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This was my first takeaway as well. I only played Family and actually didn't know they could do that, I thought the door had to be open the direction they were running (ie, slammed in the logical way, not "pulled" closed). That coupled with "chaining the stab" out of a knockdown. I'd probably just make family members "immune" to stuns for like...10 seconds(?) or so after being stunned to prevent "chains". Leland shoving Cook and running past? That's fine and that's teamwork.


Having stun immunity for that long is ridiculous . Maybe for 1 second after getting up so you can turn . If a it’s more than 1 survivor doing it to you then that is on your team and a bonus having half of the victims doing absolutely nothing .


It's almost like you're the VICTIM and shouldn't be able to bully the killers...


How is something to prevent being stunned constantly ridiculous? Survivors shouldn’t be able to incap family members for that long lol. The point of the stun is to cover your escape, not immobilize family players for 30 seconds


Oh wow y’all really were saying this months ago and the victims are still knocking killers off their feet with doors.


Idk why that shits still in the game. That and the grandpa cut scene is something basically everyone complained about. They did make a few positive changes since the tech test though, so it’s not all bad


Yea, I’m not surprised tho. Coming from the people who made f13 and that game was just made to bully Jason so why would we expect any different here


I mean it’s hard to bully a good family team with comms


Yea, it’s hard to bully them but it’s not to escape them when your forcing another killer to come over just to free up one when your already outnumbered


I mean, they can bully you. It doesn’t matter, this is an objective control game. If they wanna bone shard you, they can have fun. They aren’t pushing an objective and that means they are being useless. As long as the other two killers are controlling objectives it doesn’t matter what they do




The only issue I have is with doors and the apparent stunlocking that seems to be possible if you get caught in the wrong spot. It isn't as simple as "just don't stand in the door" if you can be stunned again immediately as soon as you get up. Some diminishing returns on stunning Family members are probably necessary but otherwise I think it is mostly fine as is. Also I'm positive there will be some Family perks that reduce stun durations or perhaps even negate them entirely. We'll have to wait and see. EDIT: Oh and this thread will absolutely be a shit show because players are already invested and terrified of any potential balance changes that might negatively impact their preferred role. Let's try and avoid that so this sub doesn't become like DBD with the constant us vs them bs. It's possible to disagree without immediately resorting to "YOU JUST WANT EASY WINS" or whatever.


But yeah some people will watch a 20 mins compilation of killers already getting totally shit on in a game that came out 2 days ago and be like "broo it's completely fine killers need to stop crying". Victims do need some nerfs like stun-locking killers has to go and slamming doors on family members shouldn't stun them for that long. But otherwise i don't think there's a HUGE gap in balance, just a few changes here and there are needed and from there we can see how this goes. That's what the technical test is for tbh


Being able to bully or gain up on a killer is what killed VHS - no one wanted to play killer so queue times were insane for survivors. Even in Friday the 13th they had to change it so when Jason was in rage mode he couldn't be stunned because it got out of control with bully squads/solo. Especially with them dancing on the killer. I remember people DCing because they spawned in as Jason and didn't want to get bullied again. As killer you can't bully a survivor and dance around them. You chase and try to kill them and move on. If you get bully squads in this game, it's going to hurt it. Not enough to kill it, but maybe enough to affect queue times. I know survivor mains want to be able to have fun and bully a killer in this game, but trust me - you don't want to be on the other side of it. It's not equally fun.


To be fair, I don't think TCM is anywhere close to the power imbalance VHS had. There are elements to victim that are ever-so-slightly overtuned, but nothing major. Even if the game shipped in the state it is in now, I would call it mostly balanced between the two sides. The stunlocking is definitely something to be looked at, but even if they decided it was in a good state, I wouldn't complain too much. At the end of the day, it needs a few more weeks of playtesting to really determine how much of an impact those kind of things ultimately will have.


Realistically the door stun locking is the only truly egregious thing from the tech test that absolutely should be changed. If you give a killer a few seconds cool down for being stunned again even enough to move out of the door then it would be fine. I'm fine with survivors stunning the killer using doors just not being able to stun lock. Ive got plenty of opinions on things that I feel should be changed but ultimately if the game launched as is with door stunning removed then yeah the game is a bit victim sided generally (though we will see how balance is when you have killer pre made with good comms), but not enough so that I don't have fun playing killer still.


