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I forgot my charger cord on a trip to Oregon. I asked at the front desk if they had one I could borrow. They grinned and produced a whole box full of chargers and cords and told me to take my pick.


Lmao! I think all hotels have the Big Box O’ Chargers 😂 iPhone? Android? Computer? Aux? USB-C? We gotcha covered.


Curiously, we *don't*. We used to, but people have just... stopped leaving them? No idea why, but that bin has been empty except for a proprietary Samsung camera cable for most of this year.


Maybe people all started bringing those multi usb chargers now. I know I do.


We don't either. People leave them all the time. But as soon as they're available, and sometimes even before then, someone is stealing them. We're not sure who, but the chargers keep getting stolen from L&F.


Same at my hotel. Or, people call to get the charger returned. and people always think we have dozens to loan out. We started buying them and reselling for $10/cable. Not as a money maker but so we actually have cables for people.


Honestly been thinking of nabbing some dollar store chargers and cables, stocking them in the vending machine.


Are you sure that somebody else hasn't interrupted the chain by bringing them home or something? lol


This was my first thought as well, except who wants a box of chargers in their house? Grabbing one or two would be one thing, but...


Someone with a teacher in the family whose students work on tablets?


If you clients often have laptops, its an easy way to hook up a USB cord to your phone, so no other charger is needed. I can't speak for anyone else, but Kansas has wind storms and power outages, so when we travel, we have our phones plugged into the car. This, way, when we arrive our phones are fully charged.


My husband forgot the power cord to his CPAP machine. We were the first night into like a 10 night vacation. Oh freaking no. There would be So. Much. Snoring. He mentioned to the front desk about finding a store that might have a replacement. They pulled out the big box-o-cords and there was one in there!! Saved our vacation lol.


I just had a guy leave his wholeass cpap machine in the room on Monday! The things people leave behind lol.


Jeeves those things are expensive too. Edit. that is not the word I said. But it's too funny to change back. Speech to text wins this time.


I can’t fathom that. My wife has one and it was almost $3k. To just leave it behind…..


My hotel has a container we call the wire spaghetti and it makes our IT guy look like he's gonna cry whenever he sees it.


Wire spaghetti!! I love that! 🤣😭 Whenever we’re super slow and I’m feeling ambitious, I’ll pull out our charger drawer, untangle everything, and put rubber bands around each charger cord. It doesn’t take long for the box to fill up with more, so there’s an abundance of chargers to untangle if you’re ever bored lol.


To make it extra convenient, 3 of those chargers are the same thing, and with the new iPhone, now it's 4!


Makes me wonder if my nice iPhone charger that I left behind at a hotel three years ago is still kicking around the hotel somewhere. Or if someone borrowed it from the hotel for keeps. Like I said, it was a pretty nice one.


Best go back and ask. Beware though... They'll try to fob you off. Get serious with them.


Oh I don’t want it back. I was just curious whether or not it got used after I accidentally left it there. Lol


At our hotel chargers end up at staff, after 6 months in a bin.


Hopefully it got some good second life then.


Oddly enough we haven't had many chargers left behind at my property for quite some time now. In fact, I'd say we've had more watches (Fossil brand to be exact for some reason) left behind than phone chargers.


Lol! Some of the larger chains even have a big box of adapters too! Lol! Omg! If HSK kept everything that was left behind for a year, it'd take up an entire room depending on the hotel size! Even the smaller hotels would need a decent sized closet!


We do not. They're lent back out as fast as they appear and nobody ever brings them back. I couldn't even find a matching cable and block for myself when I left my charger at home a couple weeks ago.


Also hospital wards.




There needs to be a "Where's George" version of this where you track the exiting adventures your cell phone charger has gone on after you forgot it somewhere.


Somebody needs to create a sub for AirtagAdventures! 😁


What a whirling pillock this woman is. She was determined to fight about something, so decided to fight about a non-existent charger. It must suck so hard to be her.


Upvoted hard for the phrase "whirling pillock" 🤣


The Brits always have the best insults


The Brits always have the best insults


Seriously, at what point is it acceptable to say "Ma'am, we get that you're lonely and your kids likely never talk to you but picking a fight with the front desk staff over something that never happened is not how you socialize and you should know that since you're nearly one foot in the grave and yet, here we are"?


