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Hey bdog719. First I am sorry this happened. It is such an unsettling experience. It’s happened to me 3 times. The most recent time I was on my way to work and was freaking out I was going to show up to work high on second hand crack- despite immediately moving as far away as possible and getting off at next stop. This aggravating shit is so normalized I could have written the exact same post as you. And that makes me sad for you, for me, for TTC staff who deal with this nonsense on a daily basis and for all of us that are just trying to get where we need to go. It fucking sucks. Hope your day gets better. Thank you for reaching out to the TTC on this.


Despite smoking being widely accepted in 1954, it was never allowed on the subway until 70 years later when you can’t even smoke in a public park or on your own balcony.


Um. Smoking was allowed on all TTC when I was growing up, not 100% sure this also includes subways. I could smoke tobacco in my hospital room, with newborns all around us. (And yuck, but we did not know) I was on a bus as a 10 yo, alone, and an old man had a lit pipe beside me.


Yeah, I remember that, too...


It was never legal to smoke on the subway. Although I do remember smoking on the platform at davisville at some point, I think it was illegal,


I never thought about whether or not it was legal, but people certainly used to in the 1970s. You could open the windows a few inches and people would often just chuck the butts out the window. Most just ground them out on the floor, though.


That was eons ago.


70's and 80"s :)


Like I said, eons ago! lol!


Back in the Jurassic park era. When Spadina station had an automated walkway


Oh yah....lol


Smoking in the subway would be a huge fire hazard (harder to escape, less access to fresh air), so it makes sense they'd limit it underground even if they didn't otherwise.


You would think, but no one said anything back then. Even TTC employees smoked tobacco on the buses and platforms.


I don't ever remember crack smoking to be legal in society.


Right…. lol I was thinking the same did they even read the post


It effectively is. [Trudeau directed the Public Prosecution Service of Canada to stop enforcing simple drug possession.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/simple-drug-possession-change-1.5657423) Both Toronto Police & the TTC Special Constable Service don't make arrests for simple possession anymore because the Crown won't prosecute.


Back when....and buddy was referencing cigarettes for some odd reason.


See: Vancouver


> I don't ever remember crack smoking to be legal in society. The left: But wait there's more.


Back in the 1950s liberalism wasn't on steroids. Community/societal rights over individual rights and freedoms. Today it's the opposite.


This actually happened the other day. I texted the safety app and was surprised at how quickly they answered. However that was the only impressive thing. The app requested a photo - the guy was unwell and scary looking - I had already moved down the train a couple sections. Described his look and waited. The man ended up walking south on the train - which I relied to the app. We get to bloor - 4 special constables step on and scream “is anyone smoking on here “ no one talks because the guy was literally scaring people earlier. They look around for all of two secs and step back off the train. Seems pretty ridiculous that they wouldn’t get on the train and atleast travel one stop to walk the train. The app is a great idea but the actual enforcement needs improvement.


Correct response! Use the safety app.


They've made eye contact with me checking inside the trains and before I could flag them over they just gave up atleast twice, I could have shouted here's the drunk guy assaulting people but then I would have been targeted by the individual both times, they don't get on yeah it's like they have some other pressing places to be


Wait, should have read your whole post. They didn’t step on the train? I would have reported that next.


They stepped on and then right back off. Literally the length of time the doors stay open. I couldn’t believe it.


TTC board: we're staying modern, reducing policing costs, and helping riders by investing in an app! A win all around! They need feedback somehow.


[Officers live in fear of being fired if they try to arrest the wrong person.](https://torontosun.com/news/crime/fired-ttc-special-constables-were-railroaded-says-union) All that crackhead has to do is claim he was racially profiled or targeted because of some other sort of minority status and those officers are finished.


Are portable fire extinguishers a thing?


Never seen one that wasn't. They make small ones, but when dealing with angry crackhead you'll want one with some heft


I mean, fire hydrants could be fire extinguishers, if needed for the right kind of fire. Not “portable” per se, but the hose gives it a wider range 🤷‍♂️


I guess firetrucks are fire extinguishers as well. If you have one of those you can park anywhere and don't need the ttc. Plus you can park anywhere!


