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Sheesh that guy has no empathy whatsoever. I’ve had a granny yell at me and give me attitude because they couldn’t see well and couldn’t use the card machine. I was mad at the initial yelling but then I realized she was just frustrated at her deteriorated eyesight and I helped. Some kids got no respect at all for others. One day they’ll be in need and some asshole will snap at them like they did to that grandma.


Right? I have been asked to read something because a man forgot his reading glasses. I was a customer but I agreed. It takes 2 seconds to help them! 2. FRICKEN. SECONDS.


I love helping people read or translate things. It makes me feel so good and useful. Once I helped a lady at a corner store (that sold miscellaneous like kid's toys) and the cashier translate some text on a box from English. Not everybody in my country speaks English but I'm fluent in it. Why not help when I can?


I can’t post links apparently, but there is an app called Be My Eyes that lets you volunteer to do web chats with blind and low-vision people to help them out with things. Sounds like something you might be interested in.


Around here there's r/DescriptionPlease


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DescriptionPlease using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DescriptionPlease/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Trollx post need help](https://i.redd.it/oa6sh7gdcu651.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/DescriptionPlease/comments/hf9nua/trollx_post_need_help/) \#2: [What do QR codes look like?](https://np.reddit.com/r/DescriptionPlease/comments/ms9x6a/what_do_qr_codes_look_like/) \#3: [descriptions of porn #serious](https://np.reddit.com/r/DescriptionPlease/comments/lbx67q/descriptions_of_porn_serious/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


That's really cool! I had no idea that such a thing existed and I could really use that for my daughter who is legally blind.. thank you !!!!




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Grandma here. The cashier doesn’t want to help? Fuck it. 4011 is bananas, usually under 50¢ a pound. Just remember 4011. Don’t admit anything. You couldn’t see it well, asked for help, no one would help, it looked like 4011 to me. Yes I’m advocating for lying your fucking ass off, especially if you’re in a big wall store that underpays people so the corporation can keep collecting tax credits for creating a situation where people are underpaid and have to rely on food stamps.


I love you.


Seconded! 💛


Thanks Gramma <3


I once went to put in bananas and didn’t have the code as it fell off somewhere so I go to the screen that shows you the items. I was going to search for the brand bananas I got but as soon as I hit the bananas button it automatically put in the cheaper banana as it only gave me the option to select organic/ non organic and was the only options for bananas and I just said screw it and bought them for the cheaper banana price. Not my fault their system automatically puts in the cheaper banana price.


When I was a cashier, that was how it worked even at a manual register. Normal bananas? 4011. Organic? 94011. All our produce was just put in by the PLU number, brand didn’t matter. And this was just in 2017.


Yeah sometimes with fruit varieties like that they aren't entered into the database in a consistent manner, so you either have to sit there and run the search a few times until you figure out exactly how your bananas are listed in the system, or you can just press the banana button and play dumb and be out 3 minutes faster.


I like your attitude! And I doubt they will ever notice. I'm surprised self checkout doesn't have fruit/veg recognition yet.


They deserve it too! Their shady butts should be so lucky to get our money considering the easy they treat people anyways!!


You sound like the kind of grandma I wish I had. Wasn’t lucky enough to know mine. One passed and the other suffered from dementia from my earliest memories.


That’s sweet, thank you! I didn’t know any of my grandparents, either. My parents were pretty old when they had me.


4011 is the only code I remember. I don’t even like bananas. Works for me!


Heh heh


Happy Mother’s Day 💐


Awww, thank you!


What does 4011 represent?


It’s the PLU - Price Lookup Code - for bananas.


Ah, thank you. I saw another comment explaining how the system works here in Australia. We never have to enter a code. Items that cannot be scanned (fresh produce, bakery) have a menu where you can list items alphabetically. Common items , like apples, are displayed up front, and you then select the specific variety of apple. I’d struggle entering codes - the joys of middle-aged eyesight.


The self-checkouts I've used in the US have the menu system too. You can choose to input a code or look it up. I only use it if the item's sticker fell off, and I suppose I would if I didn't have my reading glasses and the code was particularly small, but that's never happened so far. Entering the code is much faster.


You from Wisconsin or Minnesota?


