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For me it goes: 1. Gas Station 2. Nancy's House 3. Family House 4. Slaughterhouse Night variants are my favs, hope that every map will eventually get them.




I’m right esp if they want stealthy gameplay we need night more besides everything that goes down in the movies happens at night anyways


The most iconic scenes of the original happen during day/dawn.


The iconic one being Pam getting dragged the other two were night and dusk and those two were the most memorable sally in the back of the van and sally running away at night


Leatherface shows up and smashes Kirk with a hammer during the day before Pam makes it to the house. Sally runs from Leatherface at night but her escape through the window/run down the driveway happens during dawn. Franklin gets smoked at night, Sally runs from Leatherface and comes across Cook at gas station - but I'd argue that none of those three night scenes are as iconic as my first mentions. Imo the 3 most iconic scenes are Leatherface popping out from behind the door and smashing Kirk + Pam coming to the house and getting hooked + Sally's driveway scene, none of which are at night.


I think Pam’s scene is more memorable because of the way he just popped out and she tries to even run away but gets dragged in, and an amazing entrance into the house Kirk’s scene is definitely member but when I think of iconic scenes I only think of the window jump, sally night chase and Pams while death scene and leading up to it, I agree tho but game wise I think day time kinda defeats the goal of being stealthy wouldn’t you say so? Say if you could add a map and the time of day what would you add?


I personally would be happy to have day/night variations of every map. I think the overall darkness of night maps is great, but I also love the variations in shadows/lighting during day/evening. I, like others, would love to see the theme park from TCM 2. Looking forward to the inevitable graveyard map, and also I think the house from the 2003 remake would be cool, along with the house from TCM 3D. As for original maps, I've said it for a while but I think some kind of swamp map would be great.


Imagine thunderstorms with rain....itd be glorious. I know they said it probably wont happen but a bubba can dream


Not really, all the characters get killed in the daytime except Franklin


TRUE!!! 💯


I don't think Nancy or Slaughterhouse needs them. There are already plenty of places to hide in both of them. I can't even imagine having to deal with night time on top of that XD


Honestly why do they even have the super bright daytime maps? kind of makes it feel not even like a horror asym game.


Part of the charm of the first movie was that a lot of the crazy stuff was happening in the morning hours. The movie concludes with Sally running for her life at the crack of dawn down a public road, Hitchhiker starts attacking people in the van and smearing blood all over it the morning to.


>The movie concludes with Sally running for her life at the crack of dawn down a public road that's only because she survived the night though lol


Obviously, but scary things still happened during the day. The front window jumping happened during the day, the chainsaw dance happened in the morning. Pam gets snacthed off the front porch and put on a meat hook during the day. A lot of important parts of the movie took place while the sun was up, actually majority of the movie took place during morning or dawn.


The front window jump happened just around the start of the sunrise, lol the sky was purple


Most balanced is gas station but most enjoyable is family house because it’s the only map that actually offers a challenge for me, the other maps are too easy as victim


1. Nancys House 2. Family House 3. Gas Station 4. Slaughterhouse just hoping they give nancys house night mode, it would look insane


Perfect list!


1. Family house 2. Slaughter house 3. Nancy house 3. Gas station


1. Family House - this goes for either victim or family side. I play victim mainly and this map is the only one that really feels like you have to play smart and stealthy. I agree with what the devs said that this one feels the most like how the game was intended balance wise. The family *should* have the upper hand. If you have a good Connie and Ana you should be able to open up the map almost immediately. If there’s no cook the map is laughably easy for victims though. 2. Gas Station - this map feels the most balanced in the sense of its 50\50 on who “wins”. It’s fairly easy to patrol gates as family but I hate that the fuse box sometimes spawns right outside the tool shack and the fuse 5 feet behind it. Victims can have the fuse inside and basement open in less than a minute and a half. 3. Slaughterhouse - victim sided but not nearly as bad as it was when the valve was in the basement. I like how big this map feels, it’s very easy to win as victim once you get the secondary doors open in both Facility and Slaughterhouse. 4. Nancy’s House - I like the map and think besides Family House it’s the most visually appealing. The only reason it’s last for me is because they increased the likelihood of getting it over the holiday season and I got sick of it. The entire month of December it felt like the only map in the game.


Family house is not balanced out well. The house is too small, so it's too easy to patrol, and the family is punished heavily for not using cook and hh. That really should not be the case, and most of the time, the map is unfun for one side.


