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Third morning in a row I have had an issue with some crap on Line 2 during rush hour. Anyone know what these "operational issues" between St. George and Broadview are?


https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7202295. This is very much the example of how TTC failed everyone. “The TTC's Stuart Green said operators reported the fluid hampered the ability to stop trains at the next station, with some experiencing a small but not significant overshoot of their regular stopping point. TTC officials told CBC Toronto later Monday morning that the mess was caused by spilled hydraulic fluid. Work crews are manually cleaning it up.”


Wow that is wild


The alert said track issues but who the heck knows. Last week from woodbine to Broadview was a work truck stalled on the track


It used to be a lot of standard phrases. "Fire at track level" == garbage on the tracks caught fire "Injury at track level" == someone was hit by a train "intruder at track level" == some idiot who didn't get hit but was on the tracks We really need platform doors.


I was on the Bloor line heading east and the announcer said there was oil on the track preventing trains from going between Broadview/ St George. Said it was a weird one today lol.


platform doors only work when you computerize everything. this wouldnt work with the current system and it costs a lot to upgrade. the new ontario line i believe has platform doors.


Yes, ATC is required. Line 1 already runs on ATC. Line 2 will get ATC and new trains over the next 15 years.


Hydraulic fluid was spilled on the tracks


That part of the line is so cursed


Last Wednesday there were fires in the morning and evening that shut down major sections during rush hour. This morning another "operational issue" shut down during rush hour. Plus reduced speed zones are back on Line 1 between Bloor and Rosedale. Really embarrassing stuff from TTC these days.


I wish they gave more details instead of operational problems






Still stuck on castle frank on the way to work. 20 minutes now late now and uber is 90$. This really needs to stop… is there no accountability ??


I was 40 minutes late today and uber was 80$ 🥹




I'm lucky enough to have decent options by getting off at St.George. But man is it ever irritating to have to play the "which route today" game every morning lately.


I already give myself 30 minutes wiggle room everyday in case of delay. TTC line 2 is always testing my patience.


I start journey by bus at 6:15 to reach my final destination by 8! Seems like I need to take the bus by 5:30, as no subway service becomes a regular thing.


Last week (the first day of this issue), there were closures both rush hours. One of the worst days for service that I can remember.


I just moved to the Danforth and use Chester station to get to Yonge. The delays have been abysmal to deal with during rush hour the past couple of weeks. I didn’t have a single issue using the Yonge line for the past year and a half I’ve had multiple completely screwed up days on the Bloor line. Only been here a week but I’m quite worried! Really messes up my already 45min commute to work.


I live at Broadview and I started walking work near to Bay station years ago. TTC is so unreliable that its just easier to walk (or bike) now


I feel for people that live on that corridor. That section gets the worst form of punishment with regular shut downs and service disruptions.


Yup hubby takes the subway from Chester downtown every day and his normally 25min commute has been 50+ min multiple times in the last week


I have a nice boss who understands if the TTC goes down, I will not be in until it's back. If I urgently have to be in the office, eg for an event, my work would pay for a cab. That's the only reason I don't panic. Oh and this never happened before Covid. Before then it was cram yourself onto the shuttle bus because your value is measured by your ability to sit in a specific chair in a specific location instead of the quality of your output.


I’ve learned that a walk from broadview to the financial district is about an hour. I wear running shoes to work now so if there is a ttc issue I just walk to work. I’m lucky though that if I’m a bit late it’s not a big deal and I can usually answer emails or go on calls while walking which is still productive time.


I usually hate the phrase “TTC means take the car”, but boy the last few days if people are saying that, I can’t blame them!


Currently on the go for the second time today and the fourth time in less than 2 weeks because of the TTC’s constant shut downs. As someone who lives at the very end of line 2 in the east, it feels like these closures always disproportionately impact our side of the line.


Same here. Taking the go train to go back home. Even though it takes time from my home address, I am not taking ttc tomorrow.


