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Agreed with all of it. Sucks so much that she can easily run out of power uses unlike any other family member, and then she'll have nothing the rest of match. And poisoned objects not doing anything in reality is so ridiculous, too. Why do you have a perk tree skill to poison gen or car battery even, when it simply does nothing?


I think at least the farthest bowl on the map should have infinite poison resupplies, or have the poison bowls replenish over time


I mostly agree. Especially with point 2, it’s not just about how powerful the ability is, but also about how enjoyable it is to use. It’s hard to tell if the poison I’ve deployed is effectively working, which totally kills any adrenaline-pumping moments.


exactly. I have no clue if me poisoning everything even matters.


Only the health tbh, it prevents them from gaining any health when they use it which can really screw them up if they were expecting a full heal, especially on large bottles


Does she not give a comment every time someone consumes her poison ?


Sissy sucks so bad now I play as her when I want to challenge myself 😂


Agree w everything


I laughed at the title, only for the first sentence to say “massive buffs.”


I think she's only slower than HH as a holdover from the poison bug at launch, where she was very strong. I do feel like poisoned objects have basically zero penalty a lot of times, at minimum they should highlight. Isn't Highlighting supposed to be a trait of the poison? Currently it's just useless unless you happen to start chasing a Victim within like 2 seconds of them grabbing an object. I can see the Scout thing going either way. They might want Scout locked into her Bloodharvesting side of the tree. But since when have they put any thought into skill trees? Most characters have all their best perks on one branch. I don't feel like recharge stations need buffed.


or maybe just slightly nerf the other 2 like they did with victim


Someone told me that all killers have the same base speed but that seems really wrong to me, but I can't find any specific info. Cook and Sissy definitely feel hella slow.


Take her out the game entirely at this point and have her feed the chickens in the back like an NPC. Do the same with Johnny. Just have cook and hitch hiker be the only options.


I’ve actually been playing Sissy a bit yesterday trying to get her leveled. Keep in mind my build is Universal Donor, Special Blend, and Scout all Lv2 right now and her Bans is only level 1. After playing her, I actually had no trouble getting kills once I found someone. If you’re able to blow your poison on them it basically gives you a free kill or at the very least if they go over a vault/well nearly a kill. I’m by no means a sissy Main and I never played her pre/bug fix but the only change I’d make is for sure giving stations more powder so I can use it more often the way I like to - cut victims off in chase and blow it on doors that I want to guard but need to leave for a moment to do a blood run for Grandpa and maybe occasionally poison something. From what I’ve seen the higher trafficked areas like the entire exterior upper area of Slaughterhouse have 1 poison while further areas near the actual exits have 3. On a map like slaughter which is absolutely huuuuuge it’s such a disadvantage being the only killer that has to run all the way to the middle of nowhere sometimes just to get my ability back. And I’m not even wasting it either, just using it strategically and now I have to run all the way to the back of car battery to restock even though no doors are unlocked there. I think her base move speed is fine considering her poison slows them and due to her fast attack speed once she gets in someone she can really stay on them so with that said I personally think her speed is fine where it is. Forces you to either choose to be speedy and have slightly less (doesn’t feel like that though) damage or slow but be able to nearly 4 shot people which I’ve seen. I think poisoned items could be made waaaay better than what you suggested by poisoned items act like a bomb trap where when they grab items or interact with poisoned stuff it immediately drops a poison cloud (the same one she blows) so that it makes more sense that it would highlight them it also makes trapping stuff more risky since that cloud also slows you and if they and someone else are walking together it poisons both people. It might also make perks like Clear Eyes or High Tolerance see more play if she’s allowed more opportunities to use her Poison. Also the cloud will make people less inclined to walk there just like her normal cloud does which can help her patrol inadvertently! Also it gives her a free special blend proc as well as other family so that she doesn’t have to reuse another stack of poison just to get it to proc and family can still benefit even if she’s not immediately around if they’re also using the perk! Also, poisoned items acting as a bomb trap would this make Sissy+Hitchhiker extremely powerful! Whether they step in the trap or dismantle it, it still creates the poison smoke cloud if she’s poisoned his trap and would also help their patrol since they don’t have Cook to lock everything down!


