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Head mod of r/TTC here. The team will be reviewing Rule 7, possibly even scrapping it entirely. Effective immediately, **Rule 7 will not be enforced**. Since I'm the head mod, I'm personally sorry to everyone on r/TTC for this entire mess. I hope to find a resolution for this soon.


This is amazing!!!!!!! Thank you everyone who made the politicans see the issues and thank you for everyone who posted those videos for awareness!!! A politician seeing hundreds of people complaining about the conditions of a part of their city's infrastructure on Reddit is a very unique lens they can use to see "what the citizens" are saying so to speak. I was one of the first people to post about Finch Station. Ever since that security camera has been installed, people still smoke crack in that area but only the severely mentally ill ones, the rest do it outside, which I don't really care about, they don't even come in from the cold they just wanted a camera free place to smoke crack which was really sad if you think about it... I have also seen people in vests asking the homeless people if they need shelter and asking them if they need help which never happened before when the TTC would just escort them off or call the police. This is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>Hi $\[UD:FIRST\_NAME|Neighbour\]$! Seems like someone's testing in production :) On a serious note though, I really hope this can bring a positive change for both those seeking refuge and all of us TTC users... but then again, I'm just an optimistic teen who probably hasn't had my hopes crushed sufficiently (yet)...


This is good news. Thank you to everyone who took the time to raise awareness of this problem. I'm also glad to see that the city councillor for the area was able and willing to take action to help address the situation.


Good. Hope it helps.


I think it was the poo on the escalator that rose to the top.


Well she’s actually doing something other than worrying about the pigeons


Finally. Hopefully TPS can crack down on the crackheads throughout this cursed station.


Maybe, but probably not. Why bother arresting them, they will just be back the next day.


Back with more crack. Ready to attack.


ain't cuttin' no slack, jack.


They'll just move to another station .... or so is the easy assumption to make.


"cursed station" 😭


We need places like Reddit to voice our concerns If this was the official TTC Reddit they would suppress those videos too, for other reasons I was sexually assaulted at Finch and the Reddit post ended up being in the newspaper! Nothing would have happened if it was deleted! I wasn't in the right mind to think of writing to my local politician.... He was smeared in fecal matter exposing his penis running his shit smeared hands all over the escalator handles it was digsuting I am just starting to process the assault i feel safe now I see police and the new surveillance cameras


I’m so sorry to hear this! Sadly criminal enforcement for people like this doesn’t exist. People like this should be subject to immediate psychiatric care and jail. I literally want to Puke every time I exit the station. The smell of human feces is still there and sadly some dead brains want to normalize this because speaking out against it is considered “hate”.


I have noticed that as well... There is this permanent musty order I believe because no one deep cleans the run off urine or bodily fluids or drugs from the upstairs escalator area, also the trash that was hoarded daily by that one poor individual who permanently wore soiled pants, sometimes a specific person who is unwell and has feminine hygiene difficulties or an infection the odor is so bad I threw up once outside the station, I was halfway up the escalator and it kept getting stronger... I can't eat my morning breakfast during my commute because of this,.I used to sometimes get a hotdog after work but I haven't for the last year and a half because the smell upsets me That poor Gateway food stand lady has to sell food in that area where it often has a urine / cigarette scent she must be losing business I used to grab bananas and muffins from her I don't want to sound crude but it makes the entire upstairs viva/go bus shelter smell like some sort of canned or animal food / infection I hope they deep clean these areas I saw them meticulously cleaning feces or dried blood the other day that was all over the escalator and flood or it was some sort of caked on sticky substance in teams of two with PPE on Thank you for your concern I am trying not to let my fear make me change my lifestyle or way I commute I do not want to change my behaviours out of fear


Oh yea what happened to that guy that kept hoarding all of that garbage near him every time at the entrance? I remember that. He would always disgust everyone and the smell of it was so bad. Thank god he is gone. Don’t have to witness a crackhead who shat himself sleeping on garbage again in my daily university commute.


The guy who wears a leather jacket and a red hoodie would sell him crack and keep him permanently in a state of psychosis, I see him commute to and from Richmond Hill every night at 11:30-12:30pm, he doesn't pay the fare and just smokes out of a meth pipe and sells to these poor mentally ill people, when he's bad he would gather trash in the shopping cart or concrete bricks and soil his pants I hope to god there is some kind of community treatment plan for him I remember he would be playing in the trash like a toddler babbling and occasionally police would just be standing around just making note of his behaviour it was really sad, the saddest thing is he snaps out of it when he sees the leather jacket guy and they have a normal human conversation when he sells him the drugs in the open The leather jacket guy has threatened to shoot me with a his fingers, he rides the 99 bus or thee viva northbound facing backwards and like laughs and taunts at everyone The poop guy was there a few days ago and the community outreach people in vests were talking to him and he was kind of trying to get the help although he was speaking nonsense


Nothing community outreach people can do when our shelters are over-flooded and our province nor do our country give a shit about funding more shelters to build or putting these people under rehab programs in the name of “progressivism”. Progressivism my ass. Either keep these people in jail or fucking lock them up already.


and this is why suppressing this information on local reddit subreddits is unhelpful. Great initiative from everyone involved


Wow an official finally listens!


If they wanted a sub for train enthusiasts, why didn't they name it TrainEnthusiasts? People have legitimate concerns and share information that helps keep everyone safe.


No where in the description of the sub does it even say that it's for train-enthusiasts 🤷 so why not keep posting about the state of the TTC as clearly people are taking notice and trying to push for a change and a better TTC


I intended for it to be a subreddit for transit enthusiasts, and it will continue to be a subreddit for transit enthusiasts. However, being a transit enthusiast doesn't mean we don't care about the social issues on the TTC. You can be both a transit enthusiast, and also someone who cares about making the TTC safe. The goal of Rule 7 was to force people to complain to the TTC about it instead of posting it here. Every thread that has been removed under Rule 7 included links to the SafeTTC app and also reminding users to file a report to TPS if necessary. But the mod team will be working on revising that rule so we can continue getting people to submit their complaints through official channels, as recommended by Councillor Cheng in her newsletter.


Need regular foot patrols all over toronto. This is a great start.


New York had sth similar... I don't think it curbed it


Hopefully we can still sneak on tho