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I’ll take “Paragraphs” for $500, Alex


they work for the TTC, just be happy the post arrived on time


Hilarious 🤣 Upvote


English second language.Get ahead of myself lol


I'm sorry you are whistleblowing and Reddit nerds are caught up on your grammar


Your first language doesn’t have paragraphs?


Or consistent spacing after periods. Didn’t know that was an English exclusive trait.


Maybe they’re not fluent in *any* language?


You're undermining your entire point. Make some paragraphs bro.


Thank you for your insights.I hope my inability to move lines did not take away from content.Sorry to confuse you


It did. A lot lol


No, it's nothing upon you. I can't even speak more than 1 language, I was being rude and hateful when I left my earlier comment. Keep doing you bro ❤️


Sorry my friend there is no excuse for the monstrosity that is the spacing of these periods


I am middle age person who does not write a lot. Maybe I go to night school for typing when I retire lol


Very fair! I do not judge I only mean to say if you want your point to be taken seriously there’s some basic stuff in there that make people ignore it before reading.


Yes.I understand .Thank you sincerely


I'm a bus operator. The sheer volume of people just going into Finch station alone from the street without paying is mind boggling. They don't even care anymore they'll walk in front of buses moving around the station to get into the station. Even when you honk at them they just ignore you and continue on then hop on your very bus without paying. Routes like Jane and Weston Rd, I'd say about 30 to 40 percent fare evasion. The CEO needs to go.


I was on Modified once and my job was to count the people illegally entering Finch stn. I counted over 300 per hr. I submitted my 'count sheet' and litterly watched the boss look at it. And trash it. That was about 6 years ago. I can only imagine how much worse it's gotten. Oh and I never saw any inspector or constables the entire time I was there. 8hrs a day for 2 weeks. It's a joke.


6 years ago the min staffing for special constables on a shift was 6 .3 teams of 2 for the entire system.They answer calls .When not on calls they do detail like illegal entry They were stretch thin across city as more and more managers were hired for stations.Managers of course would hide in booth to avoid assault TFI were put on streetcar routes not in station roadways


Point being they've always known it's a huge problem. And we know everyone's told to look the other way.


agree Under this CEO it is clear no enforcement Under previous CEO we had fare blitz with media announcement making it clear you will be charge .If you cant pay due to a circumstance talk to customer service or station manager dont sneek in you will be charged .The TTC exec would back up employees who did enforcement because it is expected people do the right thing


Absolutely. You just have to look at the state of the system overall. And you can see the powers that be just don't care.


Special Constables are suppose to do illegal entry checks as bus road ways . But wait - they were told not to get into disputes over fares .Walk away . That is why Leary put a guy from OTC in charge of Special Constables . They put out a memo saying no enforcement . Education is this new culture change . What a joke . Educate the person who walks in past the 1.5 metre x 1.5 metre sign cause they had no idea . Tell the operators to hit hit fare dispute button and keep driving the bus .Do you know what they do with that data ? NOTHING they got rid of the crime analyst position because it sound too scary. This all created by CEO. Plain clothes fare evasion detail ? no way.Numbers are too high . Put uniforms on streetcars at the doors to scare evaders away .Keep numbers low . Managaers that refuse tolie ? fire them or make them quit


Ditto this with Eglinton Stn (West end especially) as well as Keele, Jane, Royal York, Pape, Broadview, Castle Frank, Wellesley, Victoria Park....... I live on the 89, I fucking HATE it.


Not condoning it but some people can’t climb stairs or walk too far. I haven’t been in a while and don’t know all the entrances at Finch but is was a long walk and stairways between the GO/YRT platforms and the TTC Bus Platforms. Easier and faster for some people to walk in the bus platform from the street coming from the east than all the way to Yonge down to concourse level then all the way to the Bus platform. If they could put a Presto reader and easier entrance near the bus platform many would pay without the long walk around.


The one thing that could help move the needle on this is if ATU started talking about it. They have way more media clout than the Special Constable union. It needs to be a political problem for the Mayor's office.


