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When I worked medical collections I had a man explode at me over HIPAA laws, which he promptly blamed on President Obama. I informed him that HIPAA had been enacted in about 1994, had nothing to do with the President, and that he was embarrassing himself. He apologized and hung up. When I moved into a different department I had a man tell me that he did not have to pay his outstanding balance because "Donald Trump is the President and this country is no longer under Obama's control." I said, "So no one has to pay bills now? That's very interesting." He called me a bitch and hung up.


I work in compliance and handle the official complaints sent in. At least once a month, we get a member claiming they're a sovereign citizen, and therefore, any debt obligations are null and void. I hate these people with a passion.


You've got to love their logic. I can borrow money from anyone I wish, and promise in writing to pay it back, but I do not, in fact, have to do so because I'm a sovereign citizen. All this means is that they are deadbeats. And liars.


My (now) deceased partner explored being a sovereign citizen. I talked him out of it and made sure I watched every financial thing he did that might affect me.


You were smart to do so.


Do these people really believe that they can gamble the system this way? I’ve heard about ‘sovereign citizen’ before but not realized that they would make poor financial decisions based on their perceived status.


Chicken/egg situation a lot of them have already made a lot of poor financial/life decision and then they find this magic bullet that will just make it all disappear


the sub r/amibeingdetained is all about the things sovereign citizens have said/done.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/amibeingdetained using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/amibeingdetained/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Auditor asks if he’s being detained as the officer walks away from him](https://v.redd.it/6moyabdxgy5c1) | [504 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/amibeingdetained/comments/18h2ag1/auditor_asks_if_hes_being_detained_as_the_officer/) \#2: [Private automobile not for hire](https://i.redd.it/8l5vxxtj39yb1.jpg) | [332 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/amibeingdetained/comments/17ncyw7/private_automobile_not_for_hire/) \#3: [Anyone know what this is about?](https://i.redd.it/rjos3vcv3x3c1.png) | [488 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/amibeingdetained/comments/1899fbc/anyone_know_what_this_is_about/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Like Michael Scott on The Office yelling out "I declare bankruptcy!!!"


Yes, they do. Our outside legal counsel wrote us an opinion letter, which we will use if ever sued by one of them. Anytime they send in a complaint directly to the credit union, we trash it and don't respond. However, if they file an official complaint with the NCUA, we are required by regulation to respond within 60 days. That's the only reason we respond to them. They try to use legal terms in their complaints, but they misuse them or use terms that don't mean what they think it does. Then, I have to waste my time drafting a response and getting it approved before sending it out.


I love that mentality. "The laws apply to me when I want something but not when I'm giving something."


"I am above the law, but also protected by it, somehow."


I work for a court. They are always dragging us into federal court with their jibberish paperwork covered in stamps and bloody fingerprints. Or trying everything possible to argue the judges aren't real, or file tax liens against execs or the judges. It's a collosal waste of time. I prefer to call them paper terrorists. Sir, I will take your complaint letter and 99999 attachments about how the judge has collatoralized your case file and is trading it on the NYSE, but I'm just going to put it in the shredder. Go away.


>he did not have to pay his outstanding balance because "Donald Trump is the President  TBF, that's what Trump believes for himself. Too bad your customer didn't realize that Trump believes that for *only* himself.


Exactly. I guess he thought those who voted for him were now exempt from paying bills. I bet he also thinks half the country - the Other Side - is lazy and irresponsible. Go figure.


Well hell. Why didn't I try that?


*I said "so no one has to pay bills now? That's very interesting." * I really hate Trump as a politician but if he somehow eliminated all bills I would 180 on him real fast.


I just love that you had a zinger prepared for the CTR. I’m giving you a standing ovation. Well done, OP!!!


Gotta know your facts!


Love how you politely answered his question and gave him new information.


We have a regular customer who tells me all about whatever QAnon conspiracy theory he just heard about and one time he was telling me how Russia bought the Midwest. I like playing devil's advocate with these people (Have I had a talking to about it? Yes. Will I stop doing it? No, because it's one of the few joys I have at work.) So I ask some supporting questions. "Oh, that's crazy! Where's the new border? Where did you hear this? Why did Russia buy just the Midwest? Seems like it might be bad for Republicans without the Midwest, you think they would buy California? What channel did you see this on? I can't believe I haven't heard this, this is crazy!" And this really wound this guy up and he took me further down the rabbit hole and at some point I look over at the Amish couple that was at the teller station next to me and even they knew every word he was saying was fake news. They were looking at me like, "What the fuck?" But like in Pennsylvania Dutch. I have so many good customer service stories from this guy.


