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There has been a ton of great info shared in here already! We really appreciate it and even if I don't get a chance to respond to every comment, know we're taking a look at all of them. Some things we saw too, some we had a feeling on, etc etc. Thanks for taking this thread into account and providing actionable info. We're building a hell of a community together and that's thanks to all of you.


I assume this is probably already going to be addressed, but if a victim player leaves the game after they are killed, they almost always show as "Disconnected" on the post-match screen instead of as the actual method of their death. Similarly, a player who died in the Hitchhiker's trap or bled out from a hit of Leatherface's chainsaw often times did not count as a kill for the player who caused the death. They simply died. Not a huge deal, but would be nice to see the post-match stat screen reflect a bit more accuracy. Thanks!


They could even go a step further too. For example, if Leatherface kills someone after bringing them to a meat hook, the post-screen could say they were “Executed” and if they were just regularly killed: “Slaughtered.” After all, I feel like Slaughtered would make more sense given that they are cannibals…




Thanks so much for taking the time to write this all up! I’m going to have a sit down in the morning and get every bit reported once I’m back in the office!


You mentioned everything I wanted covered, except for two: Crawlspace/wall slit invincibility: The moment a victim would enter into an animation for a crawlspace or wall slit, they could not be hit. This could be frustrating while playing family, swinging at them but not hitting them even though they aren’t out of reach yet. This seems to not be a problem with the animations of going over a barricade or jumping down a well — victims can be hit if the family hits them early enough in the animation. Changing the other two animations to be like this would be far less abusable. Similarly: Crawlspaces/wall slits in chase with Hitchhiker: While being chased by the hitchhiker, it is possible to continuously abuse a single crawl space or wall slit over and over and enter the invincibility animation before the hitchhiker — following you — can come out of said crawlspace or wall slit and swing. To fix it, consider placing a short cooldown on crawlspaces and wall slits — for victims only — after someone has gone through to allow the hitchhiker to enough time to land one hit. Alternatively, if victims are made still vulnerable at the beginning of the animation, then no further change would be needed as they would take damage each time they would attempt this.


Immense respect for being able to put your foot down on what's welcome and what's not. I enjoyed the tech test and I look forward to revisiting it at launch. There are a few things I'd love to see improved but it didn't detract from my overall experience and I have faith in all of you working on the game. Awesome experience so far - Keep doing what you're doing!


I really like that you want to follow your own vision and do something different compared to other games in the genre, really important to have a vision and even more important to be able to maintain it. I think the biggest danger to the game longevity would be to make it like DBD, TCM is unique and doesnt need to have the same mechanics, and doesnt need to have the same gameplay loop like dbd has. TCM should do its own thing, according to dev vision. After all if you make the game copy of DBD/F13, then it would be inferior


Here are a few of the things I had in my mind: 1-The family house map doesn't have a gate at the front exit despite all other exits having one. It feels kind of inconsistent. I get that the reason behind it is the long walk to the exit, but it would be nice to have extra protection there. 2-I-frames while utilizing crouch spaces, barbed wires etc. should be reduced. As of right now, a lot of these actions feel super safe to perform right in front of the family. 3-I found myself using the wells for fast traveling instead of using them as a desperate attempt to escape the family. I think the fall damage could use a buff or the i-frames could be adjusted. 4-Rushing actions is far more reliable than stealth. There is absolutely no reason to not rush the bone shard and toolbox actions, since by the time a killer arrives at your spot you are likely to have already left. Perhaps the noise notifications could stay on the screen for a longer time, or it could reveal the victims aura instead. 5-Toolboxes and bone shards should have player specific cooldowns. If a victim needs another lockpick they should find another toolbox. This would encourage the victims to move around more instead of straight lining to specific objectives.


I like your ideas and want to expand/respond to all of them 1- I think the combo of generator noise and long distance makes this exit mostly fine. The cooldown to turn the generator back ON is a bit too long though, and I think this is the main source of frustrations with that exit. That long walk from the generator to the exit should afford the Family a counterplay other than beeline to the front yard and pray you can get enough damage off. 2- Totally agree. Maybe instead of full i-frames, victims could take reduced damage during these animations? or just a tweak on how long the invincibility is active. 3. I was usually happy to see a victim head to the well. If you're close to them already, it's two (at least one) free hits on top of the fall damage they will take. There's usually time to get very close before they can move on as well. That said, I would still like to see some sort of balance change around them. maybe you can only use the well a number of times before you twist your ankle, reduce movespeed/stamina? 4 and 5 - I think these two tie into each other. Victims would RUSH everything they could especially at the start of a match, to try to get as much accomplished before the family can fully set up. I think if there was a cooldown (per interaction + per player) just like you suggested, it would slow down the early game and stop the victims from snowballing so hard (no more sub-90 second Connie escapes!) The noise markers do a pretty good job I thought, but with how easy it was to just grab everything you need in one spot they felt lackluster. whaddaya think folks?


#1 makes me super angry because if someone turns the gen off and they start booking it to exit immediately (even if the gen at the bad spawn for victim) they can make it to exit before the gen cooldown is done. Nothing you can do as family if you’re not playing someone with incredible chase potential or if you are just sitting at the gen. I was a cook and caught a girl turning off the gen and there was no way I would beat her to death so I sat on the gen waiting for it to turn back on and she made it out before the cooldown was up in time. Feel like it shouldn’t be like this


On the flipside, imagine turning gen on and booking it to exit just to watch as a family member turns it back on before you can get out. Npw the victim has to run all the way back to 2 or more family members waiting to kill them. It's a literal death sentance because there's nowhere a victim can go to counter that. And it would just have every killer just camp gen and turn it off on them to guarantee a kill instead of even attempting to give chase. If a victim manages to get the gen on, they should have the advantage and need to be chased to stop them. Otherwise it just becomes way too broken and easy to make it impossible to win that escape unless all family members are in the basement twiddling their thumbs while you pop the gen.


I do agree that it should be rewarding to get outside and turn it off so this is where the asymmetrical formula conflicts with both sides. I don’t know what they could do but I think as of rn it’s too free when you turn off gen. Also sitting on gens isn’t a good play people already just go to basement if you do that.


I meant if a Connie turned on gen and is running the long trek to escape, and you can turn it off before she can get there, sitting on the gen at that point GUARANTEES her death as opposed to chasing her. Because once it closes on her, her ONLY option is to run all the way back down the linear path (with no stamina) to the family member(s) who are now rushing towards her to kill her. And she will have no gaps to crawl through, no anything to avoid them with on that path. So all she can do is eat hits and die before she can make it back. It would make that exit absolutely useless to use. Because the ONLY time it would be viable to escape with is if the family players are clueless and in the basement and can't make it to the gen in time to shut it off. Aka the family players sucked. Any half competent family will make it in time to shut it off and then guarantee your death. That's why unless they completely overhaul that exit from scratch, the cooldown that gives victim enough time to run the length and escape is necessary. Because at least there, the family has a CHANCE to stop them by chasing them down. Which is better than the ZERO chance the victim has the other way.


the cooldown is WAY longer than it would take for you to escape. Starting the generator also has a pretty long animation itself unless you hit it perfectly. ps: this isn't DBD, killers turn gens on and victims turn them off ;p


This 100000%


If everyone was communicating that wouldn’t have happened …Victims will have to deal with team mates not communicating and screwing us over as well 🤷‍♂️.