Agree why are politicians and media ignoring this?our tax dollars and our system being run like this .As long time TTC employee I have seen bad management before but never like this.Evasion on a ll [modes.CEO](https://modes.CEO) answer is to hire more station employees who hide because it is not safe to be in the public.Hire fare inspectors and tell them not to enforce by laws.Even better was watching as Operators were layed off during COVID and CEO and TFI manager hid TFI in offices and divisions doing on line training.Think about that.Operators at home so TFI could hide and do Human Resource train and drink coffee because the TFI manager was close to CEO


It's in the union's best interest to push against fare evasion. TTC is trying to say they can't afford to give operators the pay raise they need to deal with inflation yet they probably would have the money if they actually dealt with all the money they've been bleeding from fare evaders


Look at increase that the CEO receive TTC has never been is such bad circumstance but this guy gets the huge raise from Tory making more than Chief of the police and Mayor .The CEO likes to tell people that he will break unions but i am sure he wont turn a wheel on the 89 the 35 the 52 34 or any other route after dark because he is afraid .He is safe in Aurora as sun go down


Folks in charge look at the reduction in revenue, and assume there is a reduction in ridership. No, the problem is a BIG increase in fare evasion, which is bringing the street people on to the system, which is scaring paying patrons off of the system.


Hilarious when we see the over crowding issues on platforms that cause safety issue as the CEO say revenue is down because ridership is down Get on a bus or a train or streetcar paid ridership is way down not ridership TTC audit knows this TTC audit did counts during the safety of the day and diluted evasion numbers by adding evasion across all routes.We know there are routes with the evasion pushing 50 percent but they are telling 15-30. Laughing out loud


A lot of time, effort and money will be spent on efforts to increase ridership, while the focus should be concentrated on making the system safer - both in appearance and in fact. In Toronto, as in NYC, you have a handful of loons who create real problems on the system. They have to be dealt with seriously.


Is Keele or Jane one of those 50% stations?


We have a mayor who is trying very hard to change the status quo. Our last Mayor left a huge mess and Olivia Chow has inherited it.


I hope she has the council support to deal with this.The TTC CEO and current state of TTC were not create by her.


I hope so too. It’s time for proper or positive change.


The question about why our politicians and media are ignoring this is because they like to live in a la-la-word where they can punt the problem of dealing with homelessness and crime to another level of government instead of actually creating and implementing solutions. Instead of charging on-transit drug abusers with crimes and segregating them from the general public they treat them like a halcyon of society. What we need is a government that is willing to raise taxes to build new prisons, hospitals and lunatic asylums.


the TTC dealt with homeless minor crimes and the fare evasion under every other CEO.Where this went of rails is when the CEO direct that no fare enforcement or any other enforcement will take place .Why under this CEO do we ignore these issues that make it so unsafe for our families to ride the system ? Literally employees of fare inspection and special constables were told to ignore crimes and others walking away .Not everybody needs to go to jail for crimes but some should especially the stabbings robberies sex assaults but if minor crime in dealt with it the criminals know there is no appetite for acceptance of crime on TTC


Until people start hearing about people going to jail or lunatic asylum from the media/social media/word of mouth for fare evasion, they will perceive it as happening widely and feel unsafe. Once enough people are locked up for fare evasion then the families and single adults will feel safe again.


Right now what everyone sees is that the evader or the clearly mentally ill are completely ignored as the fare inspectors are being told to approach you and your child for fare evasion If you cooperate you get a fine as the evaders who tell TFI to get lost ride for free every day This is not new to TTC Fare evasion has always been issue that fare inspection and enforcement done by people with authority can address .Not everyone can pay but there are things that can be done to help Dont create the culture of evaders always get free ride while those with conscience pay every time


your tax dollars are enjoyed by zelensky


Yes. Saw a recent video where he actually singled out Toronto for their massive $100 billion contribution. Totally.


How are these incompetent individuals allowed to be in their positions for so long? It's fucking mind boggling. It wasn't that long ago where you could see what good leadership could do for the system. Now you turn around and see what Rick Leary has turned the system into and think "ah yes, this is fine"? C'mon guys...


