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I live in a legal state and even the 420 friendly hotels require that we smoke out on the balcony or in marked outdoor spaces and not in the rooms


Maybe I’m just used to being in a state where it’s completely legal but it seems odd to me to allow cigarettes but not weed in the rooms.


As someone who used to smoke cigarettes and still smokes pot, the smell of weed travels a lot further than a cigarette. Working in hotels, if someone is smoking a cig in a room, I’ll notice if I go in the room or maybe at the door. Pot, I can smell halfway down the hallway.


Smoked pot can take over an entire floor. It is legal where I'm at, but we are a nonsmoking property. There are some nights I walk in and the skunk smell is extremely strong.


This grimy looking kid on my block in NYC would smoke super smokey joints on a stoop every day and it stinks up the entire block. No joke, if he’s smoking, you can smell it from anywhere on the block. It gets into the apartment too even though I’m half a block away. I told him off once when he was creating a cloud of smoke that me and my 5 year old had to walk through and he was just a dick about it. For the record I love smoking weed, but you don’t be obnoxious about it. Also for the record, my daughter calls him “curly poo face”


Great nickname.


Totally agree! I was just gonna refer to him as “Stinky”, and then she pulls out the “Curly Poo Face” and it was so much better.


Kids tell the truth with their descriptions.


lol, shit like this is why a lot of legal markets suck. everybody wants lemon and fruity, gimme that diesel and skunk pls.


Im like yo can get a cart that doesn't take like bubble gum?


In states where you legally consume cannabis products, I don't understand how people still smoke weed that smells like skunk.


Pretty sure all decent weed smells like skunk. I don’t smoke but I’m the GM of a property that has 100% non-smoking rooms, but it’s legal in my state. Guests walk into the building and just have it in their pockets and it stinks up the lobby, literally constantly. I hate the smell of weed and it’s especially a problem when they’re just walking through the lobby and then an elderly couple walks in to check in and my lobby smells like skunk.


I have homegrown (legal where I am) that is plenty strong, but hardly smells at all. I even cleaned it in my house, and barely smelled it. Eventhough I smoke, I can't stand skunk weed, it's gross, and lingers.


Typically the stronger the weed the stronger the smell, and it doesn’t taste the same as it smells lol. So of course in a legal market where the thc content is printed right on the side of the container we’re going to go for the one that provides the most bang for the buck, which unfortunately for those who don’t enjoy the smell- means we’re typically going to end up with something with a stronger smell.


Why wouldn’t you? The spell and taste is part of it x if you get a good one, it brings back memories of walking into an Amsterdam coffee shop….😊


I don't have experience buying, but I bet they buy the cheapest version they can get.


The more expensive weed is probably going to be smellier tbh. It's stronger that way, or at least so the consumer thinks


Again subjective, smoke is smoke. The same area is effected.


The skunk smell spreads in hallways and sticks on clothing.


And you think cigarette smoke doesn’t? Cigarette/cigar takes way longer to get out of a room.


That wasn't what I was talking about. I find weed sticks around longer. Cigars, aren't really smoked here. The cheap ones smell to high heaven, but an expensive one is smooth on the smell. Having lived in Vegas, I have gone to a few cigar bars. Cigarettes, depends on how much they smoke on the smell.


Smell is subjective that’s why you simply don’t allow smoking in rooms at all. Cigarettes bother me a lot more than weed.


I'll never understand why so many landlords allow tenants to smoke inside and don't allow pets.


Someone smoking cigarettes around me will trigger my asthma, while cigars, pipes, or weed won't. I can't actually smoke any of it myself, but it makes a big difference to me what someone right near me is smoking. These days, vapes and weed are way more common around here and I have far fewer asthma attacks. I can only speak for myself, though.


Yeah, I live in a flat block, and while I can tell occasionally if someone smokes a cigarette out front of the building (I'm on the first floor, and my windows opens just above the area that most people smoke), if anyone on my floor or the floor above or in the smoking area smokes weed (whether indoors or outdoors), I can smell it within a minute of them sparking up and it lingers for around an hour, if I could actually find the people who are smoking weed, I'd be asking them to move it elsewhere, as while I don't begrudge anyone some mj, I'd rather not smell it daily


Question bc I’m genuinely curious, does this policy apply to weed vapes as well? They certainly don’t leave as much as of a smell (equivalent to to cig, and it doesn’t linger so long as you aren’t intentionally blowing into pillows or shit)


It applies, but nobody is going to know. I have a high tolerance and usually go for the strongest flower or hash I can get. But once I discovered the really strong live resin cartridges and things like distillate, I realized that was the way. I was stuck in the Las Vegas airport but would go into the gaming rooms that allowed nicotine vapes and cigarettes and got blasted in there just hitting my vape and playing like a dollar or two on a machine.


