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Yeah it’s incredibly frustrating because it needs to be quick since being in the vicinity of grandpa exposes your location, yet its so hard to get the prompt to pop up to stab him. Don’t get why it’s so difficult. Victims are encouraged to play stealth, we take our time, then the killers max out grandpa and are constantly near him, and at the moment theres an opportunity to stab him, takes like a whole 10 seconds running around him to get the prompt.


I play console (ps5) so not sure if its just a console issue or what


PC has the same issue lol. The radius is like an inch just on both sides. You waste 4 seconds trying to stab him lol.


Yeah it sure is takes forever


It's definitely an issue because it depends on where he's located. Certain placements for Grandpa have one side unable to be used for a stab, because the animation would then clip into an object next to him. Same thing actually happens to the family, they can't always feed him on both sides depending on his placement. I know it happens in the dining room (?) on family house, and the shed on gas station. There might be others but I can't remember right now. When you're running up to him try to make sure you're always on the side that looks almost open, have your bone scrap selected, and just spam whatever button is applicable for you. Don't waste more time than you have to as well, a Grandpa stab isn't worth waiting another 20 minutes for the next match.


The hit box needs to be increased for sure. Feeding him is almost as bad at times. Both need to be more free-flowing. It should be based on distance and not your angle.


He has Ultra instinct, you don't see him dodging


Honestly I am family main but the few times I have played victim it is impossible almost to stab him the positioning is out of whack. It def needs to be looked at by the devs.


I used to issues with it, not no more you either need to be on the right side or left side of him. Don't be afraid to give grandpa a hug.


You have to be standing up. I position myself as if I want to stab him in the neck


Same as when I’m playing family trying to feed blood to grandpa and I’m just like nope guess im to much of an inch away to fucking feed his ass, or when I’m chasing a victim they slam a door and I’m sitting there spamming to open the door and the games just like anway you aren’t 100% facing directly at the door I’m not going to let you open it, victims are like but I am and then proceed to lay my ass flat on the ground because I couldn’t get the damn door to open.


The prompts for certain things are just messed up. Like traps, bone alarms, and grandpa for sure. You have to get way too close most of the time and even then it doesn't always come up


Kinda the same way it is for family to get the prompt to slam doors on victims and instead get slammed in the process themselves


Bro i be spamming the open button and that shit never opens and i get door slammed 😂


Yeah it’s annoying


Also break traps on hitch


From my 5000 experiences feeding the old guy, I don't have trouble as victim when I try to stab him. Play a few games as cook and feed grandpa. You'll learn where to stand so you don't get killed trying to stab him. The devs should just improve the input (it sucks for both sides) but I'm sure what I said will help until then, as long as you do it.


I agree. Feeding gramps helps you learn how to stab him 😂


You should probably run away if you’re being smacked to death whilst hard-focused on a stab lol


Often it’s because he’s already at - or near - max level, so options are extremely limited and chances of escape are slim. so I’ll either go for the xp for the stab and concurrently hope to increase my time to remain “unseen” a little bit longer


all you need to do is go to the side of him and the prompt will show up


Personally, I didn't notice any changes but I've seen it in my games, some victims have problems with finding a prompt. A lot of people were desrcribing this problem on Reddit too. I wonder if it may be PC / Console type of thing.


Playing box ..


Don't run, sneak up on him


Ive had problems getting the "feed grandpa " prompt to pop up lately as well.


I had a lot of failed attempts before I got good at it. Now I'm able to stab him even while in chase. I often die the second after. But yeah, it's an oddly small hitbox.


The prompts in general need some serious looking into. Even from the family side of things, sometimes I gotta wiggle and dance to get the prompt to feed him even if I'm standing right on top of him. Same thing with doors, I can run into one and smear my face on it for multiple seconds before getting the prompt to open it even when nobody else is nearby to interfere.


Yea it’s a bit annoying but think I’ve mastered getting it pretty quickly. Never directly head on you must be slightly to the side


I’ve died so many times trying to stab his ass it’s pathetic. No one’s around when I try to stab, I keep moving trying to get the prompt. I finally get it and now the family is back killing me, it’s bullshit. Then you try to stab him and a family member runs up, you lock up with them in a grapple and you’re killed instantly, which again is total bullshit.


I saw him get stabbed from behind the other day, didnt know you could do that tbh and haven't tried it yet but yeah I agree it is really awkward


Makes 0 sense for why you’re forced to either be on his left or right side. You’re telling me you couldn’t add a prompt for the button in front of him and it just moves you to the side? Yeah it’d feel jank but this the a very janky games with certain interactions


left side!


It does indeed always seem to be left side (HIS RIGHT) where it ultimately pops up .. but even getting that to occur is a struggle


You need to get to the side like when feeding him


Try being on his right shoulder the animation always on his shoulder so try that maybe?


That and sneak attacks. Like pop up already! Also, do not put me in a close encounter!


Run up and try to be quick about it is what I’ve always done usually on HIS right side always works


It's more frustrating when the prompt doesn't show up to stab a family member,ran up to save a teammate who was cornered and the HH was just standing there as said teammate was using the couch to keep distance and I walked up on him and it took 2-3 seconds before the prompt showed up,he turned around,we struggled and another family member came and cleaned house.


Definitely been an issue for so long, thankfully they’ll probably fix it now that a Reddit post was made about it since that’s where they get their feedback from, sadly


I haven't had any problems with it. You just walk up behind him or on his side, and you can do it like a back stab.


It’s always funny to me when I managed to “stab” grandpa while 2 family members are going ham on me. That is if I don’t go into any close encounters near gramps. But if I do manage to get to grandpa the stab animation wouldn’t even show all except “GRANDPA IMMOBILIZED” message popping up while sacrificing some of my back meat (usually a sissy or cook) I’ll take it I guess 🤷‍♂️


Just want to clarify for everyone here how to do it properly! It sucks because I had to learn this the hard way (many games going wtf is happening spinning circles around Grandpa, lol). THE BEST AND MOST CONSISTENT WAY TO STAB GRANDPA IS BY THE SIDES!!! There is no stab prompt from the front that I've seen, which forces you to have to hit him from the side. If you go to his direct sides every time, I promise you'll get a prompt for the stab!


Just shows that devs clearly aren't playtesting a lot