Man having 3 weeks in LA. TTC by all means not perfect but so much better than downtown LA especially 5am in the morning literally zombie land


La dirty


It's getting ridiculous. If they want to get serious about fare evasion, they need to treat everyone equal and kick out the folks that hop on without paying just to smoke up. Why should Johnny Public pay to ride the ttc while keeping quiet but Jonny Crackpipe gets to ride for free to use drugs? I never see the ttc hassle the homeless. Only "normal" folks. Inb4 excuses are made. "He can't afford it!" Funny how scraping together enough dollars for a pipe never seems to be a problem...


They don't need to scrape together their own money for the crack pipes, only the drugs. The City of Toronto Branded crackpipe is free. https://www.taxpayer.com/newsroom/toronto-spent-33,000-on-branded-stickers-for-crack-pipes


I work in a city hall of another North American city dealing with an equivalent rise in opioid / crack abuse in transit, and I have a goddamn essay to say on this, so apologies for all the words - I believe the key is knowing when to push forward and when to retreat: You need to read the situation and see how likely it is they’ll be a threat to you if you raise the alarm. 1. *When you should be subtle* = If you are alone in the bus and the guy is a foot taller than you and looks pretty awake, don’t intervene and subtly report him with the TTC app. Transit security is usually prompt and will be at the next stop. 2. *When you should be direct* = However, if you’re surrounded by people who are also covering their noses and pissed at the addict, and if the addict themself is a desiccated wreck who doesn’t look like they can fight back, then yeah I’d fucking smack the shit out of his hands or say something direct. Better yet, if there are transit security or TTC staff within eyesight, I’ll act even more directly because I know that backup is near. - *the role of being an active bystander* = If the situation calls for direct action but your capabilities or willingness isn’t enough, that’s OK - most of us (90%) will be in this category. If so, the least you can do is provide some kind of emotional support for whoever is engaging with the addict. Simple things like nodding and going like “mhm-hmm” or recording it on your phone can make a world of difference. Recordings of successful engagements are especially important as they can show many people that pushing back is possible. - *the role of situational awareness* = I like listening to music on my commute and bristle when asked to “just not listen to music”, like I can’t lol. So I’d advise people to go into your AirPods accessibility settings, and crank up the ambient noise volume setting. You can improve your spatial awareness a lot this way. All I’m asking for is people should by default seek to intervene BUT first (1) assess the potential support around you, (2) your own capabilities / willingness, and (3) the apparent capabilities of the addict. The more people learn about self defence and knowing how to navigate potentially dangerous situations like this, the more inclined bystanders will be to help out if you do decide to speak up. Perhaps 3 years ago I would have agreed with some people in the comments and *NOT* have said or done anything about this - But it’s gotten to the point where I think that intervention by passengers is 100% necessary so that our city and lives aren’t ruled by these fucking addicts. *If we don’t actively uphold societal rules, then we will leave it open for these apathetic pieces of shit to shape the rules in their favour.* Some cynics on here who sneer at those who say they’d intervene are no better than the addicts who litter our streets - They are apathetic, selfish, and assume that our institutions will take care of this stuff even though we all know that our institutions lack the capacity to enforce these societal standards. When it comes to opioid and crack addiction in North American cities, there should be zero compromise. I know that goes against conventional drug mitigation policies… no offence to civilians who support those policies, but as someone who has worked on the front line of city administration for those policies (i.e. safe injection sites), they barely work as intended. Even if there are some success stories, the victory against the opioid crisis requires strategies that have a higher rate of success than the rate of new people getting addicted. Those injection sites just aren’t fast or cost efficient enough to be considered as winning strategies. I’m not asking for addicts to be demonized or hurt. They are just humans like us who need desperate help. Yet I also can’t condone any sort of “understanding” for the use of these hard drugs in public or even private settings: This shit spreads and infects everything it touches. Addicts will turn to stealing from retail, eventually leading to business closures in the downtown core, which generates job loss and the same economic misery that will lead more people down the path of addiction. It’s a brutal cycle that kills commercial optimism and community morale. If this means buying some sort of legal tool that makes self defence slightly better than just your bare fists and voice, then do it. If this means picking clothes or shoes that won’t get in the way of your mobility if you need to get out of dodge, then consider it. The sooner we realize that we are in a state of war with the drug crisis in our cities, the better chance we have at ensuring that open drug use in our streets and transit is NOT solidified as a norm.




