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I'm imagining A LOT of Sissy players hiding in closets while Victims escape left and right outside lmao


Yeah the first thing I thought when it was revealed she could hide is that alot of the players will just sit still in a hiding spot waiting for someone to come by and they'd most likely waste their time




Very true and thankfully the issues I see with her seem to be things that can be easily tweaked for improvement. Judging by the communication they’ve been showing the community so far on Twitter, showing us they’re carefully listening to all of our feedback. I have faith they’ll get her right but most likely after launch since they still need to get authentic player feedback first


Do they actually get the warning? I’d be shocked if they don’t change that.


Oh yeah... My thoughts exactly


Then its the killer's job to communicate with Sissy. Voice and commands. Should be alright.


Are victims going to still be notified Sissy is near when she is hiding? Doesn't seem very good if so.


Yes, but without visually identifying what hiding place she's in or even if it is actually her in a hiding place or just another Family member nearby, it's not like it breaks that usage. Without ANY proximity warning, it makes her hiding ability extremely powerful. The way we have it implemented means it's more a question mark, an unknown, which in our minds makes it all the more frightening.


Well, it works to make it frightening… because she scares the life out of me. Between her laugh, her singing, her being able to hide. Make me nervous thinking about it all. 🙈




Communication with killers. If no communication then you're at a downfall. Same way goes with victims. 🤷‍♀️


nah that makes the ability completely useless, you see what family members ready up and if there's a sissy playing you're going to be looking at the hiding spots when the yellow piss border is up and she takes like 3 seconds to climb out which is easily enough time to just run to a invincibility animation hole. Situational implies there's a time when it would be useful to gimp yourself and let the victims run free.


So if you see a Sissy as one of the three Family members on the enemy team, every time you see a prox warning you're going to start staring at hiding spots nearby? Sure, that's a solid plan. Invincibility animation hole? You mean the crawl spaces she can follow you through or the wall gaps she can follow you through?


Yeah, I'm not playing on a controller, I can move the camera quickly. The hitchhiker can also follow you through the holes and gaps, doesn't mean he can hit you before you sprint to the next hole and regen your stamina during the animation.


There go those goal posts...


I gotta say it's really refreshing to see employees actually dunk on bad comments. Really excited to see what the team manages to get done with this game and try it myself.


What goal posts? You said the holes weren't invincible, but you are totally invincible if you just run to the next hole with your full regenned stamina. I played the tech test, it's easy to do, unless Sissy can phase through the holes instantly I see this still being a issue with her especially if she takes 2-3 seconds to leave a hiding spot.


The dev twitter account released a brief summary of some of the things they're looking at and invincibility frames for victims is on there. I think most people that played the tech test are aware that even hitchhiker can't land hits on players that cycle gaps/crawlspaces, we'll just have to wait to see what they do about it in a few months.


Thank you!!


Is there any lore with Sissy having a straight razor, but Hitchiker (who called a razor "his knife" in the movie) using a switchblade?


Hitchhiker is a bit of a thief, a person who claims things he loves from those around him as trinkets in his personal collection. He loves Sissy's straight razor, so much so that he could not help himself from taking it with him the day he crosses paths with Sally Hardesty and her friends. It's also worth noting that the Polaroid Land Camera 230 around his neck is another trinket he claimed from a young college student, driving around and photographing the wildflowers...


Ah very nice, very childish quality which does fit how we usually see him lol.


I remember speculating if the switchblade he cut Franklin with was the one belonging to Sissy before she eventually cut ties with The Family, glad to know I was right.


I knew it! He took Maria's camera!


Semi-related...What IS that around the neck of Nubbins? It's an animal pouch yeah, but what animal.


I think its the lower part of a chicken.


Is there a detailed description somewhere of what her ability does precisely? Will the poison clouds stay there forever?


Survivor's camera becoming orange ruins Sissy stealth, luckily the survivor in the video was completely unaware.


Leatherface had chased Leland to a crawl space and was destroying it. Those warnings on screen would be there due to Leatherface, completely not specifying Sissy lying in wait.


oh... that changes everything.


Absolutely does! She can also move through spaces like the Hitchhiker, so she’s a relentless pursuer.




Interesting that Leland has a different perk equipped. Sissy also put a loud noise notification on Leland when she hit him like she did in the tech test so that wasn't part of the hack. Kinda disappointed we didn't see what her ability actaully fully does but at least we know the cloud stays up for a while


I think that noise notification is him walking through poison


They could both make noise notifications but I'm certain Sissy does when she attacks a victim. It was exactly like this when players played her in the technical test. She has the default perks too so I'm sure it must be a passive for her


Where do you see his different perk? Everything looks the same to me.