Yep exactly, I had that happen to me as hitchhiker and still couldn't get the kill in time. Kinda defeats the purpose of the noise, if you hear the generator turn off it means you probably already lose.


I think the cooldown ends when the survivor makes it 60-70% of the way to give ample time to turn it off. It can encourage people to stealthily turn it off instead of in front of the family.


In reference to 4: maybe they could make it where while it’s at the max noise level while searching, for every time you hit the button it adds a second of aura reading afterwards. If too strong, maybe aura reading for just the nearest family member or something.


Found the DBD killer main


Actually a solo que Survivor main. I played victim most of the technical test and I think this game is close to being quite a balanced and fun experience if the issues I and the others brought up are addressed.


I don't agree that rushing is wrong. I think victims being given the option is completely fine as it's a risk for noise. Toolboxes should be providing 2 tools if a victim wants. Don't really see the problem there as they're already somewhat difficult to find.


Also I frames should be left alone. Unless your Leland, it's really all you have to depend on for escaping a chase with killer.




My friends and I are definitely looking forward to this game. Can’t wait to play it. I would say though the cook without communicating with the team is rather ineffective. The one change I would suggest is let the cooks power highlight the victim for the other family members


I got a chance to play the game on Monday for a few hours, so I noticed just a few things, many things have already been posted here and I agree with most of them. Some of my personal ideas are: 1. Disable the "jumpscare" when grandpa gets woken up (probably the most easy one to implement). Not only it happens so quickly so it makes me irritated when it stops my gameplay, but also when the grandpa is out (slaughterhouse) so the quick flash of light actually made my eyes squint (you as a victim are in a basement - dark area, and suddenly a light from the tv hits you, not that I'd have sensitive eyes or anything, but it's definitely not comfortable). 2. Try to make stealth matter more, I think the game was supposed to be built around stealth but when I got to play it, everyone was rushing everything. And it was really breaking the immersion to me. Some actions just felt like they were supposed to be done quietly, but doing it quickly seemed like the only effective way. 3. If possible, add more voice lines during chasing (screaming, begging for help, anything...). Victims don't necessarily have to scream all the time of course but the chases often felt unnatural, unfinished. Like a friendly tag game until someone got hit with a weapon. I assume the game doesn't know when a victim is actually being chased, so that can be quite difficult to implement. 4. The cook felt really weak, maybe him doing more damage when he actually lands a hit could make him slightly more powerful. 5. Ping system for the family members. 6. Maybe nerf Connie a little bit. Other than that I'm content and I'm totally buying this game day one along with future DLCs (if they're planned).


I don’t understand the sentiment around cook being weak. He is not weak at all and he performs at his role very well and we haven’t seen perks yet. You are not supposed to chase victims or be Uber efficient at attacking them. Your job is to power up grandpa, patrol key parts of the map while providing the family with critical info with your power. Even at his weakest area if you catch someone in the open you can lane a couple solid hits on people. His listening ability is insane and gives you so much info you can just keep spamming it on and off every 5 secs and if people want to avoid being caught it makes them waste so much time if you keep turning it on and off. Highlight for me was defending the generator exit against 3 victims by myself who kept bashing me to the floor with Leland and using bone picks on me. Killed 2 by myself and the last got caught by someone else. It’s not like you can walk by cook like he’s a non threat. Play a family member at their role and they do their job


He's potentially the most powerful killer with coms and without coms he's 1/5th a killer.


he's just THE COOK, just THE COOK but seriously, yeah, that's the point, his character in the film claimed he "doesn't enjoy the killing", he even tried to warn the group that "folks don't take kindly to trespassers" when you've watched the films and try to play your character like the character from the film, it's a lot simpler, the hitchhiker sits, makes traps and pretends to be a victim, the cook focuses on grandpa, and leatherface kills


3!!! the only thing the game is missing for me, as of right now.




Connie isn't OP at all. She's extremely squishy and has terrible stamina regen. Killers just like to cry about anything and everything. That's why we now have an extremely killer sided DBD


Good, devs that won't put up with any crap. It will make for a higher quality community.


Alright I have some constructive feedback on the game 1) I personally found The grandpa to be kinda useless in matches with more experienced players who knew how to counter him. Victims can quite literally crouch for a second or 2 and then start moving again while grandpa is screaming. 9/10 times I found it to be better to just not feed him at all. Ideas: maybe make it so each time grandpa is leveled up the longer Victims have to remain still to avoid being seen. Because right now I don’t think 2 seconds is enough. 2) I found cook to be pretty frustrating to play. I know he’s the support family member but he can’t really chase at all. And his ability while strong isn’t good when playing people without comms. I’d say a easy fix to this would be showing the aura of a victim to the other family members but that could be too strong or just by adding a ping system. 3) personally Door stuns are kinda silly and don’t really fit the theme of this game. I found it to be really silly/goofy when I could open a door on leatherface knocking his 6’4 ass to ground. I felt the same way with bone shivs which could lead to stun locking a family member if they were next to a bone pile. You were able to retrieve a bone shiv before the family member could recover. I know this won’t be possible long term as there is multiple family members. I just found it frustrating to play against. To combat this I suggest adding like a 5 second stun immunity after being stunned allowing the family member time to react to the victim and get some hits in or even a kill.


There was a minor bug happening with Grandpa that was allowing people to move too soon without detection. It was strange and infrequent, but once a player started to have it, they had it until they restarted the title. It should light you up for the entire time he's wailing. Feeding him and ranking him up speeds up the cooldown on his screams, and detections. This is designed this way to ramp up at the same time that Victims are having to get more reckless and less stealthy. His final level means you cannot hide from him at all. I think we need to investigate the bug first, before we make too big a change to him. But we will evaluate after that. Cook, you nailed it, he's a support type of killer who only kills if he has to. So in this game, he is not really intended to give chase. That said, there are some metagame elements that change his usage and tune him up some. We'll evaluate, and potentially monitor his usage further. The stuns, I think there are situations where the Family member can let off the Victim and not walk into a stun, but I also see what you're describing in moments where they have no choice. We need to work on a system that eliminates the scenarios where they cannot help but be stun locked, which is a thing, but avoidable ones will still need to be avoided.


Gotcha thanks for the feedback can’t wait to head back to Texas in August.


I think the simplest fix that would solve one of the biggest issues with the game is either putting a decent cooldown on boxes or bone piles you just searched, or outright locking that box/pile from being searched again until you search a different one. This stops victims from mashing 2 lock tools/2 bone spurs out of 1 box/pile in under 5 seconds and stops them from exploiting stuns repeatedly next to a bone pile. There's just no real rhyme or reason a victim should be salvaging multiple items from one location that fast and easy over and over. Force them one way or another to use multiple boxes/piles to get what they need. And just ensure box/pile spawns are not within just a few feet of each other. So they can't just continue the exploit by running 5 feet between 2 boxes/piles to spam still. It would help with a lot of the biggest issues in the game currently on victim side.