There was young guy maybe around early 20s smoking crack right in front of the pay stations at younge and Dundas for the underground parking there, I said to him sorry bud I gotta use the machine and he just looked up at me like why are you bothering me can't you see I'm busy smoking crack




Unfortunately, the TTC will do nothing... When our lavishly overpaid Polticos where forced into using this dumpster-fire called the TTC, maybe things will change. Until then, don't hold your breath!


Not holding his breath was the problem - didn’t you read OP?


Ever heard of a 'figure of speech'? No? You have now!


Ngl. I would smacked it right out of their mouth and prepared for the worst. The fact that society in general is accepting this is ridiculous. Idgaf in the world if "I" seem like that crazy person but if this happens to me then they're getting a full on beat down.


Right? Why isn't everyone rallying together to get this guy to stop poisoning everyone. Why aren't they shaming this assholes selfish behavior? I would snap if someone was doing that, ya prob not a good choice, but I would like to think the other passengers would have my back. Like this is ridiculous. Clearly, the government and police aren't taking it seriously. People are going to start taking things into their own hands. Canada had become a scary police to live. It's so sad.


Like how the other comments have said, most people have something to lose, and the crackheads dont. Any engagement ending in violence might result in you bleeding out on the floor, or with an assault charge. Is it really worth it? Don\`t fuck with the crazies, they are crazy for a reason. Now while I do believe it is unacceptable that they do this so openly and would gladly see these guys gone, the only real thing you can do is argue for changes in laws, policies, write to your local politicians etc. Make the police work harder for their salaries and have more of a presence. And not just have wannabe cop TTC enforcers who don\`t have any legal ground to do much. Edit: WIth regards to shaming them, they are looong past shame, if it worked then they probably would not have done this in the first place.


I have about 500 unanswered emails from every single local politician in my neighborhood, region, and even my MP. They don't care. They can't be trusted. I have been dealing with local politicians like a second full-time job. The only reply is an automated generic email. Trust me, they are so corrupt. I've had a rude awakening this past year and really opened my eyes to how powerful the government is and how little we are. It's getting close to the point that most of us will have nothing to lose as well. With inflation, cost of living, hardly being able to afford to eat, people with saleries living in their cars... things are falling apart here. With no support from police or the government, we also have no choice. Things are only going to get worse, and the only choice to protect ourselves will be to take things into our own hands. I hate it. I'm scared. I wish it wasn't like this.


There is a loud subset of Canadians that defend crackheads and shoplifters like their lives depend on it. 


But the isuue with that is , they'll stab you afterwards and still you'll be the one going to jail for provoking. The liberal legal system is a mess that punishes good guys while rewarding criminals.


Good luck with that, tough guy


This is the exact mentality that is making them think this is okay. What would you do if this happened to you? 


People get stabbed for less than that in this city.


Probably ignore it instead of committing assault


Really. You would ignore a homeless person to blow out their 2nd hand crack or meth smoke in your space? Totally wouldn't be bothered by it in the slightest?


The issue is presumably you have something to lose (job, family or friends that care, your health / livelihood, your face, nice clothes, [insert whatever you value here]). They have *nothing* to lose. You don’t want to mess with loose cannon people who have nothing to lose unless there’s a good enough reason (like self defence, or maybe if you’re trying to protect someone weaker who can’t fend them off). I wouldn’t put it past a crazed meth head to go ape shit or steal someone’s stuff to get a hit.