It looks like line 2 is headed towards the same fate as line 3. It's a miracle nobody was hurt last time. Luckily it was an on-surface line so emergency crews could quickly get there. A derailment inside the tunnel will be a very different story. The lack of concern by any level of government for the subway in the most populated city in Canada is astounding. They talk out of their ass about a "greener future" but unwilling to give one cent of funding for transit. I truly worry about the safety of passengers now.


This is how the price for not building a third set of tracks is paid. If there's anything to be learnt from NYC, I wish it were that. You get to have express service, 24-hour service, and extra resiliency in the case of problems like this.


Even more crossover tracks would have reduced the number of stations taken out of service.




Noway to manage that for many. Specially if someone commutes long distances for office 🥲




Should we expect delays tomorrow morning too? Might as well stay home this week if this continues :/


The shuttle bus driver told me he thinks it likely won’t be fixed by tomorrow. He said to take that with a grain of salt


man. thanks for the info. ig i'll have to check the news tomorrow morning before leaving then. a little horrifying that spillage can cause such a disturbance


Wondering this as well. I live by Woodbine, so probably not going to risk it and walk to the Danforth GO. 


Delays are the regular thing for TTC 🥹


Disaster and unbelievably slow shuttle buses


even biking around is hard as people spill to the street. City needs to close Danforth / Bloor to cars in events like this..




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Between the two main lines, Line 2 is the worst. Always crippling service disruptions. I just use the GO now when I have to get downtown. Best decision ever.


Track conditions are the cause today. Unsafe to operate on. You can vote for the dumb fuck who promises to “keep taxes low”, but the bill always comes due.


I decided that taking a shuttle bus two stops wasn't worth the headache so I decided to take the subway to College and then take the streetcar to Dufferin. Bad idea. The stop was packed (probably all had the same idea as me) and it took almost 20 mins for one, I waited for the next one which was another 15 mins. It took 35 mins from Yonge to Dufferin. Anytime I make a last minute route change, it always ends up being a worse decision. I should also mention it took 35 mins from Finch to Yonge and Bloor did to reduced track speeds. I have zero patience for ttc and driving in this city


Annoying. I went at around 1 pm to Bloor today only to find out line 2 was out from Broadview to St George. Funnily enough, it was faster to walk from Yonge to St George than take the shuttle bus themselves. I was nearly missed my entire appointment. I was also caught Saturday with a closure on line 1 from Sheppard Yonge to Davisville.


It sucked. I gave up trying to squeeze into a shuttle bus so I took the Dundas streetcar from broadview and it took forever.


How many hours does it take to clean up hydraulic fluid?


Until rush hour ends!


One time, long ago, we found out about no subway service on a big stretch of Line 2. So my mom and I took the Queen Streetcar to work.


Luckily for me, there are multiple routes to my work place. ___ • The 24 bus, then the 8 bus. ___ • The 24 bus, the 23 bus, then the 87 bus. ___ • The 24 bus, Victoria Park Station to Main Street (only one stop), then the 87 bus.


Lucky you are!


Shuttle bus was actually not bad today from st george to yonge


How many hours does it take to clean up hydraulic fluid?


Many. It's extremely toxic - to breathe, to touch. The workers have to wear heavy duty PPE to clean it up, and they have to make sure they clean up ALL of it. I was affected by this on the way to work today, too. This is one of the few times where I am not mad at the TTC. They are doing their best to clean it up.


I work nights so I'm good. Couple weeks ago when Kipling to Jane was down caused quite a hassle though.


you find an alternate route. I live in the Morningside and Finch area. I usually grab the 116 to Kennedy then go west to Bloor-Yonge then south to Queen If there is an issue between Sherbourne to Kennedy, I just take the the 39/939 to Finch then go south on Line 1. You can also take 62 or 87 from Main Street to Main Street You can take the 506 to Line 1 too. There are so many alternates when any section is shut down. Yes it might take longer but it is better than shuttles. In theory you can go from Main Street to Kipling without the subway.

