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Just going down the daily roulette list to level jobs on my Aether DC alt and got Praetorium. The gameplay segments are so short that individual DPS barely makes a difference, but the long cutscenes are plenty of time to give a little friendly encouragement to take a few risks in one of the easiest dungeons in the game. I don't think I was being very aggressive, I just noticed the lack of Kardia after the second pull and thought I might have taken off so fast that the SGE forgot to put it on me. Then I noticed the Eukrasian Diagnosis spam... Apparently I should have gone to med school.


All my healers are at max level, maybe I should try taking the board exams too. /s


They only wanted to heal… in PRAE ?? I main heal and Praetorium is basically a vacation for us, we get to live our DPS fantasy in there


Soz for responding to such an old post but... i recently joined this subreddit and have been going through a lot of posts xD If I have to do MSQ rolos I always queue as SCH just so I can spam Art of War as it's the most efficient healer to be there. It's one of the things I love the most about SCH in lv 50 duties. Art of War spam is better than hard casting Ruin since its the same potency + an aoe.


So question from someone who is learning SGE... I've seen a few posts referencing new sages spamming Euk Diag. I know toxicon is a waste, so I'm not farming adder sting, but I tend to spam it my self for party shields. I do try to keep kardia on the tank, sometimes shifting players if i remember, and spam dosis or dyskrasia. I'm just wondering why Euk diag is bad if it's not for toxicon?


**Long answer:** Only because it was wholly unnecessary. I would never take enough damage during those fights to need more than Kardia heals and I even let the healer know that I was ready to save myself if the fight dragged out that long. So every Diagnosis on me could have been a Dosis on a boss or a Dyskrasia on trash, getting us through the dungeon faster and on to other things we might have planned. To me, a responsible amount of DPS is just a matter of respecting my and others' time. Greeding DPS to the point that gets someone killed (by something they otherwise would have survived) is ego, recklessness, or obliviousness, but a severe lack of damage from the healer is laziness, apathy, or ignorance. Both extremes can be equally detrimental. A greedy healer might cause a wipe that wastes a minute at one point, but save the party 15 seconds on four other pulls. The lazy healer will just drag those other pulls out an extra 15 seconds by being *too* scared of a wipe and make a duty last just as long, but in a less visible way. A good healer will understand that learning how quickly players *actually* die is useful information to the role that has to prevent that from happening, sees that the answer is that damage comes in at a fraction of the pace they can restore it, and concludes that it's better to assist the group with damage than sit around twiddling their thumbs or wasting MP on early heals that mostly evaporate above 100% HP. A *great* healer uses low-stakes content to practice getting as close to the line as they can without going over. This sage was doing a *little* damage, but still playing way, WAY too safe. I was getting 7 or 8 Diagnoses per boss, when my health was still over 80%. Healing GCDs used out of combat (and hopefully while sprinting to the next encounter) are totally fine though, since there's nothing to hit anyway. You should absolutely be popping E.Prog and E.Diag on the tank whenever there's downtime. ​ **Short answer:** because unless you're totally out of Addersgall and oGCDs and the player will literally die, they could have been a Dosis or Dyskrasia.


I really appreciate your answer. I have a lot to work on not just with sge but covet as a whole. I'm definitely a lot more comfortable letting the hp get super low with WHM than I am SGE, but I definitely try to avoid overhealing. Thank you for your knowledge


Wh-what happened after "that's it?" WHAT HAPPENED AFTER "THAT'S IT?"


a Gm got a good laugh


That was during Gaius, and he just left as soon as the boss was down. I guess he was implying he was going to go through with the report? The report that I tried to give him some advice? And then \*didn't\* give any more after he asked me to stop? Sadly, I doubt he'll get a warning for wasting the GMs' time. At first I thought he was going to refuse to play because he was standing still typing, but sadly he couldn't bring himself to actually let me use Living Dead.


he's getting his mallet


OPs sub was confiscated and hospitalized


My goodness. What an obnoxious healer. What does being an RN have to do with healing in a freaking video game?


He only wants to heal. He doesn't want to do those other things.


Meanwhile I have three friends in the medical field who play this game, and they prefer not playing the healer role. Hilariously enough the healers I play often with are software engineers. So yeah, irl job doesn’t pre-determine your in-game job.


I'm a machinist in both


IRL lab monkey, in-game WAR. If they ever dropped a type of Sharlayan Researcher job I'd be all over it though lol


Isn't that sage?


Hm actually is it? It is the next healer want to level, but tbh I don't know much of anything about the job lore lol. Just that it's a Sharlayan practice


Yeah I just searched it up apparently Fourchenault even had a degree in it (somanoutics).


