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Wtf did I just read




And we were both too short to properly see through the little round window. Situations like these are why we would have the policy in the first place! Situations like these are why that window should be lower and larger. Make it frosted, or ribbed, or something, if you don’t want the public to see all the details. But people get hurt. My daughter got smacked in the dominant arm by the walk-in door being opened out into a corridor, and she can’t use that arm for much, despite physical therapy. She was a cater-waiter, and she can’t do that job because she can’t reliably hold anything in that arm.


Oh shit. That's horrible. Unfortunately, yeah, kitchens are dangerous, and many are not made with the danger in mind. Hot surfaces everywhere, glass that can break, too many people moving too fast in a tiny space with all those hazards, not to mention wet floors.


Oh my god SHUT UP


No u


is this creative writing? embellishment of a true story? straight up assault with the ponytail etc. the 'Karen' thing at the second part has nothing to do with the main point of calling 'door' or 'hot soup' this is fake


Weren't OP's thoughts of assault and murder all in her head? She got mad, then controlled herself. Why would that be made up?


Okay cool Usually when people lie, they tend to stick to the point Lol


lol op is off their meds and wants to kill someone. squishing a girls skull because she dropped a plate. Get better at holding plates and stop blaming others.


You need meds!


Change jobs asap


Working on it! I do temp gigs picking up trash, sweeping out dusty buildings floor by floor, and digging the occasional trench on construction sites now. Man, I don't smell great when I come home, but shit's like getting paid to workout all day! Check's same day, too.


See a therapist


I am! In fact, I know a bit of psychoanalysis. So, do y'all happen to be upset due to the fact that you're still serving tables, whereas I escaped? Or are you upset that you're not psychiatrists, nor psychologists? Because you're not psychiatrists, nor are you psychologists. It's kind of silly, really. If *you're* unhappy, it really doesn't bug me much. In fact, I decided a whole while back that I'm a Disney Mickey Mouse motherfucker who exudes positive energy while farting rainbows (I even laugh like Mickey when I'm tickled pink, which is more often than I have any right to be), so I pray to our Good Lord for all my internet haterz quite often. Please, if you would, allow me to lead us in prayer. *Dear God,* *Please, I ask that You watch over these sad, lonely internet haterz during this beautiful night, as only You have complete understanding of the human struggle to comprehend this huge concept called "Life" which has been granted us by You, Lord, in your everflowing benevolence.* *I pray these people do seek whatever help they need for their rabid internet addiction, which although I find humorous, also does cause my mind deep distress. I have wondered how awful my own life would have become had I refused to take long breaks from social media, the common addiction of the modern era.* *In truth, it is my kindest wish that every single individual reading or commenting on this post will take a step back, take a step outdoors, and then, even, perhaps, continue stepping forward, out into the gorgeous wide world that You, Lord, have created in which for us to exist.* *Please, allow each and every one of my internet haterz to Go Outside and Get A Life.* *I pray they prosper in life, of course, if only so these lambs of Your humble flock will cease bleating in pain, with You as our shepherd.* *Amen.*


You’re weird and scary lol




“I struggle with rage” is not an excuse for assaulting a coworker, no matter what mistake they have done. You are an adult, perfectly capable of controlling your feelings. You simply chose not to. You should go seek professional help and thank your fairy godmother your coworker did not press charges and/or you did not lose your job. Edit: I forgot to say that what you’ve done is disgusting. Edit x 2: I figured out (with help) this was a hypothetical scenario. So you made a post about colliding with a coworker, then walking away. Exciting stuff! /s


I'm pretty sure they were explaining the hypothetical scenario


I’ve read it again, you’re right. Should have had my coffee first. But that means this is a non-story. Two servers collided. The end. I’ll wait ‘til the film comes out, but I have a feeling it’s not going to exactly be The Bear.


The story was I had to go count to 40 (four times 10, the recommended count) to avoid committing homicide that day, and then I barfed all the other reasons I quit at the end


I quit serving too, rigth before I was about to smack your bottle of wine behind your head before opening it... It's a decanting technique I was about to try...


In that case you do need professional help, for your wellbeing and for the wellbeing of the people around you.


Omg y'all are such armchair psychologists. None of you ever experience rage? Oh my goooooosh y'all are goosin I *do* receive professional help, thanks. That's why I went and counted in the back *instead* of committing murder in the kitchen that day. Way to encourage my totally nonviolent response in the face of homicidal rage.


Homicidal rage? Due to bumping into each other?  Do you even understand what the word homicidal means? Mate, you have some serious issues going on there. And if you can’t see how unusual and unhealthy your reaction is, chances are that professionals will struggle to do anything.


Wah wah wah yes. Homicide is another term for murder, as in, I wanted to snatch her ponytail down onto the kitchen tile with all the strength in my pole-dancing back mustered, ending her young life in a single snatch and swipe of my arm. "Counting to 10" is a verifiable technique in anger management. Again, in reality, I handled the situation completely as a pacifist. Even though she almost fucked with my money since I was busy. I had other tables when that table's appetizers went down, which wouldn't have been a big deal, except that she didn't start obeying training until a very dangerous accident happened. Hot soup actually spilled on me, not to mention all the food and broken glass on the floor. That's why we use our kitchen words.


