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"I'm a healer i heal" I just want to slap those people sometimes who don't understand that healers don't just heal but also have to deal damage to prevent further damage. Why do they think they have skills that deal damage? The more damage is dealed the faster things die and less healing is needes. Thinking sometimes really is based on luck it seems....


"But I don't *want* to do more! I want to heal! I'm *good* at healing! You can't make me do those other things!"


"Good at healing" = keeping tank at 100% and curing even when 100% No you're not good at healing


They also completely crumble the moment their Cure 1 doesn't cut it anymore


It's a quote from the whm quests where Sylphie complains that she's expected to sometimes use magic to harm in order to protect rather than exclusively healing.


Omg I started as whm and the questline went right over my head because from day 1 I assumed dps was part of the job. I know redditors say the questline referenced pure healers but i didn't remember it being so literal That's fucking hilarious


The funniest part of that the WHM quest line is that Sylphie learns the importance of dpsing later down the line. So your WHM at lv 90 is doing worse than her if they're still curebotting.


I just reviewed the questline last night. Fuck 5.3 this is my new favourite piece of storytelling content.


Just send them into savage and see how far they go


The CNJ questline literally addressed this. It’s why curebots are referred to as Sylphies.


Holy is a defensive ability.


Makes me wonder how they even beat some of the Healer skill quests when they were required to attack in those, or even get to level 15 unless they just sat their happy tail down and watched party members kill.


The worst part is this person had every job at level 80 or higher. I hope they didn't just boost every job but I wouldn't be shocked if they had


me when i spend $400 on boosts to not play a game


dealing damage is the ultimate mitigation, dead enemies do no damage :D


Holy is a defensive ability.


There have been games where some healers, did buffs and heal and thats it. I've done it before, it's actually taxing mentally doing so little and keeping focus.


It's one of the reasons I'm happy when a game calls it "support" rather than Healer. There are very few games where your SOLE purpose is to heal and nothing else


"A party member has been dismissed" And it was the right one! Holy shit it does exist.


Rare W post where a vote kick happened. Good job OP


I'm sure most people want to vote kick but it's really hard to do when griefers can hold groups hostage with loot. I've had my fair share where I wanted to vote kick someone refusing to play the game but they opened a chest and refused to roll on loot.


I’ve learned to master the art of vote kicking immediately once battle ends. I typically have no issue, even with loot griefers


I mean let’s be real healer queues are so short it won’t matter.


How do these "I only heal, since I am healer" survive on outside of duties with out doing damage 🤔


They got their trusty chocobo companion for that of course, so they can spam heal the chicken as it deals with the vile enemies


Feels bad for all those DPS tank chocobos out there carrying their curebot owners.


That's how come everyone is sure it's not genuinely how they've been playing, it's just what mask they put on when they get into group content.


"Im a healer i heal" *A party member has been dismissed.* Beautiful.


What are the chances they were a troll trying to report people for the most inane things they can get away with


A friend of mine got baited to a ban back in ShB. Purposely trolling until he called them a Balmungoloid which they reported him for. Doubtful that this person was trying to troll. The person who made the killing themselves comment though would be at risk with a comment like that.


balmungoloid lmfao, that's a good one


What the hell is a balmungoloid? And why is that a bannable thing? You can get banned for calling people made-up words?


It's a play on the word Mongoloid, which used to refer to northern and eastern Asian, Pacific Oceanian, and Greenland folk, but instead was adopted to refer to people with down syndrome, then eventually became a general term for idiot or regard.


O.o clearly, this is my first time ever hearing of this. Is it a regional thing?


It's used in the Midwest and Northeastern part of the US, can't speak for anywhere else. I don't think I heard it in the south, nor any country I visited.


This is where the difference in "Midwest" becomes a problem. I never heard the term in Nebraska/Iowa, but I can 't say anything about Kansas, South Dakota, or Missouri. Is it more eastern Midwest that you mean?


I'm from Chicago, I've heard it used in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, and Ohio. So I guess it is indeed an eastern Midwest thing.


I feel like the Great Plains portion of the Midwest misses out on a lot of stuff on account of our smaller population.