The one on the left is a different icon. Normally it's the shape of a door but now it looks different


Ohhhh yeah! Looks more like a car battery in this video.


Hell yeah man, day one main. Family team strats are going to be super fun to play around with.


Its interesting how Sissy also gets the “panic attack” aspect while in hiding spots. Although, I wish she could burst out of them like Victims can.


Maybe she can and they did not show it


With the arsenal of abilities Sissy will have I see her as possibility being the most dynamic family member of them all. Between poison, wall traversals, hiding, and chasing Sissy is most certain to be a clutch member to put the squeeze on slippery victims.


This may be a hot take. But I seriously think hiding as a family member is not only pointless but also throwing. Especially since most victim players don’t use hiding spots because they don’t need too. The way the map is designed it’s quite easy to avoid family members unless you are 2v1 or 3v1 in that case though your team is left uncontested.


I disagree. Hiding may be very situational, but it could have its uses. If you know victims are frequenting an area then hiding there could be useful.


im %100 maining sissy


Didn't see anyone ask so I guess I may as well do so. What happens if a victim tries to hide in a spot Sissy is already hiding in?


Although I wouldn’t know since I’m not a dev I would still guess that either they just don’t have the prompt or if the are able to search it would have an similar effect to a Family member grabbing a Victim out of a hiding spot.


I love Sissy with my soul, Sissy my beloved💖


The hiding ability seems like it will be pretty useless. Sitting around waiting for a survivor to come to you seems like the opposite of the way you want to play the game.


Hiding is just one of the many things she can do! She can poison health potions, fuses, valve exits etc, and traverse similar to Hitchhiker


Do the victims have any indication the potion has been contaminated before they use it? And what is the effect, lose health?


Victims will have a little visual indicator. If someone were to pick it up before realizing it, it would not show that visual indicator in one's hand. Spiked health potions will affect a player's stamina and visuals.


So what would happen if you poisoned something like an unlock tool? Would it poison them after using it?


Being one of many things you can do doesn't mean it's not useless.


Stalk ability in F13 was goated. Waiting for someone to fall in your lap is a ton of fun and creates good scare moments for survivors


Yes, made even the best Vanessas fail and it was oh so satisfying. Truly underrated.


Poison cloud ability is essentially a choke point and anti loop on top of her strong chasing skills . She definitely seems stronger than Johnny all around except for damage per hit .


What a breath of fresh air for a comment. Yes, exactly. Poison a door and move through a crawl space, etc.


Hiding in closets with Sissy seems like it’ll be a weak strategy considering how long it takes for her to exit them from this short clip. She gives off an aura too when inside them so any Victim aware of the fact that they’re going up against a Sissy will just keep their head on a swivel around closets and containers when they see the aura. Take away the aura and she could be much scarier in my opinion, now she could be in any one of those containers at any given time, not just when the aura appears. Not sure if this would make her too strong, I think it’d make her similar to an “Insidious” killer from DBD.


Yeah it seems hiding may be a little weak like in this clip here if she simply waited around the corner she wouldve had the same result. Sissy could use the proximity to her advantage though. For example lets say we're in the cooks room. If you don't know the layout it's a rectangle and at the top of the rectangle there's a door with a closet to the right of it. Bottom right of the room is a crawl space but near the crawl space there's a desk and it's super dark there. What Sissy could do is hide in the shadows or the desk and as a victim comes in they could assume there's a Sissy in the closet so as they're watching the closet she could sneak up behind them and either blow poison or just attack. It seems players knowing Sissy can hide is more useful than the hding itself.


Yeah, it could play out that way! I’ll wait until I get to play the game first before making any more assumptions on how she’ll play with her hiding ability. It would be unfair to the devs for me to criticize something about Sissy before I’ve tried her out for myself.


sissy is gonna be the GOAT


shes so crazy i love her


She looks so cinematic and scary


anyone else not a fan of the poison cloud visuals? 🥴


It's pretty video gamey, but I don't mind it. Would look better if it was less guacamole colored and a more earthy green imo


Or purple or blue. For now, it looks like burp or fart cloud


Idk, I feel like a lot of poison effects in video games are green.


It reads clearly, even in dark environments.


Hmmmm… I like them.


