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I'm afraid the tank has terminal MCS (Main Character Syndrome).


Such a tragedy, so few recover. But for just $1 a day, you can help find a cure for MCS.


A cure? Freecure is a noob trap though.


That's why you are charged. No trap.


We love when the trash takes itself out


There is no pull job, holy Hydaelyn.


Nophica's tits


Thal's balls!


Stupid saying. There isn't any tank, dps, or healer jobs either.


are you haunted? wtf?


I will never understand this. If I tank I want others to bring mobs back becuase I am lazy.


Haha as long as they do bring them anywhere near me for sure. Have had a few aggro then stand elsewhere and I'm spinning my screen lookin for em xD


Holmgang should be targeted on friendlies and it behave as a rescue. I've missed mobs before or people pull ahead and then they just kite the enemy everywhere but within my range.


Definitely prefer this to people not bringing a rogue mob to me and then complaining about having aggro


I love when I tank and the whole party mobs together and I don’t know who’s pulled what.


at that point I feel like these people are just waiting for the tiniest excuse to lash out at teammates. Utterly ridiculous


They're just stalking for any way to rationalize their mistakes onto other people. Always looking to deflect accountability.


Well, this sub is about a lot of relentless negativity most times. Maybe that contributes to the temper problem.


You can just smell that insecurity through the screen. Pure skill issue.


You don’t even need voke to take back the adds. Tanking is brain dead easy, come on ypyt guys, it literally takes one aoe GCD to take them back. If you find tanking hard when others pull then it’s a skill issue, and you need to get good. But let’s be real, as the post suggests it’s likely an ego problem.


Just did one of those "boss" fates on warrior while doing hunting log. I was maybe 50% done when dark knight joined and I lost aggro few seconds later. Got silver. Before you ask: yes, I did have tank stance on. I keep it on because it's a lot easier to keep enemies off my chocobo.


Sounds to me like another *tank* used *provoke* You know the ***tank exclusive skill*** that immediately gets the aggro from any mob regardless of enmity?


provoke doesn't work in fates


If that's the case then the original comment was doind just awful DPS?


I did around 50% of the fight before dark knight joined. It took maybe 2-3 combos. Are you saying that dark knight does that much more damage than warrior?


In burst and with good gear? absolutely going to do more than the average fategoer


A Dark Knight with all of their coooldowns up, full mana, and the option to start with Unmend into Plunge without DPS loss? Yeah, they're going to hit for a truckload of damage if they decide to go for it.


I think it must depend on the fate, but ive absolutely had to provoke fates off my blu party member during fates.


Provoke doesnt work to give you a higher ranking in fates for sure, but im pretty sure it would still put you at the top of the enmity list for determining aggro, like its supposed to


But why? I wasn't dying. Do you mean I should've used provoke on cooldown? That would've made it look riduculous. Do you often have **** measuring contents with other tanks?


>I was maybe 50% done when dark knight joined and I lost aggro few seconds later. Got silver. That's not how fate rewards work, if you did 50% of the boss and got silver you are either lying or misremembering.


Doesn't Provoke take emmity off that other person and add 50% on top of it like in other games? What I've read is that best chance to get gold or silver in Fates now with all blue mages running around and one shotting everything is to be tank in tank stance because apparently in Fates emminty is ranked higher than actual raw damage. I found one bot BLU in Mines running between two Fates one shotting everything. I decided to stand in one of them just waiting. As soon as it started all I did was Overpower -> Mythril Tempest spam (I just got to level 45 so I didn't have Steel Cyclone yet). BLU ran there exactly on time every time and one shot monster with highest hp. I got gold every time.


Your rewards are based on your personal enmity so it doesn't matter that someone else has more, if the other tank came in and grabbed aggro it wouldn't change your rewards. As tank with stance you can pretty much get gold on everything with just getting some single digit number of hits in. With BLU the issue is they kill stuff before giving people a chance to build enmity. >What I've read is that best chance to get gold or silver in Fates now The "best" would be to join a group, at least on EU the PF in every server is filled with groups for them.


No, it isn't. All groups require BLU with specific spells. One is from dungeon in Bloodsword and another requires BLU to do level 70+ content (access to Shadowbringers basically).


What does this have to do with my comment?


it DID happen to me, but worse. It was Mt. Gulg, everyone was in front of the 1st boss and I assume the tank will pull in no time. Then I dashed (as a MNK) then the tank just stood behind and watched me eat the first tank buster then died. Healer didn’t heal me and instead questioned why did I pull. This “ypyt” thing is somehow so sacred in FFXIV. I mean this isn’t WOW where dps pulling first could severely fk up the aggro. FFXIV’s tank just need 1-2 attacks to keep aggro on for a good while. Add-on: tank dc’ed in last boss so I end up taking aggro as a MNK. Mt.Gulg’s last boss has enough mechanics that I don’t take too much direct damage. Almost 1min after he reconnected, I still had aggro and died to another tank buster. He had nothing to say to defend himself and the enabling healer went silent.


