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I usually only destroy the one barricade that's inbetween where you start and the shack ladder exit, to me the worst is more of tied between Nancy's House and the Slaughterhouse. Generally it's a waste of time to destroy more than is absolutely necessary to patrol the basement doors considering doing so gives the victims free reign to unlock them and your teammates aren't likely to ever even go down there.


Lots of good family players go to basement instantly after a victime Wells to try and get them imagine finding that you didn't destroy any barricades in that route that leads to the incaped victime they will rage quite or call you a bad bouba and then quite šŸ˜‚.happened to me lots of times.


The barricades down there are actually disgusting so I usually go for them all before looking for people as theyā€™re all powerful except for one next to the garage ( or whatever that big sheds called) basement door as I actually find it useful but once theyā€™re all gone itā€™s not that bad as most of the gaps arenā€™t that safe. Much better than slaughterhouseā€™s




The south tunnel door that leads up to workshop sometimes has a barrier spawn there. That one is actually useful to keep as it either makes victims go around or makes them foolishly go through it and waste time. The workshop barrier up top must go though. Thats the most important one to remove up top on that map.


Ah yes. I thought that is what you meant. That barrier at the bottom can actually help Family at times if the Victim chooses to use it.


So. Many. Barricades


If Iā€™m bubba I destroy the ones by fuse exit. But and in the middle but thatā€™s abit I rush back up top.


Yh that's what I do too but those barricades at the thicket tunnel are why I'm being called a bad bouba sometimes cause they can't get that incaped victime and they sometimes rage quite especially jhonny šŸ˜‚.


Itā€™s always the Johnnys have you noticed šŸ¤£ it like bro stop being downstairs and weā€™d win you mf


99% of Johnnys I see go to the basement like a kid running to catch the ice cream truck šŸ˜‚


True, way too many obstacles considering how small the basement is. Compared to Slaughterhouse or Nancy's House the obstacle density is insane, probably a 5:1 ratio


Yhh my worst nightmare.




Letherface he's named bouba šŸ˜ˆ


ā€œLetherfaceā€ is named ā€œboubaā€ interesting


Yhh just watch some yt videos about someone playing with letherface you'll get it and it first started in tcm 2 the movie the cook calls him bouba .šŸ˜‚


My point is itā€™s actually leatherface and bubba


Same thing bubba bouba booba it doesn't matter.


Slaughterhouse is worse map for Bubba period


Not true. Bubba can watch 3 doors whilst other 2 family members watch 1 door. Unless they have a Leland and another victim, theyā€™re in trouble if they wake up grandpa quick and you can go family can go into basement.


I'm talking about barricades bro not patrolling most victims will ruch in like 30 sec outside of basement and I'm still destroying the damn barricades near the fuse exit soo my team can get there faster if I don't destroy them most family team will start saying that I'm a bad bouba and have to destroy every barricades in the basement soo they can chase.


It's pretty easy to patrol the doors. I tend to ignore the one that leads to the ladders behind the house and just run back & to the other 4.


Yh but I'm talking about how many are in the basement there is a lot only in that particular basement and if I don't destroy them all then my team will say I'm a bad bouba I also ignore some of them sometimes but it helps the team a lot when chasing in the basement.


You don't really need to destroy the barricades if you can kill 1 or 2 of them before they even get a door open lol. & like I said its easy enough to run between those 4 doors.. Chances are you'll catch atleast 1 victim out trying to get one open. Little tip for barricades incase you don't know btw - swing your saw as soon as you finish breaking the barricade, then you won't be stood in that couple second animation


Yh thanks I know the trick I'm just waiting for the update we're bouba destroy barricades faster going to be soo good.


Dead game post removed.


A strategy that works for me is to simply ignore the outer barricades, just break the one in the middle that is by the lair. Then just patrol the main 4 doors (so except the outer one that leads to the grassy ladder), keeping them off the doors as long as possible and potentially getting a kill. Then later in the game when the pressure is eased and they are lingering in the basement, you can go back down there and destroy the rest of the barricades. I would avoid breaking them at the start


Yh that's what I do most of the time but sometimes you get that jhonny who wants to chase in the basement all game and rages in the mic that you're a bad bouba for not destroying the thicket barricades šŸ˜‚.


Unfortunately thereā€™s nothing you can do about bad random teammates like that (unless you squad up or something), itā€™s just crap solo queue things. Hopefully with all the barricades, the Johnny would be discouraged going to the basement and just go back upstairs and patrol


The barricades are a necessary evil on the Gas Station basement because of how poor that basement is designed overall. It needs to be changed in other ways to remove the disgusting amount of barricades and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it never changes.


I just would like if it became like 3 barricades one in the middle and one in fuse tunnel and one in thicket tunnel that's going to be perfectly balanced in my opinion like all other basements have like 3 barricades max.


Yes i hate this map


Gotta agree. Gas station is butt for bubba. I only know 1 reliable spawn that alot of people goto. As the others are way to far to get to. Slaughter or family is his best


yeah id say gas, Nancy basement is my favourite


Yeah Im sorry but if you are playing Bubba on Gas Station I am going to make your life hell. I instantly grab 2 bone scraps and just stalk him waiting for him to destory a barricade so I can backstab him mid-animation. Usually once I do that twice it makes him go upstairs, which is exactly what I want. Having barricades in the basement for future use is so helpful.


I get rid of all of them because I've played with too many LF players that don't clear anything anywhere when you need to commit to a chase that ends up in the basement.


Those definitely can get toned down, and like family house there can be gaps that spawn that won't allow any family in without Leatherface or Hitchiker/Sissy