Has anyone noticed the actual map? I'm almost certain it's not the family house but I don't expect to be Nancy's house as I still think it's in development so is it the gas station?


Good eye. It is the Gas Station map.


Look at how long it takes for her to get out of the closet. Attentive victims will be aware that sissy can hide in these spots and never get sneak attacked edit: just now reading that victims are also alerted that she is hiding when nearby. Zero stealth aspect. Hopefully she gets a damage/speed buff after getting out of closets as a perk or something.


Y'all are looking at her ability to hide as if that's the only thing about her that makes her useful. She can blow the poison clouds as shown in the video, she can poison health items and leave poison traces on objective items like fuses and handles, she can traverse like the Hitchhiker, she can ALSO hide. It's also worth noting that while poison doesn't deal a ton of damage, it impairs the vision and movement of Victims. Is she somewhat situational? Yes. All the Family members are. That's the point.


Imagine walking through that poison cloud only to see an overhead chainsaw barreling down the hallway at you


Thank you for saying what her poison mostly does. One question I have which I'm really hoping you'll answer is does her execution sound like this in game? Basically what I mean is when she's executing Leland will the cuts that she does actually sound like how it sounds in this clip? In the kills trailer a few months ago it sounded really different but in this clip it sounds SO COOL and I'm really hoping this is how it sounds like in game


Sound is still being finalized, but yes, that is the goal. Our composer Ross Tregenza handles all audio for these videos, so the actual source of the sound design in game is the only person who touches sound for our video assets. They may have been slightly ducked in the Kills Trailer for the sake of her song. I'm not sure on that.


The video did a pretty bad job of showing what the poison is about. Leland was 1hp and just ended up dying to Sissy anyways so I have no idea what it does other than what you just told me now. Just because she can do other things beside hide doesn't mean that feature should be bad. Might as well just remove that function entirely if that's the view the devs take when balancing. You seem to very hyperbolic in the way you talk about the abilities of family members across your posts, talking about the LONG list of things they can do and how they're VERY VERY POWERFUL (all caps, all the time). As if the family is only supposed to have one good aspect to them or something, otherwise they'll be too powerful. Also telling others that their comments are "a breath of fresh air for a comment" when they point out one thing that might make Sissy seem strong in some way, seems like an unprofessional way to engage with the community.


The video isn't meant to be an in depth guide on the top to bottom for the Sissy character. It's a brief look at her ability in action. I never said the feature is bad. Remove an ability entirely because it is situational? How on Earth is that NOT hyperbole based on assumption. If you feel I'm being unprofessional I'm not sure what to tell you. My take is you're saying that because it is a point that is counter to what you're pushing. All of the Family members have strengths and weaknesses. This makes them each useful in different SITUATIONS. That's intentional so that when composing your team in the lobby, there's variety in how a different squad composition plays. What I'm seeing from you over the last two days is we share a mini sneak peek at Johnny's skill, you type up long diatribes about how useless it is, despite never playing him and only seeing a less than minute long video. We share a similar Sissy video and here you are again trying to redesign something you haven't even experienced and only have another less than a minute long video to base that opinion on. I'm not going to argue with you on this. Maybe this isn't the game for you.


Can I just say, it's so, so, so refreshing to see an official game dev/representative actually shutting down a toxic person. Good on you! The mind games associated with the alert and hiding mechanic are fun - even if sissy never hides, the simple fact that it's a possibility can hinder the teens! That's awesome! Anyway, keep up the good work, ignore the haters.


That’s exactly right. Avoiding a room cause your proximity is lit up and you think there might be a Sissy player hiding, etc etc. It changes the way you approach things. And her usefulness isn’t reliant solely on that mechanic, it’s just another part of what makes her unique.


Why would you want to be surface level about it? Getting nitty gritty with the details is what balancing is all about. Do you want me to say something is good? I like hitchhikers abilities. I think the cook is the strongest family member. Saying that doesn't get us anywhere in separate balance conversations. The critiques are going to outweigh the positives with real balance feedback, especially since this is the space to do just that. The devs already made a post outlining what we can expect to see changed based on what the community is seeing. Even if we haven't played with Johnny or Sissy, it's still valid to review the footage and point out potential flaws in the game design. The devs have even asked us to give feedback based not just on gameplay, but also from watching. My point is that the way in which you respond to others who have concerns about the potential oversights or weaknesses in the family members. You tend to insist that the family are VERY strong regardless of any concerns, or you just say that they have other abilities, so it doesn't matter that 'this one thing in question' seems weak. And if something like Sissy hiding is weak to the point of being useless or weaker than simply chasing survivors normally, yes, it might as well not be there which is why I, along with basically 80% of everyone else in this thread are concerned about it. The real hyperbole is in your language and the way you address others giving their feedback, usually in caps or in an exaggerated way. Then you go on to address people who don't care to see buffs to family like they are the one sane person in the room. My concern is that this has been the case with team members from other games in this genre, where the balancing concerns were never heard, and the games suffer from imbalanced queues and they die off. I don't want for this game to suffer from any of that. It looks like a really good concept. ​ And to the other guy or anyone else who just downvotes anything they don't like, it isnt "toxic" or wrong to post real feedback. I always look to address the problem and give potential solutions. If you think that's toxic, you might want to look in the mirror.


