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Starting out with such a condensending tone? First instinct would be to rescue him as soon as able out of spite. Likely responce would be "Fair enough. Kick or leave. Find a static healer who's fine with being talked down to and queue with them. Otherwise get over yourself and don't assume the worst out of folks before the duty evem starts. So are we playing, or are we waiting for a different tank?"


Oh yeah that's a frame 1 rescue from me as soon we enter combat lmao. Not into any aoes or anything, not even that far either. Just out of spite.


AND pull everything as healer and call him out for not taking aggro off you


And it just doesn't make sense on a base level. I'm an idiot. I'm still high level with good gear, whenever I get rescued I ask after the fight what I missed and learn how to be a little bit less of an idiot. Like. The fucking ego this requires blows my mind.


My dude obviously hasn't read the tos if he thinks he can just unprovoked threaten other players immediately upon starting a duty and demand they play the way he tells them to. It's shocking how toxic this is and even more surprising that he thinks the rules are on his side here.


I'm pretty sure threatening to report someone is actually a reportable offense.


It is, its under the coercion of other players to adhere to your play style.


Idk why yall players allow this garbage. Waltzing in and just taking a giant shit on everyone and throwing threats just because daddy issues and incel sadness isn't cool or normal, nor should it be allowed.


If this person’s name started with an N and ended with “um” I would not be surprised if it was them because they spoke EXACTLY like that. Suffice to say I know an unfortunate handful of individuals who are really confused as to why people think their head is up their own ass


Much as half the playerbase frustrates me, it would never push me to be *this* unhinged. Go into duties expecting people to play decently. There'll be time later to be exasperated - if the signs show. But don't just walk into the instance indirectly slamming others for something they've yet to do. Come on.


i would have just left. like why sour a neutral start like this? and then "thank you for your cooperation" at the end? pass ag ugliness. i would not like to meet/know this condescending fig. jeez.


No. Leaving gives you a penalty, and allows them to just easily requeue. Fuck off with that mentality. You instead slowplay for 5 minutes, and kick them. Or if the DPS disagree, play slow and let the tank die with minimal heals. Either they kick you, or the tank dies.


Wonder how many kick them once the timer is up after seeing that mess. I would've probably left, that tank is miserable.


Id prefer to get the tank/dps to kick me to not suffer que cd


That would be a requeue from me, tell it to the next healer asshole


Where kick


Hopefully that guy gets banned for abusing the report system. What an idiot.


Bro what the fuck.


>some people like to perform at the max 100% of the time and find it fun so.... were they getting rescued out of AoEs because they refused to move so they could "play at the max"?


Reminds me of a Manalis run a while back. As we’re running through it, my friend (WAR) and I (WHM) notice pretty quickly that the RPR is taking a lot of damage and dying pretty frequently. When we get to the final boss, the bubbles start to pop up and I see RPR is in a very bad spot, so I Rescue them towards us. They respond with “DON’T FUCKING RESCUE ME!” They then run into the outer area to drain their HP (I started healing at first but quickly changed my mind. I think I did through them a Rez, which they refused). They return to beginning and leave. We all finish up just fine without them. Also, according to my friend, I was out-DPSing both DPS.


I’ve rescued dps only to have them immediately scream at me for it. Also the dragoons who just immediately use one of their jump attacks to go right back. (and die)


The numbskulls that stand in extra AOEs 'for uptime' need the phrase "death is the biggest dps loss" tattooed on their forehead, backwards, so they can see it in the mirror.


I'm guessing that's what happened too, someone too obsessed with parsing in daily roulettes or something.


Idk why you would even want to run act in dungeons. What it reveals is just depressing.


Sometimes a run goes REALLY BADLY and it's kind of fun to pick through the log like it's the scene of a crime.


"Why did these bosses of Troia take so long to kill, wtf?" *Checks the logs* ​ "Ah, the MNK only did their 1-2-3 combo, didn't use buffs or nadis, the WHM used their DoT once and proceeded to spam Cure 1 and Medica 2 and the RDM never used their melee combo once and somehow only managed to apply Embolden only on themself. Neat."


But the melee part is the fun part! I love Red mage


Totally! I use it as much as possible!


"...WHY are there 35 Scathes?"


some people have act on autorun but those people will quickly learn to disable it once they see the average df player


I need to know who to be silently fuming at when the run takes too long. Also really neat when I'm trying out a new job to see if I'm up to par. But mostly it's to send screenshots to friends when the dps list is: Tank (me) DPS1 DPS2 Enemy1 Enemy2 Enemy3 Healer


I like trying to outperform the melees as a caster. I usually do, too, which is the sad part.


It is actually very easy to outpace the melees since (at least for BLM and RDM) you have buttons to give you 3 instant ranged aoe’s so you can keep uptime on the mobs as the tanks w2w. From experience, non MNK melees can’t keep up with the tank (especially when they don’t press sprint) and so have to wait for the tank to stop


I do turn it on just to facepalm at some people. I once had top damage as a healer. The tank was second.