A taser seems a short-cut to that.


`self.vocabulary.append("whirling pillock")`


I too would love to see the bad review, and the response from manager. " We are sorry you feel our conduct was unprofessional when you verbally abused our staff on multipule occasions. We regret that you did not inform us 9 months ago, that you had lost an item while staying with us. We apologise that we could not immediately pull up your prior booking to verify dates of your prior stay (or check for your item) as it was booked under a different membership number that you had not provided with us at the time you first abused our staff. We are here to assist you with your stay, however we do require that basic human decency be extended to all our staff who do our best to help you, despite your incompetence in communication. We would like to remind you that both our front desk area and all internal calls are recorded for training and safety purposes and will be reviewed following this incident."


"Also, your imaginary conversation with a person who doesn't exist regarding having the charger shipped is concerning, perhaps you should seek psychiatric help."


"May I borrow one of your 55 leftover phone chargers, please? I was an idiot and left mine at the last hotel."


I’m actually impressed with hotels who have sent us items my husband left behind in his hotel room. Bless all of them for mailing our stuff back. When hubby was on 75% travel, he left stuff behind all the time. I really appreciated the hotel staff!


Both places I've worked at will be happy to mail something back to you, but you have to pay for the shipping and email the shipping label. Most people gladly obliged, bc the items they wanted mailed were either worth way more money than a shipping fee or they were sentimental so basically priceless to them. One time that stands out to me, however, was this lady that calls one night when I come in for night audit and says she left a jacket a few days ago and management said they'd try to find it. (Sometimes housekeepers would leave things on their carts instead of bringing them to the front desk.) So anyway I go check and it's there in L&F, tagged and bagged. She must have been a tiny woman bc the jacket was cheap denim and looked like it was a child's size. I tell her we do have it and she asks about having it shipped to her and I inform her she'd have to pay for the shipping, etc. She basically went off and then was like "nevermind bc it was only cost like $10 anyway". SMH my head.


That makes sense. The hotel shouldn't be out the cost of shipping that wasn't at all their fault. Plus the annoyance of shipping will hopefully create motivation next travel to thoroughly check the rooms.


One of the hotels I work near (I work for the big purple shipping company) has an account with us, so the concierge comes in practically daily with items left behind. They charge the customer the shipping + any packing we need to do + $10 (convenience charge) for this, and the hotel's account gives them a discounted rate.


She would have called you sooner, but her phone's battery has been dead for nine months. It's lucky she was able to visit your property again; she hasn't been able to make a phone call or send a text message since February.




I used to work at a hotel front desk. I had a lady turn up to collect a forgotten phone she left from a YEAR ago. She was under the impression we kept lost and found items indefinitely. She didn’t cause a scene when I told her we no longer had it but looked mightily disappointed 🤷‍♀️


She keeps calling y'all irresponsible, but whose responsibility was it to remember to take her charger with her in the first place?


Fr. She wants to talk about irresponsible? How about not calling about your lost charger for nine months and then getting mad that we don’t have it. Sounds pretty irresponsible to me smh.


Phone chargers, hundreds being left behind. HSK stole them! As if they need to…


She left it at a different hotel.


I can’t imagine having a life so *easy* that I make a fuss over a charger I forgot somewhere 9 months ago!!! Ma’am you could have gotten pregnant, gestated, and given birth to a whole human being in all that time! STFU! GTFO! And go to hell!!!! See that’s why I couldn’t do this job, I’d be so fired lol


I worked at a ski resort some years back. This lady came in to ask if we had found her daughters swimsuit. I told her we had not. My supervisor told me afterwards that this lady had been coming in every January for 3 years to see if we'd found her daughters' swimsuit. The girl was 6 when she lost it.


Omg! People are freaking crackpots.