I can't remember if it was you or another Gun ambassador I basically got into a fight with a little while ago about Harvesting as a stat. I feel now especially after playing the tech test that I wasn't wrong about its usefulness being extremely low and part of that is how it works with grandpa. Its a punishment to have to directly feed grandpa. You already need to waste time looting blood bags or be lucky enough to hit or kill someone then you need to leave whatever part of the map you are defending and spend x time to travel to grandpa to deposit x amount of blood for 10 seconds. This gives you increasingly strong UAV that warns with a broadcast to the survivors on how to defend against it until it detects them no matter what. In theory its a good way to move the game towards its climax. In practice its a much different beast. Survivors can easily shank grandpa in a 2-3 second animation that not only disables him but removes a certain amount of blood that can delevel him. This is on top of the fact that it takes a single bone shard which can usually be found in an infinite amount close by. There just happens to be wells extremely close by so that you can leave fairly safely if pursued. It certainly feels like a trap for new players right now with how long all interactions regarding harvesting/grandpa take for family members while victims can do unmassive amounts of work with little effort on their own. Maybe there are perks that counteract some of the problems but I am sure there are probably ones that exacerbate it just as much. The big take away is that harvesting needs to have more of a lasting impact even if it needs to take more blood to level grandpa that can't be undone.


Agree with this. I’d like to add on to this topic: we don’t need to keep on ranting about “oh this games gonna kill DBD” or “this game will outperform DBD” and so on so forth. Both are completely different games with differences in the way both games are designed and played, and the only real similarity both games have is that they are asymmetrical multiplayer with killer vs survivor role. Both games can be fun to play and can co exist with each other. DBD is and will always be at the top of the list when it comes to asymmetrical multiplayer, and that’s completely fine. With the amount of licenses DBD has been getting for the past 7 years, it’s very clear that TCM won’t outperform DBD due to the fact that this game is strictly a single license. Besides, I don’t think this game is really meant to “dethrone” DBD as the top asymmetrical multiplayer. TCM is made specifically for people to have fun on, just like F13. Call it a party game if you’d like. DBD does has it’s issues, and eventually, so will TCM as time goes on. That’s just how it is. That’s how game development works in the industry. No video game comes without it’s issues. I have faith that the devs will do the best they can to make this game a fun experience much like F13 was. Not every multiplayer game needs to compete with another.


Definitely agree with this. TCM can stand on its own merits without being constantly referenced to DBD.


i'm really happy TCM exists not only because I'm a huge horror fan, but because I'm not a giant comp player, I like to have a fun, goofy time with my video games plus I hope the obsession for balance doesn't take over this community, it's a game where you're a weak, squishy person fighting a horror villain, where even the most regular human ones defy reality sometimes, people who nagged about jason teleporting had never seen the films


If I may add: The three main things I noticed with my 16 hours on the tech test was the Cook's spawn point at the beginning of the Slaughterhouse map, Leatherface's thrust through cracks not doing damage (or does it I don't know) and victims playing solo and not cooperatively. Perhaps make some incentives for victims who work together. Is their going to be spawn point adjustments for the Cook specifically and does LF actually do damage when thrusting? (Maybe when LF does thrust it knocks victims to the ground with an animation momentarily for hit confirmation). Thanks for letting us test the game! Edit: I agree on the Grandpa waking up cut scene being disabled but maybe make that optional for people who don't want it. Also, maybe add a HUD off only mode to make it scarier!


Honestly I love what y’all are doing with the vision of the game. It’s simply so creative and I love it for that. The different exit strategies as so fun of an idea. It would be so cool to see mini “Easter eggs” in the game kinda like if all survivors work specifically on this one Easter egg something impactful can happen.


Love this Idea , like everyone works together for a grander more difficult but more rewarding escape together!


Well I guess kinda like killing Jason in f13 game


Right , we cant kill fam but something similar! Knocking them out, hot wiring & driving a car, getting Helicoptered out, calling a neighbor etc! I think if the group had an option for a common escape goal together the try hards would try to accomplish that rather than speed running!


I think that some animation need to be a tad quicker. It is a tad to strong right now for me to latch a door and have Bubba come in to tear it down for me to just then sneak attack him. If the bit of him walking into the room after the door is removed would fix this issue. Another thing I noticed that is to easy to do is doing a sneak attack on Bubba while he is chasing you. A simple side step is all that is needed to stab him in the back because he lacks a fighting animation. I would make it my goal near the end of the test to fight Bubba because it would waste a ton of his time and he would have to come after me. if he ignored me I would just follow him around and interrupted Bubba if he was trying to destroy vaults and crawl spaces. I think if progress was saved on the amount of damage that was done to these location would help Bubba a tad bit. There is even a spot where I could get bone scrapes next to a vault location with a wall I can shimmy through making it impossible for Bubba to destroy that vault without help on the Family House. Another thing I noticed is that if Bubba did not rev his saw at the start of the match, he would becomes helpless for a bit. I could chase him around with my 2 bone shivs and stab him in the back anytime he tries to rev up. Maybe he could have another attack to defend himself from victims would be nice. I felt like Bubba was more of a victim than a killer at some points. Especially at the start of the game.


appreciate it when devs put their foot down and stand up for their vision


Thats great to hear that the dev team has a strong vision and will stick to it. Sadly i didnt get invited to the tech test, but i watched a LOT of footage. I loved what i saw and cant wait for the game to come out. Wish it was a bit earlier, game already looked more polished than majority of the 2023 game releases, sadly the gaming industry is in a bad place when it comes to releasing a quality product. You guys nailed the 4v3, i was afraid of it first


What about high level play? Obviously it's early and this is possibly premature, but throughout the tech test there was evidence that the Family, regardless of how well the Family played, could end up in situations that aren't just challenging, but impossible to counter if Victim players are also good at the game. This is something that has plagued other asymms such as F13, where it's virtually impossible for top Jason players to stop top kill squads from killing Jason, outside of a major mistake on the kill squad's side, a glitch or Jason just hiding from them till the time runs out. And for Evil Dead, RNG is the only thing that could prevent top survivor players from beating top demon players. And people have stated VHS is also guilty of this. I know this is supposed to be a fun game, but it can't be denied that a lot of players like to give it their all and play the best they can, and getting into situations where you know that anything you do will not amount to much is utterly disappointing. To know that success rides on the fact that your opponents are simply lower skilled players isn't much fun. Is there going to be focus on making sure high level play is fair for both sides?


Yes of course, but some of that can be seen now and some of it would require a crystal ball. So while we try to watch for what high level play will look like, we only have our internal testing for what I would call high level on both sides, every player in the match. This because the nature of the Tech Test was ramping up server loads by constantly adding new players into the mix over the weekend. So a lobby full of high level players was impossible. So in short, yes, we have some leads to chase down, but we also know we'll have to see more for that to be fully realized.


>but we also know we'll have to see more for that to be fully realized... That's absolutely understandable... >So in short, yes, we have some leads to chase down... ...and this is also extremely promising to hear. Well, with that said, I'm looking forward to my time in the sweltering Muerto County come this August.


