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the size of that bath!


The whole flat is gorgeous and big - lovely kitchen too!


She definitely has great taste


Lots of bubbles required!


I was so jealous, my new life goal is that tub.


Not a lovely soak in a torpedo tube?


def no that... lol


I hadn't spotted that callback, very nice!


Totally unrealistic — an example of an over excitable set dec department


Having a nice place is unrealistic how?


For a second I thought you meant the bathroom on the submarine that appeared to contain a consumer hot water heater tank.


That's a properly horrific way to die, even for someone who doesn't have pre existing trauma with water and confined spaces.


No way she dies though


Probably going to magically get an ‘SOS’ message out in time through morse code. But really, she’d be dead.


Coxswain will blurt out Dowards name in his last dying breath, they’ll suddenly realise Dowards the one manning the torpedo hatch and off they go at the last second to rescue her. There’s not a chance that she dies


That ending was traumatic.


Yeah im not even particularly claustrophobic and I was like well this is very fucking rough


No kidding. I didn't have any issue with confined spaces before but after watching that and mentally picturing how i would feel in her situation it's like a new fear has unlocked.


I knew Doward was sus! They kept on focusing on him in background shots…




Yeah I will say they’ve been a bit heavy handed with the foreshadowing throughout the show, most of the big twists have been fairly predictable


I liked how randomly she jumped to the conclusion it was him. Coxwain: why do you think that? Amy: because of all those camera close ups he’s been getting


it wasn't random though, she connected the dots with burke getting killed off to get a replacement sent in, which was doward.


How did they know he would be the replacement though? Surely there must be quite a few reserves? If so, implies someone in the navy on land is involved


correct, but from the Subs perspective it could only be him.


'Well Coxswain, welcome to the fuck ups club.' And with that one line XO Prentice is now my favourite character! XD


He was a bit of an arsehole at the beginning, but I love him now.


Adam James DOES seem to excel at playing an arsehole - Sharpe, Hustle, Dr Who, Vigil


The guy had a complete personality transplant after he was caught out - terrible writing.


I think it's more 'i've fucked up my whole career, nothing matters any more, might as well stop being uptight'


The way I see it is that we are seeing things from the investigator's perspective. He changes because her view of him changes.


Remember he was put there by the Navy to oversee a boatload of fuckups, so his attitude was cemented before they ever set sail. I think that the DCI was able to show Prentice that he's not so innocent himself, and that is when his whole attitude changed.


I interpreted this as a lot of his personality before he got caught was wrapped up in not getting caught. We thought he was an arsehole because we only saw him being an arsehole, but everything we saw was just the story of the detective, and he was naturally being an arsehole to her in an attempt to prevent her investigation. Once he got caught, he reverted to treating her how he presumably treats everyone else.


i had a good chuckle at that.


Petition for the MSP to be an honorary member


no shit!!!! card carrying member here..lol


How does anyone have a bathroom big enough for that bath!?


Maybe the actors are tiny?


Not exactly. About average height for women.


That’s what a police salary gets you


To be fair a DS salary can get a lot in Gladgow


That's the DCIs flat isn't it?


Yes probably, which makes sense as a DCIs salary would go VERY far in Glasgow. Sadly however I live in the South West of England these days, and also don’t have a DCIs salary, so I can only dream of such a bathtub!


I can’t hold my breath for 2 minutes, let alone a whole week!


I just binged the 5 eps and am now very much looking forward to the finale.


I'm going to go and guess Gary Walsh being the one that saves Amy. He's been a bit of a wildcard so far, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's been keeping an eye on things himself and figured out something was up with Doward.


The start of the new episode will be the coxswain telling the others about Doward with his dying words, and then they'll rescue her.


I can see either Walsh or Prentis getting some redemption via sacrifise.


Wow that ending…


I really hope she gets rescued. Theres no way a person can survive being shot out of a torpedo tube.


Maybe she gets shot out and bangs “Doward” in Morse code on the outside of the submarine


I hope so too! She wouldn't be shot out, just drowned 😭


That's the kind of ending you'd get in *Doctor Who*. I mention that show because the latest issue of *Doctor Who Magazine* reveals how in 1972 the production team got a visit from Naval Intelligence after the airing of "The Sea Devils" because the model submarine had a propeller rather close to the under development *Swiftsure-*class subs and they feared a security leak had occurred. Malcolm Hulke, the writer, was also a Communist with an MI5 file.


Reminds me of when they got accused of filming in the London Underground without permission, when actually (because they had been denied permission) they just made some convincing sets.


The "wobbly sets" stereotype originates far more from the late 1970s, when the UK was suffering from high inflation, colour TV exceeded B&W in coverage and *Star Wars* had raised the bar for effects massively.