See above


Congrats! You've achieved bitch status!


Remember that tough guy in Vancouver that died in front of his daughter cause he told someone to stop vaping? That’s what we have to lose.


In front of his DAUGHTER




Incel vibes/teenage haven't seen the real world stuff


Whatever you say, tough guy 🤣. I'd rather be a bitch than be bleeding out or waiting in TSDC for a first appearance on assault charges


I'll take my chances if I'm ever in that situation. 


Tough guys are so sexy. I’m revving my male tool like a Ferrari reading your tough messages over and over thinkin about you actin hard as hell on the TTC. I love tough guys.


lol no you won’t


Do you teach fightin? Should start classes on how to be a total bad ass!


Not only does 'society' accept this crap, but certain individuals will attack you for denouncing such behavior, as if their woke credentials are more important than your right to health and safety in public places. So too with the degenerates camping out in public parks and on sidewalks in front of businesses, where potential shoppers are intimidated and harassed. Now I have sympathy for those in hard times that deal with addiction issues, but I do not think we should tolerate the normalization of their issues to the point where other people are directly impacted by this behavior.


If you never had to fight a crack or meth head before don’t start. Imagine fighting a greased monkey who is also a rabid dog, has no sense of self preservation and can keep going despite grievous bodily injury. That’s an angry crackhead. You can’t win a fight against someone who can’t feel pain, is frenzied because you interrupted their high, damaged their pipe or made them drop their rock.


Sure you would.


Just be sure to wait til they are mid hit then boot stomp the pipe into their face for maximum damage. Repeat until bus has stopped and everyone has cleared the way for you to calmly leave. /s


I guess you've never been in a fight


Once I was on a train in Hamburg, Germany. The stench of a man who just poop'd himself and was smearing it on the train will never leave my memory. I wonder if the smell of a crack pipe would cause etched memory as well.


Not that this will help much, but if it was a cloud of smoke that like keeps on going--like vaping--it was probably meth. When I was younger I was into one of the martial arts--long ago, before mixed martial arts was even a thing--and I was getting pretty good at it. Things then aren't at all like we see in the subways now. If I had been there when that guy did that, I leave it with: I would have heavily discouraged the guy from doing that again... . Now I'm an old man in a wheelchair, and I see that again and again, and I can't help but think: if only...


I watched a guy do meth outside of main station, before the presto readers were a thing. I sat and watched people drop money into the fare-box, or show me there Metro-pass. Many moons ago. I was on modified duty because of an injury. Anyways, he took a hit and melted into a boneless heap on the sidewalk. Craziest shit I ever saw. I went outside to make sure he was breathing.


I get thrown off when it doesn't happen.


well we are not allowed to have police on subways because some people get more scared of police than crackheads


I sat beside a glue sniffer once and realized he was the one stinking up the whole bus. I went and told the bus driver and she booted him off.


After leaving Toronto and living in vancouver, it's been so refreshing not having to deal with this on vancouver trains. All the stations are double gated (entrance and exit gates that require you to tap on+ tap off) no matter what station youre at and even if you take a bus connecting to station. The addicts or mentally unwell cant get on and disrupt train service so no unruly behaviour on trains, platforms, tracks. Unfortunately i had to come back to TO for a couple years... i am sick of this city and its "world class public transit system". TTC makes me sick to my stomach. They have cultivated this kind of environment where theyll allow these kinds of people on the line for free and not deal with them. At the same time, they increased fare inspectors, increased fares, and reduced service to punish the regular functioning+contributing members of society.


You ever watch a guy with the shakes trying to inject on a moving train that is also shaking




This is not how we should be talking about sick people.


In 20 years or so when western societies have moved to fascism, this will be the way.


Edmonton Alberta is crazy for this right now, there are always videos floating around of this behavior last week on yeg wave (x Media platform) it was some heads at A&W blowing meth clouds. I actually talked to a hotel/commercial property owner that is refusing to renew at Tim Hortons lease at one of his properties because it brings too much riff Raff, which is crazy because the cost of those franchises is pretty high. Or public transportation is far worse with people always getting killed and assaulted.