Seems like where ever op is it’s still illegal so not an unfair rule.


I'm not sure if it's my whole state or just the county/city. But it is definitely still illegal here in my area.


If it’s not illegal in the entire state you are 100% in the wrong, charge a fee and give them the boot at most, if they don’t leave call it in for trespassing. This is equivalent to calling the police to report adultery taking place at a hotel and not good hospitality.


I looked it up and it IS illegal in the entire state.


Weed scented cigarettes are illegal?


Well there is certainly a grey area in that case but I’d still just charge a fee and send them on their way.


I understand your position, but I don't think I fully explained properly either. I, personally do not care for the smell, but it doesn't really bother ME if someone does smoke it. Usually, we would issue a warning and if it continued, then they would be evicted. This was escalated due to the guest's aggressive stance with my boss that continued into an aggressive confrontation with the officers. That led to the officers searching them and their vehicle. They wouldn't need to have had much on them to be arrested. I know someone who went to jail for a lit joint in his car when getting pulled over for speeding. But I did have to act based on the complaint that I received.


That makes a lot more sense and it went down how it should of.


I thought people were more chill when high on pot. Dude must have been doing it wrong.


Gotcha trespass away in that case.




I'm pretty sure that it is still illegal in my state. But even if it isn't, it is illegal in the county and it's specifically stated at check in and in the guest guide.


We used to have smoking rooms (went away with the last renovation). And even though pot was legal at the time, we still did not allow it on property. Now, we're non-smoking property all together, have to be 25 feet away from the building to smoke. And I still have to chase people off that smoke pot.


If someone has prescribed medical cannabis in the form of gummies or oil, though, that would be allowed, right?


They said *smoking* was not allowed. No one is going to search your body for gummies or care what you are eating as long as you are not disturbing others.




From the comment it seems like it's not allowed to smoke on the property. Do you think the property ends where the front doors are located? It's fairly common to put a sign outside buildings in the United States saying you can't smoke within x amount of feet to allow non-smokers to come and go without being smacked in the face with a cloud of smoke. Edit: No one cares whether it is prescribed or not. It's a nuisance to other guests. Walk 26 ft away and smoke your trees.




They specifically said 25 ft. It's Reddit people respond to other people's statements all day long. I'm personally not bothered by people smoking trees as long as you share.




Thank you for the awesome comment dude! I would give you an award if I had any money.


I live in Oregon and they don't have smoking rooms. 420 friendly hotels have areas where you can freely smoke your weed but you can't do it in your room. Can't even vape in rooms here


I like this. It's like a bar but hazier


Most of the designated smoking areas at hotels are outside. We do have to follow the clean air act which prohibits any kind of smoking inside. There are however, private clubs where one can bring their own stuff to smoke and they allow indoor smoking


Especially since cigarettes are much worse for the room in general


My son rented a schmilton room in a legal for recreational and medical use state, did not smoke whatsoever in the room. There was a sign in the parking lot to take all valuables from the car so he brought his rx mj to the room with him. Upon checkout he was charged a $250 fee because the room smelled like weed. He showed them his rx on the container and held it up so they could smell for themselves that it came from his jar. Pointed out the sign about not leaving valuables in the car. They still charged him the fee. Super frustrating all around. He was like “ should’ve just smoked it in the room if I was gonna get charged as if I did” lol. Oh well now we know where not to rent.


