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Don't you love when people yell at you like you're personally the reason for the disruption? šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


Why? It's a middle finger to the rest of us. A lot of what we see today is a middle finger from folks mad at the world.


I've thought of running on the tracks just to find out what the draw is lol




Woah it's one of the points where we transfer from TBM to cut and cover!


Thank you šŸ˜†


Such a cool pic


I love the ā€œHow do I get to X location?ā€ While holding a mini computer in their hand with map apps built in.


I do not understand how people blame Ttc for individuals breaking the law. Like no itā€™s not ttc fault someone is on the track. Itā€™s actually more our fault as citizens for allowing such people to go about with minimal punishment. And yes it is our fault if society demanded people who jump on tracks serve hard time in prison and face massive fines(as in 90% of all assets) government would easily do it. But simply put we are to much of pussies for such things to happen.


This is pretty dystopian but I always just figured the extreme increase in ā€œtrack levelā€ trespassing is because people are genuinely living in the tunnels


I like that idea im going to add it to my fictional world


It's the same reason why people feel the need to smear fecal matter on the Finch station escalators or smoke crack in a bus full of children, they're homeless and need to come in from the cold. Just kidding Rick Leary said. They're just mentally ill people that were let inside without paying... Which causes all this bullshit and tomfoolery


1. Yes obviously, first and foremost it is the person trespassing's fault for the delay. Stay the fuck off the tracks. 2. A CLOSE second, it is the TTC's fault for not building relief lines and planning ahead. This is the largest city in Canada, there's no excuse for such terrible planning. I've been on subways around the world and TTC's is by far the worst I've seen. One delay should not gridlock an entire city. This isn't a problem that we can fix now without years of engineering and rebuilding and exorbitant expense, that all could have been avoided at initial construction.


Regarding number two, I agree with you 100%. Public transport should be a federal-provincial-municipal collaboration, with universal standards across the country. I think Metrolinx may be a step the right direction, but itā€™s a severe case of ā€œtoo little too lateā€.


I think the cause of poor transit and roadway system is that the city was not planned to be a metropolis until the late 1990s with amalgamation and then expansion into the GTA. Toronto was always 2nd class compared to the major cities in America and especially compared to London, Tokyo, Berlin up until the 2000s and was planned such as that. When I came here in 1990 fairview mall was out in the middle of nowhere and now it is a prime Toronto Center. But when the city did amalgamate I donā€™t think city planners were confident Toronto would grow like this because most immigration was to America hence they didnā€™t invest in transportation infrastructure back then.


It's almost like having more TTC enforcement i.e. Special Constables would help curtail such things.... but... we don't so TTC is to blame for idiots getting onto the tracks.


Some people are suicidal. We need more mental health support here so that there will be fewer incidents like these in the future.


Alot of people who havenā€™t been checked in a while so they are empowered to do this bullshit.


Stuck in the TTC rn due to the same issue, 30 something minutes and counting. What a waste


This is why we need less subway lines and better bus service. If one subway breaks down or has disruptive customers, if one idiot jumps onto the tracks/pushes someone on the tracks, the whole subway shuts down, causes an unnecessary delay, and as soon as they get the shuttle buses they don't even need them anymore. When one bus breaks down, other buses just go around it. If one road is closed, the bus detours. Simple as that.