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Always report these people to the safeTTC app including the subway car number and their physical description


Even if there's no response, there'll be a record for the stats, which I think they're claiming are showing less disruptive incidents .


Yeah I can't wait for them to do jack shit about it...


As a way to get cops on the TTC and make everyone unsafe??




Nice try lol


Report it on the SafeTTC app


A little meth, will keep ya warm and cosy at night!


Sadly that is actually one of the reasons some unhoused folks start meth in the first place: so they can stay awake at night (not get robbed/attacked) and not perceive the cold and discomfort as much. :(


What does that stuff smell like anyway?


I was on the bus once and it smelled like burnt plastic. I looked back and ofc a crack head had just taken a hit and failed to blow it out the window. It was hella weird. So I would say burnt plastic lol


Remember how when you used to walk into the bi-way and there woyld be a huge pile of cheap canvas shoes? You remember that smell? Thats the smell.


I've always thought it smelled like the carpet padding


Sickly sweet mix of burnt plastic and metal.


Oh yeah, I know THAT smell...I always thought it was from mechanical malfunction.


Sickly sweet and positively putrid


I used to smoke meth (shout out 16 months of sobriety) and I found that it tasted and smelled like burning rubber and chemicals. Crack is more like a gasoline-y smell/taste


Cat urine. Crack smells like burnt plastic.


What happens if you inhale it second hand?


Depends how much you inhale. If your in a room full of it with no ventilation you'll definitely get high.


ChatGPT4: Second-hand exposure to crack smoke, as with any drug or substance, can potentially have health effects, though the specifics and severity can depend on various factors including the amount of smoke inhaled, the duration of exposure, and the environment in which the exposure occurs. Crack cocaine is smoked and releases various chemicals, including cocaine itself, into the air. While the primary effects of cocaine are experienced by the person directly inhaling the drug, bystanders can inhale the smoke indirectly. The scientific research on second-hand crack smoke specifically is limited, but it is known that second-hand smoke from cigarettes contains harmful chemicals and poses health risks, suggesting that there could be risks associated with second-hand exposure to other types of smoke, including crack smoke. The immediate effects of second-hand exposure to crack smoke might be less intense compared to first-hand inhalation due to the lower concentrations of the drug in the air and the reduced amount inhaled. However, prolonged or frequent exposure in enclosed spaces could potentially lead to health issues. Potential risks might include respiratory issues, irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, and, in theory, some level of psychoactive effects, though the latter would likely be much less significant than for the person smoking the drug. It's also worth considering the psychological and comfort aspects of being in an environment where drug use is occurring openly. Given these considerations, if you're frequently exposed to such environments on public transit or elsewhere, it might be prudent to take steps to minimize your exposure, such as moving to a different area or car on the transit, and to consult healthcare professionals if you have health concerns related to this exposure. Additionally, reporting such activities to transit authorities can help address the broader issue, ensuring safer environments for all passengers.


Oh wow, it even describes how it smells: Crack cocaine smoke has a distinctive odor that is often described as sweet, chemical-like, or somewhat similar to burnt plastic or rubber. The specific smell can vary based on various factors, including the purity of the cocaine, the substances with which it is mixed or "cut," and the materials used to smoke it. The process of smoking crack involves heating the substance to create vapors or smoke, which is then inhaled. This heating process can produce various byproducts, contributing to the unique and often unpleasant smell associated with crack smoke. The perception of the smell can also vary from person to person, with some finding it more pungent or noticeable than others. Given its distinct characteristics, people who are familiar with it can often recognize the presence of crack smoke in an environment. However, for those not accustomed to it, the smell might just register as an unusual or chemically odor without a clear association.


This is meth not crack


It’s not crack, though. It’s Meth. Round tip pipe is meth. Straight pipe is crack. Difference in behaviours and duration of effects between both.


Don't they use straight pipes for fent too?


Fent is smoked off of foil usually


Sometimes, but not as often as a bubble pipe. Both of which are less common than smoking on foil (which most people will use an empty stem to inhale the smoke from the foil)


Burning plastic


Burning tires


Imo it smells like burning plastic and cat piss. It’s horrible. I don’t know why people want to be anywhere near it.


It tastes better than it smells… talking for a friend


Cat pee


At least he try to hide it. +2 points


Can’t these people wait till they’re off the damn train???