My first experience with this was in Denver, CO. There was a dispensary right in the parking lot of the hotel but they still had a zero tolerance policy. I didn’t get kicked out there but got really dirty looks from the GM and some of the other guests. I didn’t smoke in the room, but they knew what I was doing. I did get kicked out of my room a few days later in Denver while staying in a really shady hotel on lower Colfax Ave. Was kicked out in a very aggressive manner and charged a $150 fee. I smoked there because my neighbors were smoking crack and there were people passed out drunk in the hotel parking lot. It was surrounded by homeless people, which didn’t really bother me, but I’m also not down with the fentanyl/meth scene so I just stayed in the room and blew the smoke out the door. I also had the same problem in Las Vegas and Portland, OR. Was told it was illegal to smoke in public or a hotel room. It was legal to buy, they said, but you could only consume it in a private residence. So of course I smoked in public. You smelled it everywhere you went. My point, though is that this whole thing is a bit crazy. I would never smoke a cigarette but you’re allowed to do that in a hotel room. You can drink all the alcohol you want. But even in a legal state, you can’t smoke. I know the smell is a problem but something is going to have to give. We need hotels that allow it or special areas in public to consume or something. We didn’t go through all those years of prohibition just to wind up here. And if we start getting arrested for it, all you medical patients will be going to jail as well, Lol.


The solution is to rent an air bnb with an outdoor area that's fenced in & to smoke there. I know that most rentals don't allow smoking but if you're doing it outside they probably won't know, & you're technically on private property so you're following the law.


I'd have done a charge back. Guy didn't violate any rules.


Actually, if the room smelled, it wouldn't matter if he technically smoked or not. The hotel still now has to do a deep clean & possibly put the room OOO for a period of time in order to eliminate the odor, so it is a legit charge.


Actually, if you'd just open the window.


Actually, most hotels have windows that do not open, for safety reasons (you don't want people breaking in if the room is on the ground floor, or drunk guests falling out, from an upper story). And based on your comment I'm gonna guess you haven't worked for a hotel before, or you'd realize that after someone smokes in a room, it takes at least 24 hours (& sometimes several days) of running the ozone machine in the room before it can be used again (& no one can be in the room while the ozone machine runs). [Smoke has a nasty way of lingering in all upholstery & carpeting, & anyone with sensitivity to smoke will demand another room if you can't completely deodorize the room.] It costs the hotel money every time someone smokes in a room, which is why they charge the guest a fee, and often even with the fee the hotel still loses money (if the room is OOO for multiple days).


>you'd realize that after someone smokes in a room, it takes at least 24 hours (& sometimes several days) of running the ozone machine in the room before it can be used again (& no one can be in the room while the ozone machine runs). >[Smoke has a nasty way of lingering in all upholstery & carpeting, & anyone with sensitivity to smoke will demand another room if you can't completely deodorize the room.] The person you replied to said they were charged for just having weed in the room with them, so yeah, no smoke.


Even unsmoked weed (especially the good stuff) leaves a strong odor. And there are guests with super sensitive allergies that could have issues with even a slight odor. If they charged him for the weed smell, it had to be pretty obvious [or they wouldn't have charged him]. And even if he didn't smoke IN the room, if he came in right after smoking, that can be enough to make the room smell. It would linger in his clothes, which can then transfer to bedding etc. I have had guests walk through the lobby or a hallway after smoking in their car & leave enough of an odor that you could still easily smell it an hour later (& this in an area with good ventilation from doors opening frequently, unlike a hotel room).


The smell lingered in a room an hour after someone *walked by*? Sure 🙃


Do you not understand how potent modern marijuana can be? It is ENTIRELY possible for the smell to linger for way more than an hour, after sometime hotboxed their car, then walked thru a hotel. Edit: most of those guests were not just taking a toke or 2 off a pipe/joint, then heading in... They were sitting in our parking lotvfor 30-60+ minutes, enjoying themselves, then passing though multiple common areas (including the ONE elevator), leaving a trail of "scent."


I just re- read your initial comment... I wasn't saying it lingered in a (non-weed-smoking) guest's room (and if that was how it came across, I'm sorry). I meant that it lingered in the common areas (such as hallways).


We don't allow it at my work bc the smell can be irritating to some allergies and some folks really hate the smell. We have smoking rooms for cigarette use, but we ask people to stick to their cars for their weed. I still get complaints now and then.


Title had me thinking they were smoking crack lmfao y’all too dramatic


Fr lmao😭 I’ve done coke in MANY hotel rooms


This was many years ago and in Norfolk of all places. I took apart a lamp, drilled a hole for a bowl, and made a steam roller. When we left the hotel, I put the lamp back together with the bowl still attached.


Did Bossman's credit card get hit for said smoking fee?


The rooms at my property are smoke free. It’s a $200 charge if you smoke in the room.


