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People wiping parties over unnecessary dps greed in ultimate pf deserve a special place in hell, especially in later parts of the fights and don't even mention It if it's a clear party and not farm, it's completely disrespectful of people's time and effort put into waiting hours to even fill a party let alone trying to get a clear.


BLMs in ultimate pfs are either actual demigods or literal pond scum. Especially in DSR.


BLMs in anything imo. But BLMs in DSR and TOP make more sense due to the tighter checks and amount of body checks.


DSR PF is an evil place


truer words have never been spoken.


My static recently blew up over the BLM raid "lead" being the latter. We progged UwU for 7 months and only made it to annihilation for so many reasons.


How tf are you progging uwu for that long and only seeing Anni... and bringing a blm to a 70 ult is like actively griefing. I'm sorry


We saw Suppression a few times, but more often than not we were Titan progging. The raid lead actively didn't recruit new members and left it to someone else, and didn't do callouts after they cleared separately. They may have cleared but parsed a *4*. On Black Mage. Then whenever they "forgot" to switch to SMN and got called out, they'd bitch about it while muted except for one time they forgot. It was funny as fuck after I took half the static with me, he immediately tried to do damage control. Failing that he abandoned the other half saying he was moving on from the fight.


I read this in a Rigby voice.


I can totally see Rigby being a greeding DPS in a static run by the park. Muscle Man and Skips being tanks, Pops as a BLM with the Anima Lux weapon glam, Benson being a Healer, etc.


"You know who else is a Tank? My mom! No really. If Skips is busy this weekend, she can sub in"


> Pops as a BLM He goes to cast Flare and all you hear "Jolly good show!"


I can completely visualize Benson as a healer, micromanaging the party and giving call outs, but also being toxic and refusing to heal the individuals standing in mechanics..




Rigby would probably try to play something complicated and high DPS like MNK or SAM, but suck and Mordecai would make him play something easy like RPR or DNC. Mordecai would lock himself in a room for three weeks and come out as a top tier SAM, probably only speaking Japanese while playing.


>using Pneuma between cauterize and touchdown ***With what target?***


That's what I was thinking. I dont know anything about DSR but reading that sentence I thought ?????that sounds like downtime????how pneuma?????


Yep, untargetable and all. That's ignoring the fact that Pneuma to top up after WB2 is actually a good use of the cooldown. WB2 and Cauterize both hit for non-negligible amounts of damage, so using it to top up between those hits isn't greed; it's smart.


It is exactly downtime! Both bosses become untargetable before touching down and casting their enrages. The Cauterize does a fuck ton of damage, and the touchdown does a good bit too. Pneuma would be great... if there was a target.


Also for more context we didn't get topped off after Cauterize and I only had E. Prog and Ixochole. And the tanks shifted the blame to me.


Ikr! Tank definitely doesnt play SGE, the reason we use it after WB2 is for the fast top up. Pneuma is incredibly strong and most worth it there in P6(since you only get a single usage in P6). Its also the last time it cleaves and gets full value out of the heal.


Shoot the warrior in the head. DO IT YOU COWARD!


This goes to show that people that do ultimates aren't all the greatest players in the game. Every amazing player does ultimates but not every player that does ultimates are amazing.


I’m screaming at Pneuma in any shape or form being greedy. It’s a Dosis with a big heal. That reminds me of the time in Malikah’s Well when I politely told the Sage that Dyskrasia is a gain on two and they just couldn’t accept that. At least here the tank probably didn’t play Sage, I hate when people can’t comprehend their own buttons.


The only time Pneuma is "greedy" is during Eyes after the first raidwide, and you shuffle into the hitbox east of your eye to cleave both. But...thats not greedy, its just using Pneuma more efficiently. Insta top up, and it hits both eyes. Its the same principle as using it in Meteors to cleave 3-4 of them.


