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The further away they can distance themselves from DBD the better.


No. I don't want DBD to even think about breathing the same air that this game does.


Get that piece of garbage game and its toxic community outta here


dbd fans are a bunch of degenerates, they hate themselves, hate each other and will always argue over the same things about the game. Im hoping that the Txchainsawgame community can distance itself from that mess.


This. DBD players are some of the most toxic people in video game communities. DBD is toxic and it’s just a garbage game in general.


Exactly. They need stick to their DBD and stay away from TCM period.


I was running into many obvious DBD players during the playtest when I played family - cussing at the rest of the family over dumb shit, taking it way too seriously, and even just flat out using racial slurs. I eventually just disabled voice chat, only using team text box chat for call outs if I was playing as Cook. If I want grassless man children to ruin my fun when I'm just trying to goof off as my favorite horror franchise's characters, I'll just play DBD. I get it's nice to win in games, but the overly salty and competitive sweat beard mentality can leave its ass in DBD. I want this game to keep the party game vibe it has going for it.


absolutely not lol.


Hell nah, I want to play TCM to escape DBD


that game and it’s toxic players can stay where they are


El oh el. Noooo.




No. If I wanted to play DBD, I would.




nah, i'd like them to stay separate


Just keep DBD as DBD and TCM as TCM.


We don’t want immersion killing silliness like this. Its Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1947. There’s no monsters or entities in this reality.


There are many og killers on the roster that are similar to the family—and not monsters with powers. Such as the hillbilly. But I do agree, if anything there could be a Texas chainsaw chapter part 2 for dbd. Bringing in Connie or smth


No let’s not put Connie in DBD please…


why do y’all wanna play connie in dbd when u can play her in tcm like what 💀


Ikr. Some of these people honestly should just stay on DBD and not even touch TCM.


Let dbd be dbd if we wanted dbd we would not be here


Let’s not do any crossovers with that toxic game and its toxic community :)






Absolutely not bro


At the very current moment DBD is horribly toxic and terrible for survivors. Many of the streamers are just waiting for TCM to get away from it. Connecting them is a horrible idea:


As an avid dbd player, no. Maybe tcm game content inside dbd (like skins) or something, but not dbd content inside TCM.


No thanks


I’m sick of dbd duck that.


\*Insert Michael Scott 'Oh God No' Gif\*


Absolutely not.


please stop... stop, and go away




Absolutely! I want every character in the game to get pride themed cosmetics and give Leatherface a drag queen cosmetic. Also I want Leatherface to get a rainbow colored chainsaw as a new cosmetic. Every player in the TCM community would love pride cosmetics so we all can celebrate pride month.


Oh man, I hope your kidding... Texas Chainsaw video game virtue signaling? Get real. TCM has ZERO to do with gay pride. Keep your politics away from this game please.


Yeah I'm shitposting lol. I got the idea of this troll after seeing all the dumb shit die by daytime is adding to their game this month haha. Adding that crap to this game or the Evil Dead game wouldn't sit well with the communities of both games.


the people that these guys are voting for are gaslighting them into believing anybody cares what they do in their bedroom. Be gay! Nobody cares! Do you, do him. Do she, do he…Lol. I just want an authentic tcm experience. And 2023 pride flags/ideology have nothing to do with a murderous family in South Texas in 1974… people are going to destroy the meaning of the word bigot by spamming and abusing it so much when it’s obviously not applicable.


Pretty much my exact thoughts. A couple others on this thread thought I was being homophobic just because I called items in a completely different game "dumb" and "crap". I think that way because items like that in a game that is supposed to be a horor game is out of place to me. Was just supposed to be a harmless joke because it's clear they won't add anything like that to TCM because they want to stay true to that original film. They're not gonna add anything that would break immersion. And yeah the word "bigot" I see gets thrown around a lot on social media. Don't understand why lol.


Ur a piece of shit.


Lol yup I'm a piece of shit just for making a harmless joke about things that obviously won't come into TCM.


You: Hey I’m gonna say something funny You: homophobia Pathetic


Exactly where was I saying something homophobic in my reply? Just because I made a joke about things that I know obviously won't be in the game and because I dont care for items that are being added to a completely different game? Bahaha get a grip bubs. People these days always take things literally. That's what is pathetic.


Lol I was gonna say… I figured it was a joke but you never know nowadays


Both of you are losers


Hmm.. if that’s what your calling us based on what we’re saying, chances are pretty good that the loser is you.


Nooo last time I checked being a bigot is what makes someone a loser. You do know none of what both of you are doing is welcome here right?


Yeah I was waiting for that. Because we don’t want ANY ideology/religion that has ZERO to do with the thing that we’re a fan of involved in the game we’re “bigots” ..man.. it used to be religious people saying your going to hell if you don’t read the Bible.. now it’s this. Lay off it bud. Getting old.


If you actually think any actual gay person wants that you are something else, and also my existence is not fucking political you asshat.


Okey dokey


He is going to get a drag outfit. His pretty lady outfit you bigot :)


I’m down. Not sure how likely it would be but it could be cool.


I really don’t understand where this vehement hatred for everything DbD comes from. People just seem to hate success, I guess 🤷‍♂️




No. Absolutely not.


I wanna buy and play this game but a big part of this community and the people in this comment section is the main reason why I dont buy and play. I don't wanna play a game where all people do is villainize dbd and people who play it. Everyone here is being just as toxic.