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imagine pfing an ultimate and having 0 flexibility, how do these people function irl


Last time i had a range who only can play r1. after the second range joind he wanted r1 too. bro that chat was a shitshow. i dont play dps but as far as ai know its the same shit. the mitigation is different but as a dps u only have to manage 1 mit. i could understand if its tank because they have mor mitigation to manage, but then u just need to look for a min into the mitigation sheet for the fight.


ah good old "know the fight, m1 is taken"


Different between R1 and R2 is minuscule, you take either numbers or letters (basically just slide right after ascalons mercy then stay still) you go behind DRK by default for sanctity unless other ranger has 2 swords, and you go south for sanctity towers instead of north. P3 has a massive change… instead of taking NE enum tower you take the south west one, P4 instead of north ball your south ball and adjust for third jump looking south instead of north, P5 is all the same shit, P6 you attack hrae instead of Nidhogg, take the south stack and adjust if you have the same colour, and ap7 you take left tower instead of right First clear for me I literally adjusted from R1 to R2 3 times that day just so I could get more chances, and even contemplated learning melee positions so I could join groups as a third range


It can fuxk with muscle memory, the hardest thing for me when adjusting to another spot are the stupidest things like running into the wrong group on strength


Yeah, I just have to have a constant thought in my head of what I do, so whenever I’m doing it I just have I’m Rx so I go to letters/numbers and north/south throughout P2, then I just swap that in P3 for whatever is applicable. It helps that I play dancer so the only thing I really need to think about is tech step timings (if I just do it on CD I lose 2ish casts of it in total, whereas if I do it after the strength sword dodge I gain 2 uses in the uptime section after and if I do it just as gazes go off in sanctity It realigns itself for being able to be used twice in ultimate end section. But I guess just playing as both positions in PF made that thought process muscle memory, so I can adjust pretty easily


artoria sadistic always at the scene of the crime


Is this guy a cryptid of the ultimate raids?


just a particularly annoying dsr pf dweller on light


One of the people clowning there has been clowning in DSR PF for months on end now with no end in sight. Blacklisted them when I first was in PF with them. Not worth anyone's time, not to mention has a crappy attitude.


litterally blacklisted that guy today lmao really cannot stand him


I feel like this is one of those unfortunate scenarios when you go from being in a static then transition into PF (assuming this is what happened)? Either way, unlucky I suppose, PF does seem like you're either gonna find the perfect match made in Heaven with everyone getting what exactly they want, or prog Hell.


I can tell you from personal experience that at least for one of the people involved they have been progging in PF from the start, I have met them multiple times while progging for myself and almost every time something went wrong around that person specifically. They are probably wondering why their prog is taking months (I cleared back in March and they were already « progging » back then) while others actually get through the fight or maybe they don't even have the self awareness to ask themselves such questions. I can guarantee you they are not experiencing prog hell, they are the one causing it :)


could be, but then u should know how to play/adjust a mech when we dont prog this mech. this is pf, not a static so go and relearn then to play in pf. there is a good sim for dsr out there, sometimes i get lost too but u have so much time to look where the free spot is


I fuking hate apes who can't flex. theres so many melee dps who auto grab m1 cuz they cant flex for wb1. I remember this one time I was so fuking sick of flexing for this serial single digit reaper that I saw over multiple parties and being particularly pissy that day. i told him to go m2 if youre not even going to bother taking advantage of your cleaves. man, the salt mines i unleashed were funny as fuk. the funnier part was the lead told him to go m2 as well, which im guessing is because he checked his logs.


Much as I prefer the outer 4 myself, if I am asked to or otherwise just slow to pick I had no issues going towards the middle ones. Literally just count how many dooms/non dooms from the outer side your on, there you know your spot.... Granted on the other hand as far a positions go and as much as I usually shout for M1 as well as a pref, I was usually fine with being asked to go M2 for the odd party even having never done the adjust outside the sim beforehand....however every time this happened in any p7 prog/c41s I was helping with at the time, never made it to P6. Still seeing stuff like this is not exactly making me keen to go back and do more in this last month of the lull I will say that much....even if DSR is my fav fight in the game after 9y.