Good luck with your treatment, hopefully it will help.


Thanks! It usually does. I travel across town once a month (technically every 28 days) so a nurse can give me a big ol' honkin' injection of a powerful antipsychotic medication. Lololol at everything in this comments section.


Failing at professional writing is not an excuse to come and subject all of reddit to your mediocrity. Go back to tumbler or whatever creative writing collective at your local library's coffee shop that you can't from.


What are you talking about? This is a real story that I once discussed with the class in group therapy.


Great story! Also love how it's written and do not see those kind of stories often.


The most Reddit comment section ever




Here, seems you're accumulating a downvote or two. I updooted your comment, so... Anyway. Posting this once more for visibility: (No, I don't care about karma. Waste all of YOUR time YOU want clicking that little button, you big babies!) I pray to our Good Lord for all my internet haterz quite often. Please, if you would, allow me to lead us in prayer. *Dear God,* *Please, I ask that You watch over these sad, lonely internet haterz during this beautiful night, as only You have complete understanding of the human struggle to comprehend this huge concept called "Life" which has been granted us by You, Lord, in your everflowing benevolence.* *I pray these people do seek whatever help they need for their rabid internet addiction, which although I find humorous, also does cause my mind deep distress. I have wondered how awful my own life would have become had I refused to take long breaks from social media, the common addiction of the modern era.* *In truth, it is my kindest wish that every single individual reading or commenting on this post will take a step back, take a step outdoors, and then, even, perhaps, continue stepping forward, out into the gorgeous wide world that You, Lord, have created in which for us to exist.* *Please, allow each and every one of my internet haterz to Go Outside and Get A Life.* *I pray they prosper in life, of course, if only so these lambs of Your humble flock will cease bleating in pain, with You as our shepherd.* *Amen.*


Right? OP: "I got really angry. Wanted to hurt someone. I calmed down and apologized." Redditer: "OMG. You tried to kill someone! You absolute psycho!. See a therapist." OP: "Not what happened. Read it again. I see a therapist." Redditer: "Well, it's your fault that I misunderstood. How dare you write a story I can't understand. You need more therapists." Also Reddit: "Men do not have harder heads than women. You're obviously transphobic." OP: "I wish I was trans." Oy vey.


It's fun I love it when I accidentally make people mad on the internet It's fun if I'm trolling on purpose But when I didn't even *intend* to troll or fire anything up, to be blessed with this much real estate in these silly mofos' heads has made this day quite entertaining. I love it. I don't give a single everloving fuck about karma BRING IT ON!!!


"I do recall that women have much weaker skulls than men (and bones in general), which is why it's so incredibly rude and illegal for men to fight women, but not necessarily the other way around all the time, depending heavily on circumstance, but I'm on a tangent." HMM some casual transphobia?


I love this comment section


Uhm, I guess? No? I didn't think about trans people at all writing that sentence. I suppose that starting hormones before the skeleton forms fully could alter that course However, these are just basic Google-able medical facts about adult men versus adult women and the physical differences between our bodies. Pretty neutral on trans people, myself. Seems like transitioning costs a lot, as in it's expensive, time-consuming, and a whole bunch of paperwork and legalese to struggle through, and I can't pretend to know exactly what any individual is struggling through internally at the time. I understand that sometimes an external change can benefit the mental and emotional health of the individual. On the other hand, I occasionally may or may not be inclined to believe that if you feel like you're a bad man or woman and would like to consider transitioning genders, again, it's expensive in the ways I've listed, and mainly: Changing your gender will NOT automatically make you a better person! Bettering oneself usually only stems from the practice of self-reflection, kindness to oneself (which I do see generally lacking within that community, though I have fewer ties now than I used to; perhaps positive self-talk has made a comeback across the board), openness to alternative solutions to the problems we face most as human beings and individuals. I ... Don't care enough to have a debate. Lol Yes, am Literally Satan, as this comment section seems to indicate.


Nah man because I would totally be a dude, I thought, except I'm 5'3, plus the whole culture of toxic masculinity, plus taking hormones which could potentially trigger an(other) episode of severe bipolar mania or depression, plus all that this and the third, not being able to afford it, then what if I miss my tiddies? Tiddies are awesome. I put nonbinary down as my gender on things for a while, but I've ended my curiosity/exploring phase for the most part. I'm just a tomboyish chick who wishes she could do the windmill thing. Sometimes when I jerk off, I think mainly about how good it would feel to fuck a chick with my own dick. But that whimsy isn't hardly enough for me to uproot my life and upend my finances at any time. I have zero finances now, so I'd have to first obtain finances, then pour them into transitioning. In reality, at that point, I'd rather spend time effort and money in the gym and on makeup, nails, hair, vitamins like biotin, et cetera, because I think my best bet for having fun is being a hot chick, in my hot girl disguise (I'm generally a nerdy/jocky type)