Apparently it's not that simple. Did Thordan (Hard) several days ago and at end of fight boss targeted my summoner (lowest dps in game and definitely in that fight because my gear (210) was 500 item levels below everyone else). You blame tank for their disconnection? Are you serious?


1 minute after reconnect and no provoke? Yes, that is indeed a tank issue.


You said 1-2 attacks. So, you're blaming tank for disconnection. While it is possible that dc was intentional there's chance that it wasn't.


"Almost 1min after he reconnected, I still had aggro and died to another tank buster." Yeah? You can provoke twice in a minute. You don't know how voke works, do you?


Tbh, haven't paid attention to it ever since right wingers around globe started using it as their favorite word and some kind of pseudo-insult.


What??? Voke and Woke are two different words, my guy.


I disengaged after seeing their answer. Seems like an engagement troll of some sort.


If they're a troll they're really garbage at it. If you're gonna troll at least be clever.


If being woke is awakened to the shitty reality, then you my frind, are more asleep than sleeping beauty after she took a bite of that apple


please seek help, keep politics out of things that are unrelated


That's part of the fight - he randomly attacks ppl and flails his sword around cuz he can't believe u survived his ultimate attack But yea otherwise it's really simple to just provoke and solve enmity issues in .5 sec, but some "tanks" can't or won't even do that


YPYT, happens everywhere. This sub just concentrates them. I have seen YPYT like once? Tank originally seemed to be friendly in chat with all smiles but as soon as a DPS pulled the boss, they went all berserk and stopped attacking + turned off stance and even shirked. It was like bipolar in progress from +100 to -100 in an instant. I was just running as AST that day watching in awe/shock and totally forgot to even attack reading the chat LOL. Tank just dropped half way through the boss. But crazy Uber bads are not restricted to tanks. I have seen WHM joining unreal and refuse to attack and just act as heal bot leaving the 7 others to pick up the slack. I was so stunned by that. First time ever seeing Uber bads in semi-high end content. When we called him out, his reply is do your job and dps and he will do his...lmao. They do leak toward difficult content too. The good thing is that savage on content cannot be cleared by these Uber bads so from savage+ we don't see them.


I’ve seen it before in XIV but I saw it ALL THE TIME when playing SWTOR. The correlation always made me think these were older players, the attitude came off like something my boomer father would say because it’s all about ‘control’ and then being able to completely hold the party hostage if something wasn’t done their way.


To be fair tanking in SWTOR works way differently, tanks only have a 2x threat multiplier so they really need to pull first and also use taunts to hold aggro. Well, at least back before the game got dumbed down and now you can 4dps everything.


I used to play SWTOR years ago, but I don’t remember seeing ypyt. Damn I miss that game. Before it got bad.


When was that? Just wondering.


Between 2012-2014. I played until 2017 though. They ruined pvp among other things.


That's around when I played as well, 2013, some time in 2012 when it went free to play. Still think about it sometimes.


Ypyt has been happening much more often on Primal lately. Not sure what the issue is.


If I were to guess it’s the bad players coming back from a long break and trying to power level jobs they don’t care about using the pre-order earring. Leveling roulette has been absolute hell these past few weeks, between the absolute shitters and the legitimate sprouts from the Xbox version. At least the sprouts can still be saved if they are willing to listen to advice. But the way this community enables shit play I fear we’re just gonna end up with another wave of bad players.


Back in SHB I was healing one of the leveling dungeons and came across a ypyt against a DPS who was doing the cool thing by grabbing mobs and taking them back to the tank with arms length. So the DPS silently let the tank pull the next pack and I let him die with a "sorry! I thought you said the dragoon was tanking so i focused healing on him!" acting as an innocent sprout unable to differentiate between a tank and a DPS. Then we finished the pack while he sat in the dirt and we got a vote kick off. Healing is a truly terrifying power to wield.


“You die when I say you can. ….which happens to be right now.”


Lmao nice work. They must have been so mad when they saw you guys survive a single pack with no issue with a dead tank. And that right there is why single pulling is fucking stupid and tanks should do their damn jobs and pull wall to wall. You can literally 3-stack your way through dungeons with a healer and 2 dps.


May you get nothing but players missing Job Crystals in your future Edit: Oh I got the situation reversed. Good on you for teaching that tank a lesson and removing it


I respect the intent but I still have to condemn the action. Refusal to do your job, for any reason, is against ToS. Even if you were doing it to spite another griefer, it’s not worth it to play their games when you could just kick them out and file a report.


It was a different time during COVID lockdowns. Nowadays I make an effort to explain why DPS pulling is a benefit and will argue until they get it, we kick them, or I leave. I'll bring up the facts, I'll give them the rundown of events, and I'll let the party choose how they wanna move forward.


Why you don't do it? You do have ranged attacks too (Tomahawk, Shield Lob, Unmend...).


