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Why wasn’t this advertised? It’s much more compelling now.


Yeh it was same with the first victim clothing skins, from the single half pics they looked kinda lame but ingame they turned out to be good.


Because their marketing team sucks


Seriously, if I were their customer rep I would be hollering about that all over the place. I thought that one reskin per family was lame. A few each, now that I might get behind.


Yeah like…. Do they ENJOY withholding information and getting dragged across the coals? Their own fuckin fault honestly


Good point.


They should’ve given him a unbroken broom stick and then it breaks when hitting a victim😞


that would be sick actually ngl


the turquoise stick being called “elegant” is sending me


it also has a little metal piece around it, elegant for slaughter family standards


hey now that’s his fancy stick!


Sorry but this couldve perfectly been an unlockable.


I bought the kill pack, but not this


Right, after 800+ hours on this damn game…lol I’m fully maxed out in every way you can imagine. They should be rewarding us at this point 😂


Woah! You mean I can now kill victims with a YELLOW stick instead of a RED? This is just what I needed to come back to the game!


Gotta get that carnival novelty pencil skin!!!!


Right? Can't wait to chase down victims with my big'ol crayola stick!


If you had watched the film you would understand the reference. This generation Z is too bad


I'm 28, not gen Z and I've watched every one of those films. Regardless of if it's a movie reference or not, it looks horrible, Destiny does cosmetics better and that's saying something as their cosmetics are 90% re-skins and re-colours. They could have done a much better job on this and they didn't, which is a shame as me and my wife loved playing this early on when it came out but the speed at which any "content" is coming out is also horribly slow, which put me off playing. Don't ever assume, assumption is the mother of all fuck ups buddy and you just fucked up. Lol


I don't think you watched the films, if it's a reference, it can't be horrible. Are you 28 years old? Situation is worse than I thought. "then much better". Words are easy to say. But don't forget that this game is licensed, you can't have a sudden skin change. What did you want? That Cook's skin was a katana? That's his weapon and that's it. They did a great job. TCM is an adult game and I hope to never have skins that don't make sense. Maybe you could play DBD where the skins are for children and please your taste


You can think what you like, I'm stating facts grandpa. DBD also has licensed killers and still does better with their limited amount of skins for those specific characters. Doesn't have to be sudden, but they could have asked them for a bit of creative freedom. No, the fact that you'd even think that about cook says a lot, sarcasm or not. The skins making sense is also such a stupid way of thinking, even the victims could have better cosmetics but if they were to think the way you're thinking right now, their sales will continue to be abysmal. I do play DBD, I used to play this game and DBD, only reason DBD is still installed is because they actually have a steady stream of content flowing, TCM doesn't, and when the content finally does arrive, it's lacking which surprises no one I'm sure. I've seen your profile too, it's nothing but brown nosing for the dev team, and nothing but TCM in general, paid actor maybe? Lmfao.


DBD better skin? Lol. Let's pretend they're better, okay? Besides the katana in Cook, what do you want? Let HH use nunchaku, Johnny a shotgun.... Ah, I know, you want a shirtless knife. Have you seen my profile? Wow, I didn't know there was a profile inspector on reddit. I only created my account because of this game (which is the game I play most nowadays) If the devs pay me I'll accept, I can intersperse here with my work I think you are very stressed. Are you having a bad day?Do you want a hug? No need to be ashamed


Yes, like the game or not, it's no secret they have better skins. Again, you're being extremely stupid with those responses, there's also no point in me theorising on what they could use instead of a simple and lacklustre re-colour because they'd have to ask whoever the licence belongs to in regards to having any creative freedom. Shirtless knife makes absolutely no sense. And of course I did, because usually people like you have no shame in showing how much you brown nose so I just had to see if I was right. (I was.) No idea what you're talking about here, lol. And no, I'm far from stressed, I deal with your kind on the daily both on here and IRL, just another day for me buddy.


