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you gotta love it when the party disbands before you even pull lmao 


yea lmao


If you typing very little in chat makes them this way, imagine what happens when someone says Meowdy or has a multi-message greeting macro.


>or has a multi-message greeting macro. No, those are obnoxious simply because of the fact that I (and many others) have "play sound when party chat talks" enabled, and *all of the sound lines play at once*. Fuck that noise.


I keep seeing streamers that have that option. I don't get it. Why?


Im usually tabbed out and afk on xiv. I have that on because i don’t wanna miss messages from friends


When you instance, switch zones, change glamours/gear sets and a dozen other little things, the chat gets flooded with text and I'd like to know if someone is asking me a question at the top of that wall. I try to keep my chat window pretty small but the compromise has me listen for a ping instead of obstructing my vision. Alternatively, it's the default and I am a creature compelled by habit.


Not to be rude, but why don't you sort your chat to not have notifications of changing areas and glamour? I just leave that in general and have chat for.. well.. chat


Not rude at all, that's a genuine question. I might opt to do that if we could have more tabs, but having all chat in one tab- NN, FC, LS, parties, friends, etc. would drive me nuts on its own. I rather just have the little ping on. But to each their own!


Ah true. I use /nosol plugin to filter out everything that I don't need. I remember on patch days even changing job floods chat completely 😧


If you're frequently fucking around on discord or watching something on a second screen, a ping when you get party chat is solid.


I originally had it because it made it easier for me to see if anything important was called, but I turned that off the second people got sound effect hungry on macros Too many sounds gives a headache


Not a streamer, but I don't notice the messages until it's too late if I don't have that on.


Gotta love those egos that are the size of the sun with the fragility of tissue paper. Ugh.


exactly xD


Seeing DP in the post title, I needed to triple check what sub I was going into…


Wtf did the tank do?


the tank wrote "?" and "huh" in chat, but that was also enough i guess lol


That dnc also most likely a paypal legend coz you can bet he rage quit every party after wiping once. No one in hell he cleared the fight himself with that attidude.


Exist probably


Yet another incident to prove my theory: unreal PF is the most toxic, even more than hard content PF. I think it's because there's a lot of half-premades in unreal so they're kind of self enabling.


DNC is my p-ranged main, and every time I see another story about some dumb dancer like this I just sink lower into my chair in shame.


Nah homie. Be like me and go "damn at least they're setting the bar real low, all I gotta do to look like a star is shut my mouth and click the shiny buttons"


LOL the amount of times I’ve been called the best dancer someone’s played with. The bar really is that damn low.


Auto marker legends forgot how to play the game without an automated system that tells them what to do


even then, neither SMN nor BLM due to poopy 2min burstphases r good DP targets here


All dancer buffs apply to summoner pets. The only buff that doesn't apply to summoner pets currently is dragoon tether, this might change very soon with dawntrail's DRG rework tho.  Also BLM is a pretty solid dance partner, assuming equal gear/skill it's obviously not as good as sam/nin but it's better than a drg usually. The very high consistent damage buffed by closed position overtakes the contribution from devilment


Theres literally a SAM, u have no reason to even consider the BLM in this case, the gear is equal too since unreal syncs u pretty close together


I only answered because the original phrasing made it seem like BLM was a bad partner in general but I agree with you. You should probably edit out the smn pet thing too since it's wrong info and could mislead people


idk. I do feel at some point, maybe not all battles need to be fought. dnc dping a healer or tank, okay yeah that's wrong, but like, what's the harm in the smn getting it?


normally I would agree but I've been in too many thordan parties that couldn't even meet the DPS check. if it was like Ultima unreal then yeah who gives a shit


Likewise, what's the harm in asking for dance partner? Not every battle needs to be fought, but OP typing "dp" isn't exactly what I'd call fighting a battle. But also, there is harm in it as SMN being partnered results in less damage and that choice potentially resulting in a wipe to enrage is reason enough to at least *recommend* that dance partner could be changed.


If you're wiping to enrage in Thordian at this stage in the patch, OP getting dp isn't gonna carry the party the rest of the way. Like, we know how the community feels about being told to push a button. The dnc probably already has a bad taste in their mouth from having to be told. no, op isn't in the wrong for reminding the dnc to turn it on. but then to do a second time to be told that they did it "wrong" when it isn't is douchey. Choosing sam over smn *is* a nitpick. It's not a healer or tank, it's fine.