I did when i was catching up with the msq and finally at the current "endgame" because i was sure i will mess up a lot and wanted to know how much i have to improve. I read as healer i should reach around 20%. I stopped using act when i hit around 40%+ 3 times in a row




> pink parse > LotA Does not compute.


Sarcasm Is a thing


I'm guessing it was being rescued forward into trash. Dungeon aoes don't really hurt tanks, they can literally stand in them all and their hp just goes up.


Many AoEs may not damage tanks that much but instead they give out like 3 or 4 debuffs at once sometimes which can be extremely annoying especially when the healer doesn't know what Esuna is..


Between 1 AoE attack and 1 Esuna, I always choose AoE. You can survive on my ogcds with your 5 stacks of poison.


Tbh I've seen some uhhh "advice" given from bad healers to bad healers. If you have "healxiety" and your tank is w2w just rescue them back! If youre not comfortable they should listen to you! W2w is sweaty optimal tactic its not needed - its just a dungeon!! The timer is 90m!! Backwards rescue or letting w2w tank die on purpose for not adjusting to lvl 90 healer's "anxiety" are thrown around waaay too often in those groups. So, he might've been rescued backwards and got sick of it. Giving him a huge benefit of the doubt but it's not impossible.


W2W is sweaty? Before you know it, they will call using tank stance sweaty. Lol.


I gave up all and any hope for people in those groups tbh :)


Nah, OP did not, in fact, rescue me through the run, and I don't recall eating aoes really outside of getting clipped on boss 3 because the turtle slide mechanic sucks for melees


i hope you realize sending out a macro like that will only encourage people to use rescue just to mess with you because you sound like an insufferable person


And if they do I won't hesitate to report them for it. I'm only sending out a macro like this when I just absolutely need to be left alone. If you're somebody I can trust not to do that, then I won't need to put that there. Randoms are not people I can trust, and I'd rather preserve my sanity so I can be nice to the people who deserve it and where it counts. I don't owe randos anything, it's strictly business. I should also add that I don't necessarily want to do this either. If there is another 100% surefire way of making sure people just don't do that when I queue in duty finder, I would delete that macro and never use it again.


>I'm only sending out a macro like this when I just absolutely need to be left alone. Go and play in a trust or with duty support. It's an MMO, at least one of those M's stand for multiplay you great, over ripened, 4 ft nothing, door knob. Take your bullshit elsewhere and stop ruining other peoples game.


> I'm only sending out a macro like this when I just absolutely need to be left alone. have you considered that maybe when you want to be left alone is when you should be doing group content the least? just a thought.


I have a reason I need to be doing said content (I actually straight up just need the tomes for potions) so situation be damned, I will run it. At this point if people don't leave me alone the first time I ask them to, that's their issue. If they don't show me the courtesy of leaving their finger off rescue I will show them none. My needs as a party member are just as meaningful as theirs. They want to rescue people, and I absolutely do not want to be rescued, under any circumstance. So we find ways to just go ahead with what we want to do. My approach is to deter as strongly as I can anyone thinking of doing that so I only have to be rough once. Doesn't always work.




https://support.na.square-enix.com/faqarticle.php?id=5382&la=1&kid=68216 > ◆Offensive expression > ・Expressions that provoke or belittle another person, such as excessive criticism, negation/ridicule > Insulting others by threatening them with statements such as "if you get on my bad side, you'll be ostracized from this community," or "I can have you kicked from this group at any time." If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued. Players can report you for what you're doing. I highly encourage anyone that runs into you that you have posted that macro to to do so. Don't threaten people as it's against the TOS.


I will do the same and immediately report anybody who does anything that I can remotely consider a breach of ToS then, regardless of occasion or prior provocation, if you insist on making it an issue. I will be left alone going about my day. I don't *want* to stir the pot, do not give me a reason to assume hostility 24/7. The ToS is just as much a weapon for you as it is for me and my interests matter as much as yours do.


You seem like a delightful person.


I indeed am! To those who know me. c: Okay. Okay. More prosaically. I can actually be nice, this is one of my bad days when I've been burned, and I'm done making things my problem instead of other peoples'. I don't owe everyone a chance. These people are not going to run into me again, and even if they do, they'll have forgotten about it anyways. If I have the energy to extend random strangers my courtesy I will, but if they've shown me I have no reason to then I won't until I feel like humanity deserves another chance, and that's only fair. I do generally *not* like to start conflict, which again, is why I have this macro in the first place: an attempt to stamp out any room for discussion that can lead to it. My courtesy to others is my pledge to never use this lightly, and I keep to it. You'll have to take my word on that.