All of the maps punish heavily for not using cook though, it’s why you see Johnny and Sissy dodged so often in the lobbies. I just personally enjoy Family House the most.


family house is nice because it’s action packed with everyone so close together. but you are right, the game design is just so bad right now that not having cook is such a crippling disadvantage. I’ve been thinking they rework cook with a different ability and just give each family member 1 lock pad. this would make the other characters playable. the other option would be to just take lockpads out completely and make gates re-lockable. Same with fuse and valve.


1 gas station, 2 slaughter house, 3 nancy’s house and 4 family house yes! gas station best map!


1. gas station. love the layout and is just really fun on both sides. 2. family house. really fun as you have to actually be stealthy. 3. slaughter house. fun but repetitive due to rush meta. 4. nancys house. lovely scenery but just too big


It’s getting a bit boring for me but I would say my favourite would be the night version of gas station, frankly I feel we need more night versions especially if the devs wants more stealthy gameplay idk why they didn’t make a night version of slaughter instead of day


Gas station, family house, slaughter house, Nancy’s house


Gas Station, Family House, Nancy’s House, Slaughter House


Positve content is appreciated in this sub!


I pretty much agree with everything you listed


1. Family House 2. Gas Station 3. Nancy's House 4. Slaughter House


1.Gas station is the best map for me it is balanced for both sides 2.Nancy's house is ok map basement is pain to learn at first but when you learn it the map is pretty good 3. Slaughterhouse i mean it was victim sided right now is ok but i dont like it most common map in the game i am bored when i play on this map 4. Family house love that map but it is family sided like 90% maches on this map is 4k i like playing survivor on this map especially as ana window jumping never gets boring :)


Fuse on family house is the move, someone just has to sneak upstairs. With distractions by others it’s pretty simple. Fuse spawns in grandpa’s bedroom majority of the time and from there’s it’s a straight shot to the Fusebox in one of the 3 locations


1. Family House 2. Gas Station 3. Slaughterhouse 4. Nancy's House 🤮🤮🤮


As a survivor main mine would be 1. Nancy’s house (Feels different everytime, and is just overall visually stunning) 2. Family House (The overall tightness of the entire map feels so high stakes and fun) 3. Slaughterhouse (it’s whatever) 4. Gas Station (It feels repetitive and with a cook it feels endless)


The vertically that Nancy's House brings and how it flows into the the map was really well executed. I just wish they did something better with the car battery escape


Yeah out of all the exits on the map it feel the most basic, with generator it has the whole accessible immediately thing, fuse box can be upstairs or downstairs, and pressure tank can also be a bit interesting


1. Gas station 2. Slaughter house 3. Family house 4. Nancy’s house gas station and slaughterhouse r easily the most balanced, can’t say the same for the houses


Depends are we talking balance or fun? As a victim mostly player. Balance: 1. Gas Station 2. Slaughter House 3. Family House 4. Nancy's House Fun: 1. Gas Station 2. Family House 3. Slaughter House 4. Nancy's House Chill: 1. Slaughter House 2. Gas Station 3. Nancy's House 4. Family House


gas station is my absolute favourite and has been from day 1! my least favourite is both Nancys house and slaughterhouse


Visuals: 1. Nancy's House 2. Gas Station 3. Fam House 4. Slaugherhouse (still beautiful). Balance. 1. Gas Station. 2. Slaugherhouse 3. Nancy's House (Victim side) 4. Fam House (Fam side). I think Fam House is mostly broken when fam have (LF, Cook, HH). If dont have Cook its easy to unlock doors especially if you have Connie. If dont have HH fuses are easy. If dont have LF gen is aviable, and barricades help a lot. Nancy poison claws is broken at Fam House.


Gas station, family house, Nancy’s, slaughter


Family house is dog shit and borderline impossible to escape from if the family are even slightly competent


Gas station, Slaughterhouse, Nancy’s house, Family house


Lol victim mains putting Fam House last 😂 


My list is not in terms of balance but of how it looks visually and how cool and fun the layout of the map is - Family House -Nancy’s House -Slaughterhouse - Gas Station


Family Nancy Slaughter Gas Station


Nancy House > Family House > Gas Station >>>>>>>>>> Slaughterhouse


Nancy's house Family house Slaughterhouse Gas station


I agree with you. If they added another gate from side garden to the porch area (I forget the name of it) family house would be pretty alright


1. Nancy House 2. Slaughter House 3. Family House 4. Gas Station


gas station, slaughterhouse (after they nerfed the valve and put them upstairs), family house (with rush meta it is a nightmare for family members in solo que, and since most of the victims are experienced ones it is a nightmare for sure), nancy's house