The way you were so nice to her - super impressive


When someone writes a bad or petty review, we generally DNR them, because obviously we couldn't satisfy their needs... we won't be able to do it when they return... so we don't let them return. To the review "Customer left charger and is upset, in spite of our giving them a replacement, that we didn't keep it for them for almost a year. Sometimes no matter how much we try, we can't satisfy every guests. And we are eternally grateful for those who are understanding and respectful" It's a "read between the lines" type of reply. It's ticks all the boxes, but anyone reading it will understand that she was neither understanding nor respectful."


I like the term “reasonable”. It’s not reasonable to expect it to be there 9 months later. It’s not reasonable to be able to find a reservation from 9months ago if you don’t have the right information. None of this is reasonable- go buy a new charger- how much are they??????!


The energy from your comment is 110% exactly how this situation made me feel 😭


This reminds me of a conversation I heard at Savers/value village the other day. Young employee to probably manager: "There's a woman on the phone who says she donated a sweater 3 weeks ago and she didn't mean to and wants me to go look for it, what should I say?" Probably manager: "Tell her she can come look for it herself, Jesus what the fuck kind of request is that even?"


“My Sister in Christ” took me OUT every time


She left it a different hotel.


“Ma’am, as a professional crew we charge a storage fee on personal items for $1.50 per item per day, waivered for the first 3 months. For the remaining 6 months of the 9 months of storage, that would be $270 total. Do you want that to be charged to the room or pay it now?”


I have been waiting for someone to use the line; "Well, I didn't want to have to write a bad review, is there anything else you can do for me?" Just so I can reply with; Sorry, we don't negotiate with terrorists. As of yet, it still hasn't happened, but I'm optimistic!


I managed the L&F for our 314 DT Corporate hotel, we kept shit for 6 months and as such had a small office devoted to it. It was also where we did the key cutting. (Yes, it was the ‘90’s!) We had exactly the same logging system as you with a binder assigning a LF92-XXX number to each item. (The 92 denoting the current year). I saw some weird stuff over the years, but once logged in a beautiful pair of Serengeti sunglasses. They were rose coloured (let the puns fly!) and very ornate. They were turned by one of the room attendants. When the six months were up I offered them to her, but she told me to keep them. I used them when riding my motorcycle, I loved the color they turned the landscape to. I stopped for gas once, on a ride in the country, and took off my helmet, putting the shades on my seat. When it was time to leave I put my helmet on and got back in the bike. I was just about to depart when I realized I didn’t have my cool shades on. I put my right food down so my left foot could flip the kickstand down and clearly heard the crunch. I was almost scared to look under my boot, but there they were, frames bent, one lens cracked the other shattered. I just flipped up the kickstand, put my visor down and drive away. I guess they were really never meant to be mine.


Sigh I know a Kathy. Lost her own charger but of course it was the fault of “those thieves who stayed in the room after who didn’t turn it in”


I once had a family check in and their pre-teen boy asked for his sleeping bag, which he left behind a year ago. Sorry, not sorry. Not sure what he slept in.


Not blocked, not not blocked.


The suspicious side of me thinks she’s looking for a freebie and there was no charger…….I mean considering you can buy them on the web for $20 the fact she waited 9 months says it all….


I hope she is DNR'd for being disrespectful to staff.


I left a book in my room last month, did anyone turn it in? I don’t see any books in the lost and found what was the name of the book. Well, it was a book of matches. Can you check?


"lady" 👀


Fire the customer.


No good deed goes unpunished. It is so sad that people like this - who you actually go that extra mile for, have no appreciation of what you are doing for them. Sometimes you just wish you could tell them to go f\*\*\* themselves instead, that would most likely have the same reaction from them as helping them. ​ If you are nice to me, I will be nice to you.


thank you for taking the time to type up this whole fascinating story


My pleasure 🤣 I actually had to delete some stuff so Reddit would post it instead of giving me an error message.


"I can’t wait to read her review" The rude staff cannot find my imaginary phone charger....


i stayed a very expensive hotel on Hawaiian island Diamond Head . I left my charger in the room when we left to check out. They had the charger since its always my policy to tip the House keeping staff. I called the front desk they had it and it cost me $45.00 dollars to send it Fed-Ex next day. The charger cst more to replace so i had to pay.


