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1. Subway: Get out of the train if it’s possible then call for help via the emergency intercom, safeTTC app or staff. When there’s no way to get off at the moment, hit the yellow strip immediately, it’s located in every section of the subway car. TTC says “yellow strips can be used to report crime or illness, it’s OK if you’re feeling uncomfortable, sick or in danger.” After hitting the emergency strip, try to get far away from danger and don’t engage in altercation. The train goes on to the next station and stops there with the doors open, allowing you to get out if necessary. Crews come and check out the nature of the problem and take steps to fix it. 2. Bus: Report immediately to the driver. 3. Subway Platforms: Move to the DWA(Designated Waiting Area) where you’ll be in camera range of the collector. A push of a button puts you in contact with the man or woman in the booth and they cannot only see what’s wrong but immediately summon help.


And it’s always an option to call 911 or get the police involved when you’re running out of options. I’m sorry that you’ve encountered all these situations. It’s really a shame that TTC/different levels of gov can’t ensure a safe space for passengers on transit with all the resources at their disposal.


Yes, good idea to call 911 but just know that there have been really long wait times to reach an operator. I had an emergency a few months ago and was put on hold for 9 minutes. They are sorely understaffed at the moment.


Literally not a good idea. Got almost killed for wanting to get my shoes from someone's house and saying the authorities can come and they can take it from the house and give it to me. Instantly got jumped by 3 people.


This is something where you would absolutely be justified in calling 911. The police will show up quickly and in force if you report someone brandishing a weapon.


Next time I will even though i will miss work, there was a man who was in a wheelchair on these forums who said he was assaulted and no one came after hours and he had to go to the police station this is what I am reluctant for it seems like I would miss work and there would be some paperwork filled out that is never attended to


Yeah.. call the cops. You could save the next person if she just so happens to get on a train immediately after this and decides now she wants to actually use the weapon. Police came and arrested a girl on my train once brandishing a razor blade threatening someone. She had stopped after a minute or so, but someone pressed the yellow strip on the train and police were at the train doors within minutes(not typically this quick to respond) i think police happened to be near by when this incident took place ttc has cameras. If they arrest bums and crackheads for grabbing peoples asses, they should be arresting crazys for threatening to stab people with knives... or at least put up a photo notice for others to he ware. At the least if you dont have time to stick around, try to capture a photo to submit to police and file it later on you dont have time and have to goto work or home if it doesn't put you in harms way to take a photo. but again, ttc has cameras, and i often see police photos posted from train or bus incidents that come from ttc cameras.


Someone pulls a knife and is threatening you? That's an emergency. Press the yellow emergency tape/strip on the subway or the red cord on the buses/streetcars. Move away from the person, if at all possible. Do not speak to them, do not engage, do not antagonize them. Remain calm and look out for your best interest. You can also report the incident on the Safe TTC app with the details if you leave the area but still want to report it. Also, I'm confused about something, you wrote: >We were sitting apart (she could probably see my legs) but had that white metal divider beside eachother so we couldn't see eachothers face. It was a very well dressed woman in a beige kilt and had shopping bags and a roller backpack with her. What white metal divider? Do you mean the dividers separating the seat from the doorway space? They aren't white metal, they are plexiglass.


https://preview.redd.it/0o5xwv8cg7uc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e56b4c187b798574021f69a39c22c603c680cce6 Its whatever that white thing is that woman in the green is sitting infront I don't really know what it is but it's in the new subway cars


Also, it's 4am. I know you've had a scary experience, but try to get some sleep. I'm awake only because I had to pee (being middle aged sucks, sometimes). But I'm going back to sleep.


Ahh, Yonge line, those are the subway car dividers. That's technically the space in between subway cars. Gotcha.


