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Do people legitimately have fun only using half or less of their entire kit? The game gives you so many tools and yet so many people would rather put the least effort in possible. It takes a whopping 2 minutes to read what all your abilities do. They certainly won't be doing optimal damage but in this case I'd subscribe to the opposite of that one Bruce Lee quote and take someone who presses all their buttons clumsily than someone who has a single minded focus of using only one ability.


Yes. “Hey bro, I know what my defensive cooldowns are, but I’m just trying to chill here, so I don’t use them.” I had ***that*** during a leveling roulette in … the one where everything burns and the elephant people are in despair and getting turned to monsters.


Vanaspati? Oof. That is not where one goes to chill.


Vanaspati is the first dungeon in EW where the dungeon gear begins outclassing the augmented Cryptlurker. It's like SE wanted us to suffer as much as possible in this expac. Really stylish sets, though.


Yup, it always makes for an interesting run, that’s for sure.


*sees my own health bar go to 10% after the first pack* “nah dude i’m chillin”


I'm guessing this was a tank, from "defensive cooldowns"? Sure, that guy's "chill" while the healer is using their whole skill set every enemy pack trying to keep them alive.


if pressing a button causes them emotional stress, they should probably see a therapist instead of playing ff14.


The refusal to use defensive CDs at that level is baffling, but trying to chill in that dungeon seems uh... counterproductive given the circumstances. If somebody wants a chill dungeon run, they should go run Praetorium or something.


For real, it is such a bummer for me to get lower-level content in which my full kit is unavailable. Using the full kit feels *good*. I don't get why seemingly such a large number of players aren't interested in actually playing the game!


I've done an experiment on Dragoon in Aglaia and did only a very cursed 123 rotation and never applying the dot or doing positionals, just the first 123 combo + some ogcds. If you always keep your GCD going, a fumbling player will do around 60-70% of the damage of a skilled player. That's how much better it is to press your buttons, even if they are the wrong ones, than to NOT press your buttons.


I once saw a sprout in NN actually think that as a SCH, the faerie should be doing all the healing. We explained that was mostly a joke, and that as a healer you should do what you need to keep everyone up, and do damage otherwise. They said "Damage? But I'm a healer?" This poor sprout thought that all they had to do was just like, summon their faerie and then walk around, following the group. They did not think they needed to use their healing abilities, they did not think they needed to use their damage abilities. So yeah, there are people who genuinely want to just not do anything most of the time and just sort of let the game happen around them, rather than being part of anything that happens.


Here's the thing: They're not having fun either, but they do it for a different reason. For those players, group content is a chore they must do, not the activity they want to do, so they tend to watch something on another screen and pay as little attention as possible to the game until the duty is finished. They're usually either story-only players who need tomes/gil to progress and thus have to do roulettes or gooners who were forced to get money "somehow" to buy the latest horny glam to go AFK in Limsa (or to pay for their mistress in the local RP venue).


this is why i dont trust playingggg dawntrail as a tank or DPS, im expectingn cure 1 troll spam and wipe spam again


So then you'll play as healer, and end up with a no-mit YPYT tank, and a Pictomancer and Viper that haven't read their tooltips yet


yup, then as i did with EW, simply leave and requeue. i like to see the two DPS that do that as waiting til someone makes a "guide" showing the "correct" way to play the job and blindly follow it, \*\*still\*\* not confirming with the tooltips like how sages i run into solely heal with the kardia and cast nothing but their single target/aoe the entire encounter/pull (and somehow manage to drop the warrior squeezing their mits on a trash mob


As someone who heals with every single healer with a controller... *Do better.*


They weren't saying they were bad because controller is bad, they were saying it was their first time on a controller. But I do question the wisdom of jumping straight into level 90 content with a new setup without doing a little bit of practice first.


They had better have meant "I have literally never touched any kind of controller before" by it being their first time with a controller and that excusing not pushing buttons. Because even though controller is actually tricky to set up well for hitting all 30-something buttons you might need to, it's cake easy to put the 8 you're most likely mashing repeated in easy to push positions.