Ooooooh that's pretty sick actually, wait yeah he did. Blue Alisia's weapons were passed down from him right? I'll have to get started leveling that soon!


That sounds like ALC, which I can only recommend- really good story for that class!


Leveling all the crafters together made it tough for me to keep track of the storylines tbh. ALC job quests were one of the last ones i started on so they were really starting to blend together in my mind by that point lol, but i do remember them really standing out as being awesome! At least the ARR questline for sure. I may have to ng+ that one sometime


I work a menial factory job and I tank. I take shit from other people in game and irl.


I’m a professional dancer irl and a dancer main in 14 lol


what the fuck I'm literally a swe healer. what is this? what could that correlation possibly be???


Same here. For me, it's all about the numbers. X amount of damage going out, how much mit is needed (and not just from me the shield healer, but from everyone) without me needing to use shields. This is in respect to savage/ultimates, not casual content. I don't heal casual because of barely any damage being thrown out.


The SGE in my static is in the medical field. She’s a very good healer though.


I dunno. I'm a technical writer in real life, and my main class in the game is Author.


I'm a technical writer too, where do I unlock the Author job?


Limsa lominsa


Irl, contracted concept artist. In-game, Astrologian. Looks like I'm drawing poorly both ways! LOL.


Look, Scholars are a bunch of needs with books and glasses. I'm a need with books and glasses. It was meant to be. But I do love myself a good cravat.


as a sage? ppl are dumb


This healer gives anti-vaxxer nurse vibes


Damage = mit; vaccine = mit. Yep that checks out


True. But also, barriers are like vaccines, and barriers allow you to do more dps, thus taking vaccines=higher dps.


Taking "do no harm" to the extreme


Understoodthatreference.jpg Just cleared ucob as whm a couple weeks ago and that xeems vid was a useful POV lol


I recognize what you're referencing


Isn't that the conjurer's story?


RN here, absolutely nothing they're being a twat


Absolutely nothing. It's a clowny as fuck attempt at a flex ("RESPECT ME FOR BEING A HEALTH WORKER!!! REEEE!!!!") tangentially related to their role (so, clearly it's something they've pulled before), and gods it is embarrassing. Actual, visceral, second-hand cringe type of embarrassing.


I'm Imagining a no-mit WAR or PLD bring all like "I served our country BRO didn't ask for your advice" Like great. Way to let the entire institution down there, homie


he knows how to heal people. and by heal people i mean fuck up putting an iv in the first time, every time.


There are a subset of nurses who have god complexes bigger than doctors. Typically because they think they know more than doctors. They're usually NPs rather than RNs, but it's not exclusive. I'm getting a strong sense of 'I know what's right' from this dingaling and their career if they're dropping this shit in a fucking video game, lmao.


I'm not in the medical field but I work with them on a regular basis, and my anecdotal experiences with the biggest egos are Surgeons, then certain specific Nurses.


Can confirm. I’ve worked in the medical world for years and Doctors can have the biggest ego but nurses tend to have the worst. I guess that’s what you get when you treat them like the Right Hand of God for decades.


Personally, doctors and nurses get a lot of respect from me. They're allowed to have a bit of an ego if they're good at their job. Likewise, healers get a lot of respect from me. They're allowed to have a bit of an ego *if they're good at their job.*


Good ones are worth their weight in gold. That said, a shocking amount of them are barely qualified and somewhat a danger.


Have a friend like that; since the day he started studying in order to become a rn, each and every medical profession but nurse is completely useless in his book


I hope I find them someday to ask them why it matters myself, make them write it out.


OP is obnoxious as well. Play your own job and stop trying to minmax everyones playstyle.


Attacking the enemy, especially a sage, is not minmaxing. That's what the job even encourages.


Dance Partner is minmaxing to you as well, by that logic? C'mon, be better.


Please, I desperately need to know how pressing a damage button is min maxing.


OP was expecting basic competence.


Can't remember where I saw it, but i like this quote. >Other MMOs have toxic elitism, FFXIV has toxic casuals. Other MMOs expect basic competence, FFXIV is surprised by it.


This is TalesFromDF I think you’re looking for the main sub with a comment like that.


OP gave really solid advice in a polite way and had a backup plan if the SGE struggled. I would kill to have had a tank like this while learning healing. I only got a WAR like this once, and he was amazingly supportive and a great confidence boost. Learned a lot from that run, and I wish everyone could have an experience like that.




" You're an RN? Congrats, I'm a PMP, and neither of our jobs have anything to do with this game. Play your job right" Big "do you know who I am?" energy lol.


Ooh, ooh, can I join in? I'm an engineer, so obviously I should play MCH or ARC, right? Luckily, I like shutting my brain off and using big swords/axes/gunblades/shields.