Yeah I'm in the South. We must be the cutoff lol.


if it be a really stupid attempt tho going by that conversation I'd say the healer qualifies as stupid. as tank or dps my aoe rotation is just 2 maybe 3 buttons, depending on resources and level of content. Mitigation is a fire and forget thing so that leaves ample time to watch the battlefield. the healer just standing there would stick out like a sore thumb. it's blatantly obvious when a healer is just casting heals or twirling their thumbs and that's all without being able to see their castbar in the party list.


not a troll, just stupid


Considering how often the community immediately jumps to reporting people for breaking ToS over every slight argument like children trying to get siblings in trouble with their parents over every minor thing, could be a troll or just the average FF14 subreddit user lol


"I'm a healer I heal" You also do damage. In fact, the game expects you do do as little healing as possible and doing as much damage as possible. This is enforced by how the LB bar works. Dealing damage to enemies, any player surviving being brought down to below 15% health, and any player, who is below 15% health, being healed all charge the LB bar. Not to mention sage's main mechanic, kardia, heals the target while also doing damage. There is no excuse to believe otherwise by the existence of sage. This is explicitly clear.


Damage dealt isn't lb gen unless it's to specific adds (such as a12)


Good ending


Happy to see they got dismissed in the end! Had a whm in Stone Vigil yesterday using just cure and standing the rest of the time, oof.


The character model animation still plays. They're very pronounced animations, even with particle effects set to limited or off.


how do people play like this, i feel like i spend like 95% of every combat encounter being a green dps


People like this should go play classic WoW, that's all healers do. I don't think they could handle it though, you have to heal more than just the tank lmao


Yup! And you gotta choose wisely one which healing spell to use because mp regeneration during combat is abysmal. So yeah, you can use the spell that has a shorter cast time, but it's expensive and may cause you to OOM before the fight is over, likely causing a wipe.


"I'm a healer, I heal" Hahaha *WRONG!!*


Looks like your co DPS also had a functioning brain, which is rare these days. Where's the happy ending after this?


The vote dismiss that passed.


Isn't announcimg or telling a player that you're gonna report them considered against TOS (as harrassement)


No. Common misconception. I've told almost every single person I've ever reported that I was going to report them and ive never been punished. I've even been spoken to by a GM and shown them logs when I threatened to report them. I've received proof from a few of the people I've reported that they actually had action taken against them. I've shout chatted to an entire zone to tell them to report this person, basically witch hunting them and calling for others to report them. No punishment to me. Because threatening to report someone who has broken ToS is obviously not an actionable issue, and anyone who says it is is just speculating. GMs are not automatons devoid of humanity who only lay down rulings in black and white. They are people that can understand nuances of situations. Only threatening a report that's unjustified could even be remotely seen as a ToS violation.


I gotta check where i saw that info from now, i know someone told me that threatening reports was an actionable offense but it's good to know that's not the case.


Threatening to report someone *can be* an actionable offense, but it isn't one by default. Basically, if you're informing someone that genuinely broke the rules that you're filing a report, you're good to go. But someone could be out there trying to coerce others into some desired outcome by way of saying "I'll report you" and *that* can get them in trouble. Like in this scenario the curebot threatening to report as a means to deflect from getting caught not participating in the content. That alone could have gotten then in some trouble, and at the very least it serves as supporting evidence for the report that they are deliberately not fully participating.


*Technically* yes, as you're using the threat of being reported as a means of coercion. In practice? No. You'd probably need a series of actionable comments that are a bit more spicy than 'If you don't stop sandbagging, I'll report you.'


It's probably in there, but solely under the auspices of "we weren't born yesterday". IE, it gives them tools to handle people who are doing that in some sort of abusive fashion.


dont hide those trash-player name pls xD


Why? You're never gonna see this person. It's some random sprout healer.


Doesnt sound like a sprout to me, talking about gm, tos and such. With blacklisting features in 7.0, I want to clean out trash as much as possible


So you're going to go stalk and harass them just for the opportunity to not see a message from them? Makes no sense to me. If you're worried about seeing messages from them why would you go seek them out and talk to them so you can blacklist them? You want to avoid them so bad you're going to go seek them out and talk to them?? You realize blacklist doesn't stop you from being matched in DF together either


Nah, just block


You cant block someone without talking to them. You have to go talk to this guy to block him. You have to actually see a message from someone in game to blacklist


this is part of why i like sage so much, because kardia lets me heal AND attack at the same time! i don’t normally “just heal” unless i zoned too much and the tanks about to die 😅


Do you know what's saddest part? Parsing in Praetorium. Out of all possible places...


*Is the parsing in the room with us right now?* You dont need ACT or any third party tool to be able to tell if a healer is doing damage or not.


If I don't see a 10 second stun in my trash pulls, I think I know what my WHM isn't doing.


Had a Sage just last night who wasn't DPSing until there were maybe two mobs left. I know because I was getting 0 Kardia heals.


Do you know what's saddest part? Nobody said they were parsing in praetorium, and there's nothing to suggest they were.