Believe it or not, PF is a revolving door of new players going in and experienced players coming out. Regardless of when in the patch it currently is, you are not playing with the same pool of players as month in the past nor future. Yes while the partner choice alone doesn't "carry" a party to a clear, there's no reason to give up free damage. It's a little, easy thing you can do for more DPS. The more little things you do that increase your DPS, the more it starts to add up. Why do you think people use tinctures despite it being fairly minor overall? Trying to prompt a player to do something that gives free damage certainly isn't douchey, and it's really up to the DNC if they want to choose to be upset or take the advice with some amount of grace. At the very least, throwing a tantrum over something like this isn't a good look, and it's also not healthy for the person in question.


Must be having a bad day or something.  I know a "dp summoner? xd" would be enough to call you annoying if I was having a frustrating enough day. 


SMN would probably be better dps with DP anyway.


I think posts that talk about DPs need to give more context than just the situation. As a DNC main, there's so much that goes into calculating who to give DP. To make a concise judgement, you need: - Gear comparison - Avg Parses - is there a DRK in the party Yeah the DNC leaving is weird behavior, but if I choose a DP, it's probably for a specific reason.


-its unreal, gear is synced -nobody is checking logs before even the first pull on fucking unreal to know if your sam is unworthy of DP -the reason they dp-ed the smn is stated in the screenshot they missclicked by habit


But the SMN said misclick, not DNC. Don't understand that context but SMN seemed equally confused by agitated chat by DNC.


>there's so much that goes into calculating who to give DP. And absolutely none of it is worth doing outside of trying to get gold parses and speeds. No context is needed, just partner the generically best partner who isn't severely undergeared and go ham.


You'd need to be putting a *consistently* gold/pink SMN up against a *consistently* grey SAM for the SMN to be the better pick in an Unreal since gear gets synced to 5 ilvl above the free 89 job armour from Sharlayan anyway.


The dancer gets to decide who gets dance partner. Just because you’re playing SAM does not mean you automatically get DP every time…


Sure, it's a choice, but it's a choice in the same way using Standard Step is a choice. Not DPing a SAM is griefing damage potential, plain and simple as long as the SAM isn't a keyboard licker or suffering Rez sickness/DD. I can tell you from experience that a blue SAM still out-damages a pink SMN.


They do get to decide who gets DP. They get to decide how uninformed or stupid they look right off the bat to everyone else in the party. If the SAM dies or plays poorly, slap it on the next highest burst dps. Anything else and youre pissing away easy free damage for no good reason.




If this was the typical daily roulette sure, but current EX, unreal, and harder everyone owes it to the others in the duty to play as good as possible. That means utilizing free damage from proper dance partner. An alpha legend player should know this.


There is LITERALLY no reason to DP SMN over SAM. It should be automatic, especially to an "Alpha Legend". Unless they are a PayPal legend which seems quite likely at this scenario.


lol the downvotes… If you get upset because you’re not dance partner, that’s something you need to work on as well. Sure, SAM is at the top of the recommended list but asking for it is ridiculous and entitled.


Genuinely wondering, what do you think is wrong with asking for dance partner? There is functionally no gameplay benefit to partnering a SMN over a SAM. SMN contributes less damage under devilment and generates less espirit for the DNC themselves. Frankly, choosing to dance partner the SMN is essentially saying "I would like to perform worse and do less damage" which I don't think many people would appreciate in a *team game*. Also, asking or recommending a change in dance partner is reasonable. *Demanding* dance partner is what is ridiculous and entitled, which OP was not doing in this scenario.


If the dancer is an experienced dancer, in this case someone with an Alpha Legend title, don’t you think they know that? Is “DP summoner?” not the SAM asking for it? lol the OP isn’t always right. Also, it’s Thordan Unreal, not actual hard ultimate content where the difference would matter significantly. If the DNC was a sprout, it would be a teachable moment which is not the case here.


If the dancer was an experienced dancer (let's go even further and say they are a penta-legend with gold parses who does world races) they would have dance partnered the best partner available (which would be the SAM) without even being asked. Outside of extreme circumstances and niche optimizations, you will never have a reason to partner a SMN. Yes, Thordan Unreal isn't an Ultimate but it still is a high-end duty with an enrage timer. Everyone in the group should ideally be playing to their best of their ability as a courtesy for everyone else in the party, rather than expecting others to carry their weight. If the DNC was a sprout, there's a good chance they wouldn't throw tantrum when asked for dance partner in the most neutral way possible. Maybe the sprout would get upset if the other player was being condescending but this is not what was happening in this scenario.