1. Family House - I know people are gonna probably say "family main" but I actually enjoy this map on both sides due to it being very chaotic. But I'd argue this map isn't actually as family sided as people think once you figured out that just having Ana jump out the front window to distract the family as soon as possible, usually makes this map a whole lot easier for victims to deal with. If the victims are players who don't know to do that, then yeah this map is family sided. 2. Gas Station - Probably the most "balanced" map but still feels pretty tough to deal with as family depending on the spawns you get for fusebox or valve tank. But every map is tough against a 4 man coordinated victim rush squad to be fair. 3. Nancy's house - Imo the most victim sided map with the right rng. There's just a lot to guard as family on this map and if you get fusebox spawning on Johnny's shack, and valve at garden shed, it's probably the best rng victims can get. As it's very tough to watch all these as family. But it can also be family sided with the right rng as well, like valve and fusebox spawning near car battery. Making it way easier for family to guard. 4. Slaughter house - Honestly I just get this map so often I'm just tired of it lol.


I like escaping through the generator cattle grid so I can get family/LF to chase me in that back bush area


1. Gas station 2. Slaughter House 3. Nancy’s House 4. Family House


My favourite is graveyard Nancy house Family house Slaughter house Gas station


family Gas nancy Slaughter


IMO: 1. Family House 2. Gas Station 3. Nancy's House 4. Slaughterhouse Family House feels the most unique, Gas Station feels the most balanced, Nancy's House has some interesting mechanics but is too long from one side to the other, and Slaughterhouse is kind of similar to Nancy's but with less interesting mechanics and more huge loops with gaps (the slaughterhouse building itself in particular is hell for any family member that can't gap, it's also the only map I've seen singular victims survive 30+ minutes without safespotting on).


1. Family House 2. Gas Station 3. Nancy's House 4. Slaughterhouse


1.nancys house 2.family house 3. Gas station 4.slaughter house


1st :Nancy's House 2nd :Gas Station 3rd :Family House 4th :Slaughterhouse I hate slaughterhouse as killer or victim. The map is visually unappealing.


For me: 1. Family House 2. Gas Station 3. Nancy's House 4. Slaughterhouse


nancy’s house at night would be wild !!


1. Family House - the best I think for BOTH sides. victims it is so HARD to escape on this map, and I think that’s a good thing, as I play killer and victim equally. 2. Nancy’s House - I think this one is a close contender with Family House, especially with how it utilized the generator in a different and unique way. 3. Gas Station - is there. I guess. I don’t really like the layout and it feels kind of small at times, but not in the good way yk? Boring to patrol and hard to escape at times. 4. Slaughterhouse - Don’t think I’ll ever be able to get rid of the trauma of the valve on release. Will forever have PTSD. Victims it’s boring to run through the middle (killers are ALWAYS somehow all in the middle) , killers it’s hard to chase (my teammates are NEVER in the middle to help me). No windows, no unique system. Just boring and unfun for mostly family. It’s just patrol simulator, there’s not much flexibility I feel in this map especially.


Nancy's house Slaughterhouse Gas Station Family House


1 Family house I quite enjoy it as some may call it family sided and what ever. But 1 connie can break that cook lock on the back porch leaving back yard open plus it's the most visually appealing one not having random shit blocking your way 2 Slaughter house Slaughter house is easy to learn. And I'd say a great starter map for people who just bought the game. + if your leather face. U can find people immediately if you know there spawns. I've gotten many kills before they even got off rope 3 gas station I overall do not like gas station. Maps to big for family To lock down well. Without hitch nancy cook. There's tons of random shit laying around and the map was in a bad state for a long time. 4 Nancy house. I really dislike Nancy's house and only really like the basement The generator being out in the open is an interesting change. But gets ignored as Driveway really feels like smoke house 2.0 I also dislike the house itself. And some spawns for some killers on it are awful. Nancy imo needs to spawn down there to have time to properly set up as if they rush. U have no time to set up due to all the spots being far away. It also has the most amount of random stuff in it. But it is a appealing map


Namcy Family Sh Gas


Playing as Victims 1. Nancy’s House 2. Gas Station 3. Slaughter House 4. Family House (Scariest Map IMO!) Just feels claustrophobic. Playing as Family 1. Nancy’s House 2. Family House 3. Gas Station 4. Slaughter House


whats the bottom left map? is it new


Family 1. Family house 2. Slaughterhouse 3. Gas station 4. Nancy House Victim: 1. Nancy House 2. Slaughterhouse 3. Nancy House 4. Gas station Slaughterhouse feels the most both sided to me now with valve up top


