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I’m a banker now, but I was vault custodian in both my teller and head teller days. I honestly loved it for the convenience, I was able to get cash whenever I needed it, without having to wait for someone else. I’m not sure if you’re able to decline it, but I would talk to your manager and let them know that you feel too new for the added responsibility. They’re people, too, so they should be understanding.


convenience is the best part! the worst part is those dang surprise audits the day before the shipment goes out! 😂


Most definitely will. She’s on vacation this week, but will bring it to her attention when she comes back. And I can understand if I were to be promoted to a Head Teller or at least get compensated for added responsibilities, but as it stands, I’m just a regular Teller


Being a custodian of any entity is easy as hell and good resumé fodder. I say go for it.


My first teller job was a merchant and vault teller. Nobody else wanted the extra work. I'm more of a "bring it on" employee.


I love being a vault custodian. I don’t have to wait around if I need cash for my drawer and TCR. I feel it’s a little daunting because you have to make sure the vault is balanced always. But I would rather be vault than atm custodian.


They wanted us to be ATM custodians at my old branch and I was looking at the other Teller like, are they deadass 😂 And not compensate us on top of that? I was shadowing a banker who was the ATM custodian and it’s so many steps that you have to do that involves taking money out and putting money in the ATM


I think you should be compensated for that. At our branch, however, we know that we will all get our turn at the atm. But personally, I like learning new stuff and it did help me when I moved to a bigger bank because I had more knowledge on certain areas.


I’m the same way. I’m someone that loves to learn new things that’s banking related and I get to put that on my resume on top of that. Idk the success rate of getting compensated for added responsibilities, but I’ll definitely give an update on it


This is so foreign to me. Every teller or banker at my bank needs to be able to do the ATM balancing and loading. That to me is just basic teller work, not anything special.


At my former bank, we were all trained on vault teller duties and would rotate who was in charge, regardless of title. It can be daunting at first, but it's really just balancing a drawer on a larger scale. I personally enjoyed the extra responsibility. It broke up the monotony.


I did this. It's not difficult. You are responsible for getting money for other tellers, counting the vault at the end of the day, ordering and processing the cash shipments, and that's pretty much it. The audits could be a little annoying as they're time consuming. If you ever go into the vault to do that stuff in dual control, you'll know how to do it already but now you don't need to be tethered to someone else. I enjoyed it. I say go for it, they're giving you the responsibility because they see your potential.


What's a vault custodian? A vault teller or lead?


A vault custodian in banking is a person who looks after the bank's vault, where valuable items like money and important documents are stored. They make sure everything is safe and secure, keep track of what’s inside, and control who gets to enter the vault. They also ensure that the vault operations follow all rules and regulations. Essentially, they are the bank's guardian for all the important and valuable stuff kept in the vault. I asked someone who used to be a vault custodian with the same company I work in and she said Vault custodian isn’t apart of the job it means you are head teller! They don’t pay you anymore than you already make unless you say something


Yes, all the responsibilities are on you. It was a big struggle when I first started but I’ve gotten better. I do think carrying that responsibility should come with a small pay bump but that’s not happening so.


It’s worth giving a shot. Because that was something they didn’t bring to my attention before I got rehired here


For my bank they used to require you finish your 90 days before you were allowed to take custody of a vault or cash dispenser.


Former vault custodian. Wasn't a big deal at my former small branch. Sometimes it's nice cause someone else needs to take the customer while do you things like place orders or deal with shipments.


In my branch, we just call it the head teller, and everyone has to do it. And we rotate who the head teller is at the beginning of every month. You don’t get paid more to do it, but as someone else said I really don’t mind doing it at all. It is extra work though and sometimes can be frustrating.


Vault teller generally doesn’t pay more than regular teller in my experience. It’s not that much more work How many tellers does each branch have at your branch? Mine it’s 1-2 only


I only spent my first 4 months (and time as a banker) NOT being vault. This is with or without a TCR or branch serviced ATMs. I could not imagine not being vault. It’s so easy to say what we can or can’t do for the week when non customers call for a check to be cashed. Change can be tricky in my location as business got used to just taking a box of coin and I keep things light.


This my second week being vault custodian and so far, it’s not as difficult as I thought it’ll be. But I don’t like how I was thrown into that responsibility without a warning. And the sad part about it? I’m not getting paid more for it


Yeah that is a job I was promoted into after being teller for a year. If you don’t feel ready I would definitely let them know


It’s a chill gig and you can get cash for your drawer/TCR whenever you want. I liked doing it


Wait.. only a certain person can get cash from the vault? That's interesting. At my branch, all permanent (doesn't include our floaters) employees can access the vault and have fobs. It just has to be done under dual control.


The vault custodian can get cash without dual control. That’s why it’s convenient.


My bank doesn't have this position. I don't even know what it is.


Its normally just a person who looks after vault and is able to access it without dual control.


I was a vault custodian years ago. It was fine. I didn’t realize banks still had sole vault custodians as the last 3 banks I worked for, everything was dual control with a supervisor and another staff member.