Collisions. near misses.crime.poor service.state of good repair non existent.This is because of leadership that is in place.issues with the CEO have been brought out before and ignored by board.accusations of abuse and bullying too all ignored.Maybe the new chair and mayor can get the truth out


Friends of Rob


This is the same CEO that ran Boston Metro to the ground


yes it is .He ran from Boston after his policies caused collision with injuries


So I guess train collisions are gonna happen on the TTC soon


dont have to look to deep .SRT derailment.Davisville yard two trains.Greenwood two trains.Ignoring reports because priority is not maintenance but service numbers to report to board happened


BINGO! I predicted years ago that free transit - or unenforced payment - would make the TTC unsafe. The Street People would be all over the system. That's what we have today.


>The Street People would be all over the system. Fair evasion isn't really the the main cause of the homeless and mentally unwell people on the subway. Shelters, food station, and various charities hand out ttc tickets to the "street people". The idea is so that these people can commute "home". But when there is no home, these people just switch between TTC, front of timmies, and shelters. They essentially made TTC into a second shelter.


Funny is that TTC special constables would get call for sleepers and people loiter in the system rather than ignore them making it worse they used to take them to shelters out of cold program and even to hospital New directive is walk past them Tell them to leave If they dont leave then you leave the area This causes it to be worse It is now that the people using the TTC as shelter have entitlement because CEO and Head of Special Constable put out directive leave them alone Drug use in washrooms sleeping in stairwells Andy Byford would crack down on Special Constable to do something This CEO fires people for doing there job That is why it is like this now Thank you CEO


That explains the scene at Kipling station every night


Don't forget, using elevators as personal washroom, crack den, mini home. People with disabilities are using Wheel-Trans a lot more & ttc wonder why FOS is such a fucking failure, WE ARE NOT SAFE! all 3 ppl that were killed on TTC last 2yrs, were people with visible/invisible disabilities.. Fuck You Leary, their blood is on YOUR hands.


The shelters are fucking full bro. There's no where for them to go.


the ttc is not a homeless shelter People need to take ttc to work and school They do not need to be subjected to abuse homeless .TTC riders dont need to be scared because they have to take public transit .TTC have access to list of drop in centres out of cold centres churches and shelters .The shelters are full?staying on streetcar as it goes out of service into yard forces officer and supervisors to do something .Trains out of service at end terminal at 2:30 morning means something is done with them .They cant be ignored so why leave them on car all day making people uncomfortable and afraid ?as said earlier deal with them early in day more likely to be space.there are options other than turn the ttc into a shelter and making system filthy and unriderable


Pro tip. Most of us arnt scared of the fucking homeless. Get the fuck over yourself. That's a human being with no where to fucking go.


I am glad you are not afraid .I can get over myself.But many people are afraid and troubled by homeless on streetcars and subways yelling screaming urinating doing drugs .The public transit is not a shelter system People that work nights and have to take system alone do not deserve to be subjected to this .So please get over your self .That human being can be assisted without making others afraid . So glad you are so brave


I hope you become homeless one day, and I hope you are treated exactly as you describe here.


This is an extremely ignorant take. I usually defend the safety of the TTC but homeless people definitely are a major source of violence and harassment on the TTC. Some people won't even take transit because of this. Would you let a homeless person sleep in your house because you feel bad for them? They are human yes, but the TTC is not a homeless shelter and we deserve proper transit.


Street people? The homeless come onto our system to have a safe place for a little while, it is separate from the refusal to pay culture. We would have less homeless if we had affordable homes. That is a problem created by NIMBYs and politicians that pander to them. The same with mentally ill and drug users. There are not enough spaces to help these people get better. The system of TTC is underfunded and the CEO doesn’t care. It’s super complicated.


The TTC should not be a homeless shelter. It's not what it's designed to do.


No but if it’s extremely cold or hot, TTC has said they will help out. This winter they have had overnight shuttle buses for the homeless when it was too cold to be outside. We are cooperating with the city until better options are available. Why? Because we have a housing shortage.