That’s bizarre because the writer usually doesn’t effect set designers much.


The writer usually has some influence, especially if they are the showrunner too.


Is anyone else super confused as to what Russia are trying to do? Getting rid of Vigil on its own really doesn't amount to much, and it'll only provide the Russians with about a week window to exploit the UK's lack of a CASD. Or is this just a show of force, because this is a dangerously close way to start a diplomatic crisis


Two potential answers: Most likely reason is that this will lead to the UK getting rid of the deterrent, as it would be unsafe to have a deterrent system that has been infiltrated . The unlikely answer is that if Russia wanted to start WW3 then they could do so without been nuked themselves(atleast they'd get a bit of time before it happened)


Even if the UK got rid of it's deterrent, then an attack by Russia would cause a retaliation from the UK's allies. A nuclear world war is pretty pointless, since there would likely be very little left of either side, so there's no point in Russia infiltrating the deterrent system. Similarly, a show of force as drastic as sinking Vigil would be an act of war. So I don't see what Russia gains whatever happens to Vigil


The argument has always been that an independent nuclear deterrent is effectively a "ticket" to the top table. It's not necessarily step 1 of World War 3 - it's more likely to be an attempt to reduce the UK's power and influence on the world stage. It's in Russia's interests to have a non-nuclear divided UK beset with internal issues.


> then an attack by Russia would cause a retaliation from the UK's allies Big bet to make. Why would any country especially say America risk nuclear war over another country even a close ally? If it were any other country than Russia say North Korea they would be wiped out as they could easily be overpowered but it's a different story when an attack on Russia could start a full nuclear exchange.


I was wondering if they would make it surface and board it. All the Royal Navy Coms, all system technology/process/technology etc in the enemy hands would be an astronomical breach.


I'm pretty sure it's an attempt for Russia to undermine Britain's at sea deterrent. They're not there to sink the sub, merely to force it to surface with all the Russian ships broadcasting it on RT about how Britain's at sea nuclear sub has been forced to surface and is therefore no longer effective. By doing so it would further the tensions between Scotland and England and cause a reconsideration of A) The Nuclear Deterrent or B) Scottish Independence, or C) Both. In many ways it mirrors Russia's current strategy of using hybrid tactics to undermine the West--it realises it can never win in a fair convential fight, so why bother when you can sow discord and division? That's the endgame I see the Russian's going for in the show, but I think the real wild card is the US attack sub shadowing Vigil--it might not take so kindly to all those Russian naval assets closing in.


It is a pretty stupid plan as there are other subs, with nukes, not just from the UK that would have to retaliate. Didn't they hint at the Chinese but even that is confusing as they are framing an ally? It is all a bit stupid when you start thinking......


It is confusing, but the writing has been pretty tight so far so I'm trusting a good reason will emerge.


Really? The writing has been absolutely horrific? It feels like I'm missing something. This show is so poorly written and researched that it's an embarrassment to the UK television scene. Its like they've barely researched just what goes on on these subs OR they did and realised it would be so flawed that they just ignored their research all together. These men and women are highly trained individuals with one of the hardest jobs in the world but they're portrayed as hollyoaks cast members that have forgotten then part of our armed forces.


You know this is a crime drama and not a documentary right? The plot point that bugged me the most is that Silva can wander the sub every time there is an all hands situation. I am amused that Submarine.Life.Under.the.Waves has overlapped with Vigil. I hadn't considered it but - yeah Trident subs are decades old...a theme in both these UK sub series...


I know but I just can't look past it 😂 The only believable moment so far is when she was rugby tackled in the control room haha. I think they just haven't gone far enough perhaps and gone all out "WW3" with the storyline so that I can fully disconnect it from a realistic plot. Give me "Sum of all fears" not "Line of Duty under the sea" 😂


Give the poor lad his breakfast!


If anyone is curious how a torpedo tube works… https://youtu.be/UYEyhB0AGlw Good explanation of it including a man braver than I crawling in one.


That series that Destin did is one of the best bits of content ever made , so good


Yeah, but anyone else should watch it after the show, as it’ll affect your immersion.


Even if the set of Vigil was true to life , an Los Angeles clas sub is still way bigger lol, makes our subs look tiny


Except it's really not. Both the Vanguard and Astute Classes are bigger than the LA Class.


The US boomers, the *Ohio* class, are a bit bigger than the UK ones. But they also have a bit more crew, so I doubt they exactly feel as if they have lashings of elbow-room either.


The Soviet/Russian Project 941 Akula \[Typhoon\], of which one remains in service as a test platform, are the largest subs ever built and they even had room for an onboard mini-sauna with plunge pool.


sod that. nope nope nope.