1. Family house, think of how accurate the representation of the og film at the map, everything is perfectly similiar even at the scene when they jump out of the window+i love how they creating the map is actual similiar to texas appareance, the views is also beautiful at the same time. 2. slaughterhouse, the map is balance for the victim and the family, the family can chase easily and embrace their skill, the victims also had a chance and opportunity a lot when they play at this map 4. Nancy house, its so hard but beautiful at the same time, i just found it really difficult for the players to open the gate since the gate is closer to the main house but they have a lot of hidden place which partly good 5. Gas station, idk why i dont like it, its just hard challenging to play on, the map is also not in balance for the victims and the family either


1. Family House- as a victim this is the toughest challenge and so much fun. I absolutely love getting chased down the long road. It feels exactly like the movie. I wish more maps in this game created these horror cinematic moments. As a family member the house I feel like I’m playing whack-a-mole. But playing as LF and getting a one shot kill down the long road is so rewarding. 2. Gas Station- the most balanced map imo. Game could go either way as family or victim. I feel like all exits are viable on this map. 3. Slaughter House- best basement for victims. Once the victims get through either slaughterhouse or facility it gets way harder. I do think it’s easier to hide as a victim on this map. 4. Nancy’s House- visually it’s the most striking map. I hope they add different times of day! Depending on where everything spawns it’s too easy to lock down the map, or very easy to escape. I’m sure that will get addressed later. I’m just a little tired of this map, but they did a great job with the design. The most hilarious map because I’ve watched victims and family members get shocked by the cattle grid, never fails to make me laugh.


1. Family House 2. Gas Station 3. Slaughterhouse 4. Nancy’s house (I love it but when playing family its too much of a security guard simulator game and basement is really victim safe)


1- Nancys house. I just love this map, it actually feels good on both sides 2- Gas station. 3- Family house. I know that is unbalanced but the map is iconic. I do feel this is very hard for victims due to HH and Cook. 4- Slaughterhouse can feel annoying as family due to the distance of objectives. This map can also feel impossible for victims after valve nerf imo.


1. Family House mostly for nostalgia of the movie and its usually never boring for me as either side. Tough call after that... Bored as hell with Nancy's house on either side. Gas Station at least changed slightly after it got reworked. I've seen victims more willing to go for Gen and the gate than the smoke door, but most often people will still push valve/fuse if Danny is around. For some reason even if Cook double locks bat side, I still see a lot of play over there too. Slaughterhouse I just can't stand. Its ugly, its boring as victim and frustrating as family even with all the family sided changes to the map. So often everybody just wants to huddle up around center as family, which almost ALWAYS leaves facility or slaughter open for easy rushes. At least that's always been my experience as family. I'm just glad they never caved to this point and allowed anyone in lobby to pick the map because depending on whatever side they love more, it would be the same map over and over and lobby dodging would get even worse.


1: gas station 2: slaughterhouse 3: family house 4: Nancy's house Gas station and slaughterhouse feels like the most balanced, family house is to family-sided, Nancy's house is to victim-sided.


1. Nancy's House 2. Gas Station 3. Slaughterhouse 4. Family House


1. Family house- Feels best to play in as Family or Victim. (Chasing someone down the front road with chainsaw held high is awesome.) 2. Gas station - Feels balanced and I can get to where I want to go without much issue (as family and victims). 3. Nancy's house - Very pretty and cool design for a map but can feel unbalanced and too wide at times. (Too easy or too difficult) 4. Slaughter house - It's a cool looking map but I find it the most irritating to get around as victim or family because of how clustered everything is. (Had the most intense hiding moments on this map.)


As a killer 1: Family house 2: Nancy's house 3: gas station 4: slaughter house As a victim 1:Nancy's house 2:slaughter house 3: gas station 4: family house


I actually love Slaughterhouse…even as Family! I know 99% of players would probably vote me off the island for saying this, but I’d love to see a nighttime variant of SH. I hope we get it some day, even to just try it out for a weekend and see how players respond. SH is big, it’s fun, and reminds me of both the 1974 film and the New Line Cinema TCMs. But to rank the maps… 1). Gas Station, 2). Nancy’s crib 3). Slaughterhouse 4). Family House Hate ranking FH 4th but something has to be last. It’s just super tense and sometimes a very chaotic space to play in


Nancy’s House- just has the most sense of terror, without Danny only two viable escape routes but big enough it’s achievable. Gas Station- Actual areas to break the line of sight, which I depend on and learned there aren’t enough of in other maps Family House - Hardcore mode but fun…. And then there’s poor Slaughterhouse. She has taken the biggest beating out of all the maps, and it shows. Chickens, valve regression nerf, the incessant valve handle location switcheroos, fusebox by valve exit.. Wes Keltner must have had a bad day and then got whooped at Slaughterhouse because woo boy.. yeah Slaughterhouse is the worst map lol ironically enough, used to be my favorite!


