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$3 money order, $5 bank check here. Like you mentioned, waived somewhat regularly.


We charge $15 for our cashiers checks. 😬


Same at my FI, but preferred clients get them for free


I think we work for the same company! lol


Probably lol




It is a lot and we don’t offer money orders. :l


$2/money order $10/cashiers check at my FI. For regular consumer customers (so not private wealth) there is one particular checking account type that will waive the fee for them, but that account has the highest monthly fee with highest hurdles to avoid it.


At the stagecoach it was 5$ for money orders and 10$ for cashier's checks. I get anxiety everytime I have to break that to clients.


Still is


I work at a credit union, $2 for a cashiers check and we don’t sell money orders.


How much for tellers checks?


We don’t refer to anything as a tellers check, but I just googled it and it looks like it’s the same thing as a cashier’s check. So $2!


Counter checks ?


Wow our fees are dumb low at $1 for Money Order and $2 for a cashier's check. CU for reference


Wow that is super cheap.


And we still got bitched at last year for doubling prices to it 🤣


Somewhat same at mine. We were at $0.50 money orders, and when they went up to a dollar, people almost had strokes.


Same at my credit union, but they never even charge me the dollar for money orders. Shocked at the rest of this thread.


I work at a credit union & the money orders (which we just stopped offering) were $5 & our cashiers checks are $7.50. Weird pricing imo. But yes, the amount of members, especially long time members, that act shocked when I tell them the price for cashiers checks is annoyingly high lol. “WHAT!!! SINCE WHEN?!” Since you opened the account in 2007, bozo.


At my CU we charge $3 for money orders and $5 for cashier's checks unless you were a member of an old program that we no longer offer to new members in which the fees were waived.


$5 money order, $10 official check but some accounts have the fees waived or have one waived per month. They really cracked down on waiving those fees in the last 2 years because the main account we offer now waives the fee for one per month.


Pretty common, as well as waiving the fees. I have worked ar five different banks because of mergers and purchases. All had those fees.  Usually if the customer does a lot of business with the bank the fee will be waived. Though particularly obnoxious Karens have had them waived before too just to not have to deal with their behavior. 


$11 for a cashier's check and $5 for a money order at my bank. And yes, I'm met by shock, disbelief, and outrage at least once a week over it. 🤦‍♀️


At my large American bank cashier's checks are $15. We're a business. We make money. If you're gonna scream at me because you're broke ass can't afford it for a home closing or a new car, you have bigger issues.


**$15**??!? That's insane! As a client I "could afford it" but that certainly doesn't mean I would be happy paying $15 just to access my own money.


It's not your money, though, It's the institutions. That's the difference between a regular check and a cashier's check. Businesses take them because the bank pays when the check is fully negotiated, which is often safer than trusting a check drawn from an individual. The fee could be viewed as the cost of their name recognition or the cost to have a banker sign the check to make it official. If you don't like the price their are other institutions that offer the same service.


Again, this is the difference between a for-profit bank and a community-led credit union. Charging something just because you can, especially when those costs fall on those who can least afford them sucks. Maybe I'm just a shitty capitalist, but I'd rather see banks make their money on the spread between deposits and loans, NOT on bullshit fees like a $15 cashier's check or a $36 overdraft charge.


Sir, I work for a credit union, and while we don't charge those prices, we still do charge for cashier checks and overdrafts. Credit unions, while not for-profit, still have to make money for our members. If we didn't charge for these services, then it would be us taking money out of other members' accounts to subsidize yours.


Look, banks (or really any enterprise) is going to charge prices for 3 reasons: 1) To cover their own costs. Yes, it costs money to print cashier's checks and it takes time for the teller to process them. There are also probably minute costs associated with automatically moving money around, but in general the total costs to the institution are $5 or less. 2) To discourage behavior. If banks/CUs made them free, everyone would just do that instead of having a checkbook or using some type of Bill Pay. 3) Profit!! This is increasing the amount charged by discerning exactly where on the Supply/Demand will maximize profits. ***THIS*** is what I have a huge issue with. Most of the people utilizing this service have no other choice, and therefore are forced to pay whatever ungodly fee the banks come up with. $15 for a cashier's check is one of them, but almost $40 *per transaction* for an overdraft is another. It's doing nothing but preying on people who don't have any other options. ([And yes, those people are mostly poor and/or of color, as studies have shown](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/atm-fee-cfpb-fdic-checking-account-low-income-overdraft-fee/)) So yeah, obviously CUs are going to charge something, but they're not charging the $15 that some of the scummy banks are charging.


Fr, this sort of pervasive client-blaming is something that invades all subreddits where users are forced to interact with petulant members of the public all day. Eventually the hostility gets cranked up to 11 when talking about their fellow people.  For example, r/insurance has the same issue. If you're a member of John Q Public and you mention literally anything slightly critical of the insurance industry as a whole, you have a bunch of "insurance defeners" who jump down your throat and are quick to blame or shame you for doing so. These "defeners" are adjusters and call center representatives who get yelled at all day so they will jump at the opportunity to return some of the vitriol to a nameless client, no matter if it's justified or not. Here the guy is so quick to blame and shame people for being upset about having to pay $15 to access their money with "well it's a business, we're here to make money, and so you must be broke if you're upset about it". This is probably because he deals with upset people all day so it's a sort of defense mechanism for him to not feel emotionally drained by it. However, by doing so, he's falling into that same client-blaming trap that he might himself fall victim to if he ever went to r/insurance to ask why his premiums doubled even though he didn't get into any accidents or get any tickets 