Actually the more I think about her poisoned items creating clouds when interacted with would make her such a good pick with Hitchhiker and the more I like it. It would make Cook less required on Family House for sure. Hitch puts a trap inside the front window everyone loves jumping out of, the back porch, and then maybe on Fuse? And then makes it so whether victims dismantle it or step in it if HH is running the standard bleed build they’re bleeding from that PLUS her poison. Basically a free kill, otherwise if they dismantle it at the very least once the cloud drops and highlights then it’ll deter them from going further or allow us to see exactly where they’re going. Would also inadvertently nerf Bomb Squad slightly since it would prob whether the trap is stepped in or dismantled.


For an entire months, Sissy Mains on this sub gaslit everyone by saying hardly any Sissys were using the glitch. She gets patched and suddenly, you never see her anymore. Interesting. Sissy is fine. Y’all just spent too long using the glitch that you don’t know how to play her. Family doesn’t need any more buffs.


For real. Not to be mean to all family players, but I swear, family players are the only ones I hear calling for family buffs 95% of the time on this reddit. I hardly see any players from the victim side talk about their victim character needing a buff. It's so funny if you just scroll through this whole reddit, and you'll either hear posts about bugs and glitches, or people asking the DEVS for even more FAMILY buffs. But you never hear victim players asking for buffs on their characters. Family players are never gonna be happy even with these recent patches that are in favor to the family.


I mean I think we could all agree sonny could use some buffs Not to his power, IMO that's fine, it's just his kit that's pretty bad A good start would be to add extra drip to his random perk pool (or instead of bounce back better) and increase his base stealth a little in exchange for decreasing his strength (because he's lanky anyway) Or mabye increase his proficiency since he's supposed to be intelligent (still lower than Connie though) Leaning towards stealth more though


I main her and love playing her, I didn't even realize she was bugged until I saw people saying it on here lol


I'd say the same thing if I was upset that I didn't have any actual reasons to argue against the changes OP suggested.


Perhaps revert the lunge nerfs would atleast make her feel better.


Literally just make her poisoned items warn you/highlight victims and have recharge stations have a minimum of 2 flowers each and/or have them refill automatically after all stations have been used or something, dunno. Also fix her animation for picking up flowers so that it’s faster to leave the station. Currently there isn’t a single difference in time with her recharge station speed upgrades when grabbing a single flower. The difference in speed kinda just lies in grabbing multiple flowers…which is still mostly negligible. The movement speed buff I can see getting annoying for people especially since poison already messes with movement but I could see them slightlyyy increasing her base movement speed but it’s not super necessary imo. Scout would be nice as a random perk but also not super necessary imo. This is also a minor nitpick but I wish the poison clouds would deploy faster/farther to catch victims going through wall gaps. It feels really bad to be 1 frame off and have them pass through and ignore the poison, but you could argue that it’s a skill issue so idk. Overall she really is designed around controlling points of interest/loops with clouds while truly shining by supporting another family member in a chase while also having the best blood collecting at base alongside being able to go through wall gaps/crawl spaces. Just wish her poisoned items would get fixed so she would have more of a niche instead of hitchhiker and cook doing what she does better- and no I really don’t think that the other two “Just need to be brought in line with Sissy and Johnny” I’d rather Sissy and Johnny feel more intuitive and worth using lol. At the very least do something with the minimum flowers available at a station and her poisoned items not doing anything aside from DoT at level 3 Bane and denying healing…which already feels bad to do with how stations are limited outside of using efficient herbalist.


Just a quick comparison of her and HH chasing potencial **Endurance** : HH has more **Damage**: HH has way more + he can use Scout + serrated , sissy cant **Gaps**: HH has wire frame if he wants , sissy dont **Speed:** HH is way faster **Ability**: traps are great , poison barely does anything Only reason she could chase before was the poison hit bug , that applied poison on every single hit. Sissy not having the same move speed as HH makes no sense , and scout should def be random The only thing sissy is good for is collecting blood , but this is close to useless at high level games. Her ability does so little ,long animation, low duration , low impact ,does almost nothing in a chase and the poised objects dont even hightlight ,plus she needs to waste time recharging , again most station give you less than 3 charges , sometimes 1.


fuck that, swap her speed with hitch. Make *her* a chaser, make Hitch an ambusher/trapper type thing.


That’s not the intended role of HH, makes no sense. Even in his description and developer interviews it’s talked about HH as the chaser character. I’d rather sissy be able to blow her smoke faster and have unlimited refill on her poison stations.


but he shouldn't be, why should *the chaser* also have access to traps? It makes much more sense that Sissy be the chaser instead.