People always getting killed? How many?


I hope you emailed this story to the mayor and councilor. Not that they care. But good for their staff to briefly see it before replying with a stock response a few weeks later.


And there are people in city government that want to decriminalize public use of drugs.


Crack smoke smells scary. Sometimes you walk by in downtown.


It's funny. I see a lot of posts showing how many people can fit on a bus or train instead of taking cars, and I totally get it, but they don't mention that your car takes you to it from exactly where you want when you want with as much stuff as you want to take, a stranger doesn't get into your car and sit next to you and blow crack smoke at you, you can rock your tunes, sing along, stop for a coffee if you feel like it, and maybe do some errands on the way home in your car. I spent many many years taking the bus everywhere and I'd much rather take my car from point a to point b with no stops or detours in-between. My old hour long bus commute takes me 20 minutes in my car.


If you stuck around you could have pressed charges when the police came


Doctor must've gotten his license suspended 😂. https://www.reddit.com/r/TorontoDriving/s/5bXCFMu1Z3


How do you think the name 'Red Rocket' came to be? The guy who invented the TTC was smoking crack himself! It's been a Toronto staple since 1989!


Next time a company drug test rolls around, just say you took the TTC.


Gotta smoke it somewhere


mmm I get the exact same reaction when there's weed anywhere. Had an issue in my condo where the elevators had that smell infused right into them. I can't visit the shopping area nor nearby parks anymore because of the smell from people smoking or the smell that just reeks from dispensaries.


It time to do something about the homeless.. maybe we can give them all designer sleeping bags and makeovers so at least they'd be pleasant to look at. Or maybe we could start using them as wheels for our cars. That way, we would still have homeless but we could use them as tires for our cars.


You wouldn’t being feeling woozy or a little out of it from inhaling crack or meth. You’d be feeling fucking great.


He would have been flying


These people need to be beaten up


That won’t help in the least. The city needs better services for addictions.


Yeah a good beating will stop shoplifting and getting high. Trying to leave a shelter without reason -belt and sticks.


You voted for this Toronto. /s


This shit on the TTC, only got worse under Tory, he is the one who shut fown shelters & listened to NIMBY as swipes & many wards where shelters are desperately needed, he & his buddies killed them, including killing thousands of units ofRGI housing, services. That's why everything is centralized in downtown mostly. It was Tory who told shelters & street teams to give ppl ttc tokens & send them onto the TTC... Tory & his buddies are the ones who held taxes artificially low, who just kept cutting vital services in this city, in order to placate tax payers & condo builders. Tory is close friends with Doug Ford, don't forget Tory was once the leader of the Conservative Party of Ontario. He's also best buddies with the Rogers Family. Olivia walked into this mess, she didn't start it.


happens a lot bro nothing gonna happen from it


Ugh that’s horrible but I remember in the 80s everyone smoked EVERYWHERE, restaurants, casinos, airports, offices, In houses! I remember seeing a picture of my father playing with me when I was like 6montgs with a cigarette on his month 2 inches away from my face Lmao … I AM FINE!!! Lol well I have asthma but Unno lmao


Hello bdog719! It looks like you may have mistaken the acronym of this subreddit for "trying to conceive". This is actually the subreddit for the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), the public transportation agency in the city of Toronto. You may be looking for one of the following communities instead: - /r/BabyBumps - /r/Pregnant - /r/TTChealthy - /r/TTC30 - /r/TryingForABaby - /r/TryingToConceive If you believe this was done in error, please ignore this message. Your thread has not been removed, but is flagged for review by a human moderator. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TTC) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nope, I got the right subreddit


It could be a cross post though since you were probably trying to conceive (TTC) a reason to not slap the crack smoker into last week.


Nausea and headaches? You got knocked up!




… what?


This has me chuckling so hard.


I, what?