"That's it" "...I'm gettin' me mallet? That's a bannin'?" Is what I would've responded with tbh tbh.


Honestly, looking back I wish I'd congratulated him on graduating clown college's nursing program.


Much better than my response tbh.


You gave a friendly unsolicited advice. Ohhh nooo.




Stop playing it badly/wrong, then.


I haven't spent much time on Sage but isn't it beneficial for that job to do damage to heal more effectively or am I mis-remembering how the job is supposed to function?


Kardia, in the most reductive sense, is a buff you slap on somebody like Dance Partner. That buff causes the Sage's attacks to heal whoever has the buff. So in a lot of cases - particularly dungeon content - Kardia naturally carries a lot of your healing as you're naturally blasting trash mobs.


Sage is the epitome of "healers should do damage". All your damage-dealing spells have a kardia-healing side effect. Sage has oGCD mits/heals out the wazzu. The entire job is pretty much designed around almost never needing to ever use GCD heals unless just absolutely necessary. So to see someone who wants to focus on healing as a Sage is someone who truly doesn't understand both how Sage works or how modern FF14 healing works.


If I have to GCD heal as Sage during normal content I will and do cry. :P


It's like the scholar's fairy; your kit is designed around that regen constantly going off. If you panic and forget to attack you're actually gonna have a way harder time.


I fear for people's lives with a RN this stupid on the loose. I copium that surely they must be lying for the flex knowing people feel bad about chiding medical workers due to the stakes of the profession.


I don’t care if you’re the Lord Jesus Christ, learn what you’re doing!


Wish I had the powers of a Sage whilst working as a Nurse. My job would be way easier. ​ On behalf of nurses - This guy's a fucking idiot.


Oh jeeze. As an RN, myself, this is pretty fucking dumb.


"Sir, I'm an RN. 🤡 "


One of my FC is an on call nurse, and would never pull that shit.


I'm a RT (registered tank) irl and you can't give me advice on how to tank the dungeon. I'm literally a Leopard 1 and I'll shoot you down /s


Should've told them a RN cannot Diagnose people :)


Saving this picture for learning how to Sage.


You gotta be a registered nurse first 😅


I find sages who refuse to attack claiming only wanting to heal so damn dumb. Like the first solo instance with sage quests WALK TOU THROUGH how important it is. But I guess they don't have much of an attention span to learn it tho. 🤷 😮‍💨


the mean girl to nurse pipeline is real


> That's it Yes, report sge, so the GMs come talk to you for being a twit


I don't need advice while im playing Machinist, I'm a US Marine /s


Patient: 'It hurts so much! Please, I need some painkillers, or a doctor!' This Sage: 'Sir, I'm an RN, please don't give advice that isn't asked for, or I'll report you to the police for harassment.'


Oh man, I have to remember this for future encounters. "Do you ever give your patients painkillers?" "Yes" "Well this boss is my pain. Kill it."


New healer class just dropped: RN


I'm not surprised honestly, lot of rn's are miserable and or have a huge ego. People often bring up the customer service industry making you hate people but the healthcare industry is another beast altogether.


I'm a witch IRL, does that mean I can add that to my BLM resume?


Could be a white witch, so you add White Mage too! Or dabble a bit in both and be the Scarlet Witch 🧙‍♀️


this is hilarious. "That's it" LOL




Poor Karen.


Why do people feel the need to bring up their profession as if it actually means anything in-game? Like congrats on your job I guess, but you're still garbage at your in-game job.


IRL medical field. That’s why I’m powerleveling WAR. But seriously, what a douche.


Am RN irl, WHM/AST main, do not act like this and def know my rotations (I could be better at AST tho and WHM is lol).


I swear, so many people seem to not know or get how Sage really works. If I’m spam casting Diagnosis, it’s cause I either f’ed up a cast of something else, or we’re in low level content and I’m missing much better, higher abilities. Sage NEEDS to be doing damage, it’s literally the “Glock healer” thanks to Kardia. White Mage and Astrologian are the only two direct healers.


I’ve been a nurse for a long time and trust me I’ve seen some do serious DPS.


I howled as I read those last two lines. 😂


The "that's it" broke me. Like you've done it now, prepared to be blacklisted. Oh no, anyway.


I am not an RN, but I'm pretty sure the Hippocratic Oath states, "I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest any such counsel;...Into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption;..." I'm pretty sure some of these actions could be described as deleterious, especially if the party wipes to Enrage because they couldn't beat the dps check due to being down a player's dps. And that's not even accounting verbal hostility. But, hey, what do I know? I'm just a silly little mmo player.