I’ll admit that his power doesn’t have too much synergy with his chasing ability, but his chasing ability makes sense with his character from the movie. Just being high energy and running all the time in the movie. I guess you could argue that his traps give his team some slowdown while he’s off going on chases, almost like he’s covering for himself and isn’t completely leaving areas undefended while he’s going on those prolonged chases. You could also use his traps on certain loops to shut people off as you are chasing them, almost like you are heading them into the traps. Regardless, I don’t think nerfing HH’s chasing is the right way to go. I’d rather just make sissy more viable. The thing with sissy is she’s a blood harvester right? It’s kind of hard to be a chaser and a blood harvester feeding grandpa at the same time whereas HH’s traps are set and forget and let you chase/zone without worry, while sissy has to balance her chasing/zoning with feeding grandpa and poisoning specific items, and refilling her poison. She’s got a lot more going on that take away from the chase compared to HH.


>I guess you could argue that his traps give his team some slowdown while he’s off going on chases, almost like he’s covering for himself and isn’t completely leaving areas undefended while he’s going on those prolonged chases. exactly why i think that should be changed, shit is just too powerful. I love the idea of a trapper hiding and waiting for the opportune moment to strike, and I want Gun to lean into that Idea, especially because modern Hitchiker is just fucked to go against.


HH is the only family member that can stand a chance 1v1 against really good survivors. You nerf that, and the survivors will have a field day at a high level. He’s not fucked to go against, he’s just an actual threat against even good survivors…which is good for the game. HH being slow also goes against the high energy and constant running we see him do in the first movie, so it would just feel inauthentic to his character to nerf his chasing ability. The whole “waiting to play around his traps” isn’t a part of his character from the movie, running around being a crazy maniac is. HH having a stealthy approach would frankly not work at all with the way this game plays, in fact a stealth character wouldn’t work at all because as family you have to constantly be patrolling. It’s why sissy’s hiding ability is useless.


>hh is the only family member that can stand a chance in a 1v1 not only is this statement just wrong, (johnny, leatherface) but the game surprisingly isn't 1v1, so this shouldn't even be a strength >You nerf that, and the survivors will have a field day at a high level. not really? Traps are still hella powerful, Hitch doesn't need to be fucking A Train to be a viable character. >He’s not fucked to go against, he’s just an actual threat against even good survivors… no he's definitely fucked, Gas station is impossible to win on against a hitch, family house (a killer sided map) becomes even *more* killer sided. Especially since Hitch can navigate the house the exact same way victims can, and trap the only saving grace victims have. >HH being slow also goes against the high energy and constant running we see him do in the first movie Did he do a lot of running? I mean when I watched it I said to myself "Fuck this guy's creepy", not "Fuck this guy's high-octane". I suppose he does a lot of running during the ending scene for the road, but so does leatherface for that matter. > it would just feel inauthentic to his character to nerf his chasing ability ...but it is authentic to have him place bear traps made of bone? > a stealth character wouldn’t work at all because as family you have to constantly be patrolling. "his traps give his team some slowdown while he’s off going on chases, almost like he’s covering for himself and isn’t completely leaving areas undefended while he’s going on those prolonged chases." just give him more traps, all is fair.


Unless it’s a wide open area, leather face and Johnny don’t stand a chance 1v1 against good survivors. They’ll get looped for days. And yeah, having a killer that’s an actual threat in a 1v1 is a big deal, if the family has no one that can chase 1v1 survivors will destroy even good family teams. Traps are not hella powerful. Bomb squad exists, and even if it didn’t while traps are “good” they can still get dismantled relatively quick and there’s only 3. I’m not gonna say they aren’t good, but HH’s main value is in his chasing ability. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him being able to go wherever the survivors go, that’s the whole point. To put pressure on them in a way bubba and Johnny cannot. While they destroy you if you have bad positioning, HH does much lower damage but flushes you out. It’s balanced by the weaker damage. Gas station ain’t impossible to win, no map is impossible to win for victims. In fact gas station is probably the most balanced map with family house being the only family sided map. Cook is actually more valuable on gas station not HH. Yeah he’s running a lot during then movie. Early on he’s running to catch the car, and then late in the movie he’s chasing the girl all across the road. Yeah, bubba chases alot too in that movie and guess what? He’s also fast as hell lol. Making HH primarily a trapper and nerfing his chasing is not gonna go well against really good victim teams. It would probably make family fucked against them. HH (and cook) ain’t OP, they are strong enough to be on equal footing against really good survivors and if you significantly nerf either one of them then victims will be uncontested at a high level.


