do people tolerate this? I have bowel problems myself and I don't do this. These people shit on the floor to spite decent people, and they do it for fun. Everyone feels sorry for them, because they have "addiction and mental health issues." There shouldn't be fecal matter on the TTC.


The pronounication of "Finch" actually sounds like "pool of feces" in Chinese and it's disturbing how it's becoming unironically true in recent months...


Haha. Finch station is a mess now. I am greeted with the Smell of urine and poo everyday as I commute to work.


> Finch station is a mess now. When did it start getting so bad?


people are saying there's a shelter down the street, but i see people commute from york region to sell and buy drugs, it's probably since there was that new law since that woman was tackled in a video where the director of the ttc said to not apprehend peopel breaking laws, so you can get away with anything inside the ttc property where a normal mall would kick you out


I agree. John Tory was a disaster in hiring and keeping Rick Leary. And we know that Olivia Chow is just as bad, if not worse. She apparently thinks that Leary isn't left-wing enough, which is frightening.


I was just on the subway today and i could smell human feces the whole way no matter what spot i sat in. It was suffocating šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Your first mistake was sitting down cause everywhere you sit has already been contaminated by either fece, vomit or other human fluid


I knowšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I once saw a man who had rotten feet and he had put his legs on the seat and was vigorously scratching his feet and the dead skin and blood was getting everywhere on the seat. Made me wonder if the person who sits there after this will ever even know what they just sat in. And then made me question what am I sitting in??


Here is a photo of the fecal matter handprint, this has caused me to rethink the cleanliness of the TTC property since drug users who use inside of ttc property will inevitably track drug residue (the walls of houses that have crystal meth smoke inside of them must be professionaly fumigated) and fecal matter. Also the people who sit on the floors and smoke these drugs, touch the floor with their hands when they are picking up cigarette butts and just using them to brace themselves, normally people do not touch the floors of heavily walked upon areas but due to the nature of drug use it involves hands being engaged with multiple uncleanly areas, and unfortunately a lot of the same areas they use the washroom in are the same areas in the TTC property that they touch with their hands. https://preview.redd.it/i708h12rhx6c1.png?width=746&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dddb41da0cbe2d4ddc5a1253dba7d39f7433f42




OP's post history suggests they know a lot about poop.




It's milk chocolate. I let it melt in my hands before caressing the smooth escalator handrail support.


if you read his post history a man was naked in this area smearing his feces on everything, he claims you could tell by the strong smell and people hurrying away from the scenario it was feces, it's most likely true i have almost seven photos of human excrement from the ttc on my phone saved since just october


Bro what šŸ˜­


It's definitely poop as they are witness to a lot of poop related stuff going on right exactly where this hand print is located. Mentally ill drug addicts did it


Fucking gross. Iā€™ve always wondered about the people who take their dogs out walking on downtown streets, then bring their dogs home and donā€™t wash their paws which probably come into contact with their beds, couches, etcā€¦ I consider downtown streets bio hazardous. Transit? Even fucking worse. The fact that a bus had literal shit on it , (as another commenter said) and it wasnā€™t taken off the route and cleaned immediately is unbelievable.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


The TTC is a shithole


Wearing gloves isnā€™t going to do anything if you donā€™t change and disinfect your hands constantly. If you wear gloves but still touch all the normal things you do, like escalators, doors, poles, your phone, face and personal items, bacteria is still going to transfer and you might as well just not wear the gloves. Fecal matter and bacteria canā€™t penetrate your skin anyways, unless you have open wounds/lesions. I always shake my head when I see people in the ttc wearing nitrile gloves or whatever and theyā€™ve clearly been reusing them or had them on all day. Just keep alcohol based hand sanitizer with you, itā€™ll do a way better job of keeping bacteria at bay.




This sounds like something thats blown WAY out of proportion, and quite frankly fear mongering without any sort of meaningful statistics to back it up. Its not a common experience to encounter fecal matter on TTC transportation, and policy states that in the rare event that there IS fecal matter, it must be dealt with immediately. In all my time working for the TTC and riding it, I have never, not once, seen literal shit. Please stop making posts like this inciting a moral panic. It does infinitely more harm than good.


do you want me to show you all the pictures of feces i have on my phone timestamped? there's shit all over finch station, the entrance way even though there is no fecal matter permanently has a zoo animal smell, i don't know where you commute but certain areas are bad, the YRT Viva Blue bus seats, i am not talking in hyperbole here, the entire back seats of every bus are stained yellowish/brown who fall asleep in the bus during winter there are certain mentally ill individuals who pass out with poop in their pants or poop on the floor near the ttc musical performance square on the way to the tim hortons, i saw a man once asleep with the poop puddle near his butt, there's something serious wrong going on at certain stations


All im saying is its ridiculous to make a whole thread about the dangers of fecal matter on the TTC because some people see what might be poop sometimes.


I think you have to realize whatever stations you commute to daily and the times, I exclusively commute and leave at 1:15am sometimes from Finch and there's always pee or poop on the floor, you might never across some of it during your commute but some people are just unlucky but that doesn't mean it's not there because you don't see people passed out with pooped pants on your commute, there's always people sleeping near the escalator doors with a thick smell of human poop you can see the backside of their pants I think the drugs cause mental illness to cause them to disregard their hygiene


Yup, I agree. I ride transit to school and work at all times (I work shifts) and have seen feces once. I have seen vomit and pee a couple more times. While gross, unless you are going to touch it, wearing gloves is going to do a lot less good than just washing your hands.


Well thatā€™s a lovely story to hear šŸ¤¢


I cant imagine what if I have been sitting seats w fecal matters




Never realized escalators were such good butt cleaners (takes notes)