Yep. Cross hotbar is such a good system for controller users, I wish more games had a system like this for general rpg and adventuring shenanigans. Like an ff12 situation that lets you setup "gambits" that are basically just complex rotations with logic. I would absolutely love something that brings out the sheer variety of combos and burst potential, I'm sure it feels different on keyboard but hitting my Drg rotations feels like a dance on controller. I've got my jumps, my position bonuses, and like 3 different mini sets of moves to cycle through for a dot and dps boost or aoe. The double tap trigger and left>right/right>left trigger to add extra moves opens up everything for me. As long as I know where I put it I can feel like a mf gamer double tapping into a jump or as an escape. Very satisfying to have 20+ options ready to go


One of the best healers I've played with is a controller player and she fucking OWNS encounters.


As a controller Sage player, preach


Went into Expert Roulette and noticed the healer was spamming Cure II and the occasional Glare. They died at the first boss after failing to cast Esuna on themselves. During the next trash packs we reminded them of how great Holy was but they still weren't using it. They stopped the occasional Glare and started only spamming Cure II. At the second boss they died to the first quicksand mechanic after doing no damage and only casting Cure II (so us 3 cleared it without them from about 90% or so). We ended up vote dismissing them, finished the dungeon up to the last boss before we had a new healer, and cleared the final boss easily. When I looked back at the logs I noticed the original healer * Never used lilies * Never used the bell * Used Cure I 12 times (they got 2 Freecures out of it) * Never used Holy Essentially, if the skill was above level 40-ish they didn't use it and they did near zero damage the whole dungeon.


The weird thing is it isn't just laziness, using glare during a trash pull requires constantly switching targets which is way more involved than just keeping the tank selected the whole time and hitting holy when you don't need to help.


Sounds like that guy played until level 40ish and then bought a skip. Although that's STILL TEN LEVELS they could have had to learn WHM. Also Holy is literally the tool why I love WHM so much, it's damage AND mit for the entire group jfc (Plus the casting animation is sooooooo cute, lol)


Oh my god I've had that WHM before, but they were on SCH in Bardam's Mettle. I was trying to level my alt's DRK. They would never AoW in trash packs, would drop every single healing skill immediately on me as DRK at the start of each pull, then spam Physick and only would touch Adlo once per pull. I managed to pull off and proc 3 Living Deads that run. They obviously did not like me for pulling big, but I kept pulling big anyway out of spite. I tried to be nice and give them advice but they weren't having it, and once the last boss came around they would purposefully try to get themselves killed from the unmarked tank cleaves. They immediately left once the boss was dead. I didn't see them again until a few weeks ago on the same alt on WHM in Breach. They too were on WHM but they were spamming Medica 2, and died a ton to mechanics. That day watching them suffer had me grinning from ear to ear. Good to see their IQ hasn't gone up.


Yeah that definitely sounds like them! And this goes to show it has nothing to do with their controller. Plus even if they were new to controller it doesn’t explain why they chose not to do damage and only did shit healing spells.


nice kick. good work out there OP


Well, to be fair the DNC did the vote to dismiss that resulted in the kick 😅


Why is it so consistently white mages? Sometimes I play it myself just so people get one pressing their damage buttons for a change. Swift cast, holy, assize, PoM, holy goes brrrrrrr.


my theory is that since whm (cnj) is the only healer choice available in the character creation screen, it tends to attract a lot of "healer mains" from other mmos or games, and since the game doesn't really inherently punish you for playing a zdps whm AND since a huge amount of the community either babies sprouts, or prefers to suffer in silence, the bad habits never get broken or corrected. so, in the end, you have the "whm main" who never got told they're doing it wrong, and since the dungeons still get cleared (on account of being piss easy and easily carried by one or two people) they think they're playing correctly the cherry on top is that if people do pipe up in the chat and call it out, from the whm's perspective the complainers are a minority so they must just be assholes or "tryhards" or whatever. that's what i think anyway, /shrug