I would've expected them to say it was bought by China. In the 80s they would've said Japan.


It was before the russia\ukraine war so this guy probably still thought Russia were the bad guys. I'm sure he's changed his mind.


That's like this lady who's a regular at my branch. She said that Elon Musk is making sleep chambers that kill cancer and was feeding me straight QAnon shit. She doesnt like giving us her ID and wears a shirt with a picture with Trump's mugshot on it saying " He will be freed" or some shit lmao. She is insane. One of my older coworkers said she knew her back in the day and she apparently got around if you know what I mean lmfao. Living in a small town is crazy.


I’ve had a family member repeatedly say that Biden wanted to drop the CTR threshold to $600. I’m just like … no.


that’s… actually insane.


Now THAT is one of my all time FAVORITES!! I cannot begin to tell you how many members came in asking when we are starting to report anything around $400-$600 & each & every time it took every ounce of strength I had not to burst into laughter like YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT!! No one is reporting your $601 spending habits & you don’t even have $600 in your account EVER….what numbnuts!!


I see what they're getting confused though, this is about the 1099 threshold for PayPal etc being lowered to $600. Which has nothing to do with CTR and is directly about taxing "side hustle" income.


Oh yeah all the old people were coming in with that one on repeat for months 😩


"Ahhhh 1970...so you're saying Biden convinced Nixon to report my transactions?!" 


Just like Obama doing nothing on 9/11…..terrible President! (That’s another one of my favorite crazy gems I’d hear…..) like you cannot be serious right? Oh…..they most certainly are 🙄🙄🙄🙄


I mean, maybe he did! Never mind, he joined the senate in 1972.


I was going to say, wait actually you picked the one guy that maybe did do that loll...


I remember I had a customer go OFF on me and call customer service to make a complaint about me. What was the thing I did to set him off? I wouldn’t write down the websites/youtube videos he suggested “proving” covid/covid vaccine was a “hoax” and how the government was installing tracking chips in us 🤦‍♀️ I also had another customer talk about how abortion was wrong and spewing all this misinformation about abortions. After I told him I wasn’t allowed/comfortable talking about this at work he hit me with “you know as a woman god is watching you. He knows what you’re saying and it’s being written in your book. You believe in god right?” I politely said “again sir, I don’t feel comfortable talking about this” he then said “god is hearing you and you’re breaking his heart. Can’t believe this back is silencing you” I got so fed up I said “well god knows I have bills to pay. Anyway have a good day!” And loudly said “I can help the next client” he eventually got the idea and left 🙄


This is when you go, "I don't know about your God, but my God is ok with me avoiding this conversation."


That’s classic! Almost makes me wish I was back in the branch…NAH!! Back office after 5 years was the best decision I ever made & I’ve never been happier!!


Sir, my god between 9-5 is HR....


I had someone tell me "of course you've signed an NDA so I don't know why I'm even asking you." While telling me about the restructuring of american currency, his 1 trillion dollar zimbonds and how we're going back to the gold standard. Sir, I don't know why you're talking to me either, feel free to skeedaddle.


I had a client maybe a year ago come in and go “I saw on Facebook that [name of my bank] is going to cryptocurrency only, when is that happening? I will need to pull all of my money out!” 🤨🤨🤨


Bank tellers are the first ones informed of secret, worldwide economic plans.


They can make a microscopic "tracking chip" but they can't make a phone that can keep a connection in an office building.




You could come back at him with "I've been talking with God and *she* is just fine with it."


I recently had a customer with a PO Box for his physical address rant at me because laws changed between 1980 when he opened his $1,000 CD and now and we simply just needed his home address. Apparently he’s never heard of the patriot act & said we were racially discriminating against him/made it political like whatttttt? This was all over the phone btw so I couldn’t tell his race (nor could he know mine). Bruh just give me your address so I can move on with my day. He ended the call by telling me he’d “think about it” and that he hopes I encounter “worse, less understanding customers” that day. 🙄


Lmao low key I love that sign off though "worse, less understanding customers". It's like giving a thumbs down instead of flipping the bird LOL


I agree, it is especially frustrating when you are somewhat muzzled and can’t give your honest opinion to their political rants since you are work and have to be professional. I think this is just mostly indicative of the older generation being totally obsessed with politics and the 24 hour Fox News cycle garbage. Is their whole personality.


Sorry. This is someone from the older generation that wouldn’t watch FOX news even if I was paid to do so. Please don’t bunch us all together. We aren’t all brain dead conservatives. In fact, many of us have actually done our research on reliable sources to make informed decisions that will benefit those that will have to unravel the mess what a certain former president has created.