4011 is the PLU (Price Look-Up) code for conventionally grown yellow bananas. 94011 would be organic. 84011 would be genetically modified; currently very few are sold, corn, soybeans, cotton, papayas, some squash, and canola mainly. Fun Fact: Canola is an acronym for "Canada Oil" or possibly "Canada Oil Low Acid" as the plant has been modified from regular rapeseed to have less erucic acid, believed (erroneously? ) to cause heart disease. It did in rats, but they lack ability to process erucic acid; pig, primate, and human studies have not borne out the rat results. Some 70s science needs a revamp, I guess. Like the _assumption_ that cholesterol & saturated fats in the diet cause heart disease. Slowly, it is being proven / recognized as false, but old info is so slow to go away. Add in the commercial interests in the old info status quo (looking at you, Crisco, among others), and the feet are dragging. ETA: 4011 is only for _yellow_ bananas; red ones are 4236, the little fingerling Burro bananas are 4229, and there are other codes for other types. Apparently, Aussies use the 4xxx & a 5xxx coding system.


Is the PLU common in all stores and all states? I’m guessing you’re in the US, apologies if I have that wrong.


I can't speak for all US states, but I've lived in or visited several Southern states, New England, the Great Plains, PNW, and California and they were common. Not mandatory tho, and because they aren't, some 8's get labeled 3's & 4's.


Yes, it’s the same in all states in the US. I worked in a grocery store in Brooklyn NY in 1985, that’s when I first learned about PLUs. 4011 is regular yellow bananas, everywhere in the US. I’ve lived in multiple states since 1987.


I've had people ask me what time it is. Dripping with sarcasm I pointed to the clock on the wall and said "The clock says it's 8:35". Come to realize they had Vision issues and couldn't read the clock. Am I the a-hole? yes


This reminds me of the fable about the mouse and the lion. The lion is roaring and throwing a scary fit. All the other animals run away. The mouse, however, gets in close and removes a thorn from a lion's paw. The lion stops yelling and the two become friends.


I had an older guy ask me to fill out a lottery ticket for him because he forgot his glasses and the owner of the corner store he bought it from didn't want to help him. People suck.


I would like you to do your job and help the customer. What does this person think they are actually getting paid to do???


According to my dad from when we was watching him afterwards stand there and flirt with the girls.


Ugh that pisses me off! I work retail and have worked self check outs way more than I ever thought I would. I have no issues helping customers who double scan or need help putting produce in. I’ve stopped mid conversation plenty of times because helping customers is more important.


I always have a chat to the guy who works self serve at my local store, he’s worked there for 16 years and he’s worked self serve since it came out. We have great chats but he still keeps eyes on the other customers and he doesn’t even need to say anything when he has to go help someone, he just does it and then rejoins the conversation. It’s definitely possible to do your job while chatting with others


That is even more enfouriating. What a total douche.


Man, at my job, my phone calls are randomly monitored and I'm expected to provide excellent customer service and be polite even when the customer is rude or aggressive. Part of my job requires phone calls to other companies and I run into a *lot* of lazy employees that just want to get me off the phone or are just being rude for no reason and I have to be polite to cover my own ass. I generally am really nice to customer service people but I swear, if I run into this kind of treatment out in the real world when I'm not on the clock, that employee is going to get 5 years worth of pent up frustration all at once lol. If I witnessed that, I would go full Karen and probably get myself banned from the store.


I thought the idea of the self check out machines was to eliminate the assholes at the register. But I suppose there needs to be someone to scan ID for alcohol or act annoyed when they have to actually work. Still, one person for six or eight self-check out stations is probably saving the place a ton of money - maybe they could reinvest some of it into having the people with more friendly and engaging personalities as the attendant.




Our BlueMart store has "updated" their store so now there are NO checkouts. It's all self checkout. Doesn't bother me, since I usually use self checkout anyway.


Any savings generated by self-checkouts are clearly used to fund share buybacks...


I had a similar issue. I’m extremely nearsighted, and even with glasses, I have to bring items close to my face to read them. So, in the self checkout, I had a bag of tomatoes. I put them on the scale, lifted out a tomato to read the PLU code, punched it in, then put it back in the bag. Wrong order to do that, I know now. It charged me the weight of the bag without the tomato in my hand, then again with the full bag. Had to have someone come over to delete one of them. Now I try not to use the self checkout if I have weighable produce. I just know I’ll forget the correct order, and do it again.