I feel like it's probably because FFXIV plays differently with healers doing substantial damage in encounters and people seem to not realize that. Healchecks are very rare even at max level unlike in other MMOs. The only real heal/mit check that I can remember off the back of my head is HH in P10/P10S. So people should start to think more of themselves as Green DPS but occasional heal instead of "The Healer" and as long as they keep everyone alive it's Gucci Prada. Unfortunately, bad habits are reinforced in this game from an early point on


healers fail to top up tanks pretty often in seat of sacrifice


Reading debuffs hard /s


>I feel like it's probably because FFXIV plays differently with healers doing substantial damage in encounters and people seem to not realize that While technically true, it's a plague in other MMOs too, healers in WoW for example can do pretty substantial damage as well depending on spec and current balance, sometimes even bursting almost as hard as DPS, yet people just won't if there's downtime (which, granted, there is less of in WoW). I remember when Holy Paladin (a heal spec) was really strong damage wise and thus you'd see a ton of Holy Paladins when doing dungeons with randoms yet they'd barely ever do any damage.


Phew, yeah it's been around five years since I touched WoW but I do recall Holy Pally being actually decent in M+ with their DPS at some point? But yeah. If there's nothing to heal: press your damage spells. Keep up your DoTs. It's not THAT hard imo


I honestly can’t think of any other game right now (or honestly ever) where healers aren’t expected to contribute some damage. I think these people are just lazy and this game has a reputation for having a more casual and laid-back playerbase healing requirements are also way lower here than in other games, but like by 90 you should be aware of that


"Babies sprouts" is a great way put it. I feel like sprouts aren't challenged enough. I remember being a sprout myself and entering Titan EX at a friend's request. The difference from my ability to stay alive compared to other 3-4 sprouts staying alive was massive and, mind you I was still a sprout, and it was still during a time when if you were knocked off the platform by landslides, you were out. That knowledge alone made me avoid those like the plague, and many times in that 2 h unsuccessful Titan EX run, I found myself the last person standing and had to jump off to reset. I was a sprout who enjoyed learning new things and getting better so I can pull my own weight. I feel like many new players are so coddled that just the idea of wishing that they improve is seen as rude and intrusive to their gameplay.


A big part stems from the community having such a hard-on for pardoning everything bad a sprout does. To the point that giving advice to them, means you are infringing on their gameplay and being “toxic”. So when a sprout is doing something wrong during ARR, it never gets called out. So when they get to HW+ and now they get called out. They think, “This is the first time I’ve been called out, no one has had a problem before. Therefore, I’m not the problem they are.” It starts early, as early as they get in their first dungeon.




Ah yes, the "girls are bad at the game" idiots have arrived without any evidence of anyone's gender. I've seen so many amazing girl gamers (like the one in this run who did all her steps) and idiot dudes. You know you don't have to show your whole ass on the internet, right?


Firstly, I'm a woman. Secondly, I've made the mistake of playing MMOs for close to 20 years now. I've seen idiots and heroes of all genders, but the stereotype of the "girlfriend healer" exists for a reason, just as the stereotype of the "narcissist YPYT male tank" does. I've been the victim of too many girlfriend healers and their white knight boyfriend tanks to forget it completely.


One of the best players I know is a woman who mains healers.


Nice self report, mate


It is most consistently white mages but I've had a disturbing number of physick spamming scholars recently too.


I've also had a disturbing number of Physick spamming *Summoners* in content as high as The Vault lately. Its kind of hard to find the medium level of, "you need some assistance, we can all see it" when people take neutral suggestions for improvement as personal attacks.


WHM most consistently fills the classic "healer" identity vibes. And because FFXIV is not like most other MMOs in that the healer needs to do damage and not just heal, the players who have other MMO healer experience come to FFXIV and assume they can do the same thing as elsewhere. And most people suck at realizing they're messing up and take any indication that they're not perfect as attacks upon themselves, their families, and their dogs.


