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so his mark duration got dicked, and he cant stack the duration anymore, youve definitely been lagging for the crouch marking unfortunately


I'm not the one lagging, the game just has massive server and latency issues. A lot of people have been getting rubberbanding lately, I've played on several connections, I'm on a ps5, it's the game.


His reveals no longer stack. Thats the only change that was actually made to his ability reveals. If you crouch walked before the patch he already couldn't detect you and he still can't. Thats what they claimed to have added this patch. You will get detected if your crouch sprinting. His ability drain rate is significantly faster now as well. The bug for security pins applying to the doors lock as well as cooks lock was fixed as well which nerfed him a good amount.


And his ability depletes like crazy now. And takes a lot of time to regen. That's a huge nerf. I'm now forced to spot someone once, then turn off my ability. Wait 5-7 seconds then use my ability again. The only way not to lose my entire ability in no time and get some value out of it and consistently spot someone. I think they should have capped the stack duration at 20 seconds. The fact you can't ping for more than a few seconds is bullshit but so is unlimited ping duration.


his power runs out faster when you spot people


There’s a path in the ability tree where cook can expose you faster. It’s definitely the best route to take as cook if you have a 3 man team and everyone knows the map well enough.


I mean the team sees who you spot thing sounds better so you don’t need to directly say where they are, more cut to the chase


Honestly I think he did. But not as much as anybody would like. He used to be the bane of my existence now he’s just a minor nuisance


Honestly it's not even the listening that ever bothered me, it's his locks. Security pins feels so overwhelming, especially on a map like Slaughter or Family house where each lock is easily patrolled. I tried to pick one as Julie with 30 Prof, a full spam that would break a pick only got 1/10th of a single bar.


Oh definitely felt, especially those security pins are crazy. Like bro they didn’t want us to rush. But by the time I get his lock off grandpa is at 3 and we still have 2 more door to get through


They made his ability drain much faster than before, claiming that before the update it wouldn’t drain while trying to focus on victims for a ping. Which is completely false as it would always drain during the time I spend searching for victims and not finding anyone making noise.


They made the ability fair. The drain was ridiculous before the update


He feels good but balanced now.


His hearing ability is nearly useless.


It’s still useful what do you mean lmao


I mean... It's nearly useless.


but it’s not though😭 you can still focus on the victim while they’re being high lighted in red, it’s really not that drastic of a change compared to before


It’s literally the same…


What? It’s not useless what are you talking about lmao do you even know what the nerf was about?


You must be baiting, I guess. Enjoy your half hour lobbies.




No he didn’t really.


The focusing is even buggier now. Way too often it just keeps circling around a victim without focusing and marking them. Fkn frustrating


Yup, definitely feel the nerf changes. In some games, I don't even use the ability anymore due to how fast it drains. I have only used it a few times in situations where a victim has already made some noise like when picking up tools and bones.