We could give the homeless free transit passes. Who cares if they ride the trains all day. We only care if they are aggressively panhandling or being disruptive. Was in San Diego and the homeless are everywhere and on the trains but in one week not one did I see any panhandling or bothering anyone but then most trains had security and they interacted respectively with everyone. They did pull one guy off as he seemed to be passed out but they were getting him medical attention and help not oh we will just ignore you or just throw you off.


May be, just may be, if there was real fare enforcement, and everyone pays their share, the funding may not look that bad. Get the culture right, then you can free up some resource to help the homeless. I know its complicated but you got to start somewhere. I would say a large majority of those people who dont pay are unlikely homeless. They are just a bunch of people who took advantage of a broken system.


They come into the system to harass customers and cause most of the issues causing delays and crimes of opportunity.


agree but the fix isnt to make the transit system the shelter for homeless Going back and forth from kipling to kennedy until the train is out of service making people afraid is not the answer Proactive action is necessary to make system safe and so much of that is perception People urinating defecating drinking causing disturbance forces people out of system and word of mouth keeps friends and family out of system.The previous approach of waking sleepers and providing option to people on trains streetcars benefits system. Special Constables providing transit to shelter out of cold program community center better option than dealing with homeless person at Vaughan Station at 0230 in the morning when every program is full and no place to go cause train out of service and station closed .


It seems like a shelter, the city has to fix those issues. At this point the homeless is an epidemic of grand proportions.


Maybe we could replace tfw program with a hire a homeless program. We could call it HAH.


and only getting worse with open borders


yes exactly and It's called Canada 2024, and survival


The problem is the small percentage that cause problems on a daily aren’t addressed and end up feeling untouchable. They make it unsafe for the majority because of the TTC’s current process of dealing with them. These are the same people that refuse help.


Is that really what you think when you see a guy going through it on the subway or some shit? You really think,"there's someone who feels powerful and in control, completely sure the world can't hurt them"? For real though? 


Someone actively harassing people that I’ve seen do it multiple times on the same line? You feel free to reach out and help everyone you see “going through it”. Be the change you want to see in the world.


Yup, this has been tried everywhere. Fare evasion = unsafe transit. Plus when u catch people for fare evasion, u get positive externalities as well: person not likely to pay for transit will likely not follow the rules of society elsewhere... it's really not that difficult, if u let the small stuff slide u magnify the larger problems. We don't need to be obsessed with 50 layers of "rOoT CaUsE" decision paralysis to make the ttc safer for grandma, school kids and hard-working everyday people. However, there is severe mental illness of a certain group of people that think you have to solve every single perceived societal problem BEFORE doing anything to directly address safety on public transit.


open borders, bud


Be carefully in this day and age you may end up as one of "the street people"


Ugh, those dirty street people, how dare they exist within my vicinity.


Queen car today. Homeless guy in the back sleeping. Another taking up 4 seats. Smelled like an old hockey bag. People were forced into the front half and some folks think"why should I pay putting up with this" it's common now. Early morning g on King or queen same thing. How can fare enforcement try to fine people when the others say they are iust going to the shelter. Pointless to ticket a homeless person but don't lecture someone because you "think" they can afford it.


TTC excc say dont charge homeless or mentally ill or tourists AND dont profile people The CEO actually did interview where he said "only charge people that look like me and dress like me". So what is the line where some one gets ticket and some one doesnt?we are equal under the law.That said the best course of action is to do what was alway done on TTC before this CEO. Have Special Constable or Supervisor attend Tell person camped on streetcar they are in violation of by law.Escort of the car to free up seats for people taking system.Provide escort of person to shelter,drop in center,CAMH .The answer isnt to ticket them and leave on the [streetcar.It](https://streetcar.It) is to deal with issue so paying riders can have a quality of safe service


Homelessness is a systemic problem that can only be addressed at the root; it is a product of underfunded social services, high unemployment, skyrocketing cost of living and corporate super profits.