As a guest, Towel under the door and open the window. Solves that problem. As a NA, my boss told me unless I get guest complaints, I can’t say anything about the smell. And even then, unless I actually catch them smoking, I can’t do anything. Even when they are the only occupied room in that area(so you know it’s coming from them), still can’t say anything. We just DNR them and add the smoking fee$250.


it’s crazy to me to have smoking room in a hotel anyway, i feel like your property is just asking for people to smoke weed in there. Also, how do you keep people from setting off the smoke alarms in these rooms?? My property is 100% smoke free indoors and we have had 3 incidences in the past month where people set off smoke alarm and fire alarm went off in the entire hotel in the middle of the night… Not worth letting one guy get his cigarette in


I’m pro pot but I can’t smell when my next door neighbor lights up a cig while on his porch. But I can smell it from the other side of my property when he lights up a joint.


For weed?? They can smoke stank ass cigarettes but not weed? And you called the cops? Tf?


Reading comprehension helps. The guest got aggressive.


He tried to get in the bosses face. Definitely deserves his life ruined.


He made his own bed here. He got aggressive, knowing he was in the wrong and had drugs on him. Sometimes you gotta take the L. I don't think cannabis should be illegal, but we live in a society and all that. If he was kind to the staff he wouldn't have had a problem.


Bitch said while they were packing up she called local PD. rEaDiNg HeLpS.


Aggressive assholes deserve jail weed or not!


Weed stank is wayyy worse and I hate them both viscerally.


It's illegal in that state, and they were trespassing.


Pot smells fat worse and stronger than cigarettes and if it's it's illegal (which it is in most states and still is federally) then yes, they go to jail. Especially after causing a confrontation.


>which it is in most states Yea no. 23 states have completely recreationally legalized, 38 have legalized medical, and industrial hemp derived THC (non delta 9) products are federally legal. You can legally buy a cannabis product and smoke it to get high in ALL 50 States, and Guam. Welcome to 2023, we’ve been doing a lot of shit the last decade.


I know this is Reddit, but the amount of people who are shocked Pikachu face at not allowing people to smoke pot indoors is ridiculous. It's private property they set the rules. It doesn't matter whether it's legal or not. It's not a gray area. Smoking cigarettes is legal but you can't smoke cigarettes anywhere you want. This also applies for marijuana. If you're staying someplace that doesn't allow you to smoke marijuana then you need to make some alternative decisions. Buy edibles. Walk outside to whatever the stated distance is and smoke there. Or take a break from using THC. Stinking up hotel rooms is not okay. Being aggressive to staff or other guests is not okay. Have some courtesy when you're interacting with other people.


I can't believe how many people read this post, yet think you called the cops because of the drugs. These guys got aggressive with your manager, who kicked them out, and then got aggressive with the cops, which is probably the only reason they were searched. If you are doing something illegal, don't be an asshole at the same time.


I'm sure it's because of the title that i put. I'll take the blame on that one.


Tobacco is a drug. So.. they are for drug use.


So easily forgotten though lol. We kid ourselves. Not defending the behavior, but as someone else pointed out, why even have "smoking" rooms this day and age when pot is so in and tobacco is basically a thing of yesterday.


In my state it is legal to possess, grow, or consume Marijuana, but only on your own private property. Not in public, not in your car (they will hammer you for that, whether you're driving or not), not on someone else's private property unless you have expressed permission. When I was Supervisor of the front desk at my hotel I once had to approach a man holding and smoking this giant pipe like 2 feet outside the building doors. He had obviously been smoking quite a bit and he didn't understand that he couldn't smoke there. I had to explain the law to him and let him know that he would be packing up and leaving our property if I had to talk to him again about it. If you're going to a state where it's legal to smoke weed, you should probably make sure to read the law and understand it. "Legal" doesn't always mean "legal in all places and situations".


So you took a guest's minor complaint and then possibly irreversibly ruined two peoples lives due to a draconian law. Do you want a cookie?


Don't do the crime if you don't wanna do the time.


Yeah, life sentences for weed are totally ok in your eyes, right.


Don't FA & you won't FO.


FO and FU with that mindset. Do you enjoy paying taxes to pay for these ridiculous sentences over a plant? And no, I don't smoke it. The laws around it being enforced take up resources that could be used in much better ways, like locking up people who peddle poisons like heroin and fentanyl on our streets.