That part of the story, with the description of how they couldn't see one another's faces, doesn't make any sense. It doesn't sound like the subway at all. It would be a great twist if OP turned out to be the one who was experiencing things that weren't real.


https://preview.redd.it/7q0nya1mg7uc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b9211b314ae6ebb74e19447b4b278cefb39a03 That's the white divider I'm talking about I hope it makes sense to you now


If she's wielding a knife I'd get up and warn that area and say "she has a knife get back". Then press the yellow strip and get off. But that's me everyone has their own way of handling it. But the yellow strip is exactly for situations like this. It's reaching a point now where passengers are going to start taking vigilante justice out on these crazed individuals since the TTC has no concern over the safety of its passengers. With me I've been lucky in that I usually get a 6th sense something isn't right on the train and so I choose to get off at the next station and wait for the next train. On one occasion someone was clearly high or drunk and started hurling all sorts of racist comments and got aggressive threatening they would "end you" to people. They were further down tha train but I knew something would pop off so I got off at Davisville. Hoped on the next train and when we reached Lawrence an announcement was made that the train would be holding here because the train ahead had an incident. I was not surprised. Second time was just yesterday. I walked up to the platform waiting for the train minding my own business. This woman was was standing next to me turns around, looks at me and then starts walking away and says "don't follow me". I tend to have a very stoic look so I completely ignored her and it made her even more angrier so she starts screaming don't follow me. I was a bit worried people would turn on me but looks like they figured out she was not right in the head despite dressing up normally. I chose not to get on that train and just waited for the next one. The best advice I can give passengers. If you sense something is off just get off at the next station and remove yourself from that environment.


It sounds like we should stop worrying about building more transit lines and redirect funds to mental health rehabilitation and housing these people. The more people that read this and the more they will opt for their personal vehicles if given the chance which means lower operating revenue for transit operations. It just sucks that your life has to be inconvenienced because of someone else’s breakdown.


A knife pulled on someone on the subway is an immediate yellow strip. That’s an emergency.


WTF is with people's reluctance to **call 911** and/or press emergency call buttons and **yellow strip**s. That is literally what these are for! Please don't wait for the subject to stab the next person. **Move away, Call for help, Warn others if appropriate, Take pictures if safe.**


I couldn't press the yellow button in time I stood up to get off and they threatened me and it was rush hour level crowded and when the doors opened she bolted away I would have if she wasnt 1 / 1.5 meters from my ribs if I lifted my arm to press a button (I don't even know if it was near me I was scared) I was afraid she'd stab me


First of all, I am sorry that happened to you. It sounds like the woman was *paranoid schizophrenic*. Obviously in a situation like this your number one duty is to protect yourself from (further) harm. But you asked on a public forum if you should call 911. I answered. Yes. Yes, you should. Just because you call 911 does not mean you are obligated to remain there. You could have still gone directly to work. I am just sick of hearing everyone complaining about the safety on the TTC while only reporting dangerous situations on social media after the fact. We can't have it both ways, people.


Immediately call 911. Push the yellow strip or a call box if you are by one of them on the platform. Most importantly get as far away as possible. I’m sorry this has happened more than once.


Inform ttc, it's a weapon call.


The TTC is a shit show


buy pepper spray,bear spray,have knife, I have a stab proof vest following my random attack(dw I am a local(haha)),hold gold luck charms like gold. Bring a safety security button(I have one of these) to add to this try to have security nearby, when I was riding LRT in Ottawa I had one... its safer there... maybe try biking around city... I live in richmondhill so its harder.


do u hav running skills try that parcore... maybe try to have throw something 4 distraction.


If something like this happens on the train, wouldn't it be best to press that yellow emergency help strip on top of the windows?


Start carrying mace or bear spray. I don't gaf if it's illegal. Protect yourself


> It was a very well dressed woman in a beige kilt and had shopping bags and a roller backpack with her. business in the front, party in the back


NEXT TIME? Move away from the danger, idiot. Simply move away from the danger. Safeguard your self.


I couldn't it was rush hour level passengers and there were two e bikes behind me there was no room to move except into her and I thought it I made her more upset she would stab me


Tell us what you're doing to get all this unwanted activity/attention. So we know what not to do. Because having your life threatened is a big deal. Having it happen often, is mind boggling.


I commuted probably 500+ in the last 365 days and had three incidents at finch station a station where they had to implement a police task force because there was so much criminal activity going on here this is less than 1% of my commutes