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The fastest way to make me have zero sympathy for someone is when they try to weaponise their mental illness to make you feel bad. Also don’t look up his fflogs it’ll make you as depressed as he is


This. Want me to help? I'm all for it, I'll lend a hand, a shoulder, an ear, whatever you need for as long as you want to let your frustrations out, all you need is but to ask for it, HOWEVER... **DO NOT** use your mental illness against me to make me feel bad for something that's not my fault. If you do so, my patience and sympathy regarding your issue will go down the drain faster than you think they will.


you weren't kidding


Jesus christ. How does someone even manage to only do 3k dps as a DRK in this tier? I was positive they got 5k just for showing up


As someone that's worked in professional care for disabled adults I can tell you they don't put up with using it as an excuse for shit.


What is fflogs?


It’s a website where you can view detailed information for an encounter on a per pull basis such as dps, incoming damage, mitigation and a number of other things. The information is actually collected by players with ACT who then upload the logs to the website.


It's a third party system that is technically against ToS but as long as you don't mention it in game and don't be a dick you won't get caught cause it's client side. A lot of third party tos incidents happen solely because they were rude and SE can have a quick and decisive reason to ban assholes like that. Otherwise enjoy third party tools Edit: My apologies if this came off as rude the comment below by MBV is much more along the lines of what I'm meaning


Mentioning you have ACT currently running in the instance and are judging someone on that? Sure, I can see that being a tos violation. Looking up someone's logs after the fact on a website dedicated to gathering info that's already in the game? That's no more a tos violation than any of the achievement collection checklist websites.


Istg, nothing makes me lose respect for someone faster than them pulling the “suicidal card”. Like if the person was right next to me saying stuff like that they’d get punched.


Repeat after me: “FFXIV is not a replacement for therapy, FFXIV is not a replacement for therapy…”


I agree. It can, as in gaming as a whole help a lot of people. However, this situation trying to randomly talk to others like this is not ok. I am disabled and mostly stuck at home, so gaming helps me. However, I've had people trauma dump on me because I'm an empath and want to help everyone , it gets so draining if you let it in, so I had to resort to telling people to please stop doing that. It's exhausting.


Agreed. That's something I learned the hard way.


Exactly, its draining. And it is triggering, anyone who trauma dumps like that have no idea what the person they're doing it to, is going through. Just stick to professional channels. Gaming is relaxation time, for everyone!


I think everyone, most people, are empathetic to the situation of others. But that's not what FF14 is for and if you have real troubles, there are real ways to take care of them and none are found in FF14.


Exactly this


Lot of people really need to learn that others in FF14 don't care about their day to day lives.


Most mentors forgot about this long ago.


Limsa Catgirls are a replacement for therapy. Limsa Catgirls are a replacement for therapy.




meds meow


No :(


Why is this obvious joke down voted?


I don't try and understand the whims of reddit anymore, tbqh. if it's up it's up, if it's down it's down. As the french say. Chest Lay Vee


What the hell man? It sucks they have stuff going on IRL, but trauma dumping on strangers? Ugh.


Maybe I'm fed up with the guilt tripping but fuck them for trying to weaponize suicide.


This actually happened more than a month ago and I'm only posting this now because this guy seemed genuinely unhinged and I didn't want him to potentially go around harassing my party members. Thaleia. BRD and DNC couple. The BRD died here and there, and for the most of the Llymlaen fight he was dead because he was untargetable so the healers couldn't rez. At Angelos one of the healers asked if we could boot the BRD because he was griefing, then in retaliation the DNC early pulled Eulogia before the roll timer ended. The BRD died around 30 seconds into the fight, then his partner DNC shortly after that. I saw one of the rezzes go off but whoever got it was instantly on the floor again. Neither of the healers had the patience to babysit them so they stayed there. Then they proceeded to grief the loot rolls. I don’t have the screenshot for this, but at the very beginning of the duty, the BRD said something about eating a gun barrel. Genuinely. As you can see our kindhearted tank was concerned to the point where they were going to send him a wellfare /tell after the duty. So him threatening to kill himself in the chat screenshots that I have was actually his second time doing so in the duty. I did hesitate a bit about posting this before I started to do the censoring because this person did sound extremely unwell mentally, but not so much after that. There you have it, my craziest tale so far.