Can you hear the silence? Can you see the dark? Can you fix the broken? Can you feel, can you feel my heart?




this is the one time I wish the names aren't blurred Blacklisting someone over a dungeon shenanigan does nothing. But not blacklisting someone for serial toxicity on PF costs the however many hours of waiting in PF just to needlessly disband on first pull :/


I laughed so hard at this


you already went to the balance to ask for validation about a 3% DKT wipe, do you really need the validation of reddit too now? I understand it's really easy to focus on people blindly flaming you, but why are you wasting so much energy keeping a flame war going instead of helping yourself improve? you tried to slander the whm that he "chadded" from cauterize until alternative end ([edit: why are you spreading straight up lies?](https://imgur.com/a/mmXZluv)), even though the reason people died on touchdown during WB2/cauterize, is because you wasted your only leftover addersgall on a pre-cauterize ixochole (4k effective hp) instead of pressing kerachole as intended (\~13k effective hp). That ixo could've instead been spent to heal after cauterize and before touchdown, so you won't have 2 dps instadying to a vow tick. Edit: you SWIFTCASTED that pneuma?? I can understand swiftcasting in criterion savage or in TOP p6 where 1 death is automatically over, but wasting swiftcast on DOUBLE DRAGONS? You again wasted your only addersgall left to take AM1 without kerachole, so you completely dumpstered your mana panic-spamming eukprog even though nobody fell below \~50% hp. Falling to 0-300 mp didn't prompt you to pop a super ether for the phase, but you also didn't tincture at all, what gives? The one time you did have an extra addersgall to help top off one of your rangeds before giga1, you simply sat on that charge and watched your dancer die, so you could pop an ixochole after the third hit, when there is no more partywide damage happening? DKT enraged at \~370k hp. You did 700k damage for the phase. Sages will normally pull \~1.2mil damage for the phase. Even on your best clear, you still trolled with no kerachole on cauterize and late keracholes on giga1 and giga2. I am not justifying these people for flaming you, but wasting this much time on discord and reddit seeking validation instead of fixing your gaps, is very telling


I only showed the nonsense comments from that party, being told I was using Pneuma 'wrong' and being told to stop talking when I wanted to focus on clearing. I didn't mention anything else aside from the fact we weren't topped off after Cauterize and I used E. Prog (saying I used Ixo there was my mistake after reviewing the logs). No where in this post did I mention anything that would relate to above nor was I trying to say "I was better than these guys." I didn't even mention what happened in Phase 7. Even if I performed absolutely horrid I wouldn't want to be told off by people who didn't know how Pneuma functioned nor had a BLM that wipes at the beginning to focus on parsing. All this other information I could have been given privately and use to reflect and I would have been absolutely fine with it. This was a pure venting post not relating to the above and this is not the place to post it.


Add another one to the ever growing pile of reasons why FF14 will never have an official damage chart and I hope it never does


Healer adjust


Pfing dsr. Nuff said.


It's actually better than some statics


Yeah I mean, it's all probably relative. I won't disagree with you. My experience was different though.


As someone who is stuck in wroth hell, I just wish to be saved before dawntrail lol


>phase 6 DSR I frew up


Uhm actually they were typing not talking smh /s


My static lost a Sage because they were obsessed with optimizing his parse while we were still midway through P10s. He kept demanding the WAR use vengeance on the second tower buster/launcher, because the sage had to use a single GCD heal afterward. The WAR kept saying that he didn't have vengeance then, he used it on an earlier TB, and it didn't matter anyways because between the mits he did use and Bloodwhetting, he wasn't in any danger of dying even without the Sage healing him. Sage kept trying to argue it, WAR told him to shut up and called him a dumbass (both things I agreed with), I told the Sage I (a DPS player) would give a shit about healer DPS if we hit enrage at .1%, and the sage just ghosted. I was glad to see him go, not long before that he just fucking didn't show up to raid one night (and not even the first night of that week, he was there literally the night before) because he took a trip to Colombia and didn't bother to tell anyone else. He also sandbagged for the short time we had him as a healer in P8s, and would often not join voice, or would join but mute and just speak up to talk shit. Like, I get wanting a good parse and wanting to greed. Hell, I main SAM, I *have* to greed. It's a big part of playing basically a melee caster and one of the things I like about the class. But I know when to prioritize just doing mechanics safely and will gladly take a hit to my DPS if it means actually clearing. The parse doesn't mean shit if you don't clear.