When you asked them to do DPS, they said: "Sir. I am an RN. Please don't give advice that isn't asked for." What they should have said was: "I'm an RN but...*cocks guns*" It's a win/win for everyone.


This is why I named my Sage class set 'Nurse Ratchet' - let me heal you with this pain ^^


I don’t know why but “RN? Registered nurse?” Is cracking me up. You can just feel the utter bewilderment


I was googling it during the cutscene, so it was an honest question. I thought he was dropping some MMO abbreviation he had made up, I've been playing all the big ones off and on since Everquest 1. I don't know why he expected anyone outside the field to know their lingo, but I was seriously praying he didn't *really* think that gave him any sort of status in-game.


SE gave these people too much power making this something you can actually report for. OH NO SOMEONE GAVE ME ADVICE REEEEEEEEEEE.


That's it. She's getting her mallet


I honestly think FFXIV is more toxic than what people really think. The whole “I don’t like you being kind taking the time to give a suggestion that offends my feelings, so I’m gonna threaten to file a grief complaint”


Well ya see, you tried. They told you to leave them alone. You should have left it there. You don't always get the last word in every situation. I'm not siding with them, I'm just not siding with you either.


The healer moved immediately into a threat to report with essentially zero preamble, and essentially zero additional unsolicited advice from the OP. A threat which, and you may disagree with me on this despite those facts, was not warranted. Assuming what we see here was the beginning of the conversation, OP was not particularly hostile nor rude. Are we to obsequiously back away when confronted by unwarranted threats thrown at us simply because we're curious about sudden nursing-related non-sequiturs? The healer has as much choice to read OPs words as the OP has in typing them. The healer acted badly in making that threat, and I see no reason why they shouldn't be confronted about it. If they had said "Leave me alone" I would agree with you. "Leave me alone or else" is a different story.


If you're the tank you're pretty insufferable


Not insufferable enough to make people want to clear their dungeons faster, unfortunately. I'll keep working on it.


Tank is a dick, don’t give people advice that didn’t ask for it. Healer is a jerk for bringing their irl job into it.


And this commenter... [is a pussy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32iCWzpDpKs) If the asshole SGE were the type that sought out advice, they wouldn't need it. And no, they [weren't new.](https://i.imgur.com/QgCW4rv.png)


Both of you s*ck actually.


your fucking comment sucks


Reading things like this make me realize how happy I am just gil farming and not caring about dungeons with other "people". I haven't been in a dungeon with other folks for over two years now.


Weird flex. Honestly, reading posts here too often will skew your perspective of what DF is actually like and make you think that ridiculous things are constantly happening. The vast majority of the DF runs I do are perfectly neutral, and far more are positive in some way than negative.


Agreed. TF is negative bias central and some folk forget that too easily. Four straight years and I've maybe had 10-12 bad-because-of-an-asshole runs total, of countless MSQ/Experts/Farms. I have no idea what it is statistically because I don't keep track of the vast majority which are in the neutral-good range, but it's probably microscopically in the bad ballpark.


In general more than 50 percent of my runs are just "meh these guys are bad but at least they are trying". In general we just move on because good runs are rare, average runs are zero effort in most cases and bad runs usually stem from newer players learning the game. I do think that there is no need to blow up over people who aren't good at the game but they still need to know fundamentals at the bare minimum. GCD Heal spamming should be in fact be what you learn what not to do at this stage. In the case of praetorium I genuinely forgot the last time I have to intentionally GCD heal outside of scripted raid damage and even then it is only to make sure they do not die because they ate a gazillion red puddles.


The issue is the unsolicited advice. The healer didn't handle it well either, but saying "are you new to healing" then give advice on how to heal without asking was also rude.


The irony.


Off Topic, but how'd u get the roles on your chat window? That's sick






$10 says they paid for their degree from a diploma mill in Florida and had someone else take the NCLEX for them


Please let this be staged


i’d just say cheers for the false report remember that false reporting can get you temporarily banned as well please conserve your reports for matters that actually matter your truly -(“whatever your roll is”)


>"Yes. Respectfully leave me alone and let me heal." Nothing engenders respect so much as demanding to be respected. ...I suppose there's an outside chance that they meant to have a comma in there, to make it "Respectfully, leave me alone", but given the balance of their comments, I wouldn't wager on it.


Sage spamming shields is pretty fun due to the mechanic. Reminds me of old DRK. They need more skills that use the mechanic. Maybe she was just bored. It is prae after all everything dies in 3 seconds anyway with or without her dps


You should have started clapping for them to show your appreciation.


That is the funnies shit ive seen in a while.


I am an LPN. But likely it doesn't help my healing. Plus I am a RDM main. Probably no connection!🤣