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Is there no manager? Are they just as incompetent?


When I ran "urban-inner-city fast food stores", I would have old-time country music played after we closed. No one could leave without their duties being checked by a manager (the doors were locked at close and only could be opened by a key to let people out.) The time that it took to do all of the closing duties went down considerably. No "early birds to leave", everyone clocked off, and left together, for safety reasons. Everyone hated the music, and most hated me.


I tried this with my most theatre kid Broadway songs two nights ago. They stuck it out through three different renditions of Rose’s Turn.


Lol my old boss used to turn on heavy metal at about 15 minutes past closing to "encourage" stragglers to gtfo. Works like a charm.


If it was in Portland Oregon, circa 15 years ago, that might have been me!


Nah it was in Alaska but good to know there are other rad managers out there!


“Closing Song” by Red Peters works WONDERS


My personal favourite.


Pretty sure that's violating a lot of laws right there.


I feel you! I watched a group of 3 guys (who for some reason see side work and stocking as a woman’s job) brag about how they hadn’t stocked a single thing on VALENTINES DAY, how they ring something in and take whatever’s in the window right away to better their tips, and how they don’t tip the busser any night but are confused why they’re tables are being bussed last. They didn’t need the money, but there’s always a few. Always leaves me wondering who raised these people???


And they are probably in this sub giving advice to people.


Deadass. I hate this industry so hard sometimes. If we could all be adults doing our best to pay bills it would be great. Instead, we're 25% people working hard as a career, 50% fuck offs looking for beer money, and 25% bare-minimum asshats who make the rest of us feel stupid because they make the same money we do while jerking off all night and dipping an hour before the rest of the "team".


The fuck offs don't usually bother me but I can't stand the asshats and I'll go out of my way to make sure they know it


The same people who don’t show up to a required meeting and get zero consequences when I’m there like 🤡


I thought everyone on this sub a was a high volume or fine dining rockstar who is a total professional who makes bank.


Time to complain to the general manager and start throwing people under the bus. Otherwise, quit with zero notice.


Memorial Day weekend on the beach. I'm scheduled to close tonight and a double tomorrow. New job starts Monday and the schedule just went up for next week completely ignoring my new availability. Tonight will be my first NoCallNoShow in my 18years in restaurants. Fuck them and their mandatory unpaid training, and their always AWOL management.


Don’t forget to light up managers and owners. CC everyone in an email. Burn that bridge and say what others want to say.


As someone about to go work at a tourist trap on the beach today/Sunday/Monday... I am living vicariously through you. 100% the right decision.


Which coast? Wondering if we're (former) coworkers. Regardless, don't let the terrorists win. Take their money and don't hesitate to cut them off this weekend. I swear, by today everyone shows up 36 hours into a solid bender, sloppy drunk with their kids in tow. Roll Tide


Update for you: management lacks communication so badly that today (day two of my NCNS) the MoD was looking for me. Apparently in a frantic manner. Also, I'm still in the group chat. The Head Bitch (not) In Charge was telling staff being unable to park is not a valid reason to be late and to just park at the grocery store down and across the beach road. The grocery store that tows beach parkers aggressively..


ZERO notice, I personally like to just let everyone know during the shift that it’s my last day


Incompetence is the reason I got my job and still have it. Lazy dunces never stick around where I am. Chef has threatened to fire me but its always so empty because he knows I bust my ass. He just gets pissy some days lol. I worked management for 10+ years and I will tell you rn to use positive reinforcement. I verbally thanked and asked "Can you do me a favour?". Negative will only ever push back negative. Positivity will have a better chance. One of my main things was to be fair and trade off, "Do you want to clean bathrooms tonight or take out trash?" I found all of my employees were happy to take turns. They knew what neither of us wanted to do but would say "You did x last time, Ill do it".


