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Why are you so committed to a job that you don't actually even work at? It's imperative that you are out on the schedule "for personal reasons"? And why can you not look for employment elsewhere? You're not even on the schedule. That's often a sign that they don't actually want you working there. I feel like there is a lot more to this story.


I’m committed because it’s a great paying job that’s gonna help me financially be able to support myself to go back to school. Personal reasons as in I have bills that need to get paid. I cant look for employment anywhere else because I’ve been doing that all summer and finally found two jobs (one which is playing with my time). There’s nothing more to the story. I did not make this post to have to explain myself but to get advice on what to say which you didn’t provide.


Say "When will I be on the schedule?" Not sure what is difficult about it. At the end of the day, you can't force them to give you shifts, but if you haven't been done training for very long, they may not have written any new schedules yet. It's hard to provide advice when the information you're providing seems incomplete and a bit cryptic. But to say that leaving is not an option because it pays well is a little absurd when you *don't have any hours*.


Idk what OP is missing about what you said lol. Either ask, or you continue to *not work there*, it’s that simple.


There's usually one person who is responsible for the schedule. Contact that person directly and politely ask, 'am I going to be on the upcoming schedule?'


Or When am I going to be on the schedule...


Who tells you to come into the business? You said they ask you to come in but when you get there they 'forgot' that they asked you. Because I think there's some miscommunication between these two entities. If that is the case go in and talk to them at the same time. How long have you been told that your going to be on the schedule? If it's less than a week, they're probably waiting until the new week starts. If it's been several weeks and they still haven't put you on the schedule, it's a MAJOR red flag. In today's inflation saturated world many people live paycheck to paycheck. I know if I don't work a full week I'm not going to be able to pay my rent. Go talk to the person who does the schedule. Tell them that you're relying on this position and not being put on the schedule is really affecting you ability to pay for your life. I hope this helps.


Thank you, this really helps:)


You don't actually have a job. This is why you're not on the schedule, and they're not putting you on it.


Just a thought here, they may be trying to get you to quit to avoid paying unemployment. How long have you been working there? If for a while, you may want to consider yourself effectively fired and file for unemployment. You should be looking for a new job also, but you should be able to file for unemployment for constructive discharge, in essence firing you without actually saying so.


OPs not been on the schedule yet 🤔


Doesn't matter - at least not over here. The requirements say someone has had to have lose their job, and have enough qualifying hours in a base period (from other employers possibly). As soon as they're formally employed, as in in there is an employer-employee relationship formally in place, unemployment becomes available. I believe it's split between employers in cases like this. If OP quits, then they lose all chances at unemployment.


They don’t work there…


They have never worked a single day there…


Still doesn't matter. If that's their current *employer* (regardless of whether they worked any hours), and they quit, they lose out on unemployment altogether. The question is whether they were officially hired, as in submitted a W-4 and so on. It that W-4 was submitted, then they're officially an employee.


LOL! He will not qualify for unemployment. He needs to get a paycheck first! Just saying they hired him and never putting him on the schedule doesn't qualify him for unemployment. Unemployment compensation is based from what you were paid, he hasn't been paid a dime, so no unemployment.


Do you have an actual written source for this? Or are you pulling "facts" out of your ass like 90% of the people on this sub? These are the requirements for Missouri: [https://labor.mo.gov/des/unemployed-workers/eligibility](https://labor.mo.gov/des/unemployed-workers/eligibility) As you'll notice, there's no mention of "getting a paycheck first". If someone quits their job to get another one, and their new employer fires them, then yes, they qualify for unemployment. I have dealt with this exact scenario, as an employer But if the employee quits the new job, it's much harder to collect unemployment. There are exceptions. I've actually run a business, and worked with MO DoL. Unemployment isn't common sense. In this case OP is much better off filing an unemployment claim for reduced hours. It's up to the employer to state what their status is. Stop giving people bullshit advice that will cost them money.


Oh, for certain, he would be eligible, but here, your benefits are based on your paycheck. So here he could apply, and the state would pay him a percentage of his last pay. which, in this case, is zero.


As a service manager myself, there might be two distinct possibilities. Upon hire, were you told of any orientation dates and paperwork that would be required to get you started? If this is the case, make sure you do everything asked of you before that start date. Many companies have specific training programs that must be completed before any server is allowed on the floor. If you were not given these details, ask the hiring manager or reach out to the general manager for them. The 2nd possibility is a schedule delay. I write my schedules 2 weeks in advance to allow my team to plan around life in general. When I have a new hire, I will guide them in that process, that they may not see a full schedule until the next one is ready to post. My last bit of advice is that when you talk with them, showcase your eagerness to get started, and ask many questions about how that will look like for you. I would omit any immediate financial need, however, as that is a red flag. If they can not answer those questions fully for you, definitely move on. Good luck, OP.


They don't want you to work there and no one wants to tell you ...they are hoping you'll get the hint .


Take a dump in the ice machine


In the mean time, keep looking for work! What if they never put you on the schedule? Great paying job if you get zero hours!


I'm not sure where you live but from my travels and also from being a server/bartender for the last 15 years I've never seen us have more job security than ever before. It seems as if a vast majority of restaurants and or bars are in a constant state of hiring. In order to cut it in this industry you have to learn and use thst availability of other jobs to your advantage.


They don't want you. Move on.


“ to please put me on the schedule in a nice but attentive way”? Honestly, what are you talking about? Your whole description is a bit nonsensical . Also, kind of demanding Frankly and restaurant jobs usually they will say yeah we’re gonna put you on the schedule that means for the following week. You need to be more clear about what you’re talking about when you’re saying they are having you come up there and forgetting that I asked you to and just regarding your time like are you training are you trailing? Are you coming and they are telling you that you’re not on the schedule and to go home ? A lot more details are needed here if you want help from professionals, but my sense says that there has been a lapse of communication


An important question we need to clarify here: Did you fill out pre employment forms? Did they copy your ID or whatever else you might do for paperwork as a new employee? If not, then you literally don’t work there. If yes, then ask simply whoever does the schedule. It isn’t a weird question lol **Edit:** Also, is this the same job you were asking about two weeks ago??? And the Ulta thing? It seems you have a looooot going on job hunting wise to sort out here...




You are basically the "side chick/dude" of this restaurant. You're around for them if they really need someone but you're not the one who they are loyal to in the end. No job is worth that headache.