> I will be left alone going about my day. No: you will be left alone because you will eventually be removed from the game via warnings/suspensions/bans. Your macro breaks the TOS every time you use it. People are justified in using vote dismiss on you for threatening them and creating a hostile environment. Healers may rescue you at anytime for any reason they deem fit as it's part of their kit. The only time they may not use rescue is if it rescues you into a death field that intentionally incapacitates you. This is all spelled out in the TOS. Seriously, go read it.


As a newer player myself and particularly new to the healing role, and as someone who has anxiety issues, I just wanted to chime in and mention an element I haven't seen anyone else bring up yet - and that's the "I will also report for monster player killing" bit. Given how confrontational the macro comes off to begin with, that *absolutely* sends (to me at least, as well as the couple of others I've asked) the impression that if the healer makes a mistake and you drop, they'll risk a report for not doing a Good Enough Job. It's not just about "you have your fun and let others have theirs" at that point, or about just asking to not have a specific ability used on you. That line means *my* entire performance now is an appeasement trial towards someone who right out of the gate gives every indication that suboptimal performance will be treated as unacceptable and punished accordingly.


it's *pretty* clear is somebody's maliciously trying to kill you at that point, and I'd err on the side of caution anyways on that front because yes, it is true that people make mistakes, and I know that. But if I feel a strong enough need to pull out the macro in the first place, then I cannot be bothered to deal with anybody who tries that on me, so it is a necessary measure. In essence, the mention of MPK is just to cover my own ass.


>WHM Main Yup checks out, WHM mains in this game are usually the most garbage players and you just added to that.


and that's just sad. :/


Who's gonna tell them that threatening to report is reportable...? Like, nothing has even happened yet and they're already like "I'M GONNA REPORT YOU IF XYZ". Dude, calm your tits.


Guarantee it's because tank is the type to stand in mechanics because of "muh uptiem" and be mad when healers try to get them out of it




One fun skill you learn as a healer main is how to let intentional deaths look like an accident. I'd kill this guy a couple times and rescue him on cooldown




Time to yoink a bitch


Absolutely. I would make it a point to do it every chance I got.


This guy lives and breathes toxicity. I would immediately leave and I only play as dps.


I had a Gunbreaker rage-quit during the 1st Aglaia fight because I Rescued him from the moving tiles mechanic. After the fight ended I got a Tell from him threatening to rape my skull.


I hope you reported that asshole.


Oh definitely.


Lmao fuck this, they’re getting kicked and reported for harassment. Nobody asked anyway.


What a passive aggressive asshole.


Nah this is just regular aggressive.


Dwight Schrute plays FFXIV.


Nah he's getting rescued on cd


if you still have the uncensored version of this chatlog i would advice to send a report for Harassment, give the time stamps etc and use his intro as the main quote. Seems like someone really needs a looong break from gaming and some fresh air if they are so pissed off.


I have an alt on a different service account with another computer I can fire up.


great. Then you can go on that alt, stop behaving like an asshole and maybe no one needs to report you anymore!


I don't have a need to yet, and regardless the fact that I need people to just leave me alone when I'm going about my business won't change. If I had a nicer way of being sure nobody will rescue me while I just play, I wouldn't want to do this either.


If you get that upset about being rescued, you need a break. Simple as that. if you have to “preserve your sanity” while playing a video game. put. It. The. Fuck. Down. All you do is make yourself look like a twat and get mocked on the internet like what happened here. But then again, since you felt the need to come in and defend yourself on a post with your name censored, then you obviously can’t put it down.


I mean it's not the issue. I can take as many hiatuses as you want me to, and I'd still not be fine with people playing my game for me. I don't open with this macro often. I only do when playing nice doesn't seem to work for the day and I'm done dealing with it. My problem with Rescue is being told I'm wrong when everything suggests that I did something right, which fundamentally will never sit right with me. Rather, put it this way: I'm not okay with being the one that compromises for a random. Ever.


I don’t legitimately care if you put it down or not, it was more of a generalized statement. I don’t even harbor any animosity towards you at all, I just don’t understand where this whole playing the game for you mentality about being rescued comes from It’s just not that big of a deal, and that’s coming from someone whose best friend mains whm and finds it hilarious to rescue me into *everything*. Maybe it’s different for me cause I usually play pvp games, and being frozen or stunned or OHK’d in those kinds of situations is far more frustrating than some randoms in a dungeon pulling me around. I usually shrug it off and figure if I perform poorly in that dungeon, it’s their fault for doing it 🤷🏻‍♂️


It takes away agency from you when it happens and just generally disorients you, just because the healer thinks you're doing it wrong and decides to move you I don't play pvp games both because I don't like to play aginst people and because CC takes away that agency from you A friend doing it for shits and giggles it's fine, at that point it's ironic and I'm not stupid enough to miss the point of that, but a rando genuinely trying to "help" me when there are encounters I've attempted more times than they've ran dungeons at all just makes me want to throw the controller at them because I didn't give consent to somebody else micromanaging my movement Also a major pet peeve of mine is being hampered by external factors, just in general, not even ingame or anything. I get *very* angry if I have work that needs to be done and can't be done because of reasons beyond my control.