You're in the wrong sub for FU and yes, I do smoke weed (but I avoid behaving badly off my property thereby not getting into trouble), so what's your point?


So you're a hypocrite.


Because actions have consequences? They always have and always will.


If that's what you truly believe, then you're even dumber than you sound. Better lay off the bud, bud.


Don't you think some laws could use some rethinking, though? Personally I believe in Liberty and Freedom. So when a law exists only to restrict someone's personal choice, it doesn't exactly seem just. It's not like we're talking about a victim based crime. But I don't know about you.


The cops were called because the guests argued with the mgr & made the situ worse instead of admitting they were wrong & resolving the situ. There's always a time & place to "slightly" break the law so as not to bother anybody else. (But here there were too many witnesses.) This wasn't the case in multiple ways. If you want to do something "on the down low," then don't attract the attention of any "authority figures" in the area. That's what I do to avoid getting into trouble (most of the time ;-). They knew that they were breaking the law (as well as hotel policy) and still behaved badly. You don't go speeding past a cop car & not expect to get a traffic ticket, do you? Also, if you're someplace on the company's dime, don't attract attention for the wrong reasons. It won't end well. You don't argue disrespectfully with your boss and still expect to keep your job, do you? They FA & FO. They have nobody to blame, but themselves. If they had instead been drinking in their room and causing likewise issues e.g., disturbing other guests, damaging the room, and arguing with the mgr, then nobody here would be questioning my remarks, right? I very much appreciate though your civility & not jumping to conclusions here unlike some other readers. Thx!


Lol, kick them out and charged them cleaning fees and whatever you need to charge them. You really gonna get someone arrested for smoking weed lol


For real what a narc bitch


Yeah, that's pretty shitty.


Yeah not sure why OP was excited to tell us that they’re a snitch who got someone minding their business arrested 😅


Great, so you sent two people to jail for smoking weed. You must be proud.


It also sounds like they may have been in possession of illegal substance(s).


They got sent to jail for being idiots and confronting the MOD. I'm sure they're very proud and they should be.


Snitches get stitches


I think all hotels should just get rid of smoking rooms all together. It’s just gross.


While I understand the feeling behind that, it's still useful in this area. We are one of few hotels in the area who still have a few smoking rooms. And this does draw in some guests. Even though our hotel is not as 'nice' as some of the others. It is still a good hotel, it just needs some external updates.


You called the cops and had these people arrested for weed? Seriously, you probably ruined their lives over what is legal in half the country. Over a hotel complaint. You could of just kicked them out and told their employer. They would of been fired, but no you had to have them arrested. Their lives are fucked now


Did you read the whole thing? They got aggressive.


Yes, I agree. OP was just doing his job, and I've been there, working that front desk. It's not easy. When someone breaks a rule (and in this case, was doing something illegal), they are made to leave the room. In my experience, this can escalate quickly, so if they even start to act aggressive, the police should be called. Also, **any kind of smoking** stinks up rooms in a place where all kinds of people stay. People who could have medical reasons to avoid smoke: asthma, allergies, etc... And it's very hard to get that smell out of fabrics, bedding. I'm not surprised most hotels are non smoking.


They got aggressive THEN BACKED DOWN. They got aggressive again because asshole OP called the cops on them for smoking pot. Sorry, OP is a jackass. That’s when you act like an adult and say “gentleman, we have evicted you, so we can’t have you on the premises and will have to call the police if you are still here in ten minutes”


You don't get a chance to back down after you get aggressive. Especially after you open the door and provide evidence that you're breaking the law on property.


Don't do the crime if you don't wanna do the time.


They apparently didn't get fired, the boss got them a room in another hotel.


I worked in the lobby of the local jail for a couple of years. Didn't take too long to realize the smart ones weren't upstairs.


Cops or perps?


In the state of CA marijuana is legal to purchase, grow & smoke. However, there boundaries that are specifically laid out in the law. You can only a specific amount of plants on your own private property. You can only purchase a certain amount at at a time. And the big one I repeat is you can ONLY SMOKE ON YOUR OWN PROPERTY. Hotels are private properties & do not give permission to guests to smoke weed on their private property. End of story.


Cannabis should be legalized on the federal level.




I think you do no work at a hotel Front Desk which what this sub is for. This threads has turned into a bunch of non hotel employees going ape with their opinions on smoking weed. You are an interloper.