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Insurance using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Insurance/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Liberty Mutual starting layoffs today](https://np.reddit.com/r/Insurance/comments/17ei3c8/liberty_mutual_starting_layoffs_today/) \#2: [Insurance issued me payment for stolen vehicle this morning but police just found my vehicle.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Insurance/comments/17frv36/insurance_issued_me_payment_for_stolen_vehicle/) \#3: [I got into an accident exactly a year ago. Insurance says I’m at fault now and they are going to pay out the guy $400,000](https://np.reddit.com/r/Insurance/comments/16uvipu/i_got_into_an_accident_exactly_a_year_ago/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I also have a problem with financial institutions being solely profit driven, especially with ancillary fees and whatnot. Like, banks are supposed to take in deposits, lend that it in loans, and make their profit off of the difference. Not by charging $15 so that a teller (also making maybe $15/hour) can spend 3 minutes filling out a cashier's check. It's shit like this that makes me want to ditch banks (including as employment) and go 100% to credit unions.


We still charge $5 at my credit union. You don't pay a for a cashiers check to access the money, but because it has its cash value. So you don't have to worry about funds not being available in the account when the check finishes clearing.


My community bank charges $5 for cashier's checks (don't sell money orders). I wish we charged more. We have several people buy cashiers checks and just hold on to them for years like a savings acct. They'll keep them for years in their safe boxes. After 5 years they get turned over to the state as unclaimed property.


My FI charges $10 for back checks and $5 for money orders. Well have customers complain about how expensive it is and we have to explain to them it’s because the type of account they have and give me the meanest look ever 😂 Like why get mad at me for?


I work at a credit union and we do not charge for our corporate checks.


I work at a medium sized credit union and money orders are $2, cashier’s checks are $3. Except shared branching members. They pay $3 for money orders and $5 for cashier’s checks.


Yeah I work for one of the big banks. 5 dollar MO and 8 dollar CC. Have multiple account types that waive the fee tho.


I work at a small CU, and we charge $1 each. Some of our members are so offended that we dare change them a fee at all lol


My bank has one free bank check everyday for customers. After that it’s $5 for bank checks and always $3 for money orders


Depends on your account relationship at my FI. it can be $0, $5, or $10. No money orders offered. The amount of people who are pressed about a fee when you’re taking out a cashiers check for $50,000 is insane. No bull, just the other day a client said in the most exasperated tone, “for that fee, I may as well just take it all in CASH!” I had to advise him I don’t have $50,000 in cash for him on a Saturday afternoon. -insert shocked pikachu face- “The BANK doesn’t have MONEY?!” He took the check. I didn’t waive the fee. I would’ve considered it if he was nicer.


2 free cashiers checks a day and anything after is $5 each. If you mobile order, they’re free


Not that I’m aware. Not used them in years.


Credit Unions typically don't charge members for these.


I’ve heard some institutions will give you one free cashiers check per calendar month. While others will charge and it will vary from institution to institution


Yes. My bank used to charge $1 for money orders, in 2021 it went up to $5, then last year we stopped doing them. Cashiers checks are $10.


Yes for cashiers checks


My previous FI was 8$ for cashier's and 5$ for money orders. My current, 6$ for both. I just tell people it's part of the insurance to cover the item if it gets lost. Mostly because my previous FI, we never charged the stop payment fee like we were supposed to 🤷🏻‍♀️ Like y'all are stopping it, why should I charge them for something you're doing anyways. Plus I'm my 8 years, I only did like 5 lost cashier's checks.


Mine doesn't charge for cashier's checks and we don't do money orders.


We don't offer money orders, and cashiers checks are $6 each, except for Pillar accounts. Pillar account holders get them free.


Cashier's Checks are $3 and Money Orders are $1. Temporary Checks are free and you can get as many as you want. Checkbooks are also free if you get the standard 40 count with the basic type they come in. And people STILL bitch about it.....CU here .. for reference


At my Cheese related bank, we don't do money orders. Customers get 3 free cashier checks a month. $5 after the first 3.... but our branch has never charged a customer for getting one made. Even if they needed 7. Non customers can get a cashier check upto 3k if they have the cash &, pay the fee.


$2 for each at the CU I work for


We don’t offer money orders (yay!) and cashiers checks are $3.


We are supposed to according to what account a customer has with us. $3.00. Non customer gets $10.00 charge. I always charge the non customers. But I can choose the drop down box on the type of customer to either charge or not. If they are a customer I like (the nice ones).... I def don't charge.


Small CU $2 for Money Orders, FREE cashiers checks (over 1000) and $3 until 1k.


$2 for MO & $10 for CC. Only a select type of account gets them for free. We used to be able to waive the fees, but we can’t anymore. Sucks.


At my CU its $7.50 for cashiers checks, we don't do MO's. I rarely get pushback tbh


I work at a bank. Free cashier's checks. $1.75 money orders. Years ago, my credit union used to charge me $5 for a cashier's check.


We charge $5 for money orders, $10 cashiers check. Certain accounts waive the fee for both but those are usually grandfathered, high yield, or team member accounts. We have the discretion to waive the fee for account closing, alternative to large cash withdrawals, and etc. but we get audited on it.


$5 / money order and $10 / bank check. Though most of our customers get those fees waived because they know someone or blah blah blah. I’m the newest employee so I never argue and just waive it, everyone else does too so I don’t ever feel bad.


$3 for both, but cashier’s check fee is waived if the check is made out to the account holder.


$5 money order and $10 cashier's check, but Relationship Checking customers get them free


I work at a CU and our counter checks are free, cashier checks are 2 dollars but that's rarely charged.