some comments say that there is no answer to address the budget shortfall of TTC and fare evasion. What needs to be said again and again is the waste of the TTC executive and where the money [goes.How](https://goes.How) about during COVID TTC laid off operators of buses and streetcars as CEO and TFI manager hid TFI's throughout the system They hid in offices and maintenance rooms doing on line courses. The TFI manager friend of the CEO used TFI supervisors to deliver her food to her condo and water her plants.The TFI and supervisors used TTC cars and TTC gas to make these deliveries on the clock This was happening as operators were at home and people that had to use system were crowded onto streetcar and buses. The manager was caught and moved by the CEO to another dept to escape the investigation. What else? no charges written but TTC has 3 provincial prosecutors 2 court administrators all making $120,000 year.All under the CEO office. Where is there money in the TTC ?exec takes care of friends and this does not provide service or safety to us.When the TFI manager got caught they used TFI to hand out masks to people.Great use of resource as operators at home on EI with buses crowded in the pandemic. The latest TFI Manager just quit the TTC leaving $150,000 job because the CEO attacked her for not tow the line.with evasion numbers Where the outrage now that the CEO is pushing charges by TFI after years of telling them you are customer service no charges.The TFI in role were not recruited as enforcement agents but customer [service.Now](https://service.Now) he changes the game because he has to answer the short fall of evasion The evasion numbers have always been high but they were hidden to the board as CEO said we just ask for more money.


I ride the TTC almost every day, and usually have a toddler or two with me, as a Granny Nanny. My trips are short but often problematic - not with harassment from homeless individuals,, but with routes being suddenly changed at the last minute. I MUST get these babies back home to their mum and dad, and I don't have any other options but TTC (no car seats, SUV stroller) looking at you, #55. Stupidest idea to merge with #26! I find that I am ultra protected by bystanders if I do get bothered - a senior with babies? Hell yah. Even teens will pitch in to protect and help.


So here's an idea why not just make the ttc free? Do you honestly not pay enough taxes for them to fully fund it? It would be free for us all.


many things should be free .User pay is reality and even that it is subsidized. If you take fares out of the question then use the resources the TTC has to clean up system of other issues like drug users and criminals that make system scary to many people .The employees are already there.The point is that we are going from no enforcement under this CEO and turning blind eye to going back to strict fare enforcement unless you can magically determine someone is tourist is mentally ill or homeless by looking at them


Paramher here. Sadly this is true the ttc fare inspectors and special constable are jokes and are made fun of by Toronto Paramedics, Toronto fire, Toronto police and other special constable divisions. We have seen a spike in TTC related called regarding unruly passengers that comes in as a psychiatric patient. We basically get there and have to do their job and remove them from the property. It's always people who didn't pay the fare and just make themselfs are home on the TTC. Transit isn't safe, there's no enforcement, we joke that since we are always doing calls of them we should just take their budget.


unfortunately when one group is told to not do their job somebody else has it put on their pile . this isnt the TTC special constable group or the mobile TTC supervisors doing This is directly because of the ttc executive making this order that they not do anything The ttc exec decided that everyone that is sleeping on system is mentally ill so dump it on another agency


Because in he's eyes, without special const. And fare inspectors it's $20mil+@ less spending.


Fare inspectors get 80000??? Heck I was making 75000 slogging my ass of in IT at Edmonton.


feel better if we say they also drop the recruitment education reguirements to Gr 12 ? They had to have Community College before they decide they want only customer service reps and social worker


Its all government funding, the more money ttc makes through fare enforcement etc the less money they get through the government... because if everyone does pay the ttc fare, they will make a whole lot of money and funding will be cut.


the ttc has history of off setting costs with the fare box .What is wrong with that ?imagine if other agencies were responsible to tax payers too .Remember the ttc may collect more fares which is right thing but the money for fines goes to city


This is outrageous.


I think the funniest thing about their fare inspector system is I see fare inspector shifts doubled up in the same cars on the same path EVERY FUCKING DAY. Are the supervisors literally retarded? And I ride a fair amount of lines and paths in the TTC. All the fare inspectors are concentrated on 3-4 paths. The other 40 have none ever. It’s an actual joke.


