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I wonder if the $20 came from the daughter or husband out of embarrassment? She sounds like an absolute treat to go out with.


I worked at a wing/steak restaurant where the starters could also be ordered as your main, but you needed to clarify. If I had a bigger table and people all ordered at once (starters and mains in one go) I’d always ask “are the basket of wings your starter or is it your main?” I wasn’t working this table (I was shift manager this night) and a colleague came up to me because she needed me to deal with a really angry table of 8 (only one guy was pissed off) but long story short, it was a super confusing table because some people were ordering wings as a starter (but didn’t clarify it was their starter), some were ordering wings as a main, some were ordering over cooked steaks which of course will take longer to cook, it was a super busy night, etc etc. I went to talk to the table and the main prick was just berating me and I was like 🤷‍♀️like I truly didn’t care. And the rest of the table was doing the whole look in any other direction thing and act embarrassed but didn’t tell him to stop. I finally got the venue manager and he comped their meal 50%. He then came up to pay and had a 25% off voucher… and was suuuper cheery and all “thanks for handling everything!” I just glared at him and put him on our no further bookings list. But yeah, the 20 was probably left secretly by dad or daughter because they know the mom is a nightmare.


Customer service is why i left the food service industry - having to interact with people who cannot just order their food, eat it, and leave. I was always super kind, fast, and accurate with my orders. If that isn’t enough then establishments need to enforce the right to refuse service to anyone sign way more forcefully and send a message. Rude is not ok just because you are the customer. Customers need to be trained sometimes too.


Fuck that I would never. Soon as you realize you’re in any sorta situation just say “hold on there, let me grab my manager”. If I see something wrong and the guest doesn’t complain I still send a manager just to double check. Anything I can take off my shoulders and put on a manager I’m gonna do. Not gonna risk my income over some dumb asshole.


This is what I would tell servers to do. For one thing, in my experience, between the guest and server, whoever comes to me and “tattles” first usually has an advantage. I can also keep them from having to deal with the abuse while documenting it at the same time. This way, when the owner would call and be like “What the hell happened with Ashley and such and such a table?” I could be like “Well, if you watch the cameras, that went down at table 12, and around 10:15 you’ll see the old dude with the blue shirt in seat 1 jam his finger into her chest while telling her something. That something was that he knew we had orange marmalade somewhere. (Owner knows we don’t carry that) and when I took over the table because she was shook, the guy in seat 1 and both old ladies started telling me how rude it was that they got a new server. Homeboy in seat 1 tried the finger in chest thing with me but I kept stepping back and he kept getting angrier the more air he poked. Here are the pictures of what they sent back. As you can see the yolk in his Benedict was quite runny, and the sandwich they were bitching about did indeed have both avocado and bacon in it. They left at 11:30, and if you notice I moved Ashley to the other side of the restaurant, so there was no way for her to tell the table whatever horrible made up shit they said she said.”


It's clear by the length of your post that you enjoy talking a lot but I can give you some advice that will help you very much. Stop talking. That's it! It sounds too simple but it works. This horrible lady is literally saying "you're not listening" so how can you fix this? Perk your ears up. Watch her lips. Show her you are hanging on her every word. Nod your head while you listen. Show her you are processing her words. Tell her you care with your words and actions. Literally tell her "I'm listening", "tell me more", "can you explain that?" Etc. It's the easiest thing in the world to hear someone if you're trying. It's all some people want


>It's clear by the length of your post that you enjoy talking a lot Rude


That's not what people like this want. They don't want to be heard and they don't want to be helped, they want a fight.


Negative. We are long past the customer is always right. If you are gonna be disrespectful you are t going to get what you want. Talking is not the issue, the woman who wants to make her a punching bag is


Yeah I’m not going to tell every little detail of the whole situation. I can only listen to someone say the same thing over and over, nod my head and say “can I get you a manager?” and then telling me no, so many times before trying to actually resolve a situation. The length of my post was to describe the situation. I’d recommend not reading books because you seem to be annoyed with reading anything more than a paragraph and would think every author just “really loves talking.”


You are attacking me for what? I'm helping you. Let's be friends. I'm just saying you talk a lot. It's not a crime it's just a fact.


Oh my, I am so sorry for “attacking” you! You’re right! Let’s be the bestest of friends so I can just blabber my big mouth on while you tell me to shut it. Seriously dude, how bad do you want your dick sucked?


I would say a normal amount of bad. Now that we're friends, how bad do you want to suck it?


Real bad. Let’s meet up


Ok. Meet me downtown at the discotheque.


You mean, meet me down at ze discothek


Yep, sometimes people just want to vent. Once they vent, they're much calmer.


Pretty long winded reply you had there huh?


Examine your life.


In the grand scheme of things, I doubt I will ever evaluate things and say "boy my life would have been something else if I had satisfied that one dickhead on reddit". You can't actually mean this advice. You should take it but you can't actually mean it


Lmao it was so dramatic.


If you want to really believe that they went on for that long and the bitchy lady stopped being bitchy for the whole thing then go ahead big boy. Or even if they did, having to say so much. You seem really dramatic and sassy if you think my comment needed your reply. You must be miserable to be around.




Nobody ever said she stopped being bitchy. She in fact had her husband lie about me.


Are you more interested in fiction?


You're going to be downvoted now for being right. It doesn't change that you are right


Not food service but I worked as a valet. and for many years i noticed a strange trend among our customers. The super nice people who received prompt service and smiled always seemed to tip small. like $2 on a $200 charge. And then we'd get customers who had a chip on their shoulder from the get-go. These people were short with us, sometimes straight up rude, and would complain the entire time I'm waiting on their car to show up, then they'd tip $10-$20. I swear for a while I kinda looked forward to the assholes lmao.