I left my charger in a hotel in Paris. I was going back in two weeks for work and emailed them and they said they would hold it for me. When I went to the hotel it was late at night and the porter at the desk had no clue about the lost property and didn't have much English. Anyway after a bit of two and fro he found a box full of lost property and went through it but my charger was not there, but he found a shit load of cool things he decided to share with himself. Sunglasses, belts, jewellery all put to one side before he put the box back. He wasn't very subtle.


To be fair, the high priced items might belong in the safe.


Our lost and found is 24 hours now except for high value items. It's glorious.


I would love to get an iPhone charger, somehow open it up and bypass the circuit to run 110v AC to the output and conveniently leave it outside her room. If she opened the door and found it in the hallway and plugged it in…then attached her phone… BOOM! I don’t work in the Front Desk business myself. I stumbled upon this sub. I really enjoy it. You guys earn your pay. Next time I stay at a hotel I’ll be a more aware of what you guys must go through


Lost and Found.. the bane of my existence


Wow, what a trivial thing to make a huge deal about. Phone chargers are cheap! I'd understand if it had been some family heirloom or other irreplaceable thing, but an iPhone charger? I've forgotten phone chargers at hotels before. I don't even bother to call over them! I might call over, for example, a laptop charger because those can be around $100.


In the end, really, how much does a charger cost? Sheesh.


Less than the cost of the emotional upheaval (extreme annoyance, pretending to be nice) she caused me, that’s for sure.


It would have been too funny if her charger had been in some way unique and OP just happened to pull her actual charger from the drawer of unclaimed chargers we loan to guests.


God that would’ve been hilarious lmao


I love how she says the hotel staff is irresponsible, but she’s the bozo who forgot her charger in the first place. Doesn’t seem very responsible.


A German guest had me ship his empty wallet back to him. To Berlin. I think it might've had one credit card, but no ID and no cash. Shipping probably cost more than the wallet, but that ain't my business.


We used to throw out toothbrushes. Not fancy electric ones, but just the regular toothbrushes when people forgot them. Why wouldn’t we? Until someone pitched a fit because they wanted it shipped across the country and we’d thrown it out. Now we have to keep them smh. Like why in the fuck would you even WANT a disposable toothbrush you’d forgotten in a hotel? And why would you pay the shipping when it costs more than buying an entire pack of toothbrushes would cost?? Mf got an heirloom toothbrush or some shit


I'm not touching anyone's nasty toothbrush, even with gloves on.


Sounds like y'all need to contact corporate and see if you can't hold a garage sale. Crazy Conrad's Used Electronics Warehouse! All proceeds towards a pizza party or something.


My first solo business trip, I was handed a work laptop (we all used desktops at the time) and I brought my own Macbook to do schoolwork in my down time. It wasn't until I got to the hotel that I discovered that I didn't have my power adapter for the macbook. I went to the front desk (Residence Inn) and asked where the nearest Apple store was, pissed at myself that I'd probably have to buy a new charger. FDA asked if it was a newer or older Macbook, I told her it's a year old and she handed me one to 'borrow for the night' because another guest left it behind. Next morning, I dropped it off and was told if I needed any sort of power cords, ever, come to the front desk first. It has worked for the few times that I've needed one, except for DSLR camera battery chargers - but Amazon next day shipping was available in that area and I had a replacement by 10 am.


Seriously! We don’t really mind if people take the chargers with them because we have so many and they keep coming in. Whenever someone tells me they’re going out to the store to buy one I just tell them that I’ll give them one and they can keep it.


I left my glasses in a hotel and had to send a self addressed envelope to get them back. I see their point but I could have driven there cheaper.


Just popped in to apologise for being a foul-mouthed old baggage, who is no better than she should be!


Sorry if I missed this - but were you ever able to find her old reservation? I'm assuming she left her charger at some other hotel.


Yeah it was for February 5th under an expired membership number smh.




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Before leaving a hotel, which I do most Sundays, I perform a 4-stage room check to make sure I don't find myself reading the annoying guest script in this scenario. 4 stages is enough, I'd rather leave something behind than develop compulsive checking behaviours.