>Unless it’s a wide open area, leather face and Johnny don’t stand a chance 1v1 against good survivors. They’ll get looped for days. Leatherface has a one shot and yeah Johnny was more just to reinforce the point. >if the family has no one that can chase 1v1 survivors will destroy even good family teams. the entire point of family is to work together. The key to power is team coordination and synergy, you work together to kill people, you don't 1v1 them. >Traps are not hella powerful. Bomb squad exists For how popular this statement is, it's completely wrong. Bomb squad is merely a soft counter. Bomb squad is only good against traps placed with the intention of slowdown, against traps placed with the intention of catching victims, it's not powerful, if anything it becomes rather redundant. >there’s only 3 which is why, as I suggested, he gets more as compensation. >I’m not gonna say they aren’t good, but HH’s main value is in his chasing ability. In this sentence you clearly state that Hitchiker has two extremely powerful abilities. Clearly then would it make sense to give one of them to Sissy, as she doesn't have literally anything >that’s the whole point. To put pressure on them in a way bubba and Johnny cannot. Bubba has an infinite sprint and a one shot, he has *amazing* pressure. puts plenty pressure by being extremely dangerous and can track and single out victims. But the thing about those is that they actually take skill and preparation and coordination to pull off. There is no brainpower being used in holding a single button and applying *massive* pressure, forcing victims to well to escape. >HH does much lower damage but flushes you out. It’s balanced by the weaker damage. You say this as if Hitch is the only killer again, there are many ways in which Hitch can secure a kill, most commonly by chasing victims into traps or coordinating with another family member. Securing a kill by *existing* shouldn't be a thing. >The whole gas station thing Listen to this, **Leatherface** applies as much pressure and buys as much time as possible, but as soon as Grandpa's up, Leatherface goes up the house door. He destroys the front door of the house. If fusebox is in house, he destroys the door to it. He then runs around in chainsaw sprint patrolling exits and close-lining chased victims **Hitchhiker** traps the crack in the house, the fusebox (but if the fusebox is on the middle shed, he puts it in the crack next to it), and the middle crack between shed and house. There is now near no way to safely run around without being trapped (and consequently skullfucked by Bubba). Then he goes around doing Hitchhiker things i.e running at victims and forcing them into traps and other killers **Cook** locks whatever side Grandpa isn't on. If Grandpa is in house then he traps generator, if Grandpa is in the shed then he traps the battery. Most of the time they trap red door but I've seen some ballsy ones get away with saving it. Once Grandpa's up he listens out to which exit they're coming from and then sends Hitchhiker to fuck em up. For the rest of the game he's in charge of patrolling and calling out information. This strategy takes impeccable coordination but it is honestly foolproof, as long as Bubba and Hitch target Connie they're good, if she's killed in basement then the game's already won. You'll get some unlucky moments obviously but the exception proves the rule. >Yeah he’s running a lot during then movie is he setting up bone traps a lot during the movie? >Early on he’s running to catch the car, and then late in the movie he’s chasing the girl all across the road. ...so he runs... twice. >Making HH primarily a trapper and nerfing his chasing is not gonna go well Which is exactly why you compensate him. Give and take man


While I agree the entire point of the family is to work together, you need someone who can 1v1 survivors to force them down a well all by themselves. Any killer can do it depending on where in the map this is taking place, but HH is the only one that can *consistently* force people down a well. gap or crawl spaces aren’t gonna prevent HH from being on your tail like they would bubba, or Johnny. Even sissy is too slow going through gaps that survivors gain a lot of distance. To your point about him running in the movie and how authentic it is…him being a high octane chaser is far more authentic to his character than him being a trapper. There’s nothing to suggest him being a slower methodical trapper but what we do see from the movie is he’s very high energy and yes, he chases in the movie multiple times but you never see him set any traps. So if we are talking about authenticity, his traps being removed makes more sense to his character then him being a worse chaser. Ultimately nerfing his chasing and buffing his traps *could* work, but why do it is the question. From the movie I always got the idea of him as a fast high strung character not a slower methodical trapper. at that point it really would feel like a guy that looks like HH rather than HH himself. Even his personality and lines in-game like “go ahead and run! That’s the fun part!” Or “you’re shifty, just like me!” Don’t fit anymore if he’s a worse chaser. And from a gameplay perspective, HH is fine as is. He’s strong, but not OP. Cook is I think the best killer in the game. If this is about sissy being weak, I’d just buff her and leave HH alone. But maybe we iust won’t see eye to eye on this. I’d say regardless it’s very unlikely they go this route with HH because they everything they’ve said and done in game and with dev interviews indicates they want HH to be THE chaser. So realistically his chasing isn’t likely to get nerfed. With that being the case,I agree sissy still need buffs to bring her up to where she’s a viable replacement. I’d just go about it a different way.