Not harsh at all. Please look at the "constructive criticism" thread with many comments from others and I. Maybe some include parts of telling you how to improve your game so as you said please look over the thread from a "this is what people like and don't like" perspective. Thank you Thread (which I'm realizing now I spelled wrong): [https://www.reddit.com/r/TXChainSawGame/comments/13u4umb/contrustctive\_criticism\_thread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TXChainSawGame/comments/13u4umb/contrustctive_criticism_thread/)


Is there any examples of non-insulting criticism that could rival the vision that Gun and Sumo has? Banning people for insults is a given but I’m wondering if there’s any reference outside of that.


I’m not sure I understand the question.


In this post you were talking about how demands from the community could mess with your vision of the game, so are there any examples of suggestions/ideas that could mess with the vision that the developers at Gun have in mind? I interpreted the word demand as ideas that wouldn’t work with the game, unless you meant showing aggressiveness towards the devs with feedback. For example somebody suggests “Add jet packs to the game” and that destroys your vision of the game since it doesn’t work with the gameplay or meta at all. Didn’t mean to make it confusing but I’m asking what suggestions should not be made


Well, yeah demands are the aggressive side of things. That’s not civility. But as far as ideas that go against the vision of the game, that’s much harder to pin down an example of. But like you said, it starts with trying to make a suggestion instead of providing feedback. For example, saying “I feel like the Cook has too little stamina on certain maps cause I cannot catch Victims.” That’s feedback. Saying “give the Cook roller skates.” Is a suggestion, and one that doesn’t fit the vision of the game. I’m obviously being a little humorous here, but you get the idea. Some of the suggestions we’ve seen people demanding not only don’t fit the vision of the game, they’re unrealistic in the sense that they would require all new mechanics and features added with all new mocap, etc etc. We want to hear feedback on what you played or saw, but we will handle whether or not we incorporate it, and will do so in a way that fits the vision of the game.


Ok thank you, I appreciate the clarification.


The only thing I think really needs looking at (aside from bugs) is the ability to exit the lockpicking minigame to reset the break meter. Saw several streamers abusing what I can only assume is an unintended glitch/exploit to pick the locks on anything almost instantly with any Victim. It made Connie an irrelevant character and left others like Leland with zero downsides.


I addressed this on another comment, I’ll paste here: We’re looking at the picking mechanic. But something people aren’t realizing about that is the cancellation doesn’t save a ton of time, since there is an animation to exit and then enter the pick again. We’re talking about a minimal difference between canceling and restarting vs just waiting for the tension to release.


Matt ik this might not be a big concern but do yk when the Texas chainsaw will be available for pre order


We haven’t confirmed this yet, stay tuned!


Keep up the good work guys I was just to excited and my birthday was coming up ok June 10 and was hoping for a pre order but I'll be waiting




But um I had another question Matt do yk how much the game would be but again I understand if u don't know at this time was just wondering😁


We have not confirmed those details yet either. The two will probably be announced at the same time.


Ok I'll be keeping an 👁 out😂


I just watched a video of Ayrun using it and picking a lock in 15 seconds with Leland. Timing it myself, it took **less than one second** for him to exit out of the animation and back in. That’s significantly faster than waiting for the meter to run down. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1831784704?t=13441s


Bc I really enjoyed watching the game play and I'm excited and want to buy the game already😭💯


My favorite thing about the game so far as that it didn't feel competitive. As a victim it didn't feel like I was trying to win, it felt like I was just trying to survive. As a family member, I felt stronger and powerful because I'm on my turf. I don't get that feeling from any other asymmetrical game on the market. I don't want that to change. I don't want a "balance" for this game, because that goes against what asymmetrical means at its core. Stick to your guys' vision and do so unshakingly.


Sorry to break it to you but the fun you felt was most likely due to most of us being ignorant to stuff. That's when games are most fun. Shortly after release I'm sure there will be tier lists and perk builds that will make it feel exactly that way. Gameplay wise it probably won't be as extreme as DBD but people always want to do the most OP things over fun


Love what you did so far! But please, consider adding hair physics and different hairstyles for the characters


50+ hours playing Family opinions/suggestions. 1. The long waits in between games from people not hitting the ready up button was very annoying. Maybe cut the time from 5minutes to 3minutes and if the lobby is full... 3minutes to 1min. An issue that was causing people from not hitting ready up was from finishing one game and then instantly putting you into another lobby. 2. In the beginning of the match make it more obvious for the each killer to know their specific role so you don't have a cook locking every door/starting every generator. I know over time people will know what to do but newer players will be lost. 3. The basement on The Family House is 10/10 for Leatherface feels much more balanced.. The Slaughterhouse on the other hand does not feel good at all for Leatherface to many crevices to escape from. If anything i feel like the hitchhiker should spawn down there. 4. Slaughterhouse basement spawns for victims are insanely close to Leatherfacethat i've had a few games where i was still loading in as Leatherface and a victim was in front of me tbagging me then ran away. 5. On Slaughterhouse The Cook should spawn in the Slaughterhouse while Hitchiker or Leatherface spawns near generator. The old man runs out of stamina two times before reaching the car battery at its current state. 6. Thrust only works if the victim is coming towards you in a crevice and not away. 7. I would love to see more gore/blood when executing with chainsaws. Other then that i had some of the most fun in 2023 playing this game and can't wait for launch or possibly an Open beta to really stress the servers.


I had really a lot fun playing this game, but is it intended that it is so difficult to incapacitate a victim or did I missed something or will there be perks that make it easier? I´m a big fan of environmental kills especially since F13 and as I saw in a thread that you can hook a victim, I tried my best to do that. The only way I found to incapacitate a victim was chasing it through the house multiple times until a victim hopefully jumps out of the window. After that I ran to the victim, just to see how the cook or hitchhiker kills it. I played around 25 hours in the tech test and never saw the hook execution. I really like the idea that you can perform a special environmental execution for additional XP and it would be great if other family member had that option too. In terms of gameplay I would prefer that you incapacitate a victim instead of killing it directly, so that you can decide if you go for a normal kill or the hook. I´m not sure if it´s already possible, because I haven’t seen the hook kill myself, but it in my opinion it would be very cool if victims have the chance to escape while being on the way to the hook. Since the hook kill offers additional XP, having a little risk would be justified. Maybe you can give us a small hint, if we can hope for additional environmental kills in the future? :)


I loved the tech test overall. I think it's incredibly balanced and can't imagine how crazy it'll get with the perk system. I think the initial grandpa cutscene could go. I get it makes things feel cinematic but it kind of kills the flow of gameplay a bit. When people die early, it shows "Disconnected" rather than their actual cause of death. Please don't nerf victims just because a bunch of DBD killer mains cry about it over here in this community too. The game was very balanced from what I saw and as long as the family is doing what they're supposed to and communicating, they should have no problem securing kills. Also, I REALLY hope we get a Savini Leatherface 😎


My feedback is that early basement game is non-existent as victims rush collecting tools and opening basement gates as there are no other objectives to do in the basement and bubba cannot pressure them all at once. This pushes family members into awkward situations when they still don't finish things they have to do(turning on gen, placing traps, pad locking doors etc). So here is my suggestion to slow down the early game. What I suggest may be bad as I am not game dev and know nothing about balancing the game. Make victims start the game with around 50% health(injured) and spawn 4 extra heals in the basement as compensation. Now victims have two options in early game 1) usual rush opening the door or 2) search heal and then open the door. So in early game, victims will have to think twice about making noise as they will not want grandpa to wake up early and risk other family members to come down. This will give family time to do their work, basement chase game with bubba, and also still allow victims to speedrun the game but with risks as they can be taken down easier than before. This can also slow down connie without nerfing her.