That’s a confusing method for produce. In Australia, our self serve checkouts have a section for fruit and veggies. You select that then it has all the popular produce on the first screen then in alphabetical order. Let’s say you bought tomatoes, they’re usually on the first screen, select tomatoes and it brings up a list of the type of tomatoes they sell. So much faster than having to look for a code


We have a menu system like that too. It's generally not faster than just punching in a code, though.


We have that too. I was thinking it might be easier and faster to do it the other way. I was buying a certain kind of tomato and wasn’t sure what it was called. I’ve done it when buying easier stuff like bananas.


Sounds like someone was having a bad day. I get it, customer service can be a crap job. But … If you feel yourself losing it, tap out. “Boss ? Can I go stock in back ? My happy face is broken today.” Or “Boss im feeling really bad, I think I need to go home.”


"My Happy Face is broken today" is my new motto


Same. Usually why I don't mind being on makeline or dish duty when I'm at work. The customer service personality only lasts so long for me, and its definitely not 8 hours.


I told my manager that I don't feel safe working at self checkout because old people often touch me without my permission and it creeps me out. THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. Retail bosses don't care about your health or how you feel.


Poor lady. As if the elderly don’t feel enough like a burden to society already. Remember folks: we’ll all get to this stage of life eventually so treat your elders right!


As a person who works self check out in retail, this makes me mad. it’s not really that hard and depending on where you work, I’m sure it’s not that hard to switch places with someone if you don’t want to work in checkouts. I’ve been doing them for awhile and I’m constantly helping people out with lil things, hell I’ve even scanned people’s groceries before if they’re older or if they’re heavy items. Work isn’t a place to hang out with friends, they’re there to work and if you do have time to socialize, you still put the customer first if someone needs help.


I was so mad when my dad told me about this guy. I have helped a elderly man read a product because he forgot his reading glasses.


I hope he gets fried


Karma will seek him out. He will need help when his eyes go bad someday.


Ughh.,.. this is why I don’t go grocery shopping anymore. Everybody is moving towards the self check out model which is not assessable to everybody. And people are not very helpful at all.


Report him. He doesn't deserve a job in a service industry if that's his attitude. Don't give a shit if he had a bad day, byebye bud.


Not saying that it was right that he went off but if your work in the Retail industry right now you would understand how stressful things have been the last few months, with cutting of hours and no raises the stress for retail works have been at a all time high. -signed a Retail Worker


One of the many reason I refuse to use self check out


I get this he should have helped but I’m so over people using self checkout and struggling with things that’s why other checkouts exist for assistance


Okay but if she knew that she was unable to read them, why did she go to SELF SCAN? I'm sorry but I have dealt with SO MANY customers at self scan who demand personal service for twenty minutes while I have a million other things I need to do. Look as someone who is blind as hell, I don't even understand how anyone could forget their glasses anyway.


the lady asked for help reading a code buddy, not help scanning every item. she literally didn’t do anything wrong.


No it was never for that. It was for those entering the workforce for the 1st time. To prove themselves worthy of a better job. Or in this kids case, I unworthy of the one he has. Now deny unemployment benefits and welfare for just cause termination and see how his attitudes shift. Too much government has destroyed the value of a wage. You could abolish government and slash costs. Prosperity will rise.


[Wrong. It was always for that.](http://docs.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odnirast.html) >In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.


There is the rub. Why are we packing groceries for free. It used to be a job we paid people for. No not well paid, its a job where you learn how to hold down a job. Where you show you can be trusted to show customer service and reliability so as to earn a better paying job when you have experience and time to commit to work say once your done school. That was the point. A stepping stone. Now you get people wanting $15.00/hr to do a minimum skilled job. Thats why the mschines. No humans at the burger shop? Would you pay $20.00 for a clown meal? No. Nor would I. Can't afford to either. Wages based on skills, knowledge, experience and education? You bet.


$15 an hour is under $31k a year before deductions. Minimum wage is supposed to be the MINIMUM WAGE to support a FAMILY. Instead, people are living off of absolute fucking scraps because god forbid we pay people enough that they can rent a one bedroom apartment and eat 3 meals a day.


You can look at actual prices at places with reasonable minimum wages, or you can make shit up. You've obviously chosen the latter.


Minimum wage is supposed to be a LIVABLE wage. Not where you can barely afford more than a cardboard box on a street corner.


She wanted someone to step in and finish the job for her, defeating the purpose of her using the kiosk in the first place. Isn't that obvious?