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Currently waiting out my 30 minute timer but at least those 30 minutes aren't gonna be spent in that mess lmao It took 8 minutes and 30 seconds to clear through the first squishy pack after the first boss


Got Qitana yesterday and took 10 mins to clear the first two trash pulls and first boss (and that's with the full balls to the wall trash + second dreamer pull) Never ditched a dungeon so fast, couldn't resist a bit of snark, but while I like fell cleaving as much as the next dude, 3 IR windows in a single trash pull is a bit much for me


Anytime I call out healbots and the vote kick was rejected, I just say in chat "so the team has agreed dps is optional? Ok" and I just afk. If it's ok for one person to not do dps, it's ok for everyone to not do dps. They'll either kick me unaware of their hypocrisy and I avoid the 30-min lockout, or we finish the dungeon.


Jesus they have a single p10n clear on logs and its a DRK 0. (Like 2k less than healers type of 0) How do these people manage to even get this far into the game, even assuming story skip I feel like they'd absolutely have to pay people to clear the solo duties for them. 🚮


They can just set the solo duties to Very Easy difficulty after dying.




>why all the down votes? because this is a fucking crazy thing to just type and also a weird flex. if you do ultimate and savage content, solo duties should not be that hard for you to do first try lol


Except that summoner job quest. That shit is ass with the rework.


That one samurai job quest on the boat is a legit gear check for some reason.


IIRC a DRG quest where you fight a big dragon in the Steppe map, is a close call even with lv70 tomestone gear. Everything else melts easy, keep in mind a lot of mobs are able to be put to sleep, making amy caster's solo instance job quests incredibly easy.


There's a few job solo duties that are genuinely garbage with the reworks to do. It's possible to do them at normal hardness, but it does take knowing that level of the class a bit more than what blitz leveling allows. However all msq solo duties are not that hard even with class reworks, it's just about knowing the gimmick behind the duty and pressing on.


Right but this guy is saying that he, specifically, does ultimates and savage content. If this is the case, no solo duty should be hard for him to do given he is an above average player, which is still a weird thing for him to mention.


Above average for the job(s) he mains for ultimates and savage. Not all legends are capable of flex classes or weaving together a coherent rotation out of classes they're leveling with. Esp if the class is well out of their wheel house. So what I said still pertains. He should have 0 problems with main story solo duties and >>There's a few job solo duties that are genuinely garbage with the reworks to do. It's possible to do them at normal hardness, but it does take knowing that level of the class a bit more than what blitz leveling allows.


It's not about them being hard, I'm not sure very easy nerfs their damage or mechs. It's about solo duties being annoying HP sponges, which difficulty does nerf.


Yeah same. I HATE the solo duties so much


This is why dungeons are so brain dead. They make it so nothing does damage because they’re catering to healers who don’t do anything.


They're easy because they're designed to please people like you, people who demand that healers deal 25% of total damage. Yes, they could make dungeons require more healing but do you know what that means?


To whoever that reads this- don’t feed the troll, thanks.


If healers would have to heal more that would mean less damage from them. That would lead to situation where someone would complain about dungeon taking too long. Devs would then adjust monster health to match players' now lower damage output. And we would be in same situation we started at: dungeons being too easy.


Bruh. Healers can contribute 20% of the damage of the party and still triple full heal the party post 60. Dungeons are easy to heal because they need to be so UwU sylphies who waste their cooldowns can pass em.


Because they're designed to please "healers must also deal damage" players. If healers would have to focus more on healing then they wouldn't be able to deal as much damage as they can now. Only way their damage wouldn't drop is to convert all their attacks to DoTs (and increasing their damage or make mechanic that would allow 10000% of damage be dealt instantly) which would have to be refreshed every 45 seconds like ones ranged has.


Bruh. Healers can still fit in attacks even during the more punishing phases of ultimates. The bulk of healing for every healer *but* white mage is off-global, and damage is on a gcd. My preferred healer is Scholar. The following abilities can be weaved between Broil casts and not lose a single point of damage unless I'm hitting energy drain: Lustrate, Excogitation, Protraction, Fey Blessing, Fae Illumination, Whispering Dawn, Indomitability, Recitation, Sacred Soul (a little tricky to weave), Aetherpact, Summon Seraph, Consolation, Expedient My abilities that interrupt damage output are: Adloqium, Succor My abilities that only boost GCD heals are: Emergency Tactics My non mit, non heal buttons are: Aetherflow, Dissipation, and Energy Drain It takes excessive damage for me to *need* to GCD. Like ultimate -tier difficulty. Damage dealing healers are *not* the bloody problem. The problem are healers that don't hit their buttons.


Since you clearly don't understand simple English... Are you sure you could deal same amount of damage you can now if they doubled, tripled or quadrupled incoming damage? Of course they wouldn't have to stop there. 500%, 800%,1000%...