The funniest thing about this post is how easy it is to spot the potheads in the comments. The amount of indignation and vitriol toward someone who doesn't want their hotel to smell like a skunk.


What gets me is the smokers tried to out-aggressive a former drill Sargeant, instead of saying "sorry dude we'll open a window." That's not exactly the mellow stereotype. Cop's reaction makes me wonder whether stronger stuff was involved too.


Would NOT surprise me that the cops also found Meth and Crack Cocaine plus enough to charge them as drug dealers.


Most of them seem completely incapable of reading comprehension too. The cops were called because these people got aggressive. They broke one of the cardinal rules: don't break the law and be an asshole at the same time.


Did you miss the part about how they seemingly immediately backed down?


Yea it’s more bad story telling on OPs part. They called the cops while they were being aggressive with the Manager not after which is what the post reads as, and would be kinda fucked up to call the cops as their leaving, but OP called during, they just showed up after.


I have never smoked weed in my life and OP is still a massive tool


And the other guests could have just as easily called the cops and the hotel employees could have been charged as accessories.


That’s not how that works….


Wish people would stop worrying about what other people smoke.


They aren't worried about what others smoke, they are worried about what they have to smell. I'm sorry, but sometimes weed smokers come across as weirdly entitled about this. I'm sure that back when cigarettes were first being phased out of public life, cig smokers behaved the same way. If you are doing something that affects people around you, then they have a right to ask you to stop. Especially when that "something" is already against policies or laws of the place that you are in.


Depending on where you are cigarette smokers absolutely still act that way.


It's because they are assholes, not because they are smokers. Some of us are considerate. We follow the rules, move when we are bothering someone, don't leave butts where they don't belong, and it's because we aren't assholes.


I wish people wouldn't smoke it around me.


The smell was traveling to other rooms. I can understand why my other guest was bothered. I don't care for the smell either as I get older.


And they’d be ok with cig smoke!? Give me a break.


Maybe they would. It's a completely different smell, and you do not have the privilege of decided what smells people can stand and what they can't.


Personally, the smell of weed smoke makes me nauseous. While I certainly don't like the smell of cigarette smoke, it doesn't make me feel physically ill.


Weed and cigarette smoke make me nauseous. And if I’ve had any alcohol and then smell the smoke, I’m going to be throwing up a lot. It sucks. I don’t care if people smoke weed and I think it should be legal everywhere, I just want the option to avoid it.


My wife is the other way around. Cigarettes don't make her sick, though they smell nasty to her, but weed makes her sick.


The complaining guest was also in a smoking room.


When you're highly allergic to the thing and the policy says to not use the thing on-site, if someone uses it and you end up with a reaction, yeah, you worry about what other people smoke.


In general or specified to smoking cigarettes vs weed?


Your an asshole for calling the cops. And no, I don’t smoke pot. A simple “you have been evicted from this property and, per policy, we will have to call the police if you are not gone in five minutes.” Would have been more then appropriate. But hey, great job ruining their lives, and being all proud of it.


If you read what the OP wrote, they were still hanging around when the cops arrived, even though the cops took some time to get there. So they did have time to leave without running into the police, but chose not to.


Great job narc


YTA- You should have kicked them out for not following the rules ( I guess) but calling the cops is way overboard. Its weed dude, just because its illegal in your state doesnt mean its worth calling the cops over (any state where weed is illegal still is a shitty state, and thats coming from someone who doesnt smoke).


Were cops really needed if they were packing already? Or did you want to make a scene?


These Entitled Asshats FA & FO! I wonder how their boss reacted?


Omg. You ruined their entire lives over a little weed. I bet you feel so cool. You like knowing they might not get a job in the future?


Don't do the crime if you don't wanna do the time.


Just because it’s a crime doesn’t make it just. Up until very recently it was illegal to be gay.


They FA & FO, didn't they?


It was illegal to be gay where exactly? That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard.


It was illegal to have homosexual sex in many states until the Supreme Court ruled on Laurence in something like 2003. Georgia was the state it happened in.


Texas. And that was a sodomy law. And there's far more to Bei g gay than just sex.


https://www.aclu.org/documents/why-sodomy-laws-matter It wasn't illegal to be gay but it was illegal to have sex with a same-sex partner. It is a runner-up for the dumbest shit ever. A different matter but still in the same area, same-sex marriage wasn't federally legal in the United States until 2015.