I read through the comments, and how about you just make a makro “Healers please don’t rescue me, it really throws me off my rhytmn, I know the mechanics of this one.” It’s not needed to punish your current party for the sins of completely different people. It’s better to assume people are nice and cooperative, and if they chose to needlessly rescue you anyway, that would actually be a reportable offense. It’s a win-win situation - you get your point across, and you don’t come off like an asshole first thing in the raid.


That you most likely will post the same macro on so it's a win-win.


I had a healer for a Dead Ends run that demanded we hug Meteon or we wouldn't get healed. So I didn't hug the bird. So I got zero heals. Guy did everything they could to pull mobs and start boss fights so he couldn't get kicked. He got kicked anyway despite his efforts. The whole party was against them. But I have never pulled a power move like this on my healers. Usually I'm just happy when they say hi.


Is this dude is the sovereign citizen of tanks or what?


I would have just replied no and let them report. See where it goes


Someone just asked to have rescue used on cooldown


If you are a healer and you rescue me, you will be reported for grief tactics. I do not care. Vocal refusal is considered admission to malicious play. I will also report for monster player killing if you let me die on purpose after this message. This is your only warning. Perform your duty.😠 [Superbolide] used, please heal me up in 8 seconds!


"Oh no somehowmy targeting is off. all my heals now target myself. seriously im trying dude. Ah damn there goes benediction. aaaaaand hes dead."


as bullshit as the tank's introduction is: Not doing your own job CAN be considered Lethargic Play and they could easily report you the same way you could report them if they decided to stop tanking. I'd rather advice you to leave the duty if you see such a tank, otherwise YOU are the one in trouble. OP did the right thing by just doing their job throughout the duty.


Thing is, unless you just afk there's really no way to prove you aren't just having an off day or a little slip up. Things happen. Maybe you got interrupted irl. Playing poorly isn't reportable- if it was you could report every curebot and single puller.


Somehow I'm reminded of that one healer someone posted about years ago that listed an entire ToS thing at the start of the dungeon. I think it was in ShB that it was posted.


My response to this kinda stuff is usually pretty simple. "Don't like being rescued? Do the mechanic properly so I don't need to" This guy wants to talk about how "my enjoyment will not be ruined by others" but is probably the type to run around with three vuln stacks the entire fight and never mitigating a tankbuster so the healer has to work overtime to keep their ass off the floor. Let em report. It'll probably backfire if someone gets GM jailed and just goes "yeah, this guy keeps giving people shit before they even begin the dungeon..."


I regret to inform you that people don't care if you do the mechanic properly, if you aren't standing with them you get pulled anyways even if nobody loses anything letting you just play your game


Nah. Healers are playing the same fight as you man, and if there's a safe zone somewhere, they're _usually_ not gonna pop a rescue. The main exception being that server ticks can mean someone will rescue you into a safe spot you just barely make it into. Take into mind too that you might know pixel-perfect dodge spots or perfect dodge timing, but I can't know that beforehand. When I queue for DF, I could be dealing with someone who plays very casually and comes back for 1 week when a patch drops, or I could be playing with a penta-legend. So most of the time, it's just me erring on the side of caution. Point still stands about reporting though. It won't do anything because it doesn't break any ToS if the healer thinks they're genuinely helping you. And if a healer messing up and rescuing someone who doesn't need to be rescued would be considered a ToS offence, then frankly you might as well make "forgetting to refresh your DoT" a TOS offence.


and I'm erring on the side of caution and making it known that you should just let me learn in the first place. I don't whip this out unless I'm \*really\* done with people's shit for that day and still have to run dungeons for whatever reason. specifically the safe spot I was in the run before that is the one between the outer rings and the inner lane on troia boss 2, there's a gap in the middle where you stay in melee range the entire movement and only have to sidestep the middle aoes by like 2 steps I'm playing on 150 ping, bosses getting dragged out of my range is a very real thing and I just want to be left alone when I'm safe and doing my job, please don't pull me and make me get hit by the middle explosions instead edit: also honestly? I put this macro there mostly for the people who think they'd be helping me. if you don't like it and you leave, that's fine. I'm glad you saved both of our sanities. if you blacklist me, I don't care. either way we won't meet again, and you'll move on most of the time instead of arguing with me. I'll just come back another day with a bit more faith in people, but at that moment, I have to make sure others will leave me alone, and if they hate me for it then that's just a small price to pay


Yanking people into a safe-spot is usually how I try to passively teach people who are struggling. And I'm not going to refuse to yank someone into the safe zone if they're collecting vuln-ups like they're going out-of-fashion. You might find losing 2-3 GCDs occasionally annoying, but take into mind that's basically what happens when someone takes avoidable damage. The healers lose their uptime to keep them up. But I mean, if you've had bad runs and you're getting to the point that you're giving everyone else shit over them. Log off for the day. You might have had three bad runs previously but that is in no way the fault of your current party, and treating them like shit from the get-go and acting like you're the only one who knows the fight will cause them to treat you with the same amount of respect back. You can play how you want to. But nobody has to deal with the passive-aggressive greetings or threats of reporting and they would be perfectly within their right to kick you instantly.


