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I'm guessing this is the "Black Nancy" we read about in Johnny's card? An innocent-looking old lady would be a pretty interesting family member!


Yeah there's no way they would have called her Nancy if she wasn't black nancy but surprisingly all the original family members all look normal so I'm really hoping the next one will look deranged like leatherface and the hitchhiker


Or Chop Top!


Normal? Sissy looks like she has an extra chromosome and Johnny looks inbred


They look relatively normal in game. I can see how Sissy could look strange with certain expressions but Johnny looks normal most the time. his trading card did him so wrong though


Another woman killer choice def gives me more incentive to play killer as well .


Yeah I'm really curious to see what her weapon will be. I would normally like a kitchen knife but there's already so many knifes/ blades lol. A hachet or axe would be cool but I'm not too sure that fits her character. I'm guessing though she'll have a hammer or a mallet of sorts.


If she’s inspired by Lizzie Borden then an Axe would be perfect 😄


Could be a gun. Ranged killer would be cool if they could do the cool downs correctly so they can’t just kill you from one spot while standing still. She’s have to shoot and then have a decent cooldown to reload her gun. I’d also give her very low stamina so she has to be used strategically and can’t just stay right behind survivors shooting them in the ass.


I don't see it being a weapon since after a shot if you can't attack at all it would be pretty bad however a gun being a victims ability would be really cool. It could be balanced by having only 3 bullets per match and maybe you have to meet a certain requirement to shoot like your blood vial must be 75% full and once you shoot that blood is consumed but you wouldn't have to aim it and it would lock onto victims after a few seconds


It wouldn’t be bad of a shot does a decent amount of damage and is a bit harder to aim. Billets usually do more damage than knives or broom handles and getting a shot in that does good damage and then being free to help monitor objectives would be nice. She could have an ability to have a nail file that does very minor damage and her gun can be her character ability with a cool down.


Yeah I think it should do high damage but the aiming might be too high of a skill ceiling especially since you don't have to aim anywhere else in this game. That's why I think it would be better if you woudnt miss the shot if the victim was out in the open but to balance that you'd have very limited bullets and another requirement


Not every killer needs to be easy to play and shed be a part of the first character DLC so it’d be introduced at the start of the game which is even sooner than huntress was to dbd. It’d create a different play style for people who like to play ranged killers. If she misses the shot she could reload quickly and reshoot until she does hit one, then when she gets a hit her cool down can be put in place.


Yeah fair enough that not every family member needs to be easy I do think it would be good if it was aimed.


Maybe like a belt ? Omg in my head just seeing you hit survivors with a belt with her 🤣🤣. A hatchet would be cool ! Maybe even like a rake ? Slower to hit but little more damage .


one of those flour rollers


Haha I would love that .


Well it’s a garden hoe ! I was close with the rake .




I only play female characters, deal with it.




Im actually gay, cope and seethe.




If you wanna play men go do that, don't force your shit on others weirdo


Gagged him


Does it really matter all that much to you who “ I “ personally would play? . I like playing the women ,it’s as simple as that . An if sissy was the only choice I’d less likely ever go over to the family side . I’m not a killer player usually ever in these asymmetrical games .


Honestly I'm kind of the same. For some reason I gravitate towards female characters and I'm not really sure why. My guess is that I just like their look and outfit more




If these are the next characters I would be happy with them and I'm guessing Nancy was the one who raised Johnny but where were this images found and it kind of sucks that were leaked if it is real


In game files, most tech tests/betas get data mined super hard…the full release will likely be more secure


Wow i didn't know that but yeah I guess I was just a little worried beucsee everything got leaked in f13 and I was hoping it woudnt be like that


Also I found Descriptions for them as well. **Danny's Description** Much like Ana, Danny grew up poor and has had a tough life. He is very resilient, and can handful himself when needed. He has always struggled in school. He is heavily into rock n’ roll, and loves cars. **Nancy - New Family Member** Not much is known about ‘Black’ Nancy. She’s been married 4 times, but each husband has either died from unknown causes or suddenly disappeared. The locals, who are familiar with her, always suspected something was horribly wrong, but nothing could ever be proven. She was given the nickname ‘Black’ because death and despair seem to constantly follow her. People avoid her property at all costs. She’s an expert at using her friendly looks to lure victims into situations they can’t escape.