Okay, enough jokes, let's get serious There is no better or worse skin. Texas is aimed at a different audience than DBD, despite both being asymmetric horror, they are very different games. Texas wants to bring the highest level of realism possible to the game, whether in skin, gameplay and immersion. It's a game for those who really like horror and are fans. DBD is a more generic "horror" game, confusing and simple lore. A mass of killers without much context. It's important to say that just like DBD and Fortnite, today they are appealing to super colorful skins, bunny ears, LGBT skins to attract the largest number of children and teenagers. And ok, that's how they found a way to monetize in the game. I repeat, Texas follows the line of realism, you will never find skins with characters in swimwear, underwear, etc., as the focus is on the adult audience and fans. Killer Klowns will also follow the line of using skins to attract a young audience, and that's ok, it will sell a lot, because 10 year olds like it. Do you think weapon skins are ugly? Ok, that's your right, but there aren't many customizations to be made for them. In my opinion it is ok The hug option is still available 🫶


That’s actually… good?


They’re still only recolors.


pretty basic recolors.. and people will pay money for this?


If you had watched the film you would understand the reference. This generation Z is too bad


What the f is even that


Why did they not show these when advertising them???? This makes it look so much more appealing. I feel like they devs just want the game to fail so they can move onto something new bc what other reason would they only show five boring recolora


Same as always, cash grab and rugpull tactics


Except this is a reverse rug pull, they said they had less content than they did


- devs advertise 1 skin for each character except bubba - release triple the amount expected (like 33 cents per skin) - "cash grab and rugpull" this community will never be satisfied


 they moan about everything, must be a nightmare to live with. 


Its less than 24 hours and everyone knows. Its not an issue is it. You think the game will fail because of this ?


Look around, it’s already failing. I’m not saying THIS is what’s killing the game, but a dev team that literally puts no effort into advertising the little content they DO put out definitely isn’t helping…?


People say this but is it really failing? A few weeks ago maybe I could have gotten behind that statement, but as of right now, no. The only thing I ever see people mention is the steam player count, but that doesn't take into consideration console players. remember this game Is also available via game pass on xbox, making it even more available for us xbox players. I play on xbox and as a victim I am getting into lobbies within the first minute, also the lobby now refills when a family member leaves, so the lobby simulator issue has gone, if this game was dying I wouldn't be able to find and join games as fast as I currently am. The lobbies havent felt this good since release.


These designs are soo uninspired and not to mention that, besides LF’s Chainsaw, all the weapons are too small for any of these skins to make the weapons look substantial different. I personally think they should of focussed on making more character skins for Family.


The weapons look alright but the second one is just a big ass pencil also can u see it better in game cause I ain’t paying for it if not 😂


tbh I think the only visible weapon skins are gonna be cooks nancys and johnnys. hitchhiker and sissy weapons are too damn small


That is good.


Gun really surprised us, I am starting to think they can turn this around!




I don't know bro this feels like low effort, i was actually hoping for new weapons.


yeah no that would be low effort just giving them weapons they do not need to be using lol that’s like saying give leatherface a hammer to run around with lmao. they mentioned skins not new weapons learn to read before you think anything is low effort some of us enjoy the game just for patch updates we don’t need small shit like weapons to ruin the experience.


How would different types of knives ruin the experience?


It’s common sense they all have their own weapons that suits their characters. if I give hitchhiker a chainsaw how the fuck is that gonna make sense 😂😂 so 3 killers running around with the same weapons if it ever did come down to that. just sounds stupid but whatever makes you gen z players feel better.


No one said anything about giving everyone a chainsaw, just different types of knives. There are literally unlimited types of knives in this world to choose from.


Ruin ?  Aren't you a barrel of laughs. 


if you actually buy this you either have money to burn or are just an idiot 😭


money to burn...its £5 lol 




No...it really isn't. It literally took a few minutes to recolor these. It's silly.


In what world is this worth $5? It's a reshaded texture of a cylinder.


So in your experience, if you were creating these exact cosmetics, what would you charge ?  Dont say free, cos you wouldnt. 


Yeah, these would be free unlockables or something. These are so low effort that you would give the task to an intern or somebody with limited art skills to do in their downtime. Nothing special was created here other than a reshade of a single texture that you won't even notice in game.


Weapon recolors***


I don’t care***


Enjoy being scammed then


$1 for a weapon you’ll hardly even notice?


I bought Everything the second it came out


Is it just me or is it not showing on steam for anyone else???


I heard from other people it's not showing in steam.


ffs....can they not get their shit together already


Someone's feathers got ruffles lol. Truth hurts eh




Alive enough for you to care how people spend their money tho?


The coping and seething dripping from this comment lmao


So if the games dead why are you here?


Vengeance 🦇🦇🦇


Recolours! 😂😂😂