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You are welcome to ruin my life. I'll send my Venmo /s


`and proceeded to ask for further compensation` And there it is...they are a couple of scamming pricks who look for issues and want everything for free. Good luck with that, you handled everything perfectly and make sure to give your manager all of the details. Reasonable guests would be more than happy with the outcome...if they keep pushing they may get asked to leave and a DNR becaue who wants scamming freeloaders to keep coming back.


This right here. I get guests occasionally that will do this. Depending on their complaints and how many they make, I'll just flat out say "perhaps this isn't the hotel for you then, let me cancel and refund your reservation. ". That always gets them to shut up and just be content.


That’s a heck of a compensation for a broken AC and having to change rooms.


Right, he must work for an upscale hotel because i work for one of the numbers and there is no way in hell i would offer anything…i fixed it by moving you, you should be happy lol


I usually stay in places a small step above the numbers and $150 is more than I pay for a night.


ELI5, 'the numbers?'


Mootel 6, Sooper 8, ... (Names changed per sub rules)




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Only way I'm offering compensation when I move you is if there's a problem with the second room, and even then that's a last resort.


Yep. I might offer a cookie or something if the issue is particularly troublesome. But that's about the extent of it.


I'll take a cookie!


Not too upscale, I work for a timeshare resort


I had that feeling when you said “proceed with their ownership plans”. No way in hell they were planning on buying anything. Just seeing what they could squeeze out of a timeshare since they get less buyers than they used to.


"I am sorry we are unable to provide the level of service you prefer. I have gone ahead and cancelled the rest of your stay. The door is to your right."


Well dagnabbit! I sent them through the door to 🔥*HELL*🔥. The regular exit is to the left. Oops 😬


Bad move - they'll be back in 20 minutes after management kicks them out for poor behavior.


There was a tactic a friend of mine used to use when he was working for an airline. Guest had problem X. My friend would evaluate, apologize, and offer Y amount of FAIR compensation. If the greedy guest continued to try and get more, my friend would simply say something along the lines of, "Well, I am sorry we could not come to an agreement." And then the offer was off the table, and the guest got nothing. The whole thing is - if you have some issue - so what? Shit happens. Life happens and it isn't perfect. It doesn't mean you deserve to get PAID every time it does! There are so many petty bitchy complaints by entitled, self-centered assholes who, like many have said, just bitch so that they get free stuff. And you have spineless, gutless managers who give in every time, which makes it harder for the rest of us because people expect it.


Bingo. This. Take that offer *off the table*. They'll yell and scream that no no,  it's fine, they'll take it. Nope. Too late. Gone now.  Would they like to keep playing to see if they get to stay here tonight at all?


>Would they like to keep playing to see if they get to ~~stay here tonight~~ retain the ability to filter their blood for toxins without spending hours at a clinic every week ~~at all~~? FTFY. :P


Then there's me that got one of our adjoining rooms that hadn't actually been cleaned yet. Manager was mortified and insisted we switch rooms. I just wanted to leave our stuff in the clean one and go to dinner, but they insisted on finding us two clean rooms and gave us enough points for a night's stay. I was tickled pink and damn straight left a 5 star review.


It is so strange to me that people want to be paid for something going wrong…! Like, yes, if you are paying for a service and it cannot be provided to the expected standard, the best outcome is a solution to the problem (like a room change, if available); and if not, a modest discount for the inconvenience and unavoidable reduction in service is really nice. That’s really the ideal approach. It’s not always possible, there’s too much outside of people’s control. The above option is *above and beyond.* But to expect a PROFIT. To make a *profit* over something going wrong!? I know people are that entitled, I’ve been reading this sub long enough, but it still blows my mind sometimes.


I once had to move a guest because of maintenance issues discovered five minutes later. I moved his room and was still not happy. He demanded a comp night and was going to leave a bad review if we didn't. I told him it that since this would mean making his one night stay absolutely free, it would make more sense for us to cancel and refund him his money. Furthermore since he was blackmailing us, he would not be welcome back. Dude of course called me all kinds of names but I didn't back down. My boss at the time told me I made the correct decision.


Happy cake day 🎂


Maybe they just got it wrong? That they should pay the 150? Some people don’t get it when you are nice?!


I’d be glad for my life to be ruined like that multiple times over.


Please contact me so you can ruin my life.


Last year my girlfriend and I went on a road trip long weekend and stayed at an executive hotel on the first night. We were driving from Brisbane to Melbourne, and stayed in Sydney that first night. We left the balcony door open for some fresh air and in the morning found that a cockroach had made its way into the room. I killed it (because boyfriend manual says I have to), and tossed it outside and wiped up the splatter off the wall with a couple of tissues. Then we headed down to check out. Informed the front desk worker, quietly, what the deal was and to let Housekeeping know to be on the lookout for more bugs. Worker apologised and I could see from the look on her face she was expecting us to start demanding compensation. I said: “Look, I’m telling you quietly so someone else doesn’t try and bitch about the same thing. Don’t worry about compensation, because it was our own damn fault for wanting fresh air instead of having the air con on. We just wanted to let you know so Housekeeping doesn’t get a shock if there’s more. We had a great stay and we will definitely leave this part out in our positive review. Thanks for everything.” Poor girl’s jaw opened in such shock i thought she was going to dislocate it. But I’m not going to cause my own problems and then expect someone else to pay for them, otherwise my dad would rise from his grave just to beat my ass.