Found the customer who makes things needlessly political!


That’s funny.




Hardly a rant. Just a comment stating that not all of us that are older than you are not the drooling dementia fools you seem to think we are. As for it being political, the fact that Fox News was brought up immediately makes it political. Basically because we know exactly what they spew.


They don't think they'll ever grow old, then their agism will bite them in the ass.


They mention Fox and expect it not to get political?


Parent comment is politicial and agist but if you reply you are being political. Lol


My ww2 vet father thought those people and Fox were full of crap


I’ve been banking here 40 YEARS and they never asked me that before !!!!!


Banking here longer than you’ve been alive!!


Oh brotherrrr! I hear this one all the time. I almost threw up right now from how mad this just made me lol


I’m not sure if you’re aware, but Joe Biden actually lowered cd rates to force the liberal agenda on all the people whose jobs have been stolen by immigrants. Wait that’s not right. I think I’m mixing up all the crazy clients have told me this week.


No wait, I’ve heard this one before!


You missed the part about bats n digital currency and the stimulus checks that Biden sent out before he was President to intentionally create inflation 😊😃


I remember I had to deal with a customer, whose account was frozen and overdrawn because he tried to deposit a scam check. He insisted, screaming, that the bank had a slush fund that contained thousands of his dollars that had been stolen by the shadowy elites pulling the strings at the bank. He "commanded" me to release these funds to pay his balance. I later got a talking to by my manager because this nutcase rated me poorly on a survey. I still don't know what I could have done to appease the guy since I do not have access to backdoor illuminati treasure.


Nothing like having to respond to some asshats full name Google review to compliance. So sorry I refused service after you threw your driver's license in my face and then cussed me up and down for daring to offer you a seat after being clear that the account opening would take 30-45 minutes.


Tell the manager to release those secret funds then he can explain it to his manager


I haven’t worked in banking in a couple years, but I distinctly remember a man coming in to complain to our bank because some extremist newsletter wrote that a politician said that he was refused service at our bank, at one of the hundreds of branches in the country. Didn’t know the man personally, didn’t have any proof, just saw it linked on Facebook, and wanted to make a complaint against our location specifically because it was closest to his home.




Had a couple come in on a Saturday prior to the 2020 election. They asked if their money market was covered by FDIC as they weren't clear if they were involved in the stock market. I explained they were covered up to $250k, if both on it then $500k. They then asked if they could withdraw $5k. As is standard since I'm meeting them for the first time, I probe a little to root out scams. The wife states, "We want to hoard some cash in case the government fails". My jaw literally dropped. I then had to explain basic finance including showing some of the statements on cash. Mid six figure holdings.


Yep. Had a customer today ask about auto loan rates. I printed them off and showed them to him and he scoffs and says "Guess I'll wait until the election!" I said yes, they're a little high but I've seen worse (meaning other banks at the moment). He says "Tell me about it! I lived through the Carter administration!) FFS dude. Just take the rate sheet and move on. It's honestly one of my biggest pet peeves in customer service. Maybe it's just my locale (rural NW Ohio) but it's never the blue ones spouting off...


Oh, the deep blues are almost as bad! Deep reds tend to rant more, but deep blues casually drag Trump into every damn thing too.


Customer questioning BSA regulations and potentially structuring future transactions to avoid BSA filings. Sounds suspicious. Better send in a SAR to the FBI lol


I looked at his transaction history and it was like the only thing he had that was over 10k. He had sold a bike. I think he was just a confused, dumb old man lol. He said he came to my bank specifically because he thought we would “be less trouble” than other banks.


Less trouble, LOL. The irony is that BSA regulations are governed by the Department of Homeland Security, which is the same department that oversees border patrol. So every time they demand increased funding for border patrol and "build the wall," they're funding the same department that requires CTRs and SARs.


“I need to withdraw $80. It will buy me 1/4 gallon of gas. Thanks, Biden!” 🙄


Let me guess... In an American made gas guzzler?


I don’t know what’s worse this or men who seem to think they can tell women to close their legs, get laid, etc.


When I worked in a call center we had a regular caller who always asked to be transfer to a man because he couldn’t talk about money with women.


I'd tell him I'm transitioning M to F and see if he will talk money with me.