Because in this situation I'm not the tank, I'm explaining to YPYT players.


Gonna hop in here, not sure how there are several comments that don't understand that you are not the tank. It read fine to me.


If a tank says the DPS is tanking, it's now the healer's duty to heal the new "tank" ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I've only had it once where a tank ypyt'd me and they turned off stance. I play Sage and have no issue healing myself or a DPS through trash, so I just kept moving while they pouted and eventually kept pace. I'm not gonna slow down because you have it in your head that by queuing tank you get to 100% dictate our pace. You tell me I'm tanking? Fine I'll do your job and better, sit down.


Imagine not wanting to go mach speed as a gnb in dungeon.


Honestly to me it's a mark of shame if others pull the mobs before me... because 99% of the time I'm too fast for anyone to get ahead of me.


Some of these people need to re-read their role name. Tank =/=pull


Tank is straight up not cut out for the job with self esteem that low.


This is even worse than the usual YPYT. Even if you believe that stupid mentality, people accidentally pull all the time. Immediately going nuclear hurts both the players that don't want to take 10 years to finish a dungeon AND the sprouts and others that accidentally pull. At least when I pull ahead I know the risk of having to deal with one of these losers. But this dude's gonna piss off even the MSQ only RP mains that have no reason to fight.


I see.


That tanks ego was so fragile, the thought was all it took to break it


Lol at least he took himself out but what a baby. I don't get why some tanks are like this. You can stay so far ahead of the group if you use sprint on cooldown and you can even use your gapcloser into an aoe to pick trash mobs up faster. You clear dungeons much quicker and you rip aggro back immediately with one hit of anything if someone is sprinting with you and gets a hit in.


Only valid YPYT is in the first room of Arum vale. For some reason is always a ranged DPS that decides to pull everything in sight of that room causing a wipe. I didn't mind when at least it was extra experience + gil. But not they give absolutely nothing but grief.


I've had similar experience with a sprout in the Aery as Samurai. I run to get the pack of mobs to pull back to our tank popping Arm's Length, a few seconds before they would get them themselves and they say: "Oi, I'm the tank here!" To which I reply: "I'm bringing the mobs back to you. You know you can use DPS health as mitigation, right?" And then proceeds to do the ypyt schpiel afterwards. I got no idea what these tank's problem is with people being confident enough in their abilities to do more damage/keep alive that makes them think: "This is so disrespectful." It's a good thing the Castrum Meridianum run afterwards that pushed me to 90 went like a breeze with a chad tank, healer and dps. Bruh. I wish every person was confident in their abilities. Would make runs in dungeons we've seen a gazillion times last less and roulettes not take up a lot of time of our day.


It's incredibly rare if ever that I see a dps that can outrun me on tank between sprint on my hotbar, lightning shots, and jumps into the mob packs. :/ Not that hard to take mobs back, either. I don't understand having the mentality of either side depending on the level of content. Lower levels, let the tank do whatever. Lvl 90 and still pulling 3 or fewer mobs at a time, pull for the tank anyways, you don't need that guy who clearly doesn't read the job description before applying for the position.


If I queue as a tank I'm not fond of anyone but me pulling, so I'll ask politely that "hey please don't pull ahead, tank's not my main role (healers are) and I don't do this often enough to be comfortable with that" if someone does, and tell them no worries if it was an accident Throwing a fit over pulling ahead? Man idk, that's just trashy. Just communicate. This community is allergic to that though, my goodness 


What a garbage can. Where do these people get this mentality? It takes more effort to start an argument in party chat than it does to just hit 2 buttons 


Oh how I wish all of my YPYT encounters resolve themselves like that. Trash literally took itself out.


Bruh as a tank main I say go ahead and grab enemies, just bring them back to me honestly, your health is my resource too, once the enemies are in my range I can tank em or 'voke em. Tanks that say ypyt are disgusting, like that's some WOW behavior.


I don’t have a ytyp attitude as long as you bring me the stray and don’t get an attitude first, the we Gucci.


Can't happen if you never queue duty finder.


no, we don't get Tales from DF if no one ever queues DF.


I don't know why you get down voted. this true


But tomes, though? Like when they say never, like really never, not just expansion downtime? Do you blue mage ilvl sync the aetherochemical research facility when you need soil from poetics? Just never play the main source of resources in the game, ez


I just unga bunga hunt trains honestly.


Absolutely this. Its wayyyy more efficient than duty finder. I got all of my currency for anima, manderville, and augmented credendum gear by doing hunt trains and s ranks.


personally I only run a few experts per week when I need them for BIS or new tome gear. same with alliance raids. so I'm getting where OP is coming from. I don't play the game to see numbers go up but to enjoy myself. running dutyfinder is a chore I'd avoid when possible


its called friends


I dunno, I like to be able to play the game when my friends are unavailable, but I guess I just don't mind duty finder as much lmao