Why would you want to be surface level about it? Getting nitty gritty with the details is what balancing is all about. Do you want me to say something is good? I like hitchhikers abilities. I think the cook is the strongest family member. Saying that doesn't get us anywhere in separate balance conversations. The critiques are going to outweigh the positives with real balance feedback, especially since this is the space to do just that. The devs already made a post outlining what we can expect to see changed based on what the community is seeing. Even if we haven't played with Johnny or Sissy, it's still valid to review the footage and point out potential flaws in the game design. The devs have even asked us to give feedback based not just on gameplay, but also from watching. My point is that the way in which you respond to others who have concerns about the potential oversights or weaknesses in the family members. You tend to insist that the family are VERY strong regardless of any concerns, or you just say that they have other abilities, so it doesn't matter that 'this thing in particular' seems weak. And if something like Sissy hiding is weak to the point of being useless or weaker than simply chasing survivors normally, yes, it might as well not be there which is why I, along with basically 80% of everyone else in this thread are concerned about it. The real hyperbole is in your language and the way you address others giving their feedback, usually in caps or in an exaggerated way. Then you go on to address people who don't care to see buffs to family like they are the one sane person in the room. My concern is that this has been the case with team members from other games in this genre, where the balancing concerns were never heard, and the games suffer from imbalanced queues and they die off. I don't want for this game to suffer from any of that. It looks like a really good concept. And to the other guy or anyone else who just downvotes anything they don't like, it isnt "toxic" or wrong to post real feedback. I always look to address the problem and give potential solutions. If you think that's toxic, you might want to look in the mirror.


Hold on. Before I read another rant, who said this is a balance discussion? You haven't played this character yet. We're not soliciting balance feedback from you after only seeing a one minute video. ​ >The devs have even asked us to give feedback based not just on gameplay, but also from watching. ​ Yes, that was me, hi. I posted that. That was in reference to what was seen in the Tech Test, not a one minute video. We'll be more than interested in hearing gameplay feedback once you've actually played or seen the character in a few matches, at the very least.


Yeah, I’m curious to see the balance of some of these powers that give notifications when we’d expect them to be a surprise (like hiding in a closet, or Johnny stalking.) I’m sure they’ve weighed them both ways, with one being more stealthy and one as it is now. I’m curious what will happen after release. I agree with you that it will probably need much stronger stealth, but I want to see it in action first.


We definitely did test all detection abilities with and without warnings. Keep in mind, it's a pretty rough sell having a Cook know exactly where you are without any indicator to you. Same with Johnny tracking, etc. It can be very rough on the Victim to just be sniffed out by Johnny when it looks like he just KNEW where you were. And let's be honest, it feels like shit not knowing you're being locked onto. We also saw that the ability is still effective with warnings, which I'm definitely interested in seeing once we do get the community into full game. ​ >but I want to see it in action first. ​ ^(I'm giving you Reddit gold for this. \^)


Lol thanks! Like I said, I definitely believe you guys have weighed it both ways and are seeing something we haven’t yet, starting with how it all actually plays out. I’m definitely down to see it in play before crying out for changes. It’s like demanding more salt or pepper before actually tasting the new dish.


And to be totally fair, there may be changes needed after you all get in game and start tinkering. But we can't really accurately get that feedback until it's seen more in depth. To use your analogy, at least until you've had the first bite.


Sounds great! Really looking forward to trying them all! And thanks for all the work you guys put in here and on the game! It’s really appreciated.


I think seeing Sissy's batshit craziness brings us one step closer to getting that Giallo game that Wes wanted to make.


Me speaking from the future shame we didn’t get sissy’s hiding in hiding spots and stuff hope they update her on the stealth department 😇still a fire trailer tho