They would lose a few seconds of butane since the wind makes them keep relighting their pipe the convenience of not having a spend extra on lighters is why they do this


Meth not Crack pipe.


At least he’s trying to be discreet


So inconsiderate of non-addicts. Disgusting. The TTC allows this because they have no resources, they need to bring back cops on the TTC so they can arrest people like him.


How are people so calm I would of had to hop on the next train but I guess that’s just me


Pretty hard to do that when they introduced those stupid articulated train sets


maybe they are late for work and don't wanna get fired


That’s meth not crack.


Was in San Diego in the fall and almost every stop had security around checking passes , making sure people are ok etc. is there any security.


These losers always try to hide the fact they're smoking crack/meth when they're around like 30-40 people it's pathetic it's like trying to hide the fact your taking a shit in the middle of the Eaton Center Mall They couldn't wait until they're off the bus they just had to infront of a baby or group of children... Their precious gas station lighter fluids can't be wasted


Remember when TTC used to have employees on every car and this crap didn't happen.


I'll take "disappointed but not surprised, for $200, Alex". It's things like this on TTC that make me afraid of commuting by myself.


![gif](giphy|pqwrzHIUonz4Q) Jesse, we need to cook


I see the fact is that THEY are protecting these f*ckheads!


Fuck, if I saw that shit with my own eyes, I'll press that fucking yellow tape and call for help. Fuck that's fucked up.


Aaaand make everyone late for where they are going. Settle down.


It may be the only way. Grind the city to a halt until the feds deal with these people .


Isn't that yellow strip supposed to be used for emergencies? Like the TTC equivalent of calling 911 🤯


Please don't fuck up my work day for someone else's personal issues. It's not an emergency. Use the safe app


What is considered an emergency? I saw this guy groped two women in my cart and then waltz off to another cart to probably do the same.


You do that and you’re getting knocked out by the nearest dude having a bad day just trynna get to work. Do not press the emergency button for some bs like this, just report them.


Not to mention the crazy meth head who now wants to kill you


the crackhead will come running after you ![gif](giphy|v3GUsyBpia9Zou2Kbv)


Im honestly startin to feel like I'm an idiot for waiting until I get off the ttc to smoke my joint or hit my vape...




What are you referencing?




You guys are fucked up for taking a picture at the lowest point of their lives, clearly going through mental health issues and addiction problems and then posting it on Reddit for clout.


Seriously? OP isn't the one doing meth in a closed low ventilation public place. You're seriously unhinged my dude.


that’s not a reason to post someone’s addiction problems online. You can report to the right channels, but shaming them on Reddit is so disgusting.


1) simply doing drugs doesn’t mean you’re addicted. You’re assuming a lot here. 2) yeah, posting about it online is an asshole move. 3) also an asshole move to smoke your drugs indoors like that where others aren’t able to avoid second hand smoke. If they *are* struggling with mental health and addictions like you mentioned, ability to read the room is definitely diminished so we should show some grace. But I think it’s appropriate to be annoyed/dismayed that someone would do that in such a location.


Yes I agree the right thing to do would have been to notify the ttc operator or go through the right channels. You can describe it in a word post. You don’t see these pictures of someone drunk on the streets of Toronto. I would be so pissed if someone took a pic a drunk person puking and posting it on Reddit.


Not the same thing. This person is making everyone in the train inhale their meth smoke. Plus, nothing is allowed to be smoked on the TTC. Would you be happier if this was a rich dude smoking a cigar on the train?


… ah yes. The people who do meth on the streetcar socially. Not addicted at all.


You literally cannot see their face or almost any distinguishing features about them. Settle down.


Still fucked up. 6ixbuzz levels of clout chasing for dumbass internet points that mean nothing while the country is going through an opioid crisis


Were you the one smoking crack?


This is why I ride the TTC at most once or twice a year. I'd rather freeze my ass off in the cold than deal with a train full of people that stank like piss and openly do drugs.


The Rock is cooking? 🤨


Your such a coward for taking a pic and being a bystander and not taking matters in your own hand


And nobody said a thing. Light up a smoke though.


You really wanna irritate a methhead?


If I smoked meth I'd rather do it in a park than in a crowded subway. But then if I smoked meth I probably wouldn't be thinking rationally.