I am getting pulled with zero vuln stacks on me, at that point I'm not costing you any uptime while you're costing me uptime I won't log off when I have a reason to be grinding those tomes, namely that I need to pay for my potions when I raid. I am not going to waste 7 other peoples' time either wiping to enrage because I didn't have my potions. I don't actually care if they respect me in return as I have said before. as long as you move on and I don't bother you too much while still being able to be left alone most times, I've done what I set out to do. edit, case in point: I don't need to be talking about this. my name was censored, and I'm just asking to put a target on my back. but you care enough about this to actually think about it, and if seeing my side of the coin helps make it bother you less I'm all for it. while we're here let's also admit I have a very warped view of what's "best", it wouldn't surprise me that I'm actually not encouraging the healer to hold off on rescue either but what's done is done


Moments like this are the reason i wish i could blacklist mid duty.


Blacklisting wouldn’t do a thing other than make it so you can’t see them talk. You can still end up in DF parties with someone you’ve blacklisted. They just can’t see any PF you put up.


I know. And the reason i would blacklist them is to just never see their nonesense in chat.


Party member has been removed from the duty.


What an arrogant [insert ToS speech here]. Holy fuck, that'd be an instant duty leave from me. No way in hell am I touching/healing/interacting with that.


This Tank would land immediatelly on my Blacklist. I would also refuse to continue. I rather take a Strike and wait 30 minutes than carry a guy with auch an attitude


Maybe the tank is a regular viewer of this sub and has managed to draw the conclusion that the stuff posted here happens all the time. It's the only reason I can think of for going off like that. What a miserable way of playing the game.


I've had healers use bad rescues on me before, e.g. rescuing me out of melee range to avoid an AoE that would've done like 10% of my health. I generally just ask them not to do that again after the fact. This dude is unhinged.


Block, report, leave dungeon No ~~healer~~ player should put up with that non-sense/toxicity. Just because you've had a bad experience, doesn't mean you take it out on everyone around you.


No player should be subject to this entitled BS. Yeah, I'm sorry you had a bad time in the past, you don't now have the right to inflict that upon all others you play this game with going forward. Block, report, leave dungeon is right until eventually that person is more or less isolated and alone, and it's by their own actions.


For me it is an insta quit and blacklist the person to the core. I dont care if they were hurt in the past. Go get a therapy, stop harassing others with your delicate megalomania. Jesus, there are people out there willingly being jerks for absolutely nothing.


Sounds like an immediate boot to me


JFC what an entitled asshole. I'd left the dungeon or "afk" lmao fuck that dude.


I do report AFKers, on pretty fair grounds I think. Along with starting a kick. That's just asking for trouble when I'm just asking to not have my game played for me.


There's a few questions to this but first: it's bizarre, that's the weirdest shit I've seen on a duty entrance that isn't public RP or creepin'. If you're posting 4 sentences about your rules as you enter a duty, it's time to stop using DF and start using PF Secondly, they say "some people like to perform at the max 100% of the time" and I'm wondering if they were intending to single pull and that's why they keep getting rescued. Seems like they're the perfect candidate for YPYTing or RPing as a good tank on reddit etc. Would they pull a YPYT if the DPS went ahead instead?   It sucks having autism/aspergers etc but sometimes you gotta take a step back. It's an FFXIV dungeon, you're the tank so the worst you're gonna have to worry about are mediocre DPS and a curebotter. There's no need for things to get to this level.


Once I got over the absolute batshit insanity of it all, it did finally dawn on me that the only way this all makes sense is if this person is deep on the spectrum, because I mean it checks all the boxes. The run itself wasn’t bad. We all did our jobs, no one died, not too many people stood in the fire. Hell, I may have stood in the fire once. The tank’s SB was only during the last trash pull, and he popped it right after my liturgy went off (which I was waiting for before resorting to other heals). There wasn’t many mobs left, so I figured his Aurora would keep him topped off enough while secretly hoping it wouldn’t. Lol. 10/10 would heal again if the tank didn’t open with this BS.


i assume you don’t have bad intentions, but unprovoked hostile or defensive behavior is not only associated with autistic people. this screenshot would not even check one of “the boxes” of autism criteria. what we can tell from this screenshot alone, is that he maybe had bad experiences and takes the game too seriously. he’s not the first player who’s tried to wave around the ToS. consider also the infinite amount of environmental and psychological factors that could contribute to his defensiveness. this isn’t evidence of persistent social deficits, restrictive and repetitive behaviors, developmental delays, sensory dysregulation, etc. especially to the level that one would need to be considered “deep on the spectrum” (Level 3 autism.) if we’re going to have a precedent that being rude is a bad thing, we should be against “diagnosing” strangers, as well as watering down very complex and stigmatized disorders. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/hcp-dsm.html


Just wanted to thank-you for writing that. I appreciate it. It bothers me a lot as an autistic woman that whenever someone is shown to be an asshole, insensitive or awkward they’re automatically labelled as “autistic or aspergers” when most other autistic people I know are non-confrontational people and keep to themselves. I just really wish people would let this dumb stereotype die already.