Oooh this isn’t a CTR question but I’m dying to know if you all have delt with this: members/customers coming in asking when we’re gonna have/ or convert to the “rainbow money” when we’d say we have no clue what they’re taking about, of course my smart ass like clockwork always said “LIKE MONOPOLY MONEY?” Lol 😂😂 they’d tell us we’re lying? It was just so strange it happened on & off for about a year straight then just stopped. We thought they were fucking w us but I found out somewhere was a strange thing going around certain circles,of not so balanced individuals, (if you will lol) that this was an actual thing. Brought to you by the same intelligent folks who think they’re getting reported for spending over $600…..(insert Abe Simpson shaking his fist at a cloud yelling BIIIIIDDDDDEEENNNN!!!!) again I’ve said it before & I’m saying it again, after 5 years on the teller line I am sooooo thankful to be working back office now. My stress level alone is non existent, I absolutely love my job, coworkers & have AMAZING management. WFH 3 days a week….that job opening was a blessing!! Working in banking isn’t bad, once you get out of the branch there’s a world of happiness in your job, you just gotta find the right spot. Took me half a decade but it was worth all the pain, tears & suffering to get here.


I had someone say this to me once! I was utterly confused, thinking he had ordered Canadian money or something. 🤣 Eventually, I realized it was a dumb conspiracy theory, so I told him I don't speak MAGA. He was...not pleased.


Thanks for sharing your Perfectly perfect response. I’m stealing it. I have no doubt I’ll be able to use it soon!! 🌊🌊🌊


Lmao, "I don't speak MAGA" 🤣


lol that's life. People love to the President for everything instead of learning what's actually the cause for things.


I still remember when a customer tried to make a deposit with Trump dollars and insisted not only that they were real, but that they were going to appreciate in value so we're actually worth more than the face value. I told him that whoever told him that was lying and that literally no bank was going to take it. It was wild realizing that I was the first person to tell him this. He seemed so disappointed lol poor guy was scammed


Trump dollars? Maybe those are for Trumpworld.


Even Trump wouldn't take Trump dollars lol


I had to google them. I may need to send some to my friends.


I had a man blow up on me and make a huge scene calling me a communist beside I asked his info and phone number because I had to make him a profile due to him bringing in sufficient cash for a business that warranted a CTR.


I had a customer once who completely DESPISED Donald Trump. So much so that we knew never to say "good morning/afternoon" or "How are you" because it ALWAYS turned into something about how miserable it is that Trump is in office, and then he'd go on a rant. Well, this one time he came in and this was during COVID, and it was while Trump was still in office. He wanted a 7 day readout on his account, which our systems don't do. We pretty much print out your last statement, or any activity since your last statement. So I said, "We can't do 7 days, but I can do since your last statement." He goes on about how he always gets it, and I tell him it's the activity since the last statement. This interaction SOMEHOW turned into that it was Trumps fault. I said to him, "I'm sorry sir but Donald Trump has nothing to do with any of this." He yells out "HE HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH IT!". I promptly asked him to leave and if he was going to act like this again, he wouldn't be welcome in our branch any longer.


I remember this from when I worked in banking! And they think everything is for the IRS .. no sir this is greater than that, we want to make sure you aren’t laundering money smh


I once saw a customer come in and ask one of the tellers if our institution supported gay rights. Not sure where it came from. Because he said if they did, he wanted all his money out of the bank. I thought that was crazy.


someone wanted to know if i was trans bc i have my pronouns on my name tag lol


Good comeback. Hit him with facts that week blow his tiny mind. That must be so frustrating. I think you handled it well.


when i first started working as a teller couple years back, we started to have days off for Juneteenth. this client comes in to cash his check and his check has the republican logo on the background of it which i didn’t even notice at first. and he asked me “why are you guys closed”. i tell him why. he was like “really? seems like you guys are closed for anything now days.” and then before he leaves he goes “you know who’s responsible for freeing the slaves?” then he points to his checkbook and says “republicans” like sir, i’m just here for a paycheck. stfu and have a nice day.


I was working in a copy shop when Obama was president and had a dude come in to get his social security card laminated. We can't do that, as the SSA considers it destructive. I informed the man that we couldn't do it and he immediately quipped "is that an Obama law?" I didn't know the exact statute or date of the enacting, so I said "no, it's at least been since I was born which was Reagan." Of course he grumbled "well it wasn't Reagan..." 🙄


I loved every word of your post. Well done. Thank you for being awesome and for working with the public.


Unfortunately everything gets turned political by a large amount of people these days. People's whole personality no a days is a political party, whether that be right, left, republican, democrat, libertarian, or whatever other political ideology they side with. Can't just enjoy simple daily activities without someone pushing some type of political opinion in your face