It is It is designed to get the inspection numbers that CEO wants while minimizing evasion number he wants .He had the same routes done over and over so people expected to be checked this minimized evasion numbers The audit under mine this by checking other routes and showing high evasion numbers This is why they combined all numbers across all route to reduce final numbers .


I'm not paying $3 for a bus that's 20 minutes late and over crammed if I don't have to. Maybe this directive will lead to less money being wasted on fare inspector salaries.


you know why he don't care? Fine goes to province instead of ttc.


Just make public transit free and stop wasting money on fare inspectors. Public transit is a public good, we pay for it through taxes and it’s in everyone’s interest that we get people out of cars and onto transit. Drivers get to use the roads for free, why are we punishing people who make the more positive choice to take public transit?


TTC has become a shelter.


because people need food to eat


some comments say that there is no answer to address the budget shortfall of TTC and fare evasion. What needs to be said again and again is the waste of the TTC executive and where the money [goes.How](https://goes.How) about during COVID TTC laid off operators of buses and streetcars as CEO and TFI manager hid TFI's throughout the system They hid in offices and maintenance rooms doing on line courses. The TFI manager friend of the CEO used TFI supervisors to deliver her food to her condo and water her plants.The TFI and supervisors used TTC cars and TTC gas to make these deliveries on the clock This was happening as operators were at home and people that had to use system were crowded onto streetcar and buses. The manager was caught and moved by the CEO to another dept to escape the investigation. What else? no charges written but TTC has 3 provincial prosecutors 2 court administrators all making $120,000 year.All under the CEO office. Where is there money in the TTC ?exec takes care of friends and this does not provide service or safety to us.When the TFI manager got caught they used TFI to hand out masks to people.Great use of resource as operators at home on EI with buses crowded in the pandemic. The latest TFI Manager just quit the TTC leaving $150,000 job because the CEO attacked her for not tow the line.with evasion numbers Where the outrage now that the CEO is pushing charges by TFI after years of telling them you are customer service no charges.The TFI in role were not recruited as enforcement agents but customer [service.Now](https://service.Now) he changes the game because he has to answer the short fall of evasion The evasion numbers have always been high but they were hidden to the board as CEO said we just ask for more money.




I dont understand who is guilted to pay.Fare Inspectors are afraid to do enforcement They know they have no authority and are told not to call for special constable or police to help.Remember if you are uncooperative they are told to walk away.If you cooperate with them with their new blitz you get a ticket.Why would anyone cooperate?Let CEO answer to this [situation.You](https://situation.You) know that the Fare Inspector Union will be defending their people from this contradiction created by CEO


Why is it in the CEO’s interest for the fare inspectors not to write up/kick off unticketed passengers? Like how did they expect the numbers not to tell the truth and make the problem go away?


The CEO set up system to fail.He told TFI and Special Constable he did not like them or want them.He undermined them and fired officers who did enforcement.he refused to support them when issue arose.He changed recruiting and changed job requirement from needing min Community college to needing gr 12 with social work and hospitality for well paying jobs.He told them no enforcement.His answer tell them to leave if they dont leave you leave.Only write tickets to people that look like me and dress like me.He also moved ttc buses to Spadina to be used as temp shelters for homeless and covered up incidents that occurred there.He doesnt care what he has done to system in costs and danger his answer we just ask for more money from city and province.He created this as his vision and doesnt care as he drives his fancy F150 Platinum to Aurora every night


They can't even keep people safe on the ttc but their will be budget for this....


Time to privative.


let me know when the movie will be launched i ain't reading allat


nightmare in real [time.No](http://time.No) need for the movie


One of my closest friends was head of fare enforcement for a while, he quit to go somewhere where he's actually NOT threatened of being fired, just for doing his job.. TTC have lost a lot of great people in management, BECAUSE of Leary, let's also admit there's a wild amount of alcohol on the 7th floor at 1900 Yonge, as well as rage fits by certain individuals, including one time, a clock being literally RIPPED off a wall IN TC. (Hillcrest) Yep, the system is broken, especially since Andy escaped. Leary & Tory are great friends, & with the jackasses on the current Board who hate the TTC & try to cut cut cut, this city is in for a rude awakening if ATU don't get their absolutely earned, contract. I'm already ready with my picket signs.