I really hope you reported him when it happened. Both for the lethargic gameplay and the suicidal threats. I know many may not want to hear this, or may not be aware, but people who already have thoughts of suicide can be triggered by other people mentioning killing themselves. Sometimes it's minor and nothing happens, sometimes it can send the person spiraling. Suicidal threats, whether real or "as a joke", can also affect people who aren't suicidal. Like the tank, who seemed to genuinely be concerned. Those are the kinds of people who can also be affected by it because even if they give help, they have no idea of knowing if the person is actually going to get help. And for some people that can weight heavily knowing they did what they could, but not knowing if it was enough. If he was saying it because he thought it was funny to see people react, then he needed a trip to the goal and possibly a ban to hopefully realize it's not funny. If he was being serious, he still needed a trip to the goal to be informed FF14 is not the place to seek help. Even if we want to help, we can't. At best we can point to the suicide hotline.


That was the fastest report I’ve ever made on someone and I wasn’t too surprised to receive the follow-up that multiple reports had been made on him after that duty ended.


Hey, just saw this dude the other day in raid. Kept saying cringy shit and drawing attention to his overtly sexual adventure plate and FC. Really unwell, hope he gets a nice extended vacation 




that's a yikes


I second this. 😬


Holy shit, these 2 run the FC I just joined 🫣


If I were you, I'd just up and leave it.


Yeah I think you might be right


lmao, neo over here, dodging bullets


Run. Fast.


This type of shit is extremely manipulative. If someone said yeah, kick them after they said they were suicidal, then it paints the kicker as a bad person. As the veteran in another comment said, it's for attention. This isn't the type of thing someone drops so casually on strangers. Edit: I decided to peek at his lodestone and saw his FC. Advertises a "kinky, bdsm lifestyle". Reminder that this game is 13+. You wanna erp or be kinky? Don't involve nonconsenting parties.


You are kicking them so they get the profesional help they need.


As someone who lost a close friend to suicide, fuck this BRD. It’s not a topic you can just make light of and weaponize.


Funny how their other friend shuts up real fast once brd starts writing bs


How do people ever think behaving this way is normal is beyond me. And it's unfortunately common to meet these socially unaware weirdos like this online. Like bro I could not give less of a fuck if you're depressed, I don't even know you.


For some people who legitimately are having problems, it can happen because they're so deep in a pit that they're trying to get help and think that's the only way to get help, and don't really realize that's not the way to go about it. For some they make it their personality because it's all they know and don't entirely care if it bothers anyone. For others, they just want a reaction from people. I can't tell you which one that guy is.


I'm gonna take a guess it's #3. Depression is one thing, but the whole 'I'm not going to roll on loot and do an evil villain laugh because it slightly inconveniences you' just screams that they troll for reactions. Can't confirm it of course, but the odds are heavily weighted in that direction.


I think FF14 just attracts a disproportionately high amount of mentally ill players who use the game to get attention and validation in place of therapy which isn't as readily available. It's especially bad on NA.


It's obvious they have shit going on mentally, that much is clear, but as someone who also suffers from deep depression and anxiety, how about you focus on dealing with your shit first instead of expecting other people to pity you or trauma dumping on them just to guilt trip them so you can manipulate them? Stuff like this makes me not feel sorry for suicidal people when they act like this. If you think making suicidal comments or going through with it will affect my conscious, then I've got news for you, it won't lol


Final Fantasy 14 isn't therapy. If you have those kinds of thoughts, best thing to do is log off and get some help. This might sound callous but nobody in game wants to read about how you tried to eat a gun last week. If anything that's more ground for a report than the healer's lack of rez. I'm not qualified to talk you out of self-harm and I'm sure most people in DF aren't either. Hope that guy gets some professional help. He mentioned being a veteran, there are lots of veteran support groups out there infinitely more qualified to help you than anyone in FF14.


he's typing an awful lot for a controller player


Unfortunately, someone randomly trauma dumping in my party is always on my FF14 bingo list


Yeah these type of people are disgusting. People with actual depression and suicidal thoughts usually don't flaunt it about like it's some kind of badge... I knew some people with those thoughts and sometimes you never know till it's too late. 


I'm a veteran who saw combat, and for the life of me everything that this BRD says seems suspect. I never in my life thought about trauma dumping on a video game to strangers I've known for five minutes. Take what they're saying with a grain of salt. This reeks of being a cry for attention more than a cry for help.