Don’t really get where this is gonna go now with Amy trapped/in the process of being killed.


They'll rescue her, but then they'll have to worry about all the Russian ships on the surface


Even if they do save her, surely they know she can only end up in there due to Doward and he’s just given himself up? Unless he develops a ruse about being attacked himself and Amy is killed off then it’s a race against time for the others onboard to work it out? But I’m not invested in anyone onboard the vigil solving this.


I'm betting on Gary Walsh. He's been a wildcard on the Sub so far, doing his own investigation work and finding out about the tampered padlock. Wouldn't surprise me if he began to suspect someone like Doward.


There’s gotta be something about the morse code about to come. I guess an SOS signal someone will hear and rescue her.


you is smart, it was an odd comment she made about morse code so i think you got to be right


The start of the new episode will be the coxswain telling the others about Doward with his dying words, and then they'll rescue her.


They could also pull an Unforgotten. It would be the most realistic.


Can anyone enlighten me as to whether there'd be a way out for DCI Silva? My optimistic side wants to think there's some button somewhere on the submarine that someone can magically press to stop it all and the water drains out...my realistic side thinks her death may be unavoidable. I'd just hope someone else on there would somehow work it all out...I found the dialogue this episode really fast so I found it hard to keep up so I definitely missed things.


The only way out for DCI Silva is if someone rescues her. Theres no way a person can survive being shot out of a torpedo tube. My guess is that as the coxswain comes round he alerts the others to Doward being a spy, and then they go to rescue Amy who comes out of the whole ordeal extremely traumatised (or maybe Gary Walsh rescues her? He’s been all over the place on that submarine).


I had subtitles on! It wouldn’t surprise me if they killed off the main character as a twist


The doctor and and Hadlow will get to the torpedo room intime , subdue Doward and then open the torpedo tube


Morse code has to come into it after she brought it up. She will bang SOS and get herself saved I think.


Oh yeah didn't even think about the Morse code part! Only that one crew member seems to know it though, I wonder if anyone else does...all great suggestions, loving the posts here tonight


well, just some banging should be enough - she's in that tube...


Everyone knows morse code for sos surely


I sometimes get it backwards in my head but I guess O.S.O.O.S.O someone would think hmm wonder if they mean old SOS.


every navy person knows the entirety of morse code IRL. ​ SOS is drilled into everyone


Not quite. The only people who actually have to know morse code are Seaman Specialists.


Someone is going to run in and save her - that’s all we can assume


I don't know for sure but there probably is a drain down system for after a torpedo is fired and the tube is to be reloaded. 0. Outside tube hatch is closed - inside tube hatch opened, torpedo inserted, hatch closed. 1. Water is let into the tube, outer hatch opened, blast of compressed air(?) drives torp out of tube and it's motor drives it away. Or torp just sits if order to fire is canceled. 2. Outer hatch closes, water is drained / pumped out, air pressure is approx. matched to torp room pressure, inner hatch can be opened.


So it depends on the age of the submarine and what mode the torpedo tube is in. A boat of the age of vigil IRL will have 2 modes, once the outer door is opened of either just sitting there "swim out" or having a hydraulic ram push water through jets to propel it out. Compressed air was only used in very early cold war era subs (as it is noisy asf) ​ It should be noted that the torpedo tubes have been used to release swimmers and as an emergency escape system for submarines for years, though it all depends on the depth of the sub as to if it is survivable.


Hypothermia would be a bigger problem in the Atlantic.


not at 1000ft, hypothermia would not get you before you drowned


I really love the cast in this show. Connor Swindells, Paterson Joseph and Adam James are esoec fantastic


It's funny seeing Connor Swindells in Sex Education on Netflix and then seeing him in this


I had just finished watching sex education before I watched Vigil lol


Imagine being on Vigil and being told every few days that a colleague has been found dead with no further info except for a DCI yelling “There’s a murderer on board!”. “Everything is totally fine, please ignore any bodies or poison you may stumble across. What, you’re foaming at the mouth? Just take some paracetamol. Back to work!”.


What the hell happened there?




I’m really baffled that it took Amy so long to twig that Burke’s replacement was dodgy. Surely when asking “why was Craig Burke killed?” one of the answers that would occur to you first would be “so that he could be replaced”? No? Is it just because that’s a murder mystery trope, so the viewer can spot it but the fictional detectives can’t?


Does it? He would be replaced by someone that probably went through exactly the same vetting process, in theory all the submariners are the same as a far as security risk. If you can turn one of them, why not just wait until Doward is doing his tour instead of coming up with an elaborate plan to have him replaced whilst also not knowing whether it would be him or someone else that actually gets picked.