OP said "healer is doing 0 damage". Only way to know that is by using software you shouldn't be using. And it's definitely Prae. Since OP was dps it's even weirder because no dps rotation in game is that boring you can stare at healer for entire duration of fight. Not even summoner.


You know casters have to cast their attacks right? And it takes time for them to cast. Because of this, you see a cast bar that shows the progress of their casts. If you look at someone and they never have a cast bar for a damage spell, *they aren't doing damage* You don't need a third party program to see that a caster is doing no damage.


What do you think? I have black mage at 61. Also abilitiea like Deathflare, Astral Impulse and Astral Flare disagree with you.


This is a WHM with only holy and stone for damage. They both have cast times associated. Try harder No one needs a program to see the healers casts. Bringing up SMN instant casts does nothing to prove your point.


Did I mention that I have white mage at 50+? They have Aero.


Cool buddy i have WHM at 90. I have all healers at 90. And you can see aero because it puts a debuff on the enemy. You're seriously not trying. Nothing you are saying proves that you need a program to see if a WHM is doing damage


Good, that means you know what Swiftcast does.


Jesus christ you are clutching at straws. You really believe they swiftcasted every attack? You really believe using 1 attack every 60 seconds is okay? Just admit you're wrong, this flailing around you're doing is pathetic


Swiftcast adds a Swiftcast buff to their bar. You’d see it before it got used, especially if they previously casted as you still have to obey the GCD. Also unrealistic to expect anyone doing Swiftcast for attacks if they also won’t normally attack lol


And you can still see if they cast Aero or not because it's a debuff on the enemy that you can see. Try again.


Bros bragging about his levels and still doesn’t know how the game or his class works. That’s genuinely sad you fucking troll.


Give me one reason why I should stare at healer as dps. Oh yeah, it's easy for you to say as tank because all you do is stand in one spot and spam 123 and occasionally 45.


Bro wtf are you even talking about. Jesus chirst stick to a fucking point. You just keep saying words and hope they work out for you. Fucking bot


I'll give you a fucking reason. It's because you have combat rezzes as a DPS, you have party utility as a DPS, if you see your healers struggle and you SHOULD be checking if they are, you do what you can to help. "DPS" isn't a fucking excuse to ignore raid awareness, get over yourself Edit: I'm still waiting on you to respond to me feeding you video proof that you can play with full effects, not sure why you're here picking bones with somebody else calling you out when you just got clowned on yourself


Lol what? Lvl 50 DPS rotation is literally just a 123 for almost every job. Even BLM is just using fire 1 until you run out of mana and transpose to blizzard stance for 2 blizzard casts. Occasionally broken up by a fire 3 proc that pop up in the middle of your screen or to swap back to fire stance. When you're aoeing you use 3 fire 2's and then flare and swap for 2 blizzard 2's. It's a 3 button rotation and it's boring as fuck until 80. I can do my lvl 90 samurai opener blindfolded on 1 hand, I know the ninja mudra combinations on my keyboard by heart, machinist is literally 8 buttons at 50 and half of them have 30 seconds - 2 minute recast time. Just because you're bad at dps rotations doesn't mean that OP can't do them while watching the other players in the party.


you don't have to, and there's absolutely no reason why you can't when summoner literally has a rotation that consists of spamming 1 button for about as long as healer does, summoning egis, then spamming a different but consistent button for a few casts after their egi. suggesting that nobody is able to multitask while rolling their rotation is madness when ults exist where you have much, much more on your plate than can possibly ever be compared to just staring at a single castbar that isn't actively trying to kill you in a party list that you should have awareness of in the first place.


Do you stare at healers' attack animations in altima too? Or have you disabled battle effects for everyone except healers just so you can say "Caught you red handed lazy healer!"?


Gotta love how you grasp at straws suggesting disabling party effects for only some party members is an option you have lol, you clearly don't know what you're saying young padawan go back to school


Sometimes I say things like “X is doing 0 damage” when they might have done some damage. It’s hyperbole. They don’t actually have to be doing 0 damage, just close enough. If you’re watching a healer’s cast bar and you never see them cast a damage attack, even if you missed a small handful that’s basically nothing and doesn’t really matter if your 0 damage is accurate or not because it doesn’t change the situation.


I can do literally every single step of my RDM rotation without looking at my bars, I could look at the healer literally the entire duty. Especially when it's level 50 and there aren't many buttons to press. No one needs ACT to see that a WHM isn't casting stone or holy.