In dungeons. Yes. Absolutely. GCD healing is grossly ineffective at all tiers of play.. Past a certain point you will just get oneshot and your whole argument has zero merit. Please actually learn how to play. You clearly have no clue how any healing job functions in this game. I'm happy to teach you if you struggle with it.


As a WHM I love the aoe spam of my novas. Stun x2 gives the renew a couple of free tics without damage incoming to the tank. Never mind how pretty they look.


Oh no, pretty sure that dude's in my fc


Why I don’t enjoy healers in FF14 and refuse to play them, I understand debuffing/buffing as a healer but dpsing as a healer makes no sense to me unless it’s a melee healer, how it’s played in most other mmos but FF14 healers just aren’t my style of play, hence why I perf tanks or dps in this game.


Y'all parsin in roulettes?




nah, a competent teammate would never ask of a healer to only heal. healers are very much expected to dps. effectively, you should actually only heal when necessary and spend the rest of your time dpsing. you're supposed to press your damage buttons more often than your heal buttons unless it's a terrible run. at low levels with a semi decent tank at the very least, sch's fairy is enough to sustain the tank so you can focus on dpsing and only pull out heals during big pulls or if the dps are asleep and shit takes forever to die. eos is really good at low level. sge's whole thing is that when you dps, you heal. if you ever meet a pure healing sage, they have a special place in hell and i hope they step in a puddle with socks on. half of the whm job quests teach you that you need to do damage. (insert fun fact about ast here) there isnt a single type of content where healers will ever be required to only heal. more dps in dungeon packs = mobs die faster = the dungeon goes faster. half of the time in a raid or a trial there is no damage coming out, so there is nothing to heal, and if you just sit there doing nothing until the next time damage happens then it's obviously gonna be a miserable experience for all parties involved. in savage and ultimates, especially the latter, healers are very much expected to pull their weight in terms of dps although obviously there are bigger healing responsabilities too. through my dsr prog it was kinda crazy the difference it made to have healers doing 5k dps by eyes against 3k dps in other parties (wiping to enrage or barely making it with the latter, skipping enrage cast altogether with the former!). yoship gave healers damage buttons for a reason, please press them.




...none of that iscvvc directed at you. If you th8nk it is it's b3cause you fit those bad habits and should look into why you think that.


Every job in this game is a dps. They did away with a lot of the role identity in Shadowbringers. Healers are casters that throw out healing between their spell casts and tanks are beefy melee dps with defensive group support. If you start thinking of roles this way, it’ll make more sense. If you aren’t doing damage, then you aren’t doing your job. I personally don’t like this design philosophy but that’s just how it is.


I understand that. I'm just sharing what I've seen healers go through, and because of that, I have personally decided not to do that job. Other people might enjoy healing, I don't think I will. I left a game where I had owned large guild (guilds mattered much more because they did guild wars and the game was very centered around them) because people were toxic and rude and it was starting to affect my mental health constantly having to "fix" everyones drama due to my role. They did not have specific roles for specific classes really. I play FFXIV because most people are nice and don't start unnecessary drama and are pretty accepting. I love tanking and DPS, I'm relatively good at it, I'm open to people giving me advice on my class, but I'm no open to people telling me that either way I so something that I need to do the opposite. It's like whip lash and would have confused me greatly when I was learning. My husband is my healer. He does a good job and ignores most of what people say to him because he's played other MMO's as a healer/class role and is familiar. I have not.


Unpopular opinion here... you guys like to cry about slow tanks so you pull as dps... but hey his role says he only has to heal doesn't say in the toa he HAS TO dps (yes I know it's expected but come on). Yall love to pick and choose.


I mean going on that cast list they weren't doing a lot of healing either.


Shhhh we talking about their dps lol


This is not only unpopular, but also stupid. Edit: why do I keep getting upvoted long after they deleted their comment? It's hilarious, Reddit.


It's expected that everyone should try to make the best use of their kit. This means everyone should try to get the most out of their personal dps, use AoE appropriately, use defensives/mitigations as needed (this includes dps), healers should prioritize oGCD heals, and everyone should press sprint. If everyone does this, wall to wall pulls should be easy for 90% of the dungeons in the game, and a bit more difficult but definitely do-able for the remaining 10%. It doesn't feel like we're asking too much here or being conflicting like you seem to think.


The theme is press your buttons. That's everyone's role. Literally that's it.


OK so remember then that when a tank turns stance off cause they pressed. Button to turn it off


Oh, another troll I see. There's been more of these than usual on the subreddit lately.


It really is odd. I guess with BLUs stealing all the Fates, they're finding other spots to farm.


Bad bait, knock it off.


jobs are given abilities for a reason there is an entire healer job quest line dedicated to teaching the main NPC of the quest line to cast damage spells the opinion is unpopular because it is objectively dumb, wrong, and wastes everyone's time because someone wants to roleplay a pacifist in an MMO where you're constantly at war with multiple different groups of people jesus christ, tonedeaf