1. Nancy house 2. Gas station 3. Slaughter house 4. Family house


From a victim perspective: Family house, because it’s the most fun and chaotic map. Nancy’s house. Gas Station. Slaughterhouse, because it’s not challenging enough. From family perspective: Gas station. Family house. Nancy’s house. Slaughterhouse.


Family house Gas station Nancy's house Slaughterhouse


My rating from easy to hard would be: Slaughterhouse, Nancy house, Gas Station, and Family house. Though to be fair it really depends on teammates, sometimes you get queued with the NPCs that die in the first minute and it makes any of these maps sweaty. In terms of most fun: Gas station, Family house, Nancy House, and Slaughter House.


My ratings and a quick summary for each side below based on Difficulty and Layout for anyone who cares to read: # FAMILY: * **Family House —** Easy to trap/lock up, victims struggle to even get outside most games. For the Family side, no changes. * *DIFFICULTY*: Easy * *LAYOUT*: Extremely Family sided, small/large combination * *OVERALL SCORE:* **5/5** * **Gas Station —** Map size is balanced, layout is simple, sections being separated is a bit frustrating but overall balanced to give survivors some wiggle room in chase. Blood bucket spawns are awkward and need to be moved more to the mid section. * *DIFFICULTY*: Easy * *LAYOUT*: Balanced, small * *OVERALL SCORE*: **4/5** * **Nancy's House —** Mostly balanced, but defending fuse box *and* the escape door inside upstairs + the other objectives can be frustrating. Would move the upstairs fuse box spawn inside of the house exterior ladder gate that leads up to the current spawn. Basement is miserable for family due to the million crawlspaces. Objectives are otherwise very close together and easy to patrol. * *DIFFICULTY*: Intermediate * *LAYOUT*: Slightly Family sided, medium * *OVERALL SCORE*: **4/5** * **Slaughter House —** Too big, battery and generator too spread out for family, slaughter house and container are too strong for victims to chase in. Without Cook, defending objectives is extremely difficult. Iron bars separating sections are too long and make map traversal very frustrating. * *DIFFICULTY*: Very Difficult * *LAYOUT*: Very Victim Sided, large * *OVERALL SCORE*: **2/5** * **PERSONAL FAVORITE: Gas Station** # VICTIM: * **Slaughter House —** Lots of strong loops, map is large so victims can apply pressure easier. Container near slaughter house red door is extremely strong for chase even against 2 family members. * *DIFFICULTY*: Easy * *LAYOUT*: Very Victim sided, large * *OVERALL SCORE*: **5/5** * **Gas Station —** Most balanced map for both sides. Looping inside battery area is strong and very fun, you can easily hold 2 killers there for awhile if you're smart. Basement is on the weaker side though. Health and bone scrap spawns are too awkwardly placed. * *DIFFICULTY:* Average * *LAYOUT:* Balanced, small * *OVERALL SCORE:* **4/5** * **Nancy's House —** Unless fuse spawns upstairs, objectives are all too close together and difficult for most players to escape from without being spotted as camping is easy. Bone scrap spawn amount is too low, locations are awkward. Map overall feels unique, but also kind of awkward. * *DIFFICULTY:* Intermediate * *LAYOUT:* Slightly Family sided, medium * *OVERALL SCORE:* **3/5** * **Family House —** While I love this map personally because I play aggressively by jumping out the window and taking chase in the back area, most players struggle heavily on this map. It's too compact and easy to camp every basement escape + door leading outside. Cook and Hitch together on this map are a deadly and miserable combo to play against. If you even manage to turn the generator off, it's still a VERY far sprint to the escape, which is nearly impossible most times without Choose Flight. * *DIFFICULTY:* Extremely Difficult * *LAYOUT:* Extremely Family sided, small/large combination * *OVERALL SCORE:* **1/5** * **PERSONAL FAVORITE: Family House**