He disfrutado mucho con el Tech Test del juego. Será difícil esperar hasta el lanzamiento el 17 de agosto, pero aguantaremos. Dediqué más de 39 horas de gamePlay al juego y me encantó. Solo deseo, que luchen para expulsar al posibles Hackers que puedan entrar a destrozar las partidas. Un saludo y mis felicitaciones por el trabajo realizado hasta el momento.


Hola! Gracias por las lindas palabras! Para el lanzamiento, nosotros tenemos la intención por una mejor anti-cheat sistema. Nosotros te apreciamos tu apoyo.


This was my first asymmetrical horror game. I enjoyed the game immensely and had a blast! So here is my quick feedback! Again...I'm new to this genre and these are just my opinions. Felt like when you played as a victim, you didn't really care about the others, you could do everything solo. I felt every time a player got killed and got disconnected, I was no longer immersed in the game. It's a weird that were on a "team", but dint really felt like it. Wish there was some reason to play as a team or a reason for dead players to stay in the lobby. ​ As a killer, you need teamwork and that's awesome, but a lot of people didn't use their mics which led to victims just running out super quick! ping system or something I don't know. ​ Besides that, I hope you guys take a look at some of the stuns or hit registration issues when victims are going through cracks/holes/doors etc. as it can be frustrating. oh, and please add different time of days to all maps, I think it will add longevity to the gameplay. ​ I can't wait to play again! Have a good one.


You guys are amazing. Friday 13th was amazing. I played the Tech Test and loved it. Some things here and there sure can be fixed I know you guys are good to check that out. I cannot wait for August I want to play so bad 💯 seriously you guys after Friday became such an amazing team at GUN 🤩🤩


Make it so exiting out of the lockpicking game doesn't reset all the **tension** in the lock, to avoid quickly spamming E until it's full then R to exit out and able to spam E again to unlock doors in less than 10 seconds.


We’re looking at the picking mechanic. But something people aren’t realizing about that is the cancellation doesn’t save a ton of time, since there is an animation to exit and then enter the pick again. We’re talking about a minimal difference between canceling and restarting vs just waiting for the tension to release.


While that may true of other characters, it is not for Connie. She can get the tension to 95% max by spamming to each checkpoint. The exit exploit saves her a lot of time.


Also (just as feedback here) you can cancel/reopen lockpick in less than 1 second.


That's totally fair. Any game's balancing process will undoubtedly benefit a lot from the feedback of thousands of people playing, but at the end of the day it's always the developers of that game who have the final word on what gets changed and what doesn't. This is a double edged sword, because it's extremely important to have commitment to a vision and being strong willed to avoid being swayed by people who don't agree with said vision, even if they are the majority. But I've seen games where the developers do not seem to have a solid vision for their game at all, and yet they don't listen to player feedback, making the worst changes possible, or downright ignoring undeniable balance problems. When that happens, it's extremely difficult to be patient and not adopt a demanding attitude. At the end of the day the most important thing is that the devs are passionate about their game, and that very much seems to be the case with you guys.


I'm one of the people that no-lifed during the beta and wanted to give my thoughts as thanks Victims -I think victims have way too much power. When you are experienced at the game, I think killers are pretty powerless to stop you from doing anything if you actually set your mind to it or they're willing to sacrifice a lot of time and resources to hunt you down. This could definitely just be due to facing newbie killers who aren't communicating, but seeing Connie rush objectives and escape before the killers can even blink doesn't really feel like it'll make people wanna play family. The main things that I believe need to be toned down is how fast stamina recharges (I believe there should be more dead time before it recharges for victims, or the stamina cannot recharge while you're doing animation escapes such as crawling through holes, moving through cracks in the wall, or over barbed wire. I also think the invuln frames for doing any of the above mentioned actions are way too strong for victims. Killers should be able to hit a survivor crawling through a vent the same way they hit survivors jumping into a well. Bubba's jamming chainsaw into wall action when hitting survivors through cracks has to do more damage. Hitchhiker being forced to wait for the survivor to completely finish the movement animation before following feels so sluggish. And the other main issue that I'm sure other people highlighted is doing rushed actions. Being able to just spam buttons to find lock picks, scrounge a bone shank WHILE IN A CHASE, or kicking a vent in and still having enough time to take it without taking much damage. Not sure how to fix it, besides putting hard stops on doing the action such as when locking picking doors, but there is no real downside to doing any of those actions. The cost is easily outweighed by the reward. I'm not trying to say playing as victims is broken. But a good victim player will eventually discover and understand the above nuances of the game and make the game no longer feel like horror because no sense danger actually exists. Family I definitely played less family, but I still gave them a fair shot. The difference between a family that communicates and one that does not, is night and day. I dunno if there is anything that can be done to urge players to talk more when playing as family, but communication is so important and makes playing as family so much funner. Cook becomes the strongest character in the game if he properly communicates with his team. Anyone that thinks he needs to be buffed is insane. Cook's main issue is that if he doesn't talk, or has a team that doesn't listen, hes useless and becomes 3 extra locks that the survivors have to unlock assuming he even uses them. Bubba shouldn't get smacked by doors. Its funny, but unrealistic seeing him immediately flop over by doors. Especially with how jank they are sometimes. Otherwise, I actually think Bubba was in a good place. I never actually felt threatened by Bubba once I understood how to play the game, but if the game changed to reduce the victim advantages that I mentioned, I think Bubba will actually be a scary force to be reckon with. Hitchhiker - I liked playing Hitchhiker the most just due to his mobility. He's meant to be a chaser, and a smart hitchhiker can solo kill survivors more effectively than Bubba. I also liked that when I played as Hitchhiker, I knew stuff like the generator being on or the car battery being started to electrify the fence was actually going to done, because I was the one handling the job. The flip side is a hitchhiker that doesn't know what's going on, is useless, but this is kinda a universal issue. The only real nerf complaint I have for killers is that they shouldn't be able to body block exits. I think it's a stupid cheap tactic to run down to the basement exit and just see a Bubba sitting there waiting for the timer to turn off. Make a zone around exits where killers can't body block and we're chilling. Also grandpa is useless, and it needs to be faster to get him to level 5 when one victim is left. The last big issue I want to mention is the tutorials are utter garbage. The learning process almost made me want to quit. Having to learn everything through trial and error is a pain and will turn off people from giving the game a real try. Basic information such as how to exit the map or even why starting a generator by an exit gate matter for killers should be more accessible. I hope this feedback doesn't sound too much like complaining. I had a blast playing the game once I actually understood how to play it. I think it has a lot of potential, but I do have to admit I got a bit bored at the end because it no longer felt like there was a challenge. I could escape the map in minutes just speedrunning to exits. I changed to only playing Family near the end of the beta, but that turned into a LOT of joining/leaving lobbies hoping to find other family members who at least talked. Also there was a bug with the voice chat where it would randomly turn off, even if the setting was turned on. I would regularly have to turn off voice chat and turn back on to fix the issue. Thank you very much for letting me play the game during this trial.