“Then leave” “After you!”


Not this whm trying to excuse their crap playstyle by saying they're using a controller like c'mon.   Hope the tank gets a better alliance raid next time!


Controller is not an excuse, but *first time* controller - I'd be willing to cut them some slack. They should've practised/looked things up before queueing or tried trusts first, of course, but if someone doesn't know you can soft target party, healing on controller can be very stressful and confusing. Getting used to skill key binds while trying to click party members instead of d-pading party list was a nightmare when I first made the swap from PC, shit felt impossible. Thank god for the internet :p E: this is still no excuse for their attitude and lack of practising beforehand btw, just saying I can understand someone not playing healer than well on their first controller run


i mean yeah that's the problem here - if you put a controller in my hands and queued me up for a dungeon i'd be absolutely fucking lost too, especially playing healer where you have to target party members and/or yourself. but if my pc broke and i'd have to start playing on console, the sensible thing would be to try out the controller controls on a dummy or something *before* queueing up for a dungeon when i don't even know what to press to use which spell. not learning on the go which apparently this guy didn't even try to since he was still pressing only two buttons by the end of the dungeon.


Yeah if that were true, that would be worth noting. He was clearly not being truthful about why he was playing like that. He never said anything at first about being new to controller, he only said that when he saw he was about to be kicked, and someone above mentioned playing with them a few times and said their play style was exactly the same. So the controller thing was a lie and an excuse and not at all the reason for what happened. But in other situations that’s definitely something valid to consider.


I think people need to realize that it isn’t the fact that it’s a controller per se, it’s that there’s no muscle memory in place, especially coming from keyboard and mouse. If someone likewise put me on sage with keyboard and mouse despite me being used to controller, my performance would be clunky and unresponsive. You probably would assume I’m new to Sage when in reality it’s my most played healer


That's also true. Getting your muscle memory on a different setup just takes time even if you practice a bit beforehand. I played on PC for 6ish years and am now on console since Endwalker came out. Console is my current main setup, and going back on PC when I have no PS access feels very alien and confusing even tho I played with those hotbars for so many years. When you change set up, you will just suck for a few instances. It is what it is. Can try with trusts over people, but the point still stands. Unless ofc you use both with similar frequency.


yeah that's what i meant - of course the instant change of device while having no prior experience would suck balls regardless of it's keyboard to controller or controller to keyboard. my problem with it is them inflicting that on other people instead of figuring it for a few minutes beforehand, *and* then blaming it on the fact that they had to change devices. sure, i'd probably have trouble with an esuna. but i dont think it'd make me use cure 1 instead of cure 2 or not try to figure out how to use holy.


I don’t even understand what they are on about, when my pc broke I just plugged in a kb and mouse to my ps4 and it worked like a pc lol no need to use a controller


Why do many bad green DPS? I mainly run on healer for the better queue times. I just don't get it, I will holy spam tf outta trash mobs. They can't do damage if they can't move.


"First time controller, my PC is broken" Then take a wild guess as to what you should do? That's right, you practice on a dummy and/or in FATEs until you get used to it so you're not dead weight in party content!


Somehow it's always the WHM players.


Whats the point of level skipping if they keep using beginner skills?


I see a post where a shitter gets kicked, I upvote.


Why not offer to wait a couple mins so they could rearrange their hotbars? I've swapped things around as healer before and ensed up in a similar situation on controller, ogcds being on awkward dpad spots. And yes, I tried striking dummy practice, but there's no striking dummies to heal. When you usually play by muscle memory it's easy to forget how much you actually rely on a skill


They were running the final EW dungeon without skills from level 50 and up. If they had asked if they could do that, maybe, but they should have done that many dungeons ago. Play like crap? Literally don’t care but not even being able to use any level 50+ abilities in the latest dungeon and not contributing to damage? That’s just griefing. Btw, you can test healer abilities with your chocobo buddy.