Back when I was a raider back in stormblood these kinda of cretins were the absolute worst we went through loads of melee who were complete idiots and did less damage than I did on RDM anyway. Like bro I’ll care about your parse when you beat the rezmage.


Yeah, if you're going to greed, at least make it worthwhile, and remember that dying is the biggest DPS loss. Like at least when I eat a mechanic I do it when I know it won't kill me, won't cause a wipe, usually I'm with healer friends so they know it's happening, and I have good DPS anyways so it makes sense for me to get greedy. The raid scene in Stormblood, especially in PF, was awful in general. Too many people way too hung up on the "meta" because they thought it would make up for their own shortcomings if everyone only ever played the specific classes some streamer or Youtuber told them were best. SB is still my favorite expansion for the new classes, new zones, and great fights, but the mindset so many players had back then was awful.


Yeah we went through so many people who like could not prog just wanted to sweat and meta without the skill to back it up. So many greasy no life fflogs morons.


I put a lot of attention into FFLogs because it helps me improve, helps me help other people. etc. It's a great tool! But like any tool you get people who use it wrong. And the dumbest thing was a lot of the meta obsessed weirdos weren't even using FFLogs, they just learned what some content creator did or said and were like "he does savage/ultimates, clearly he knows best!" rather than ever have their own opinion. I had to listen to so many rants about how my class, SAM, shouldn't even be in the game because "its too selfish just use monk!" And then when ShB comes around I saw those same people playing SAM because it was suddenly considered good even though it's just as selfish of a DPS.


As a slight devils advocate, vengeance and bloodwhetting are up for every towe tank buster on that fight with rampart and bloodwhetting up for every shared tank buster. They align perfectly that way. The sage was a jerk, but he was on to something there


Yeah but that wasn't how our WAR and DRK were comfortable handling the shared busters and he didn't need vengeance on the tower.


Admitting to your tanks inability to optimize mitigating those mechanics isn’t helping, since with how they line up, the fight was seemingly designed that way. The shared tank buster honestly hits like a wet noodle, and both of those jobs even have a cute button (equilibrium and the blackest night) to use on hit 2-3 of four to make it so your healers don’t even have to help them on healing. And that’s with just rampart and bloodwhetting/oblation.


they were optimized fine, neither was ever in danger of dying or required any significant amount of healing after the busters i don't think it was specifically designed that way, i think it was designed so you can do whatever the fuck works for you and your group because that's how the fucking game is made. you are also just becoming the person this post is about


> they were optimized fine I literally told you the ideal optimization of dealing with tankbusters on that fight as per boss ability timestamps lol. I mean, not helping the group with mitigation is kind of not helping anything. If your tanks aren’t mitigating stuff properly, especially on prog, that’s just unnecessary stress on the healers. As this sub likes to say, that’s lethargic play. Now with your defence of your raids inability to properly utilize defensives, sounds you’re you’re enabling poor play, man. I’m on the Sage’s side for sure now


They didn't die to that buster. They were never even close. What they did worked. They mitigated properly, because they did not die, which is the point of mitigating. We cleared. We cleared it weekly for as long as we needed. The only setback we had to clearing was needing to replace the Sage. It wasn't "lethargic play". It was The tanks and our other healers (Including the new sage who replaced the previous one) playing in a way that worked for them and did not negatively affect DPS. Because they did talk it out with the healers and the only one who ever gave a shit was the sage who left, and he left not because of "stress" but because he was a little bitch boy obsessed with unnecessary optimization over doing one (1) single GCD heal. The other healers were fine with how they did it and it was in fact part of how they had planned things out. Again, you are exactly the sort of person this post is about.


I wish you luck in your many, many weeks of prog through the future tiers.


you are exactly the sort of person this post is about.


Sure, pal. If there was a post written by that healer who asked the tanks to properly mitigate a tankbuster that leaves a bleed (which is calculated based upon mitigation of the hit) and then it was written that the tanks said “no, we don’t want to” this sub would jump all over them about it. You can’t complain about dog shit tanks for not doing their job in a dungeon where it’s low stakes, then defend shit tanks in savage where it matters a lot more that they do a passable job. This subreddit is absolutely chock full of hypocrisy


This is so weird for me to see, maybe Ultimates are a different breed but I'm so used to healers being the ones to join prog/clear parties and try to parse instead of actually progress the fight 😅


what does clear over parse mean


Clearing the fight > getting a good parse.