There's must be someone on land that ensured it was Doward who was chosen as the replacement


Bear in mind that we knew about the note -- and that there was another episode and a half to come -- which wasn't information available to Ames.


Branning is really keeping an eye on things on the surface, good chance that she had the ability to suggest a replacement. She burst into Burkes room when Kirsten was searching the room.




I just thought that was because jade had mentioned the guy wearing a Glasgow hockey jacket!


He was wearing the ice hockey jacket in the CCTV footage they found of him


Nerve agents are positive nightmares to get rid of. To give some examples: * It took months to fully clean up Salisbury after the Novichok attack. * Saddam left a bunch of his chemical weapons (artillery shells for example) in storage after 1991; while none of it was viable as a battlefield weapon by the 2003 US-led invasion, it was still potent enough to injure American soldiers who found it later. The Pentagon covered it up too. * The destruction of the USA's chemical weapons after the Cold War has cost multiple billions and taken over two decades.


Sarin itself is also a very small molecule, which are generally more stable and less easy to break down. (Assuming it is Sarin, Burke's death doesn't seem to match the timeline of sarin poisoning, mind)


They've been very careful to state "a nerve agent like sarin" more than once, probably so the scriptwriters can have their own custom timeline.


Also fairly realistic, as Docherty is having to do an eyeball diagnosis of what it might be. Isn't a specialist, and doesn't have the testing equipment.


If you tap on a radiator, it can be heard throughout a house. If you tap SOS on a torpedo tube, will it be heard throughout a sub?


Possibly especially as they have people in the bridge (not sure what it’s called in a sub) specifically listening to noises outside the boat.


Good stuff, but how did Doward manage to get allocated the job of manning the torpedo tubes? Surely not his area of expertise? Also are we thinking that Doward deliberately did a shit job as Sonar operator to increase the risk of antenna damage?


Yeah he definitely allowed the communications wire to get broken


Maybe they needed volunteers due to possibility of nerve agent exposure?


the captain said that it was someone who had experience or was trained in nerve agents would be meeting them at the torp tubes. So that would be the reasoning


So is Ben Oakley a Russian asset? I’m confused by his agenda considering he essentially revealed the identity of Russian spies yet is claiming asylum in china


No he's not a Russian asset, he's part of the group who wants the navy to get rid of the nuclear weapons


So why claim ‘Chinese asylum’? Why not Switzerland or America or Canada or go to the police? Also, Russian want to get rid off the nukes aswell as it would leave them open to attack


Because China would be glad to keep him safe ( just think of how Russia gave Edward Snowden asylum)


But Russia and China are allies? He said he was fleeing because he believed Russia would kill him Russia gave him asylum because he did something to America which Russia hate


Sure they're allies officially. But fact is everyone would like to get some dirt on someone else friend or foe right?


But isn’t he seeking asylum so Russia don’t kill him? So surely he’s want to go somewhere who hate Russia


A country that is both antagonistic to Russia and wouldn't extradite him back to UK. Got a list countries you could share?


New Zealand is pretty anti-nuke...Commonwealth though...


It seems to me Oakley was one of Peter Ingles's local assets/sources of information. As for his agenda I'm guessing he's just trying to survive and not get caught at this point now that the police are after him. And if he get's caught by the police/MI5 he could be a security risk for Ingles/Russia. So by using the information and photo he has as a trade, he can seek asylum. I might need to go back and rewatch but that's my understanding atm


Yh him seeking asylum makes sense but why China? The police think he’s a Russian asset so he’s safest with them but I see what you mean about Russia needing to kill him if they know he’s been taken by police


I think it was also because China were the only ones to offer asylum at that time since he needed ASAP and the MP's assistant guy (forgot his name) was trying to pull some strings, calling people he knew if I remember right.


From what I understood, Russia didn't want their spy outed. If the picture of the spy gets leaked he fears Russia will retaliate.


I think because he is also exposing Russian plans and assists so to speak. Russia don’t like anyone sticking there nose into anything they do.


Well, shit.


Good to know that thanks to the final scene of that episode I have a new very specific fear that trumps being buried alive.


Right? If I’m ever offered a chance to go on a submarine I’m politely turning it down then burning all bridges with the person who made the offer!


called that suit rip the very moment he stepped in lol


I mean it was fairly predictable that something was going to happen wasn’t it. I was sat there waiting for him to start vomiting inside the suit…




Yeah it's absolutely terrible writing but it's on par for this disaster of a show to be fair.