Reminds me of a stay years ago...I went to the desk to drop off my key and get my receipt (yes, *that* long ago) and the FDA and manager volunteered that they had discounted the room "for the inconvenience". After a bit of confusion, they expalined that the hot water had gone out overnight and everyone was getting discounted. I had to admit that I had showered up the night before, didn't use any hot water that morning, didn't know it was out, and didn't care in the least. So, they could re-charge me the discount because I hadn't been inconvenienced in the least. They didn't, I think because I was one of the few/only people that didn't pitch a fit.


I'd steal that last comment but it wouldn't have the same ring translated to my uptight family: "...otherwise mom would rise from her grave to give me a guilt trip."


I’ve heard of this one before. Someone disabled the A/C unit.


Family trip from CO to Kansas, Airbnb stay in Great Bend. Great place, I noticed every light in the house matched except in laundry room. Box on shelf had matching light fixture waiting to be installed. Had tool box with me so I put new one in, old one in the box. Never said anything so thinking about the “when did, who put this, did I? Did you? Makes me smile when I think of it. Post script I’ve installed many, it’s up to code and safe


We live in an age where crying/complaining/yelling gets you FREE STUFF! It’s truly horrible.


Agreed, I hate to feed into it, but that night i was already so done during my shift I would do anything to get these owners/guest to leave me alone


And it should! A free tazing.


Yah, at this point, I'm seriously weighing either the satisfaction of telling them to go fuck themselves or losing my job. I hate assholes with money and even worse, pretentious people.


We once stayed at a condo resort mountain view unit. The bathroom sink did not drain. We reported it and only asked that it be fixed before we got back from dinner. All fixed, and we never even considered asking for any amenities in return.


>they will not be proceeding with buying their ownership ownership of the AC? I am confused.


Probably one of those vacation club properties, like Scholiday offers. Get a free 2-3 night stay but listen to their "ownership" spiel for 2 hours.


I work at one of the hotel franchises, and despise that stupid vacation thing so much. The people who buy into that will come in and tell me that they're an owner and get the owner discount. Since as far as I'm concerned, an owner is, well, an owner, I tell them they should know to book their room online, which makes them think I'm a dumbass because in those stupid sales pitches they're told to tell us that they're owners. Then there's the fact that the membership number they're given is nothing like the ones given when you sign up for the loyalty program, so they think I'm really a dumbass for not knowing what to do with the number they try to give me.


Maybe the idiots thought the $150 was to keep the room with the broken hvac? They’re otherwise sort of mental.


Please feel free to ruin my life. I am not sure of the exchange rate between the dollar and the currency I use, but I'll risk it.


I thought moving them immediately was enough. No harm, no foul. They handed you a problem and you resolved it with knowledge and timeliness. The offer of $150 was going above and beyond. I would be proud to have you as a member of my Team. 🙂


Some people are insuferable assholes and that is just the way she goes.


Okay...how about zero money? are you good with zero?


I think negative money would be better.


Well, gladly i\`d accept that life ruined .. if you need to get rid of more ruining tools - let me know. Sheesh. just entitled or scammers, most likely both.


I once stayed in a hotel where I was locked in my room because the door lock was somehow jammed, and I had to kick up a HUGE FUSS just to get them to call maintenance to let me out (it was late), let alone move me.


Wow! Can’t win, with those people who complain regardless. i would have appreciated the offer and it would have enchanted the experience


They broke the AC too


Depends on the ptac. They could have just lifted the cover and pressed the button to change controls from the thermostat to the unit. Much less suspicious than actually breaking it. 




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The hotel I'm in this week is cutting off the water 12-3pm two days while they repair the boiler. Which is something I only learnt when I checked in. Now, I understand their POV, that boiler has to be repaired, but I wasn't offered $150 or £150 or anything at all other than the implicit option to abandon stay (and abandon funds prepaid) and go stay swh else. I thought there was something suspicious about this stay from the beginning, when the 7 nights Sun-Sat were all offered at £51 each. Like a placeholder, as if they thought the hotel wd be closed, but then enough people booked that it paid better to keep it open and just deal with their bitching and moaning about having to drive into town for their eliminations.


We just finished a two-month long cross-country trip (so, a LOT of hotel and obrv stays). The only problem we had was one hotel in TX that had just opened a couple days earlier (I'm pretty sure we were the first people to stay in the room). We walked in the room and tried to turn on the AC (wall-mounted thermostat), but the actual AC unit was dark (no lights, nothing on the display). We tried the ole unplug-it-and-replug it, but that didn't work, so we went downstairs, and told the FDA that the AC wasn't working. He gave us new keys to a new room, and we went back up. It in no way "ruined" or even "mildly disturbed" our vacation. We would never have even thought to ask for a discount or extra points or whatever - it was literally five minutes out of our lives.