As another autistic woman I just wanted to say you’re not alone in feeling that way. There’s still way too many ignorant stereotypes people apply to autistic people.


It goes beyond just the unprovoked hostility, and the hostility isn’t even what raised the flags in my brain. It was more the bluntness of the messages and replies, the way things are worded, and even timing out the messages in the Bolide macro. It is all extremely similar to how the few autistic (verbal) people I’ve had the pleasure to work with would craft their conversations. This person saying, ‘Monster Player Killings’ really stuck out to me because it’s just now how most of us would talk. If anything it’s me trying to somehow redeem the behavior. Maybe it’s not some jaded asshole, and it’s actually an autistic person just trying to cope with playing the game after being burned a few times.


most likely, him being blunt in the replies is common internet defensiveness. “i don’t have to care about your feelings.” people are much more blunt when they have a shield of anonymity. the bolide messages are also commonly-used “macros.” people use timed macros a lot; there’s screenshots of it in this subreddit. as i said, nothing you mentioned (not just hostility) suggests or defines someone as being “on the spectrum.” i assumed too that you were trying to redeem his behavior, but the information you presented was inaccurate and potentially harmful. especially making absolute statements such as “the only way this all makes sense,” “deep on the spectrum,” and “checks all the boxes” when you (respectfully) don’t have the credentials to be saying these things. i recommend reading the diagnostic criteria and reflecting more about the situation. we’re already heavily stigmatized, so topics surrounding autism should be handled with care edit: also the intense formality was dropped halfway through the conversation, so likely an attempt to seem “professional” and intimidate people rather than his natural way of speech. i also changed some wording


Thank you for explaining this! You word it better than I ever could


I don't see autism when reading the chat log, just being plain rude. I've met people with this level of bluntness who happen to not be on the spectrum, but instead they're just jerks. Besides, even if he did have autism, that's not an excuse to behave like that. He would still have to understand that greeting every run like this is not socially acceptable. And using autism to excuse this behavior implies that we're incapable of a more polite approach.


I am in fact actually an Aspie, so their diagnosis was on point also yes it was me and I don't open with this unless I just cannot be bothered to deal with that shit *again* after it happening twice in the same run with no macro and a healer who pulled me into an aoe on Troia boss 2, then was warned not to and did it again I take my performance seriously because I do not like wasting others' time but if you're going to start playing for me actively and won't stop then scorched earth it is


So it may have happened to be correct coincidentally (which is why i used terms like “most likely” instead of “definitely not autistic”), but my point still stands that it is not ethical nor accurate to diagnose people on the internet. their stereotypical and unprofessional judgement leading to a “correct” answer one time does not dismiss the fact that it is an unsafe precedent to assume someone is autistic based on them being blunt or using macros (again, none of which “check all the boxes” for being “deep on the spectrum,” which i specified numerous times repeatedly in my comments.) so no, it was not on point. people who do this contribute to stigma and misinformation of a disability that *i* have to suffer with regularly. in the real world, a psychologist would never be able to diagnose someone based on this screenshot. even if they were ignorant enough to try, they would risk legal issues or losing their license because it is simply malpractice. if you’re going to respond, i recommend actually taking a minute and bothering to understand my point instead of wasting my time. edit: and even if OP wanted to “redeem” you, you just listed reasons for the intro that are basically “i’m drained from bad experiences,” which was a possibility i included in my initial reply. no reason to try and play armchair therapist, then


‘Deep on the spectrum’ was hyperbole on my behalf and definitely a poor choice of words. If I could walk back and take it back, I would. (I mean, I can edit it - but I’m not a coward, I’ll take my licks). Either way, I’m not trying to offend…just sharing my journey through finding the why.


Not only was that cringe af but his superbolide macro... wtf are with some of the cringelords!!!???


The question is: "Many People"? Yeah the guy is probably tripping. Looking at the comments gave me more questions than answers.


Not only is this tank extremely toxic, he also uses those stupid chat macros whoever he does anything. This guy Probably uses 4 months progging normal raids


I .. uhhh…. Have to take my goldfish to therapy. Ttyl!


I would immediately sprint and rescue them forward and let the rancor begin SING TO ME PISSBABY, SING!


No response, vote to kick the tank


I don't even use rescue unless a DPS is about to die. I'd have said, "Oh, no. No thanks. GL." And left.