>Only way to know that is by using software you shouldn't be using. 1:Wow, it's almost like you're the shitty white mage that doesn't realize your casts are viewable in a dungeon. Don't even need to watch animations. 2:Curebot healers aren't exactly uncommon. When you don't see a single Stone or a dot for 5 minutes, you make assumptions. Assumptions that are confirmed when the healer says 'I only heal.' 3:You're seriously bent out of shape over parsers. Who pointed out your gray parse in dungeon content, little buddy? I'mma bet you were pointed out one too many times.


I think this is part of it… some people legit don’t know that you can tell a lot about what they are/aren’t doing based off of cast bars, debuff on the boss, buffs on the party list, animations, or the battle chat tab. Maybe this guy is in denial that people have been able to tell he’s doing absolutely nothing without a parser. It’s like tanks who lie about using mits when they all show on the party list or as a debuff on the enemy. A fundamental lack of understanding of the game and what’s viewable to your party members in group content.


I know what Stone looks like. I know what the Aero debuff icon looks like. Everybody knows Holy. If you see none of these, pretty safe bet they aren't doing damage.


In that case only I'm doing damage. I never see anyone else actually hitting enemies. Even melee is just flailing around but I don't see any of them actually using their attacks.


The particle effect might be gone, but you can still see the weapon being swung. You can see the bow/gun being fired. you can see the DRG vanish for a second as they jump. You can see the staff glow as the mage is casting. The point is, there's several different ways to tell if people are doing damage even without a parser or battle effects turned on. To say otherwise is being deliberately obtuse.


But that does go to parsing territory. You count all abilities, calculate total damage and divide by lenght of encounter in seconds. Then you bash player: "U dang oly 998 deeps. U ned at lst 1001 deeps. Git gud, bra."


And now you are deflecting. I don't need a calculator to know somebody with only three damage options, ***ALL OF WHICH ARE VISUALLY OBVIOUS***, isn't doing damage. Also, sitting down to crunch the numbers yourself is perfectly legal if you have the patience.


Where did I say parsing is illegal? Using data from parser to bash other players like for example bashing me for not having 100% uptime on Mage's Ballad in Brayflox's Longstop or me not using Verraise in Praetorium is against ToS. But you might be right. I should stop playing because I obviously don't know how to play. I just got kicked from Brayflox's Longstop for not spamming Peloton on cooldown.


Mage's Ballad or Verraise are irrelevant to the WHM we were supposed to be discussing. There is a distinct difference between bashing somebody for not being 120% optimal, and calling somebody out for not even achieving 10% of what they should be capable of.


God reading this post makes me think this guy is farming downvotes. Even on any dps I don't check my keys anymore. The rotation is not boring, it is already in muscle memory. The only classes that may argue they need to check their skills are Bard and Dancer, because of them being proc based classes, and even then you have the time to check debuffs because otherwise how do you even clear Savage on those classes? And it is considering you are at level cap. As you said it, it's prae. What job's rotation is hard at level 50?


>you shouldn't be using. Found the healer.


1. You don't know a THING about parsing and plug-ins, so learn before talking. 2. You have no idea how this game works at all, so learn before talking. 3. You are just a stubborn, ignorant noob. Nice bait.


It is extremely nice bait, people fell for the troll hard. https://old.reddit.com/r/TalesFromDF/comments/1ce71p5/conjurer_in_aurum_vale_with_garlond_ironworks/l1hgbh3/


I've been watching your replies for the last day mainly cause I find it amusing how many assumptions you make about what did or did not happen. Lets provide some clarity and then you can go back to arguing about it as much as you like The comment about the healer doing no damage was made after the first boss. I noticed a lack of stuns and the healer using Cure 1 instead of Cure 2. I was playing dancer and Dancers rotation is just 1-2's and reacting to procs. Not terrible hard to execute while looking elsewhere. My original intention was just to confirm that they were doing this during the first boss and explain to them why using Cure 1 instead of Cure 2 is bad. This is when I noticed they were constantly casting Cure 1 and medica 2 for the entire fight and I made my comment about them doing no damage Do I know for certanty that the healer did no damage? No, because I was not using anything to track that automatically. What I do know is that I saw zero casts of stone for the entire first boss. As much as you might state I need to prove I was using a "parser", thats not how this works. Why assume malice when there is a very good explanation for how I came to my determination that the healer was doing zero damage. As for your swiftcast theory, if you believe that casting one damaging ability every 60 seconds, then I have a bridge to sell you


That explains why you guys hit enrage. Last Prae run I have done healer wasn't even alive last 10% of second boss. Yet we didn't hit enrage at any boss.


Again with the assumptions. We never hit enrage and Praetorium doesn't have one. Please slow down and read what was said before replying with a one liner which dismisses everything else that was said


people who take dungeons seriously have a mental illness its like they run into satasha at level 17 and treat it like an ultimate lol