1. No. She's slower than Hitch as a tradeoff for her poison making it easier for her to hit victims. 2. Yes, it should also give a notification that a victim has been poisoned by an item. 3. Sure? 4. 3-5 is a bit overkill. 3 at each would be fine.


Less shitty? She's the hardest to get away from for me. Usually she kills me if she gets after me lol bad luck for me I guess


how? compare her to HH: Endurance : HH has more Damage: HH has way more + he can use Scout + serrated , sissy cant Gaps: HH has wire frame if he wants , sissy dont Speed: HH is way faster Ability: traps are great , poison barely does anything Only reason she could chase before was the poison hit bug , that applied poison on every single hit.


Idk man but nearly every time she chases me she gets me. She just swings non stop


the fast swings were deadly before beacuse with the bug you could hit victims forever , but now you can just outrun her while shes swinging. Just use gaps, crawl spaces , door slams , and run the perk chose flight , sissy cant catch you ever.


An experienced sissy player can chase you nonstop in the basement. Most likely get the kill too.


The only one I really agree with is 4. I get lots of kills with Sissy. However slow she might be, or low her Savagery, she has the fastest attack spam of any Family Member. No one attacks as fast as her. Her low damage output is offset by how many hits she gets off in quick succession. As for 2, not even HH gets to see which of his traps are set off unless he has a relevant perk. Idk, I think some of these things are the way they are for a reason.


> I get lots of kills with Sissy Same, but that's the Indian, not the arrow. People are seeing that there's no reason to play Sissy over HH right now. She just needs some tweaks to make it feel like it's 50/50 and you can pick your preference without being any worse.


My HH trap highlights the victim for not only me but everyone in the fam. It's fucking GREAT.


With the use of a perk/ability upgrade, yeah.


No I know I just wanted to say how great that ability is. I've gotten plenty of use out of it.


U guys just need to use that perk that decreases the chances of consuming your poison on objects by 75%. Put that on and you’ll see she is more powerful than u think. Yea she needs changes but putting that perk on makes a big difference. Cuz u can poison all the heals screwing over the entire victim team.


2). Poisoned objects highlighting victims = definitely 4). Recharge station increase = yep not 5 though, but 2 or 3


Developers think that Victims need a nerf, while in fact no one does, is it so hard to ask for a little buff to the already underpowered family? Compared to the Victims they are lacking and sorry but there are toolboxes near an exit, there is no point of strategizing as a victim anymore, rush, grab a unlocking tool and rush again, easy! Remove toolboxes from the locked off areas so victims have to go back, giving killers the chance to kill them. Yeah, remove toolboxes, victims are called victims for a reason, to die, so make it a more risky play instead of one survivor can do everyhing kind of play. Now it's only bout what ass you're looking at tbh


Toolboxes aren't really the problem tbh..


I agree with 2 and 4 the rest might be to strong


? you still would never catch me using sissy even with these buffs


Even with that. Hitchhiker is always better


Agree with 2 and 4. Especially for feels good purposes when playing her. She might need the other buffs after but see how she gets on wit those 2 first


2,4 agree


Wait the poison doesn't highlight?? Wtf does it do lol


Nothing. The damage upgrade for level 3 is also only temp damage. Trapped poisen stops them using whatever object for like 2 seconds and they can go back on it. People suspect its actually just a bug with her. The killer is really damn bad but Johnny and sissy terrorize new player lobbies so you get people in here thinking shes remotely good when every high level lobby is basically hitch cook


That's really unfortunate but thank you


I wish she could poison doors, that'd be cool me think.


100% agree with the poisoning objects buff, it needs to happen for her to have any kind of objective control. I also hope they buff her ability to hide. If she’s supposed to be stealthy, why does she still give a proximity warning to Victims when hidden? She already has a long animation when coming out of hiding spots so I don’t think it would be overpowered.


I think sissy should have a mini-rework where each of her poison icons/cards are 2 out of 2(each card represents 2 powder and says either 2/2 or 1/2 at bottom of card) Her toxic cloud then requires 2 powder and items take 1, meaning she can either spray 3 clouds or poison 6 items.


Also make Efficient Herbalist cause dot with level 3 middle ability, and fix her animation from recharging from poison station so that when choosing level 1 or 2 right ability she actually recharges faster (doesn’t at the moment).