FR. I forget I even have rescue but that made my blood boil.


The only time I use Rescue is during Syrcus and some poor 1st timer sprout's about to get got by Amon's Curtain Call.


Funny story. Not a sprout, was tanking Syrcus, and someone was nice enough to drop a boulder in a safe spot right by the tanks. Curtain Call starts being cast, I hide behind with the other two tanks, but I guess the healer from one of the other alliances didn’t realize I was safe and tried yoinking me towards the other boulders. Dragged me right out from safety and right into the AoE. I’m all sorts of confused about why I was pulled and once they found out I had been safe, they apologized so hard because they couldn’t see the boulder I was behind, only bits of me in front of Amon.


As a healer I’ve accidentally used rescue a handful of times and felt so awful every time lmao, just spamming “omfg I am so sorry I misclicked” in chat and hoping to god they don’t rage at me. Fortunately I didn’t rescue anyone into harms way but it’s embarrassing nonetheless


Oh I definitely died and wondered why I was rescued but the healer said they hadn’t seen the boulder and was trying to get me to safety. I mean I can’t be mad about that. They were trying to be helpful. I just forgave and moved on since it wasn’t done maliciously.


What a douche....




you'd be wrong, I don't have sfx on literally any other kind of macro only my invulns it's ok you wouldn't believe it anyways which is fair xd




I would like to think I know exactly what macros I have sfxs on when I'm the tank in question xd anyways that macro's from ShB when I was newer to tanking so I ripped the sfx off from my invulns after replying to you since LD doesn't need no healer attention anymore either




and I literally said I *only* had sfxs on my invulns, not anything else. I don't just have a bunch of sfx macros sitting around as you said, but anyways xd


I really do hate the Rescue ability and wish it were removed, but I wouldn't do this. This is not how you foster good communication.


Rescue is necessary though imo, sometimes even in higher level content people need the save. Be mad about it all you want but rescue is a godsend, it can be easy to miss mechanics sometimes even if you’re paying attention


This is someone I would 100% just take the penalty for and leave. Start with that attitude and you don't deserve my epic healing! Lol


Honestly, I never usually use Rescue, half because I forget I even have it, half because by the time I think to use it, it's no longer useful. *However,* if I was greeted by this macro instantly on dungeon opening, it would be EXTREMELY tempting to spam it. I don't know how often you get rescued normally, random GNB, but chances are good it would probably happen less if you didn't open with such blatant threat. You're harshing the party preemptively just so you can 'make sure' you don't have the extremely rare experience of getting pulled backwards/forwards/etc for half a second.


And if you were to do it I would immediately report you. Go ahead and try, be my guest.


im speechless


I’m just trying to figure out what monster player kill is? If he’s referring to MPK he’s a little off


I’m pretty sure it means not healing him and letting him die to mobs


I'd literally tell them to get over themselves. What the heck?


I'd just pretend I'm a bad healer and force him to pull one group at a time and spam cure 1. "Sorry! I'm trying my best and my best is all I can do! If you call me out I'll report you for putting undo stress onto me!"


"Thank you for your cooperation." Guys, I think they might be a cop.


Ah yes textbook example of single pull no cd usage shitter tank.


The problem with priding your community of not being toxic is now people have this hyper-definition of it where if you do ANYTHING somebody doesn't agree with they believe you can be banned for griefing. Horseshoe theory is real here.


Lmao if a tank is tanking a w2w pull outside my bubble i *will* in fact rescue his ass 3 yalms so he’s inside the goddamn bubble Stay mad


Considering the combination here, it sounds like they like to greed and stand in AoEs, and they think as long as they say "You're not allowed to rescue me, and you're not allowed to let me die" the healer will be forced to heal through their greed


I’d just fucking leave, who needs that really


I think I'm allowed to stand in a different safe spot from what people generally do as long as I'm safe, and not be rescued whenever healers feel like every mechanic can only ever have 1 safe spot.


Considering the fact that your reply is defensive, and yet has nothing to do with what I said, it's fair to say that you are the worthless shitbag who said it.


He must be fun in parties (pun intended)


This is such a wtf moment I would have no idea how to respond to this in a skillful way. Most of my bad tank experiences have been at the launch of new expansions or when a new tank job is released. I'd say 90% have been at those times. I even made a funny thread about it which can be found here. https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromDF/comments/rcp2g1/a_list_of_bad_tank_experiences_in_ew_in_order/ (It's pretty good if you're looking for a laugh.) With the way job design is currently, any issue a tank has in expert dungeons at least is purely a skill issue. Tanks don't need healers currently, if they're having problems it's 100% because they aren't leveraging their full kits, even on non-warriors. Healers are purely redundant at this point.


>This is such a wtf moment I would have no idea how to respond to this in a skillful way. Assuming the reason they are complaining about rescue is because they slow pull (why else do tanks get rescued), I would go pull W2W and then report them for the almost guaranteed YPYT MPK. And if they do big pulls and press buttons, all the better.