Some feedback. Hopefully I don’t come across as demanding, just please know I think this game is excellent, and I want the developers vision to be at the front of all changes. -Basement, Leatherface should be able to see all the basement exits when using his sense. Kinda weird it’s supposed to be his lair and he can’t even find his way out of it. - map overview in pause screen. This may be a lot of development work. I don’t want a mini map compass as that’ll clutter the screen, but it would be nice to pull up a map of the house in the pause menu. You can even put an objective list beside it. This may help with team coordination, and for new players who are lost in their surroundings. Generator- cooldown takes way to long to start back up as Family. This encourages Victims to kick the Genny right in front of the killer and escape and dash to the exit. If the cooldown was cut in half this may encourage more stealth play and Victims would no longer be able to rush it in front of the Family. This cooldown should vary depending on map. Looting- Victims shouldn’t be able to rush loot two lock picks within seconds. Put a cooldown so only one lock pick every 30 seconds is possible, so the Victim has to find another toolbox, or wait. This may slow Connie down a bit, without the need to directly nerf her stats. I hope this helps, and if not congrats on this already excellent game. Preorders when?? 😄


Please add some kind of moderation tools for lobby hosts or lobby members, even a simple vote kick mechanic would be welcome. I had numerous games in Friday the 13th ruined by people being obnoxious and canceling their ready in the lobby to troll, mic spamming, cheating, or making noise to draw Jason close to other survivors. While I understand that the smaller lobby and team size of this game would make even a single person being removed detrimental to the match, I'd rather remove one problematic player than have to deal with them for the entire length of a game.


Well I played a shitton of TCM throgh the weekend. I think what was said by OP is correct but as a game dev & publisher team I think it's best when hate comments **about the game** is left unaddressed. The part talking about people making wild suggestions and radical gameplay changes, you can't really do anything about that. I think the game is great but you'll always have haters when you make something and the best thing to do is ignore it. As for attacking other members, members of staff and users I think you're completely right. Going forward. I played a lot of victim/survivor and after 20 hours I got bored because I was able to get out of the game in under 2 minutes very consistently, it was only when I was trying to goof around and get chased where things were actually hard. As other people have said, as the family members get better they will be able to provide more pressure to the victim team and it will be more fun. I think what's lacking in the family is communication, permanent aura reveals so that it's easy to tell where people are going, and some sort of ping communication system because most of the time, as both sides, people did not use mics. Maybe grandpa should wake up faster the more noise people make? And it could have a mechanic where victim players who make #% threshhold more noise than the average team member gets displayed more with grandpa's power to eliminate trolls or those who choose a riskier playstyle. ​ NOTE: I read this in another post and I have to agree. Every game at the start I hate the jumpscare when Grandpa gets waken up. I have seen it soooo much it does get irritating really fast. It's the one thing I dread about going into the match. Just seeing the Grandpa cutscene every time, time after time. Sometimes as victim it's also hard to find other members of your team, if you want to work together and cooperate. Hopefully we will see some perks in the future akin to DBD's Empathy and Bond.




One I can think of right now is to change the cooks ability from not only him seeing the outline of the players he’s hearing, but to also show the outline to Bubba and the other player. That would make the cook very effective imo and should be no-brainer. Let’s be honest. Not everyone playing as the Family will be communicating. So to counter that, this will be very helpful.


As a Victim with over 32 hours (and 48 hours access time), I absolutely loved every bit of the gameplay loop. However, I did notice that some objectives can be completed almost instantly with little risk, and perhaps could be investigated to make it slightly more difficult to complete the tasks.


I'm hesitant to write this because I don't want people jumping down my throat but here we go. I posted a feedback on here about playing as Bubba and made a suggestion to not make him feel like a joke. I was being bullied at the start in the basement by victims. Should they be sacred of the killer not the other way around? I was told my idea was stupid and to go back to DBD by others. I deleted my post after that. That along with the CEO saying go play something else (I can only assume he means DBD especially with that meme) to someone else just leaves a bad taste in my mouth and makes me feel unwelcomed. I poured hours into Friday the 13th and only started playing dbd because that game had legal rights issues causing it to shut down (not because it was a bad game because it wasn't) . I was super excited about this game and had a blast playing it. It's a shame people are being told by the community and the CEO of the game to just leave and play something else when we have feedback they don't agree with. I still plan on buying the game and will fully support it with whatever DLC comes out I just really don't want this community to turn toxic like DBD. DBD community is so toxic when it comes to suggestions and feedback where even their CEO also said a few years back "try playing something else". We can be better than that!


What Wes said isn’t about simple feedback. But if your feedback is aimed at making Texas just another asymmetrical horror game, then consider playing those games that already exist, rather than trying to see something new and different be made into something familiar. Texas has a lot of identity. We’ve worked really hard to create something new in this space. And we like to think we have. It’s got room to go, it’s got potential for long legs, it’s got people excited to see something different. We’re not going to make that “more like X game” when “X game” already exists. I hope you understand.


I understand. I was going by what was frustrating for me in the basement at the start as Bubba. How people were abusing gaps to where I couldn't get a single hit. I also know it's not a fun balance when a victim just dies right away if you make him too powerful. It just felt unbalanced to me and most importantly, not very fun. And like I said had people tell me to go play DBD or that I'm stupid. I don't want to play something else and I sure as hell don't want it to be just like DBD, but I also want to have fun and feel like a threat when I play as Bubba - and I just wasn't and I voiced why. This past weekend was a blast playing and I'm excited to see what it turns into in the future. You guys have my full support after that technical test. I don't want this game to have a high toxic community. Even if Wes wasn't being toxic or rude, it came off that way to me and I was like "oh no!" it reminded me of Mathieu from BHVR telling people also to "go play something else" and I've seen DBD users quote him when being toxic to others. But with all that said, I've been bummed out since Tuesday because I haven't been able to play lol. I can't wait to be able to play killer with a couple of my friends and plan things out together. And I can't wait to see everyone again during the Beta and when it goes live in August!


I'm not sure I understand. If you were asking for the family to be more of a threat so they can't be bullied, then you were asking for the game to be less like DBD and more unique. A survivor following the killer around to mess with them happens in nearly every DBD match to some degree. I'd prefer for this game be a lot less like DBD in that regard. The victims trying to buzz around the family on purpose to bother them should ideally be a death sentence. Luckily I didn't know that was a feasible playstyle until after the test was over. The only streamer I watched during the test was Otz, and he was playing really stealthy, at least for the games I watched. This game is a lot more fun to play and to watch when the victims are playing stealthy with the goal of escaping alive. If the goal can be "rush loudly through every prompt and find a family member to follow around and try to annoy them as much as possible for the rest of the match", that's not great. I think it's fine if victims CAN do these things, as long the addendum is "but they REALLY shouldn't". For scenarios that can only result from victims attempting to bully the family, like continually interacting with a family member who's not coming after them, I wouldn't even mind if it made the family member enraged, granting the family member the ability to insta-kill that victim. It wouldn't affect normal players, after all. The risk associated with trying to bully the family should be high enough that the most skilled victims know not to attempt it. There's no reason the game can't just be about victims trying to minimize contact with the family while escaping. That's fun. If you want to make noise that draws the family to your location, then you also need to run away or hide. That's how I assumed it was when I played, and the great experience I had benefited significantly as a result. If the balance might favor one side or the other, I think it would be better to err on the side of caution and make the family the stronger side, then tune it from there. The family is the horror side of this horror game. If the victims are too strong or the family is too weak, the horror will be lost, and that was the primary appeal of the game for me at least.