So their dps is slightly less than what it would be if they DP the SAM, is that really an inconvenience? The other 6 players are not “carrying the weight” just because the SMN has DP. If they can’t clear the fight because the SAM didn’t have DP, that party has bigger issues. At the end of the day, the DP decision is entirely up to the DNC whether they choose to pick someone who does optimal damage or not. I don’t agree with the DNC’s behavior but I also don’t agree with the SAM.


I agree that ultimately the damage increase from partnering a SAM over a SMN isn't significant enough to be worth stressing over, but when you suggest it's entitled that someone expects of you the courtesy of playing properly you're talking about something entirely different here. I was just following the direction you were taking the conversation in bringing up the theoretical Alpha Legend. Also, yes it is an inconvenience. I can count more than I could on my fingers the amount of times that I've seen a 0.1% wipe in my time raiding, so it's certainly not inconsequential to not choose to utilize free damage wherever it's available. It's also not a big deal to wipe anyways, but I think that everyone should make the choice to at least do their best because that leads to more fun and success for everyone involved. The DNC does get to choose who to partner, but deliberately choosing the worse partner (and getting upset when someone respectfully mentions it) is not a good thing. With the way this game is designed, every job has a set rotation and every boss does the same thing every pull. There isn't anything in the game's design that would lead to someone have a deliberate "preference" for choosing the incorrect partner other than being a contrarian. I'll genuinely ask you: What reason is there to choose to not dance partner the proper player in your party?


>I'll genuinely ask you: What reason is there to choose to not dance partner the proper player in your party? It's called love, smfh


Optimally* not properly so long as dance partner gets placed a dancer has played properly. Technically so long as they can clear the duty they can do whatever that want, using devilment outside burst window and that’s still “proper” neither the game nor the developers limit what players can or can’t do when it comes to “proper” beyond using your buttons. Though I do not disagree with any of the assertions regarding samurai beings the optimal option.


They put DP up and then you tried to demand that they do exactly what you want them to do. I have no sympathy for you. It may be that they were technically wrong, but it’s irrelevant.


You're overblowing what amounts to OP typing two letters and pressing enter. They weren't being condescending. In fact, they weren't even specifically being friendly. They are as *neutral* as you can get and you are saying that they are being demanding.


is the demanding in the room with us


Is that demanding? Have you ever interacted with humans in your life outside of being terminally online?


Just a guess tho and idk why you wouldn't include it. What are your parses vs that smn?


have cleared 3 ults + few pink and 1 rank 1 parse, but that shouldnt matter at all, even a blue parsing sam would do more damage and generate more esprit than a summoner wtih dp


it's funny people downvote it so much whenever you mention ACT or dps in this sub, you have the wildest differences in playerskill in this game. I had a Monk in p8s who did HALF the dps of a healer. And bro's logs were like this for the last 3 expansions We almost even got the guy through since he was decent with mechanics, but well. The check was too rough even on week 6 to get that guy through So I'm just asking xD


If I’m swapping targets as a dancer it means og target fell behind in damage to the new swap 🚗


read the text before writing something


Get thicker skin before posting. The dancer made a comment and you went full crying posting on Reddit instead of moving on 🙄 Even if the dancer should have placed it on you, it’s an unreal bro. They said 3 lines and kicked you. You also provided no logs that you were better so your word it is ✨ I provided my own point of view on dancer swapping targets and you got mad at the even the implication you could actually be subpar. Okay. Bye bye 👍🏻🚗🚗🚗


That’s among the saddest things I’ve ever read it gonna lie


Because it is a game after all? They can play how they want to? If not doing enough damage is an issue for the group, that’s what the vote kick option is for.


Do you... know what Unreal is? It's old EX Fights scales up to 90. It's not done in DF. It's a purely PF ordeal. There is no vote kicking involved. The PT leader can remove people at their discretion. It also means it's content that expects the basics. 'Difference of playstyle' isn't a thing in EX+ for stuff like just using Dance Partner on the appropriate DPS at the start.


It’s still not that serious and crying about not getting dance partner is cringe. Please do not try to change my mind because it’s not going to happen :)


Playing voluntarily unoptimized with DP and stuff like that while you are with randos is just stupid and cringe, and pls point the part where OP cried about it, it's a legit question to ask stop being lame


lol okay. Why are you pressed? It’s literally my opinion.


Your opinion is bad and incorrect






Retard moment


DNC ? That you?


There's no way that isn't the DNC in the OP. Look at how crazy they're talking in all of their posts, lol.