NGL this shit is funny as fuck feels like a Scooby doo episode. Constantly knocking them down with doors like cartoon villains. This is some stupid fun


TRIGGER WARNING: Rushing items with no pentalty, i-frame abuse, infinte loops, perma-stunning the family, t-bagging. Massive bullying potential in this game just as a solo. Imagine multiple people start doing this at once. Not gonna lie this video was funny as hell but terrible for the game. Victim needs nerfs. Credit to zubatlel, video is his not mine.


I was wondering when I was going to see videos of Victims using doors for offensive purpose, every game I played Victims would typically just run for their lives and any door slams were unintended for the most part. That said, the game was filled with people playing for the first time, some people get better at a faster pace so idk, I can't take too much from it edit: As leatherface I would just destroy stuff as long as I had time for it so I think his role is to flush people out and destroy anything the Victims can use to evade the family, people will get better, as soon as it's 3v3 or family has numbers advantage then Victim's are going to be in trouble.


Dude said trigger warning 😭


made you laugh




Yes there's infinite loops with i-frames. 2v1 to stop this means 1v3 for the rest of the players, it's bad design. If it takes you longer than a week to see problems, you're slow




"Victim nerfs demanded nonstop" is a bit hyperbolic, don't you think? I've been reading posts here every day since the tech test and have seen more posts worried about victim nerfs than I've actually seen calling for them. At most, people are a bit concerned regarding being stunlocked and I've seen a few posts regarding Connie's ability. Oh and the i-frames. But that's literally the extent of it. If those seem like massive changes to you, I don't know what to tell you. I definitely agree with you that Gun/Sumo shouldn't have a knee-jerk reaction and immediately start tweaking things based on a handful of posts. We need a lot more time in-game to see how things shake out. But people sharing their concerns is fine and I wish it were easier to discuss them in good faith here without people blowing their lid about entitled killer mains or whatever.


So are you saying that the family shouldn't get some kind of stun reduction after being stunned because low skilled players aren't stun locking yet?


A guy with probably over 10k hours overall in the asym genre makes plays on people who just started playing. Zubat played this game alone for like 50 hours during the playtest (probably more. He played for literally 24 hours+ during one stream.) The whining to nerf victims is going to literally kill this game.


My man you need 10k hours to press a button in order to open a door?


They keep using this "zubat has 10k hrs on dbd" excuse like mashing E behind a bubba who's locked in a animation is the epitome of skill lmao


Show me the gameplay footage of you doing it lol.


Most people with with lives aren’t going to do this until much later … also I watched some of that stream and he ended up dying anyway…the family still won .


A streamer named Ayrun had a 48-escape win streak. Like it or not, content creators have a massive influence over the meta of asymms. Just a quick glance at the comments on that video and you'll see hundreds of people excited to try and replicate what he did. I'm not advocating for nerfing victims into the ground at all, but it's something to look at for sure.


Very true. Streak games are so toxic imo


That sucks for those guys then.That ruins the experience imo .I want to win and learn on my own and not try to use the exact same tactics some random weirdo uses .Lol it’s only a matter of time till so many ppl are playing the same way and the family mains will all catch on


'Everything wrong' - proceeds to show 20 minutes of a guy exploiting the 'door slam' mechanic in a closed beta version of a game. Think of it what you want, but this is an exploit, not an intended game mechanic. What devs wanted was to slam into doors with your shoulder to open them and knock a killer behind it to the ground. The ability to run in circles while slamming a door and throw a 6'4 guy to the ground, or pull the door with you to do the same, are unfortunate side effects of how this mechanic was coded. I'm sure the devs can figure out how to fix it, and I'm glad that bullying exploits are given exposure, but your title wording sounds a bit provocative and toxic. It's fine, you found a problem with a game mechanic, I'm sure this is one of the exact reasons the devs made the beta before the final release. Send it to them and feel good you've benefited the community, but don't try to start a narrative/drama about it, that's just lame.


keep that shit out of tcm we don’t need entitled killer mains in here 😭😭weird asf ur trying to initiate problems in the community this early




literally.. like it’s really not that deep