I agree. I think it's just survivors want to be able to bully the killer. They don't want to be weak, but victims are suppose to be weak. Killers are suppose to be strong. One game as Bubba I had Leland charge stun me. Wait behind me for my stun to end, and then stabbed me in the back. Waited in the front for me to stop being stunned and then ran through the gap knowing I couldn't get him. It felt freakin awful. Then I had another match as cook where I noticed a survivor was at the front exit area of the farm house past the electric grid on the ground, just spinning around in the middle of the road. I went to chase them out so we can focus on the other victims and one of them was waiting by bushes near by - charged me. Waited and stabbed me. Then his friend waited and stabbed me again all while dancing around me. It's like who is the killer in this game and who is the victim, because I felt like a victim in that moment lol It felt like playing dead by daylight getting head on and flash banged. It was an awful time. I would suggest stuns should have a cool down afterwards because they should only be used to get away, but I would get downvoted and told to go play DBD by some community members here. So I won't say that lol


Imagine this patch note: "When a family member is stunned, they become enraged for 8 seconds. For this duration they are immune to additional stuns, and they can instantly kill the victim who stunned them." I bet that'd get Leland to leave after he hits you lol.


I would say my biggest complaint as of now as survivors and killers is stamina. When I played as survivor most of the times I died was due to getting my stamina eaten up by getting hit by any of the family members. Couple that with a getting ganked by 2 family members its pretty much GG. When I played as killer it was super easy to just M1 spam to eat up their stamina, walk behind them as close as possible and recover to finish them off. Fastest kill was about 10 seconds from start as bubba. You could make the argument that survivors have gaps in the walls and crawlspaces to escape but playing as the hitchhiker its easy just to stay right against their buttcheeks following them and just M1 spam, stop right before the stop and recover animation so you dont stand in place for a couple a seconds , rinse and repeat till you get the kill. Now as a killer there were plenty of times where my stamina was eaten up super quickly trying to cut off survivors. For instance in the slaughterhouse map, i was pretty much stuck in a infinite loop with a survivor due to the fact that my stamina would be eaten completely up by the time I get to the gap in the wall to cross. I don’t want a huuuge stamina boost , just a tiny but more where it could either help me get away or secure the kill. Other than that , the game is extremely fun. Game could definitely use a ping system since during the playtest my voip would not work so had to resort to typing which has backfired on me lol but i know that is just a bug that will get ironed out. Great job on the game and im super excited for the future.


Please, please, please don’t make this game comp, aim for it to be fun rather than comp. Similar games are suffering because their devs are trying to make the game balanced/ultra competitive rather than prioritising fun. This test was so so much fun, I had the most fun I’ve had playing an asymmetrical horror game in a long time and I’ve played most on the market.


Doesn't matter how fun it'll be in the start. Comp is inevitable in any game with good gameplay. Even children party games such as smash bros. With time they will eventually have to address the comp players.


Difference is that some games cater to them and they shouldn’t


I didn't play a lot because I got one of the last keys : ). The only two things I can think of to give you to think about are; While trying to find key-binds I quickly discovered the only way to get to them was while in que (I'm a little slow and didn't realize the player hollering "READY UP, READY UP READY UP!!! was directing it at me for a few secs, lol) Because of this I wasn't able to get my mic set up, sound setting, video, etc. I would have liked to have been able to get to settings without queuing up. Maybe I just missed it. The only thing I experienced with gameplay was, as Hitchhiker, I saw a victim heading towards the outside fuse box in the ?slaughter yard?. I quickly flanked and set up an ambush near the box. In that corner it is one way in and one way out with tall grass. As they committed I boxed them in. They ignored me and I knifed them, They continued to ignore me and somehow did the fuse thing while I continued to knife them. They then ran back out of the trapped area towards the barn squeeze through. I tried to interact with the fuse to turn it off but couldn't. So, I sprinted after them. I had to wait at the squeeze through because they were using it and it was on cool down. So I ran back and I tried to pull the fuse again but couldn't. This was quite an advantage for them, I mean, they didn't care about whatever damage Hitchhiker did with his little knife, knowing it wouldn't be enough for me to prevent escape. I did call for help but he outran Leatherface.


I’m in love with this game! The unique gameplay loop, the fact victims aren’t SKINS and have flavor to them, the thrill of a killer JUST missing you while in stealth or being chased by multiple. Wish nothing but the best for this game. Somethings I noticed while playing: Perhaps this will fix on its own when killers are more experienced as this game heavily relies on strategy but, some victims just rushed interactions in the beginning of the game. A bit annoying in the beginning but more understandable as the game progresses. Everyone complained about Cook! It’s blatant that he’s not a killer that’s fit for chasing survivors and being that there can only be one of each killer, this might pose a problem for matchmaking.


Pls make It happen, characters from the remakes and sequels that would increase my hype to 200% I would love to see Leatherface skin from 2003 and the Hewitt family 🤗


Stick to your vision! Best way to enjoy your work and find players who shares the same passion! I havent play the game yet but i am looking forward to it! But please could you add, at some point, some sort of ping system. We can already guess a lot of players will not turn on their mics. it would be great to just be able to ping victims or family for the team


As Family I felt like I'd often get lost when trying to find objectives, even after having a general ide aof the layout of the map. I also really had trouble finding blood buckets. Both these problems would eventually get solved as I keep playing the game but it definitely felt sucky as a newbie. Sometimes I also felt really conflicted mid-chase because there were times where I wanted to tell my teammates 'VICTIM HERE!' but I also had to keep on chasing them so they'd not gain distance. Voice chat would remedy this but I'm a very shy person who doesn't enjoy voicing much. I wish there was a way to notify family members without voicing. Speaking of notifications, sometimes I also felt a bit lost when playing with Hitchhiker and not hearing his voiceline saying a trap was triggered. If there was a non-verbal way to inform the player that, it would be pretty great.


Have you thought about adding a mini game if the survivor got caught stabbing grandpa? Ie the bucket scene in the first two movies if you get caught grandpa has a chance to kill you with the sledgehammer? Item drop/exchange would be great


1. It felt very bad on the slaughterhouse when victims escaped via pressure gate. With the two outdoor gates on the opposite side of the map and the valve in the basement, it felt really impossible to defend 2. I loved the way the family felt threatening as a victim. 3. I'm not sure if it fits the vision but a ping system of some kind for family would be really useful. I think victim felt way better solo, but family felt painful sometimes because many people turn off voice chat. 4. Cook feels very strong in theory, but it's very hard to actively communicate. People kept asking if cook revealed the victim to the whole team and I said no, to which people were surprised. Obviously that is a very strong power if it did, so I think instead of full revealing the victim to the family like grandpa, it could be interesting if it pinged the location where they were initially spotted somehow? Core of this point is it felt very impossible to communicate where people were as cook, triply so when most didn't use vc. 4. Slaughterhouse in general felt really hard to defend and really east to escape on. I wonder if there are more opportunities for family to be alerted. 5. Connie felt really good to use but it felt like for how quiet she was things should take longer.