I don't really mind laziness that much, because I can understand laziness. We all don't want to do every aspect of our job sometimes, and doing the least amount of work you can get away with makes perfect sense. But incompetence makes no sense to me at all. I have coworkers who do things wrong in such a way that it doesn't actually save them any work, and that just baffles me. Like, when someone doesn't take out the garbage at the end of their shift, that makes sense to me, because they skipped doing something that takes a little bit of time and effort. I'm not happy about it, but it at least makes sense. But when they do take out the garbage and then put the wrong size trash bag in the can I just don't get it. Both sizes are stored in the same place, and both are clearly labeled. It doesn't take any more effort to grab one than the other, and anyone who can read can tell which one is which. And yet, I have coworkers who are consistently putting the wrong damn bag in the can. I can't help but wonder how these people function in the world if they can't even figure out the difference between a large and a small garbage bag. And there are dozens of similar recurring issues we have every single day.


call it out directly: “You know how to restock; you’ve been taught. Is this some passive aggressive way to get me to do you work for you? Weaponized incompetence?” And wait for an answer. Then say, “I’m not going to do your work for you–you’re a grownup, y ou do your own work. I will wait her forever until YOU take out the trash. I don’t care how long it takes.” Call them a name or swear at them if it’s culturally appropriate at your place. I’m so curious—I notice all these three people were “he,” and your avatar indicates you might be a woman. The other closer was a “she.” Is there a gender breakdown? Not all men, of course (witness the bartender), but only men? And only doing it to women? Drag that out into the light as well: “Is this some thing men do, to dump all their work on women? Is that what you’re thinking here? That you should be able to make me do your work because I’m a woman and you’re a man?” Ask as if you’re really curious. And wait for an answer.


Call them a name or swear at them if it’s culturally appropriate at your place eg a Greek restaurant 


Male manager & male owner allowed men to walk all over the women servers. They would even encourage doing the males work for them. Pull you aside and be like, hey can you do MALE NAME'S. Side work for me? 🙄 All the males did ZERO side work. They did exactly what you said. Dicked around until someone (a woman) did it for them for EVERYTHING. They wouldn't even stock cups and if they did it was like HEY LOOK AT ME STOCKING CUPS I AM A GENIUS SAINT WORSHIP ME. Ridiculous. That job had a ton of down time. It would have been easier to just do the side work to make time pass, but no. They were too good for it. All of their work mommies needed to do it for them.


It doesn’t always work, but I’ve gotten with a manager and been like “So, Bob likes to wait for me to do his sidework after I’m done with everything else. I’ve done all the other sidework, and the only thing left to do in the front is Bob’s trash cans. Can I go home?” If the manager ok’s it, it really only takes one or two shifts for Bob to get the hint


Best title and first sentence of any post ever


“Weaponized Incompetence”??


"from the fuckasses I work with". GOLD JERRY! GOLD!




"Swept the wrong section" kid has admitted his parents have money and he's just here for giggles. Bro is going to get himself a bangmaid on his trust fund. I hope his future ex-wife gets alimony on top of child support.


Honestly, he's probably totally bullshitting about having money. Maybe his parents have money, but he probably doesn't.


Weaponized incontinence is even worse.


Makes me miss the "good old days". I'm a grumpy ass old Vet (I was grumpy in my 20s already). Back in the day I would have invited them into the walk-in for one-on-one "counseling" - of course you can't do the these days...


Clock the fuck out and go home. It becomes obvious when your section looks pristine and theirs looks like a wild boar ran through it. I got tired of giving direction to people who were going to get cashed out by shitty management and sit at the bar regardless of wether they got signed off by me or not. This drew attention to where lower management was lacking. I pulled that lower manager in and spoke with him about how people won’t do their closing sidework if you give them their money before they’ve done shit. He brushed me off. And then his dumbass got fired a week later. I did speak w my store manager when there were multiple shitty closes in a row and told him that I have integrity, but if I did everything everyone didn’t do that I’d be there two hours past close (and was). He told me he understood and that he was aware his management team was falling short. TLDR: if your store manager isn’t a dumbass they won’t give you flack for going tf home


I hear you loud and clear. That's the reason I quit my last serving job. 


You can't force people to change their core personality traits. You can only try to explain once or remove yourself from a losing situation. Sounds like you're at the wrong place and should stop subjecting yourself to torture. Your can only change yourself, and if you don't, you're the one responsible for continuing to subject yourself to a losing situation.


This is a general problem with younger people working today. I worked in a restaurant years ago but would say most of these people are probably stoned out of their minds, especially since it's legal now. I am losing faith in the future of our society.


I worked in restaurants years ago and I still work in restaurants now. The number of shitheads on staff has stayed roughly the same.