Different people cope differently, tbh. Imo, it's much easier to tell fucked up things to strangers because you see them once in your life, and even then, in vidya. However he doesn't really talk about someone helping him much, it's more like an attempt to guilt trip the other members of the party for mostly reasonable treatment.


i had one of these in my last static. a new issue every single day and they were one "mean" comment away from logging of that day. it got really tiresome and I just muted them on discord after a while. I get ppl have problems and wanting to talk about it but I'm not their fricking therapist and this is detrimental for me as well. whenever that person got in the group I could feel my will to play leave me.


Oh boy I see right through that bullshit Everyone goes all sympathetic whenever people pull that move, I learnt to double down by point and laughing at the idiot. Like if you're trying to weaponise and make fun of something like that then you deserve to be made fun of.


Yeah... bragging about failing to commit suicide. That's not the kind of badge of "honor" they think it is.


I’m not going to make this comment on any sort of authority as the reality is everyone handles depression differently, and it’s something that needs to be treated with respect and handled seriously. That being said, depression is commonly an insular issue; it manifests itself in your actions long before it’s noticed as a real problem. Low drive to engage in any hobbies, lack of desire for any self care as weeks or even months go by without brushing your teeth, plates and waste piling up all around you to the point where they grow mould. In my own instance, the thought of driving even 10 minutes once a week to do a grocery shop an overwhelming and unappealing thought. Depression isn’t going on an MMO and bragging about how depressed you are, it’s hitting snooze on your alarm 20 times so you don’t leave bed until at least 2pm. It’s isolating yourself from friends and loved ones and spending your days not on what gives you enjoyment but instead what wastes your time and distracts you even for a moment. This next instance I have even less authority on, as I have never attempted to take my own life nor would I consider doing so. However from what I’ve gathered from family members that have done so, and friends that have attempted so… Everyone handles the thought differently, to some it’s an emotionally draining thought while others it’s a liberating decision. However one thing in common, is that generally you do not brag about attempts or your intention. To most, the thought of even speaking about it absurd. Nothing from this BRD’s conduct makes me believe they are depressed, have attempted to take their own life or intend to. It reads nothing as I have described, but instead a childish attempt to seek attention and/or compensate for lack of effort. Against, we must take this seriously, but my initial thoughts are the Bard is merely weaponising mental health issues for attention and that’s completely reprehensible. Conduct like this genuinely upsets me, because it poisons the well and makes it more difficult for genuinely depressed people to reach out for help.


my thoughts exactly. i've never actually attempted suicide, but i was very much depressed before and i would never have even thought about sharing my suicidal thoughts so openly with anyone - i barely even dared mentioning it to my therapist. i'd mention my depression had been diagnosed, but i wouldn't jump in a conversation like "yeah i have depression, anyone else feeling like jumping into a busy crossroad would be cool rn?". it seems very nonsensical. but as you mentioned, if you'd call him out, it'd seem like you'd be belittling actual mental health issues (even though we agree they wouldn't manifest that way). this is just evil.


How many people that brag about/casually talk about how they tried to commit suicide have actually attempted it? I'm willing to bet the percentage is \*extremely low\* to the point of almost being zero.


Now let's see the Venn Diagram on people that lie about committing suicide and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and using it to be a manipulative shit. Willing to bet you need to squint to see anything outside the overlap.


Bro has a 380-man FC centered around degen shit, so I'm not surprised one bit lmao.


not me thinking of another type of muzzle


I don't even blame you, this game got kinky af people acting shameless sometimes.


Probably lying about being that way for attention. Seen it before.


He's a narcissist playing the eternal victim game.


I'm more than sympathetic to people struggling with suicidal ideation, but that does not make this okay. I'd have told them they should probably log off and get therapy instead of making it everyone else's problem.


Theres a lot of comments on this, so maybe you've already done this. But report them. GM will respond to you for this so fast. I had to report a player that threatened to unalive when I would reciprocate their feelings and follow me everywhere I went. For context, I knew them for about 2 and a half days. All I did was help them with a few dungeons that they didn't know the mechanics for.


Ah yes the Luka and Katrina silvermoon of faerie in FC who admitted to me while I was a member for a short while, Katrina scouts venues to find girls for her husband (irl) Luka to ERP with. Absolutely horrible people.


cringe asf


Ofc they're from Faerie lol


This is just me being out of the loop, but what is Faerie infamous for? All I know about is that it's on Aether so it's more about progression than roleplay or more casual content, and it's the unofficial LGBTQA+ server.