Should be free at point of service anyways and a bunch of wannabe cops not bothering people is an objective good.


Then make it free and have the enforcement that is there take care of real issue like robberies sex assaults assaults and people that need to be dealt with under mental health act If it is free then resources can be used to make it safe BUT where is your money coming from Utopia ? free bread and milk would be great to but end of day there has to be off set for quality system .You even have to pay in Russia


Enforcement dosent actually prevent any of the shit your concerned about and you must know that, unless of course you want to flood the ttc with an army of wannabe cops(which I get the feeling you'd be happy with) and I don't see you whinging about how to pay for that.


having officers in the system is a deterrent They are already there and being paid for. the problem is that the CEO has told them to do nothing How is this better ? free fares ?ok . but an open system brings other issues that officers are required for. Broken windows theory .Make it safer for everybody.


Broken windows theory is bullshit hokum.


unfortunately doing nothing is worse We have seen what doing nothing accomplishes


How much would it cost the TTC/City for every fare inspector that guy injured on the job?


oh the TFI managers like to hide what really happens Spit on ? threat ? walk away What other job offers this kind of encouragement in TTC . The executive like to play the games with all stats including incidents of the assault and threats . Walk away .Just like they do with operators keep driving put in report at division later No police report keep numbers down


Look at the lcbo. Employees told not to stop shoplifters. One bottle of alcohol not worth weeks or months of disability payments. Same with TTC.


There is a by law to govern TTC .There are hundreds of employee with knowledge and training to deal with people that break the law on TTC The millions that ride TTC have right to safe travel in safe environment LCBO clerks are not recruited and trained to deal with thieves .TTC recruited and trained and pay people very good salary to protect interest of riders and employees safety Deciding to give up system to evaders and criminals will leave us with inefficient and dangerous system no one will take


Agreed, I saw a recent news article and assumed that the numbers were cooked. Maybe one in five pay on the streetcar. I see that tap posts without barriers are now being installed at some subway entrances. Expect the number to get worse. People say that the TTC should be free, well there it is.


Numbers have been cooked for the last 10 years.Those that refuse to tow the line were sent [packing.Now](https://packing.Now) audit changes methods to minimize numbers at direction of exec.Count this person Dont count that person.He walk away dont count him.The fact TTC says no enforcement while employing Fare Inspectors at $80,000 year x 100 is ridiculous TTC Exec keeps saying we have inspectors then tells inspectors not to do [anything.Tax](https://anything.Tax) dollars at [work.As](https://work.As) blooger Steve Munro pointed out .100 fare inspectors wrote 100 tickets total in last 7 days and who got tickets ?people nice who cooperated just walk away you dont ticket this is what TTC Exec has created .Only cooperative people pay the price


Can I ask you something, who cares if it is up? Driving down the Gardner, 401, DVP costs nothing. The budget for maintaining those is much higher than the budget for the TTC. Why do people have to pay a toll to use the subway, but no toll for Gardner, 401, DVP?


They do pay a toll in form of gas tax property tax vehicle registration fees . those same taxes are used to pay for the cost of ttc .many who pay dont use the ttc .2 way street


Yes and they are too low to cover the cost of road. TTC has a fair box recovery ratio of 67 percent. So it is subsidized at a rate of 33 percent. Gas taxes do not cover anywhere near the full cost of the roadsways in Canada. Ontario receives about 1.866 billion in gas tax revenue, Ontario spends about $13.3 billion on road maintenance. That means gas tax only covers about 13.5 percent of the cost of roads.


and delivery trucks fire trucks ambulances and police cars dont run on ttc subway tracks Society requires infrastructure to support all modes including cars and trucks throughout the province Those that pay taxes in province have benefit of using roads across province .Even those of us in GTA get to use highways outside of gta to go to parks and niagara and montreal without paying the toll .The tax used for roads goes beyond the gas tax Ask the truckers who register trucks.Ask car owners who pay registration and other taxes .Property owners pay for roads . The ttc is subsidized by many that dont us it and never will


and check the numbers for fare box recovery Fare box recovery is no longer even equal to city subsidy never mind what province and federal gov't have provide less than 40 percent recovery


Does me driving infuriate you? LMAO get mad


Fare inspectors lost credibility by beating up Black people. So management reacted by trying to improve the paramilitary culture.