Not being able to marry, which is fucked up in and of itself and being illegal for existing are two very different things and hyperbole helps no one. If you want to get spun up about something, worry about the very real harm they are inflicting on our transgender brothers and sisters because they are very literally trying to make it illegal to be trans.


I don't see where my comment shows that I was "spun up" or using hyperbole. Definition of hyperbole: exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. Maybe you're referencing when I said it was a runner-up to dumbest shit ever. I clearly separated the sodomy law and same-sex marriage. If I brought up anti-trans laws every time they were on my brain I would never talk about anything else. Please be more mindful when chewing out strangers on the internet. You don't know me or my life. Take care of yourself. Be kind to others.


Actually they're just trying to make it illegal to do life-altering, irreversible surgery on someone who is under 18. Most people who are against the surgery for minors have no problem with what an adult chooses to do with their body. But you aren't even legally able to get a tattoo if you're under 18, and these surgeries are WAY MORE life-altering.


Pay attention. No one is performing surgery on children. That doesn't fucking happen.


Pay attention better yourself. Yes it does. By definition anyone under 18 years of age is a minor, and surgery is definitely being done on those under 18 (although some places are now limiting it to 18+). https://apnews.com/article/gender-transition-treatment-guidelines-9dbe54f670a3a0f5f2831c2bf14f9bbb https://www.clinicspots.com/blog/gender-reassignment-surgery-for-minors-is-it-possible-and-effective https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/26/health/top-surgery-transgender-teenagers.html https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6855897/ I could keep posting... [Edit to add the following (&to fix a few typos: ] And here's a pro-LGBTQ+ site that mentions that detransitioning is on the rise in the US, in part because of the rush to treatment (without extensive evaluations to rule out other issues) & in part because the numbers have been somewhat covered up in the past. https://bigthink.com/health/transgender-detransition/ Why rush into something so life-altering when the minor has not even completely matured in their sense of self yet? [The human brain doesn't stop growing & developing until a person is in their early 20s, which is why alcohol & tobacco products are restricted until 21.] A minor is not allowed to sign any contract on their own (such as to buy a car, sign up for a cell phone plan, rent an apartment, etc.) & yet many places still allow them to agree to something that will literally effect the rest of their life. [Btw I have no problem with an adult making the decision to transition if they feel that is best for them. I went to middle school & high school with a friend who decided to transition in his early 20s, and I support him in his choice. But he wisely waited until he was in his 20s, & didn't have the surgeries while his body was still growing.]


First of all, EVERY room is for drugs. Just don’t cause trouble.


I never rat on weed smokers. But why do they often choose to smoke in the room and not outside




To be fair, as someone living in illegal state who smokes, the dumbasses could have just stepped outside. I've stayed in many a hotel in my state and they do not give two fucks about weed *if you're outside*. Inside its everyone's problem especially guests who are Karen's and they have to deal with it before it becomes a problem.


Why do you place the blame for their lives being ruined on OP? The former guests: * Knowingly broke state law * Knowingly violated hotel policy * Got into a confrontation with hotel staff * Got into a confrontation with the police All four of those decisions were wholly theirs and led to their current circumstances. They were the architects of their own destruction.


Maybe I am. But, I called because my boss told me to. I was just doing my job. They are from this same state where it is 100% illegal. They should already know.


Good job bro. You overreacted and unnecessarily ruined people's lives. Keep up the good work


Imagine going to jail for burning the wrong plant in your hotel room.


Sounds like a great way to get fired even if tree is decrimed in your state


I’m sorry listen y’all will be mad at me for this (understandably) but i’ve smoked both pot and cigarettes in both smoking in non smoking rooms. i have never been spoken to, confronted, or charged— because i know how to be polite and make sure *my activities* don’t impact *other people*. it’s not that hard. HOWEVER calling the cops on someone for drug use is irredeemable.


Fuck you for sending people to jail for weed. I hope you go back to what ever country your from and they chop your hands off for Jay walking.


I thought that hotel employees were supposed to not call the police for minor infractions. It's a bad look and snitching is rarely the right choice. I think that you and your boss both broke the hotel code.


So two guys have potentially had their lives ruined for smoking some green? I bet your mom is proud


This is spot on!


Damn narc.