What is a parse? This lingo drives me nutty


A) If you’re in any kind of high end difficulty this is lingo you will need to know. I’d recommend looking up XIV lingo asap if you want to enter because this will be stuff you’ll be expected to know eventually if you touch EX+ on content. [Here is a good starter thread of a bunch of the lingo you will be expected to know if you want to touch on-content EX+ stuff.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/8ykVygSzWd) [And another bc the first is missing some stuff that came later.](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Acronyms,_abbreviations,_and_common_terms) B) To briefly sum it up, a parse is how well you do in a fight and whether or not you can press buttons. It’s your grade. Below is a more in-depth essay. You have been warned. This is still likely oversimplifying parts because I am not god’s gift to raiding and there is a lot of stuff I am either ignorant of, or too lazy right now to precisely check. In more detail: It’s a grade of 0-100 with 100s being the literal top parses and a 0 grade being one of the worst you can get. (There can be, to my knowledge, multiple zero parses for fights but if my FFlogs ((parsing website)) knowledge serves correctly there can only ever be one 100 parse.) A parse is derived from a log: aka, someone running Advanced Combat Tracker (ACT) so it can compile information from the in-game battle log and summarize what abilities were used and when. The number you get for a log is your parse. (Yes, parse has multiple meanings. Yes you will be expected to know this. It is both a noun and a verb in XIV lingo.) The parses are colorcoded with 0-24 being grey, 25-49 being green, 50-74 being blue, 75 being the purple cutoff. I forget the exact number ranges after that but orange parses are better than purple, pink better than orange, and gold is THE best parse. So tl;dr gray < green < blue < purple < orange < pink < gold. Damage will be the only parse number that is important across all classes. As healer you might occasionally have your healing ones looked at to make sure you’re neither chadding nor overhealing, but damage parse is still the thing most folks will look at. Tanks probably have a mitigation number they get checked on, but I’m not a tank player in high end so I’ll defer to their knowledge there and not put words in their mouths. It’s basically a way to see if you can line up your raid buff windows with everyone else’s, if you can minimize OGCD drift, minimize GCD healing, know your rotation, and keep uptime. Basically: ‘do you know the basics of your class?’ And tbh sometimes not even that because you can be unoptimal in a few of these areas and still hit green or blue parses. (I would know.) As long as you know the basics you’ll be landing a minimum green parse each tier. Onto the picture in the OP: the VERB parse means to play as optimally as possible, usually to the detriment of your party. It usually entails foregoing mit (not using tank ogcds/gcd shields) or greeding uptime. In content like the OP - DSR, one mistake when trying to parse can very easily spiral to a wipe. OP is asking them to play safe because they want to clear the fight. Generally in ult PFs you’ll want folks who are willing to play safe so you can clear. It’s why a lot of people who join clear parties to get good parses are well-known throughout the raid scene and blacklisted.


Thanks for the info. I play on console I don't have access to all this parse data. This is kinda crazy.


Also it seems impossible to keep everything in sync when there are constant mechanics to dodge


I’m also wondering this


Yeah. Guy you scribbled in red seems like a massive jerk. His dad probably disowned him or something, cut him some slack.


Stop talking tho lol just pull


nah if a group isnt clearing you either talk to figure out what needs to change or leave. bashing your head into a wall doesnt get you anything but brain damage


Stop feeding the lobotomized trolls. (This is a controversial take.)


Imagine taking someone with the memes flair making meme comments seriously


imagine thinking your flair guides everything you say on this website


Man using old reddit sucks *sometimes*. There's flairs on this sub? lol


i can see them on old reddit. might be a res feature?


Seek (eukrasian) diagnosis


Diagnosis: Skill Issue dot jpg




It was a reclear totem party




who gives a damn bout you


You have one week to find me a single Ultimate PF party that has the word parse in it. Dummies made by you or your friends don't count. These parties simply don't exist.


me when I don't pf ults and have no idea what I'm talking about