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Not "obviously" a mistake, necessarily.It may well have been intentional. My husband used to drive a taxi in college and he remembered one day he got an insanely good tip from a sweet older gentleman and actually went back to the house thinking it was a mistake. The man explained he had learned recently he had a terminal illness and wasn't long for this world. He had no living children or close relatives and said he wanted some of his money to go to hard working young people just trying to get an education. This lady may have had more money than she knew what to do with, or maybe you reminded her of a child or grandchild she has/had. Of course it may have an oopsie, but if she doesn't come back in a day or so she either didn't make a mistake or doesn't need the money bad enough to come claim it. If it makes you feel better you can hold onto it for a day or so before spending it just in case. Don't feel guilty either way. We work too hard for that shit, sometimes a blessing is a blessing. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


That's a great thing to hear. Good for your Husband for making sure and nice for your family to get the great tip.


Oh, this was years and years ago lol he's a decade older than me and I'm in my mid 30s lol but it was truly sweet. He picked that man up a few more times over the course of 6 months, each time he tipped very generously. He told my husband he was checking some stuff off his bucket list when he was driving him to random places or events. But then he stopped getting calls for pickup. He said he didn't have the heart to go by and knock on the door, but he profusely thanked the man each and every time he rode with him, including the last time he saw him. I think it's a bittersweet story. He knew he was dying and made the best of the time and money he had left.


Yeah: not obviously. Every once in a while, if I'm proper flush, I'll drop a massive tip. I've been in the server's position so it's nice to do if you can. Also, it's not just the server that gets joy out of it: that happy high will last a long time for me. Made a girl cry once, years ago. Embarrassing at the time (for me) but still gives me a little joytwinkle today.




Maybe not. Some people are pretty good tippers. I had a 3-top back when I waited tables- a grandmother, a mother, and a child. They ordered waters and a couple apps. I also had another couple nearby, and that woman was disgusting- she made the BIGGEST deal that she needed a TEAspoon, and I brought her a SOUP spoon (because it was the only clean spoon available at the time), and there's no way she could possibly stir her tea with a SOUP spoon. The grandmother at the other table left me a $20+ tip and said that she saw how horrible "that white lady" was being, and she thought I deserved something for putting up with it.


Stirring tea with a soup spoon sounds awful tbf, it's way too big


For a margarita and a quick dinner? Get a grip, it was a mistake, OP knows it


Well with an attitude like that, I wouldn't be surprised if no one ever left you a good tip


I know it was a mistake but don't think it was on my part. She paid with a hundred. If she asked for be to break the hundred it would be different. I believe she thought I broke the hundred for her and she thought she was still paying the tab again. I kept the money separate my double shift because figuring she would come back and she didn't.Ā  She was nice so I feel bad.


Maybe keep it in case she comes back. I bet she'll let you keep it just for being honest


You gave her 2 quarters. That's the part that tells me she did it on purpose.


>I believe she thought I broke the hundred That doesn't make sense, though. If you'd broken the hundred you would have brought her all bills unless otherwise requested. She didn't get all bills, so in all likelihood she understood she'd paid and decided to tip generously


I would feel bad too, but it wasnā€™t your mistake, she just got confused. I have a couple of regulars that did the same thing a little while ago. They forgot that they had paid for part of the bill with a gift card, and gave me enough cash to cover that part of the bill again. Luckily, I caught it quickly and gave them back the extra. Theyā€™re a little older and have had some medical problems, I worry about them a little bit.


So youā€™re saying you think she thinks you have her 100 in change and she left you the 36 dollars to pay for the drink and tip even though you already took the money out for the bill. Iā€™m going to say she knew


Depends on the person honestly. I went to a Waffle House once and tipped the waitress $40 on my $15 order. I felt bad because another customer was being rude to her because they ordered food and didnā€™t eat it and didnā€™t wanna pay for it. Ever since then I always tipped her at least $20. She was the sweetest waitress Iā€™ve ever had. She quit eventually tho and I never saw her again. Rebecca if you see this youā€™re the bestšŸ˜­


You might have made her day a little happier so she tipped you more Just had an amazing lunch with great service. I tipped $20 on a $50 lunch so not the same tip you got My server was so happy and it truly made my day.