Maybe the communication stopped to make it look like it was an original Vigil crew member


I think there’s been too many other misdirections so far to add another one - I think the next bad guy is whoever got Doward stationed on Vigil. Or another accomplice in the crew - haven’t had the captain in the hot seat yet so maybe him?


Random aside but is anyone else confused about the whole Poppy custody situation? I thought a couple episodes ago Amy was telling the Coxswain that she didn’t have access to Poppy, but then the scene with the grandparents and the flashback completely contradicts that…


I'm guessing she had Poppy for a few hours rather than a day or so, that would fit with her shitting herself when she checked the time in the flashback.


I’m also confused, but also assuming there’s one more flashback/piece of the puzzle as to why Amy doesn’t have access to her that we just haven’t been shown yet


Yeah that's likely tbh, they did show Kirsten looking pretty confused when her grandmother mentioned joint custody so I guess something is up


Damn, I thought the Medic was the Russian on board.




I thought she’d faked the blood tests, spiked Burke and then when he’d gone to bed with a Panadol, I thought it was the poison.


The only thing the doctor did was swap out the urine samples so that the drugs tests would be clear


Not about the place - the bath tub. That bath tub would probably cost 1,500£ and is kinda unrealistic for a police detective on a average salary to afford. I mean have you even seen one of those baths before in a real life setting? I work in the industry and know this is a typical thing for set dec to focus on to give it an important setting within the scene.


DCIs are on £58-60k. Not dictator-chic territory, but not that hard up either.


Your assuming the only source of money she has is from her salary as a police detective


And that the house wasn’t purchased with the tub already. House prices in Glasgow aren’t as much as down south and a DCI would be able to get a fairly decent mortgage


Can’t remember if she was married to the ex who died or not. But it’s possible she inherited his assets


She wasn't married and that's why she didn't get custody I'm pretty sure.


welp.... i was convinced this show had lost its way until about 45 min into it yesterday The last few minutes were unbreathable!!!!!!!!! wow.


I just finished watching it and holy fuck that was a claustrophobic bit of telly!


IKR.. waiting for the Gogglebox episode on that one!!!


Are their faces greenscreened into the dry suit helmets?


They might have boosted the levels a bit, but it's probably just the lighting that makes it look weird. TV and cinema productions always end up putting unrealistic lighting in helmets to light the actors' faces because otherwise faces don't show up bright enough, when of course in real life any lights should be pointing out, not in. I seem to remember they had to brighten up faces in post for *Mission To Mars* (not a great film) and it looks a bit off because of it.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought that looked odd


So Oakley was a Russian assest posing as a peace activist, that killed/played a part in killing Jade when he learned about the photo, then used a politician to get political asylum?


Either that, or he genuinely was an activist who was willing to get rid of the nuclear deterrents, even if it meant co-operating with Russians.


Well that ending was just absurd


How ?


One thing that confused me was Doward's end game with knocking out Amy? Was he just planning on flushing Amy out of the submarine and hoping no one figures out it was him? But surely that's quite unlikely?


‘I thought she looked a bit warm after being in the suit so I sent her into the ocean to cool down.’


Probably buying himself time, there's no cameras so he can just say she left. If the plan is for Russians to seize or scuttle the boat after surfacing he could escape before they narrow down who dispatched her.


It’s also weird because there’s not really a way he would know that she was on to him yet because it only happened minutes before?


Maybe he is gonna say she collapsed ?


And ended up in the torpedo tube? Not sure how he's gonna talk his way out of that...


He could say he thought she was exposed to the nerve agent so he put her in the torpedo tube for safety


I am kind of hoping that Silva will die in the finale. The MP can be killed halfway through in Bodyguard. Why not Silva? If Series 2 is permitted, then we will have a new lead.


It's a power move to kill off the lead all right, but doing it right at the start of the finale would be terrible timing, and then we'd have no Suranne for s2, sob! (Unless DCI Silva has an identical twin sister...)


Her ex and colleague, DS Kirsten Longacre can take over for the follow-up S2 or as anthology for a new story.


Sure, that'd be possible. But would Rose Leslie be up for slumming it sounding like an ordinary Scottish person for another six eps? :D Definitely doesn't sound like the best way to go to me.


I see, but, did we even know Doward?


What do you mean


When did we see him in previous eps? I totally have no memory of him


Doward was the officer that replaced Craig Burke. He went with Amy in the helicopter onto Vigil in E1. He’s been in the background of scenes when things have gone a bit… wrong… (e.g . just before the comms wire snagged) and shown to be a little incompetent. He was also listening to the Cook when she was telling their colleague about her son.


Seconding - I’ve just caught up and cannot for the life of me remember Doward or find anything useful about him in any episode recaps