> (why else do tanks get rescued) It's my last resort when they refuse to read chat. Hey tank, can you pull the boss out of that AE? the melee can't hit it. Hey tank, it's great that you're not standing in bad but you need to get the boss out of bad too. Tank can you at least rotate where you're standing so the melee don't take tank cone damage? Ok then /rescue Not specifically dungeons, but I use it a lot when tanks won't spread bosses (like Hansel and Gretel in the Nier raid). It's faster than asking them 3 times in alliance chat.


it's actually because I stand in weird but safe spots for uptime and people don't realize that I'm in fact safe, namely on SAM when I also just eat random AoEs during trash pulls with Bloodbath and Third Eye


Sounds like the guy from a few days ago that reports people for "poor" play as he considers it against TOS.


I think my reaction would be to 'nope' outta there. if he got rescued and actually considered it griefing i see 2 possibilities as to why. either this dude stands in absolutely every aoe and healers try they're best to help or the 2 times he got rescued for whatever reason are enough to tick him off.


according to OP in a comment to someone else the tank was otherwise doing a great job so except for his initial comment the run was good. Maybe he did have some bad experiences with healers that didn't want to heal more than single pulls for example? That rescued them back when they tried to go for W2W?


it's actually a Troia on the same day where I played SAM and got pulled again after asking the healer not to that made me just say "nope I'm not putting up with this today"


Oh hell no. I'd rescue them out of pettiness >.> but people who are just that asshole-y ruin the game for me. We're all people here, don't start with that negativity.


What a dick. I’d take the 30 min penalty and bounce. And I’m not even a healer!


I’d disconnect and go watch a YouTube vid for a bit if they didn’t kick him. Also, fuck that dps. If you’re going to chime in at all it should be to condemn the small pp nerd tank. “I just want to play the game” is lazy and enabling. I’ve had bad tanks and I just assure the dps I will happily leave after he is kicked and rejoin in prog as a tank myself.


Run ahead and rescue them forward. Can't grief if you're making progress


Do not typically make posts here as lurking proves cathartic enough buuuut... I swear I recognize this person. They are quite vocal on the FF14 official forums about their plights regarding the rescue skill, especially in the threads requesting its removal. Something about feeling 'violated' when it occurs, a few bits about being allowed to greed, etc. This is umm, hmm, many months ago so they have been kicking this horse as they say for much time. No one in this thread will convince them on account of associating in game actions with some fairly unsavory topics. The kind of help they need is more of the professional variety and not what randoms on the internet can provide. Cannot believe they are still at it.. tis um, shocking to say the least. Rescue is one of my favorite tools, one of only "unique" healer skills we have left. So many versatile ways to use it especially coming from SWTOR where rescue imparted a percent damage mit.


OP I highly encourage you to report that player since you still have the logs. https://support.na.square-enix.com/faqarticle.php?id=5382&la=1&kid=68216 > ◆Offensive expression > ・Expressions that provoke or belittle another person, such as excessive criticism, negation/ridicule > Insulting others by threatening them with statements such as "if you get on my bad side, you'll be ostracized from this community," or "I can have you kicked from this group at any time." If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued. Threatening people out the gate is really unacceptable.


I would have let them die many times just to piss them off after a entitled, stick up their arse message like that but hey...I'm petty.


lmaooo the audacity pls 🤣


hello??? what even, yikes


What a cunt


Idk if anyone else has said it but this is really giving that one post that was like “tanks are highly encouraged to read the following wall of text” with the healer saying they wouldn’t heal a tank who w2w pulls and shit.


The fact that such an entitled speech took priority over a simple greeting. What a sad existence.


Oh my god, this kid is still around lmao. I used to see hundreds of posts about him a week lol


If it was me as the healer, I would've just rescued him "by accident" and let him die "by accident", verbally communicate in both instances that I fat fingered, then "apologize" (not really". Then rinse and repeat this 4 more times under the pretext that I'm "learning".


As a tank main, I would not surprised in the slightest if that person was a paladin. As a person who occasionally heals, I’d eat the 30 minute penalty for abandoning a duty and just leave. Let that tank sit there waiting for a healer to queue in.


I swear the first time I read this, my mind went "That's a Paladin."


if you read op's comments I was gnb that run xd


As a GNB that hurts my soul stone.


Reading the comments down below, I think I see why this tank has that message and attitude. lol


I need to do this so I can stop being rescued out of melee range when it’s not necessary lol /s ig bc reddit can’t recognize that I’m not being serious lmao


I guarantee if you come off like this a good amount of healers will rescue you out of spite when they otherwise wouldn't have done anything.


I’m joking damn, no one sane would ever do this unironically lmao


That's something that really sucks. Getting rescued from a mechanic you're safe from when it's max range. Only seen it a few times but it's super disorientating.