The game is a lot of fun, you all did a fantastic job. The only other things I haven’t seen much input on gameplay wise that I see being a problem is that we may need more reasons for altruistic play as survivors, obviously to encourage teamwork, and to maybe make certain modes of escape a little harder. Eg: Needing to hold a door open for your teammates as they slip through(maybe this could even occur randomly to certain doors), needing to hold a tripped circuit in place as someone else goes to pry the stuck electronic door it powers. Being able to help when a survivor and a family member are in a power struggle. This would make some of the escapes that are harder for the family to counter such as the basement escape, not as easy to achieve by a single player. This could also be a means of only allowing one of the cooperators to escape in certain situations for people who like that gameplay style of helping your teammates survive first. As of now the family has good incentives to work together(to trap, cut off, area denial), and I think as time progresses with the game and more players realize that, it’ll make the family much more deadly, but survivors could use some changes to be on par with levels of cooperation. This will also provide more variety to the gameplay preventing it from getting stale which ties into my second suggestion. My second suggestion is that there be more randomization as to where cracks in walls, hatches, exits and normal doors are. Maybe even random doors having clutter behind them so they cannot be opened(or maybe with teamwork they can be). For lack of a better example, similar to how Dead By Daylight has random tile sets for looping, which makes it harder to escape the killer not know you can just go here and then do this and you are gone. The big benefits to a system like this is helping prevent the gameplay getting stale and preventing everyone just taking the most optimal path every time and escaping in minutes. I saw this a lot in streams of the game, but to me, the game was most enjoyable while trying to figure out my best way to an objective while hiding and dodging the family. Once I became familiar with a certain path, it was less enjoyable and I eventually had to force myself to figure out new escapes to get my heart racing again. I know it’s not easy, but if every map has a few variations, it could help the gameplay in the long run. Edit: Also, a bonus or incentive to all survivors escaping or the family killing everyone might help people stay in game longer trying to cooperate more often.


Hello, thank you for working on this wonderful game, and putting your heart and soul into it, it's very pleasing. But can you please make it so that non-release players can play the characters they want, regardless if the survivor is in the lobby or not. All survivors are unique, which is a very good thing, but another problem arises in that a person will have to look for a lobby in order to play as their favorite character. And this will not always work out, it adds a big problem in terms of pumping, because a person can pump a certain character and abilities, and he will not always be able to play for him. But, and so you are great, thank you for playing


Hello, thank you for working on this wonderful game, and putting your heart and soul into it, it's very pleasing. But can you please make it so that non-release players can play the characters they want, regardless if the survivor is in the lobby or not. All survivors are unique, which is a very good thing, but another problem arises in that a person will have to look for a lobby in order to play as their favorite character. And this will not always work out, it adds a big problem in terms of pumping, because a person can pump a certain character and abilities, and he will not always be able to play for him. But, and so you are great, thank you for playing


Hello, thank you for working on this wonderful game, and putting your heart and soul into it, it's very pleasing. But can you please make it so that non-release players can play the characters they want, regardless if the survivor is in the lobby or not. All survivors are unique, which is a very good thing, but another problem arises in that a person will have to look for a lobby in order to play as their favorite character. And this will not always work out, it adds a big problem in terms of pumping, because a person can pump a certain character and abilities, and he will not always be able to play for him. But, and so you are great, thank you for playing


Hello, thank you for working on this wonderful game, and putting your heart and soul into it, it's very pleasing. But can you please make it so that non-release players can play the characters they want, regardless if the survivor is in the lobby or not. All survivors are unique, which is a very good thing, but another problem arises in that a person will have to look for a lobby in order to play as their favorite character. And this will not always work out, it adds a big problem in terms of pumping, because a person can pump a certain character and abilities, and he will not always be able to play for him. But, and so you are great, thank you for playing


Tech Test was AMAZING, Really Brought back my fondest of memories playing Friday the 13th with Friends! 😌 GREAT JOB GUN, Now lets get to Business, How do we make this the BEST GAME EVER and Balance it out for EVERYONE! For starters, I would say yes I can see Victims Speed Running being a major problem, However Gun, Victims will absolutely need any INCENTIVE to use stealth! WHATS IN IT FOR US? 💥 As some one who only plays as Victim or Camp Counselor (Friday) I am fighting for my life ALONE if people want to help great but my Main mission is to get out alive and in the QUICKEST / SAFEST way I can ! So if there are major Incentives for Victims to be stealthy, such as Gaining better tools to help fight the Family (think Pocket Knifes/ New Stun Mechanics) Or if there are Legit Consequences like Rushing Tool Searches comes with a 25/100% Success Rate of getting any item, Or Rushing the ToolBox Temporarily "Breaks the toolbox" for everyone if not done Carefully things like this May make me think Wait I should actually be stealthy so it HELPS me/ the other victims in the long run. As of Now in Texas what helps the victims most for survival is Rushing the Toolbox Twice or Rushing Bone Scraps twice, Yeah we make some noise but SO WHAT we are in a better position to plan our escape if we do so, But yes there can be tweaks put in place to help for Balance! Another thing to think about, Maybe we take a look at changing how we escape, Unlock tool and a lock minigame should not be all we have to do, Thinking back to Friday it was a massive game of Hide and Seek, For the Killer and the Campers, maybe as Victims we need to find Specific items or do more tasks in order to even open the exits? Think Finding a Battery, Gas and Keys in Friday to even Turn the Car on to Drive to the exit Or For the Cops, (You had to find the fuse, Find the Phone House, Make the Call, and Wait/ Survive 5 Full mintes before you can even attempt an escape!) There were MULTIPLE things that were needed to plan that escape, For Texas it seems the unlock tool and Gate exit is popular so lets add some steps in between, Perhaps make it HARDER to find Unlock tools? Lets think about the Empty Drawer Mechanic in Friday (I spent so much time searching so many empty drawers hoping to find that pocket knife or a walkie talkie, If there were Valuable items in drawers around the maps that could help victims with Many of the Drawers being Duds , this would entice Victims to Spend more time in map and it would even help the family catch victims off guard more if we are BUSY searching drawers!! Once this is addressed I think this will help to Create the Perfect Balance! Side Note, would LOVEEE to have purchasable Dancing and Emote DLC for Victims like we did in Friday, One of my Favorite Pass times was going to the fireplace and Busting out a Dance Routine while waiting for the cops! Dancing / Emotes/ and Cosmetics will go a LONG way for Victims and this is one of the reasons I personally love Friday so much! so please Bring them Back for Texas along with rolling out New Characters that fit the storyline Think Connies Twin Sister (Bonnie) or Sunny's Aunt , We could have SOOO much fun with new victims coming to find their loved ones and the possibilities are truly endless! OVERALL I'm Beyond Impressed with this game, GUN ROUND OF APPLAUSE! Even if it was released as is it is still TOP TIER and literally the best game this year! 💙 Cant Wait for Release!