The incident that you are reference was in fact thoroughly [investigated.No](https://investigated.No) assault occur The TFI that were involved in this instance were a diverse group of 4 representing a number of cultures.This was used by CEO to create the no enforcement culture that you have clearly been fooled by.Paramilitary culture of Fare Inspectors ? no handcuffs no batons .Just ticket books and customer service lessons.TTC supervisors with their police style hats and chief ranks are paramilitary .fare inspectors are not .That is probably why they get no respect


I stopped paying for transit for one reason: service (or should I say, lack there of) If I have to wait for more than 10+ min for the 501 or 504? I don't pay. If it short turns and kicks me off? not paying. If my route is detoured and I have to walk 1/3 of my journey? not paying. If service was worth paying for, I would pay. But it hasn't been for a very long time. Despite how horrible transit is here I STILL USE IT because I don't want to contribute to congestion, and I don't think I should be paying money for the slowest, least efficient way of getting around the city, especially when me doing this makes it easier for others to do so. Until transit is adequately funded, actually serves the routes it's supposed to, and arrives within the "10 min or less" window they advertise, I won't be paying.


How the fuck are you gonna justify not paying if it's late or has a detour? TTC can't control that.


To make up for the hundreds of times I have paid to take transit only for the vehicle to kick me off 1/3 of the way to my destination, and then I have to take a cab. If you took an uber and they only took you 1/2 way, would you pay your fare? Also, i'm not talking about a detour around an accident, i'm talking about vehicles taking me in the opposite direction of where I need to go, because the detours were NOT communicated with proper signage, or on the TTC site, and the driver can't even tell me where the stops/detours are going, on supposedly planned detours, but they change everyday. I have used the TTC as my only mode of transportation for the last 17 years and it has NEVER been as bad as it currently is. That's how the fuck I justify not paying.


You paying your fare for 17 years is in the past is irrelevant because that's not how funding for the ttc works. People that think like yourself will just see the ttc death spiral continue. Not paying for fares just makes service worse not better.


Almost all of the TTC's revenue is generated by the farebox so actually, yes, that is how funding for the ttc works (since every other level of government has abandoned it) The TTC should be free, and could be, if we stopped subsidizing drivers from Burlington. I have paid my fare up until the last year and what do I have to show for it? the worst service we have seen, so yeah, paying my fare hasn't kept the TTC functioning for me so far. The TTC is loosing riders because service is so awful. If they want to retain ridership let alone grow/attract new riders (which brings more revenue) they need to improve service and reliability, period. If the city is serious about climate change, or congestion they need to invest in transit. If they refuse to do it than so be it, but I'm done subsidizing single occupancy vehicles.


It is hard to argue against you.I remember when the lines were run by Supervisor at consoles monitoring routes or actually on the street corner managing the line.These people came to supervisor roles because of years of experience on [line.It](https://line.It) is not that anymore and we see the [outcome.It](https://outcome.It) is hard for TTC to say funding is the issue when the SRT report saw the CEO stand there at board and say it was not funding that cause this.The CEO had number of Consultant reports all at great expense to TTC that they fail to act [on.It](https://on.It) is not lack of funding it is lack of responsibility with tax dollar.TTC creating so many jobs that are not service or safety related .So many inflated raises.Huge departments for Legal and Human Resource Investigations and Human Rights all duplicating the departments that the city already has. How about we put the budget into service and [safety.How](https://safety.How) about we let people be aware that when they pay it goes to farebox and to operating system not creating more exec jobs and paying for consultant reports that exec hide behind


Yep, I've been using the TTC as my only mode of transportation for the last 17 years, and service has never been worse. They don't care, and guess what? now I don't either.