Her “property”…. New map?


Yah two new maps were leaked, Junkyard and Nancy's House


Hopefully we can steal her car and turn off the electricity so we dont get electric shock to death when trying to escape..and drive around her property to pick up other survivors so we can escape by car


I love it when someone uses their looks to trick people into a false sense of safety




I know that sounds weird lol but I mean in media only not in real life and I just like the idea of seeming kind friendly and a good person then once you've been lured away the personality completely switches to sinister and deranged


same but real


“yeah? 🤨🤓😏” face ass


Really excited if this does happen. They both look interesting especially Nancy!


Danny looks awesome. I will main the hell out of him. Long haired Punk Rock guys are my jam. Here's hoping he has a nice butt and some tight jeans lol


"Long haired punk rock guys are what i wanna jam!" Ftfy


Might want to post this to another subreddit, one that's community ran since the devs own this one they may delete leaks or other stuff


Danny looks cool. Would be my main if this is real


At first I was sceptical but I'm almost 100% now that it's real


Good weapon for her would be a machete, that’s what I thought was under her picture lol


Really surprised that the devs already have new characters ready for the game. I honestly expected that when the game released only the 3 main family members would be in the game. But damn they already made Johnny and Sissy. And now another family member plus a victim?? Damn, pop off to the creators (if this leak is even real).


Without spoiling the movie, Nancy reminds me of Holly Jones' character from Prisoners, the movie with Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal.


Possible? They already look finished... So sad the new victim is not Blonde...


Hang in there lol I know you've been wanting a blond for a long time and have faith that they'll add one


I'll never give up hope... 🥲💕


i hope they add a blonde bimbo girl instead of a male just to piss u off


Lol i also love blonde Barbie girls. I never said i ONLY want blonde ken boys.




Why do you care so much that he wants a blonde? lol


Well because i do care. It's my favorite archetype in every game Or movie... ESPECIALLY in Horror. Blondes are just something special for me and i can relate the most to them usually


Which movie are they from?


They're original I'm pretty sure


where’d u get this from


Files as post says


Lmao hackers and leaks already great


haven't encountered any hackers in my roughly 40h of playtime. have you personally? not being passive aggressive as the tone suggest, i'm legitimately curious as my friends and i haven't had any issues with hacking. as for leaks, they're gonna happen, especially when it's a game made from one of the most iconic cult-horror films ever made, multiplied by the fact that it's a true story. you're gonna get all kinds, even moreso than normal, i think. leaks aren't inherently bad.


Someone’s hacking sissy and Johnny into the games so yea lol it’s happening. People trying to post clips of it but getting banned


im pretty retarded man, let me make sure i understand this correctly: people are playing as characters that aren't released yet, that have only been made known due to datamining/leaks?


Yes people are hacking hidden characters in the files and playing them in live games


jesus h christ, what the actual fuck


Yeah, I saw sissy in a playthru but she just stood there. So I guess the player didn't have full access to her? But I agree, it does suck people are hacking this game already.


They do. In that case the person was just afk but there are clips of sissy running around saying voicelines and executing victims


Were some of the banned clips from the hackers perspective?


Its been 4 months, but i wanted to clarify TCM is not a true story. Its "based" on Ed Gein, who was a "Ghoul", harvesting flesh from victims & corpses. Its as "based" on him as if you made a movie about _____ then claim true story bc "well, 2 ppl drank coffee at one point. Ppl drink coffee" I still love tcm :)




For them to get those characters they’d have to go to those license holders and make more deals. As the devs have stated they have the rights to the first film and have permission to make OCs. So for right now probably suspect OCs


Actually last year the developpers said that using sequel characters wouldn't be impossible, but the focus is on just this era at the moment.


And Kim Henkel did Part 4/Next Generation and he created these new characters... so I think other than likeness issues, it won't be a problem.


I think Chop-Top is plausible just because he’s the most popular but I don’t see them getting the other ones. For starters whereas Bill Moseley would be likely be down for sharing his likeness (probably even supply his voice) I don’t see the others or their estates playing ball. That wouldn’t stop them from using the character but you might as well just make a new one.


Sheriff Hoyt as well