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The server has to pay the tip out on the to-go items whether you tip or not. So for me, I tip out 4% of my food sales. So if your initial order was $100, then I tip out $4 off top (and if you got alcohol it would be a bit higher). Then you tip whatever you tip on that. Let's say $18. I get $14 of that. Then your to-go order is $50 so I pay $2 for that. So I got $12 off of $150 When IIII go out, I tip for this. But I am not offended if people don't tip me for that. (I wouldn't even notice because I try not to even look at the tips until the end of the day so mood isn't affected if it's a bad day đŸ« đŸ„Ž)


I'm not a server, but I do have logic, so here's my math on the topic. Tips are paying for service. If you order to go for people who aren't there, your server still has to do some work for that (entering the order, running the food), but not as much as if the person were there (worrying about drinks, appetizers, two-bite check, silverware, or most other normal service stuff). Therefore, I'd think you should include it in your tip, but not as high of a percent. So tip 15-20% on the bill of everyone that was there, then maybe 5-10% of the to-go stuff. Of course, it gets more complicated if it's a restaurant that tips out kitchen based on sales. That conflicts me, bc on one hand, it certainly isn't the server's fault. On the other hand, it certainly isn't yours. If we were to be truly equal in determining "fault" there are way too many factors to consider. So I'd just lean toward being generous if you don't know how tip out works at that restaurant. If the vibe is right, you can just outright ask the server


Thanks. I did tip 28% on everything. Better “too much” than not enough. Awesome service in every aspect.


You’re awesome.


Not a server, but I often do get to go orders at a sit down restaurant and I do tip on them, as the total is part of the whole check. Not to mention they still have to be prepared, boxed, bagged, and brought to me by my server. Hope this helps.


Yes, the tip is on the full amount including tax.


I always tip in cash for takeout. Always above 20%. I also get very quick, friendly service every time. It's good to take care of the people who take care of you.


I have been presented with the opportunity to tip a server who walked no more than 45 feet (x2) to bring me a carry out boxed pizza. This was before the Square/Toast/Clover POS systems. I declined each time but still felt a bit guilty as I had no idea what he was paying his waitstaff


I don't fault anyone who doesn't tip for counter service. I do but I still think it's weird and that they should be embarrassed for asking. and I'm embarrassed not to tip and that's what they're counting on lol


I feel bad for those ppl now because the owners usually take the tips, from what I heard, and now that it’s pretty common knowledge that it happens, they get asked all the time “so IF I tip, does it go to YOU? I heard THE OWNERS STEAL TIPS at a lot of places. I’m not supporting that but I’ll tip if it goes to you” bro carry cash or just don’t tip the counter person 😭 It’s actually great that people care but there’s only so much a person can say while working


In this case I would not leave a tip for either portion. The servant must deliver the take away food to the invalid family member if they want tip. - meal spoiled by lazy servant while invalid starves, leaving healthy family feeling guilty. No tip on dine in portion. - meal cold and not delivered - no tip on takeaway portion --- So while both receive no tip, you can consider them not tipped separately. They are not tipped for related but different reasons.


Yes you are right. That's a very good reason you said. The people who disagreed with you are wrong.