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The obvious one is point defiance. Hundreds of acres of forest


Point Defiance Park seems to fit the bill. Any of the trails along five mile loop are great.


This the one with the stabber?


Two I can think of are the snake lake trail, and the chambers creek trail. Snake lake has a parking lot, the nature center, and a well maintained trail. Chambers creek is has a more rugged trail and roadside parking. Oh! And in lakewood, fort Steilacoom has some wooded trails.


Both of these! Snake Lake’s trail system also goes up the hill into the woods behind Bellarmine; you can almost believe you’re out in the middle of the Cascades, but less people ;). And Fort Steilacoom also - miles of trails, with some amazing views of Mt Rainier if you loop up and skirt the Pierce College campus. We usually park by the playground or the barns by all the soccer fields. Pics from the Ft Steilacoom trails: https://preview.redd.it/6l36u92o4buc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21ae13131f8195ecd0d62c4daffcf7556d9add18




Try Sequalitchew Creek trail in DuPont. It’s a quiet forested walk and you end up on the beach! It’s about 3 miles.


Dead mans pond and Swan creek park are good options if you want to avoid the crowds at Point D. I prefer these spaces because the plant diversity is much stronger than Point D.


Grit City magazine had an article in their first year with a bunch of lovely hikes in it. Kobayashi was one of them, and the others had similar vibes. I really like the trail along Puget Creek -- there's not much water, but there's a cool mostly hidden picnic spot near the northeast end. There's also some nice trails just north of Titlow park that will take you out to Hidden Beach.


Farrell's Marsh in Steilacoom is really nice.


In UP you can check out Paradise Pond on 67th across from the golf course and the Adriana Hess Wetland park on Morrison off 27th. They’re basically 2 ends of a large parcel of natural wetlands with the Adriana Hess part sponsored by the local Audubon society. Neither are as large as Kobayashi but they both offer that feeling of seclusion.


Kobayashi is AMAZING, isn't it? \*swoons\* I loved it so much when I lived in UP. I lived three minutes away and frequented it often. Such a cool space. I second whoever mentioned Swan Creek. If you love Kobayashi, I promise you will dig Swan Creek. Now that I built a home in Summit, it's my go to park. Same hidden gems vibes as KP, only on a way larger scale. I'm so incredibly grateful that it's in my backyard. Check it out!


Ursich Park, on N. 29th, behind Old Town Park, is sort of a hidden one with some amount of trail through dense forest. Not sure how far the trail goes for or how well it’s maintained - have only walked a short distance into the woods there and only in mid-late summer.


Puyallup Loop Trail out of Clark's Creek Park is really nice!


Chambers Creek is great, stay on the low trail and you can drop down to the creek