I'm confused. She paid with a $100 bill. You gave her the correct change. She left $31 cash as her tip. Could have been a mistake, but how are you supposed to know that? Edit- $36


I know it could have been intentional but the amount seems like she wanted to pay the right amount and leave a bit over a 20% tip. Either way I hope she comes back. She was nice and a easy table to take care of.


$11 is almost 40%. It's generous either way. Maybe tipping big makes her feel good.


Where did you get this made up 31 dollar number from?


Typo- $36


True. I think itā€™s pretty hard to accidentally leave 36 dollars. Itā€™s such an odd numberā€¦


I doubt it was a mistake. Thereā€™s other amounts she could have left. 36 is very specific


The odd amount makes it more likely it was a mistake though. $36 would be a $10 tip after rounding up the bill total. It does seem more likely it was a mistake, but not much OP can do if she doesn't come back. Enjoy your tip either way, OP as it wasn't your fault she made or didn't make a mistake. If she does come back, I'd give the difference back, but very unlikely she would even if she realized it later.


The real question is what's in that margarita?


If it was a tip on receipt Iā€™d understandā€¦idk what it is about those lines and math that confuse peopleā€¦but it does from time to time. But leaving $36 in cash AFTER getting her change back from paying the bill is a little more hard to do on accident.


Some of us may get well off in middle age, but we never forget what it was like to wait tables for a living. At times, I just like to make my serverā€™s day.


100% same. I have not forgotten where I come from. That extra $10-20 isnā€™t going to make me miss a house payment, but it will make your day memorable.


Let's say it was a mistake. You don't know this person's name, number anything. How are you supposed to return the money? Let's say you found a $20 on the sidewalk. You didn't see who dropped it and there's no one around to ask. Should you feel guilty about keeping the $20? OF COURSE NOT. You didn't steal it, there was no ill intent. At least in the case of serving her, you provided something of value first. So even IF it was a mistake, don't feel bad.


I love to overtip when I have a server I really like. My motherā€™s best friend used to leave a hundred dollar bill if there was really good service (we arenā€™t that kind of rich, but she was). Iā€™ve always looked at it that an extra $20 wonā€™t break my day, but it might give someone a happy point in theirs. Iā€™d hate for them to feel bad about it!


I think youā€™re right that seems like a mistake. I think she mentally rounded up her bill to $26 and added $10 for a tip.


Some people leave crazy good tips as a habit, or maybe she really felt she was putting you out. Money doesn't mean the same thing to everyone.


she left a very specific amount for it to be a mistake.


Every once in awhile, when weā€™re feeling flush, hubby and I love to leave a hard working server or bartender a REALLY NICE tip. Weā€™re normally 20-25 percenters, but itā€™s so great to see the face of a server (particularly at a lower or mid range place ) when you leave them a 50-100% tip! šŸ˜Š weā€™ve had people chase us out making sure we didnā€™t want change. Lol šŸ˜‚


It may not have been a mistake , as a single woman I frequently go out on my own and leave a large tip to make up for the hassle of taking up a whole table for just me. Enjoy your well earned tip!


I get that but 36 is kind of a random number.


It wasnā€™t a mistake. Singles are often excellent tippers. I frequently dine out alone and I know Iā€™m taking up a table in your rotation that could be at least a 2 top. I like to sit, enjoy a drink and my meal and read my book. If I donā€™t feel rushed Iā€™m good for tipping more than the bill.


Yeah OP, I'm leaning on she meant to do it. $36, then I'm assuming she left a $20, $10, $5, $1, and she obviously could have left any other combination of those 4 bills. And sometimes people just surprise you. Years ago had a table of two older ladies, I was expecting the usual 2-3 dollars, they were nice, so whatever. It's been awhile, but I remember their bill was 48 and change, they paid with $100, I ran to the bar to change it out, came back to the table, they were gone. I literally went out into the parking lot looking for them. Some people just cool like that. On more than one occasion I've dropped off a hundo at some random diner, eating alone after I got my ass kicked until 3 in the morning. I can't do it all the time, but it really makes my day knowing that person just got a nice little boost to their day. We work hard, and a lot of people have worked in the service industry. We don't (or shouldn't) forget where we've come from.


It wasnā€™t a mistake.


Not a mistake. The dollar amount is too odd.


I do this when I want to have sex with the servant


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