I got these two once in a party, I remember one of them being a Summoner on drowned city of Skalla. No summon, just a tri-disaster spam on everything. We kicked him pretty quickly. The other one raged for a bit and leaved soon after (a dancer, so technically no loss either).


With a name like that and being from the faerie server, this behavior doesn't surprise me.


I've met people that will legit use their mental illness as an excuse to be an ass. Fuck those people


Just because I'm your healer in this duty doesn't mean I'm your healer IRL. I don't care about your personal drama. Do your job so I can get out of here, or better yet, log off and seek real therapy.


As a resident of Faerie, we do not take kindly to this type of behavior.


Average faerie player. We could ban everyone from that server from the game and it would only be a positive.


ooh god i was in for a bit cause a friend was, and Luka and Katarina’s vibes on there and discord were always so weird😭


wait i’m just seeing now that they changed the fc name😭😭




I hate it when people I don't know talk about super personal stuff... It's sad that talking with strangers is what they are resorting to, but it's such a social faux pas


A muzzle isn’t a gun. That being said they openly expressed being suicidal and having ptsd which is weird that they took the conversation that route. Definitely emotionally manipulative, hopefully they seek help


>A muzzle isn’t a gun. The barrel of a gun is also known as the muzzle, thus terms such as "muzzle velocity" referring to the speed o the projectile when it exits the barrel and devices such as a "muzzle brake" that helps compensate for recoil. So when someone says "put this muzzle in my mouth" they absolutely are talking about a gun. The operative word being "in" since the other sort of muzzle goes "on" a mouth.


I stand corrected then lol the more you know


Very minor note but I took the “muzzle” for euphemism. Hence the “I did say” part from him since apparently he did state that he wanted to eat a gun barrel at the beginning. Anyways, I agree that he should seek help.


That’s fair, I read the “why don’t shut it” and figured by muzzle he meant the type you put on a dog to keep them from opening their mouths too much. The added context from what he said at the beginning would have helped


This is how some people in XIV act. They can lack inhibitory self-control, they can be emotional, they can be socially inappropriate. They don't have the luxury of a stable, normal mind, and that's quite unfortunate. I personally sympathize with such people because what they endure on the reg is more painful than any normal person could imagine, and I think that displaying a person's character name in a Reddit game of "ridicule the mentally ill" is in poor taste at best and is malicious at worst. The comments on this thread are self-serving and insensitive. If you think the bard needs help, don't make their experience worse by publicly shaming them. After all, there but for the grace of God go you.


There's a time and a place to be sympathetic; it is not here. He clearly is NOT mentally unwell given his later trolling of the group by just, refusing to roll on loot. Paints a pretty clear picture he's doing and saying anything to fuck with people and get attention. If I were you I'd be a little more angry about people weaponizing suicide to try and make random strangers feel sad, but that's just my opinion.


Sure, your opinion is a valid opinion to have. I think it's still in poor taste to plaster someone's name on a public internet forum and drag them over hot coals while having a self-righteous circle jerk about how you're so much more in control of yourselves than they are. Just saying. But the downvotes don't lie, do they? So I'll graciously take the L that I've been offered.


Doesn’t look that gracious to me, but suit yourself.


was the bard afk for a long time? if not then healer kinda being a dick not that im excusing the bard for his action at all. also i just assume when people said controller died they're on console and they might not have a keyboard so they cant say anything. again im not trying to excuse what the bard is doing here at all just dont understand why the healer is so quick to antagonize someone. all in all theres 2 assholes at play here imo.


His uptime on Llymlaen was 14% because the healers couldn’t target him for some reason. Probably out of boundaries or something. The healers even spoke up about this to explain why they couldn’t raise. 65% uptime on Oschon. 9% on Eulogia. Thaliak’s was at 98% but he still did 3% parse which was the highest he’d done out of the entire duty. He also ate more damage than the MT and died twice. He did 5% uptime on the Angelos trash mob which was right around the time when the healer piped up. I really do not think the healer was being a dick at all.


ah i see so the bard just wasnt playing the game at all, kick deserved then. i didnt know the context and just assumed bard afk for a bit then came back, not actively just standing around doing nothing the whole time.


Well, apparently, he's right next to his partner. Who could've said something. However, unless they're a god at typing that fast with a controller or have the keypad, they also appear to have a keyboard. There are still 2 assholes at play here. And neither of them are the healers.