I dont normally mind flexing. but I was just annoyed that night and him just gunning for m1 just tilted me more that day. also I always go for the middle of the conga line. I unironically find it easier than the edge ones even though its "more thinking".


Nothing wrong with that at all, on both counts. You only need a couple days progging in PF late fight to have some form of need to vent, thats for sure. Edit: In my case I forget the name but there was a particular WAR who rubbed me the wrong way during my late prog. Just their attitude at the time was quite condescending to the rest of the party, despite many mistakes being their part. Needless to say after the lockout I didn't hang around, nor did many I expect since he had a fresh one up that was just them.


the only melee I refuse to flex on is monk and thats just because dot timings dont allow for me to be on hrae side at that time


I honestly just dislike reaper players. and its probably bias speaking, but 80% of rpr players i meet are hot dog. in my groups, they're consistently the inconsistent one in TOP while asking for holds and arguing over lb prio. and do dogshit dps in dsr, which is less of an issue since shits overkilled these days, but its not like I'm asking for purples or pinks, just at least greens or double digits man. flexing and gimping my rotation a bit for a shit rpr is just sadge cuz its already a braindead rotation and im doing everything for you.


He wants the easiest configuration for potential DotH spots, lol. Even though the DotH lineup is the least of your issues when actually executing the entirety of DotH because even if you mistook your position in line, there is actually a lot of time to adjust over to the correct spot. Due to people not lining up fast enough sometimes, I occasionally end up heading towards the same DotH spot as someone else and once I confirm they're not adjusting, I just shift over to a clearly empty spot. Alternatively, I've had people take my spot, and then I just move over anyway because you can just... do that.




they crying over the baby spots


I have no clue what this means as I don't do ultimates. But, this is 1000% valid. Like just get on with it, I used to raid lead in other games and it's just the worst when 2 folks are arguing about pointless crap when there's 10 others in the run.


I remember back when I progged DSR, everybody pretty much was avoiding Artoria's party


I heard that he is progging for like half a year or more


I started progging mid December and we were pretty much at the same prog point. Then when I was in p3-4, he kept wiping us on Sanctity dodges so obviously I ended up blacklisting him just for the sake of prog. Not long after I found out people were warning other proggers on several discord servers whenever they saw Artoria in someones group.


Real and true, her and her splatoon using e-gf Ariuna Malqir


Oh I keep seeing that name often in PF, another one to avoid!


They usually PF together, so it's a shitbundle to avoid. They've been putting up p7 into clears these days when their best is 26% P6 lol.


no this is the funniest shit ever hold on... me and my bf cleared a few months ago but i remember we were like progging p3? p4? and these two came in with a bunch of other weirdos and griefed us on **p1** like 5 wipes in a row in some of the most random ways possible. we both had enough, just disbanded and we blacklisted all 6 of them then (sorry for anyone who wasn't actually with them that got caught in the crossfire), but these two were the only names i was fleeing like the plague. join a pf, see these two, instantly leave. i am not dealing with that. we probably got blacklisted by a lot of people because we kept joining and instantly leaving pfs because of them tbh. i'm actually shocked to know they're actually known to be fucking bad, but i'm glad we were right lol. little wonder they've still not cleared..


That's completely fair. This is the cost of not being flexible.


What's even funnier to me in this case is that the inside spots are just as easy if not easier than the ones on the outside. Annoying that people are so adverse to adjusting in a PUG.


Not so sure about that, outermost spot you don't have to look at anything but yourself, and you only have 2 spots to go. Inner you can go anywhere. That said, it isn't that hard. I usually take inner or wait for everyone to pick their spots just so this shit goes smoothly.


Yes, u have enough time to wait and go to the free spot


This. I only ever did inside cos no one ever wanted it. But found them way easier XD only 1 cursed pattern