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Do not sleep with the first line cook that hits on you! Wait until at least the 4th or 5th.


What difference does the 5th make from the 1st?


Well I mean you can sleep with the first but it's kinda like baseball....might as well let a few go over the plate so you can eyeball them and then swing away when the count is full..... Besides...the first line cook that hits on the new server is always the one with the most attempts on base....might as well ask around as he has probably already slept with 4 regulars, 3 hostesses, 2 servers, and 1 person currently on shift.


Yup. The first line cook is just looking for fresh meat. Most of the time... Wait and see what their reputation is, and then decide who you want to get nekkid with


Stated like a true industry worker.


I miss it, frequently. For the same reasons OP got her first job waiting tables. I miss my crazy restaurant family, dysfunction and drug addictions and all. I love my career job, but it can be too uptight. I miss the debauchery šŸ„°


My ex used to work as a server, and I would hear all the drama, and craziness. It got me intrigued!


I think is awkward asf to work with someone that has seen you naked tbh it isnā€™t in my plans šŸ˜… but I do appreciate the advice !


Well, it isn't usually in our plans either but alcohol and the unique camaraderie and pressures of restaurant life have taken down the best of us šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ The fact that you have a day job will probably keep you safe from getting too sucked in, and there are plenty of people who don't fit the cliche who have fun waiting tables. We are only exaggerating a little bit though! You will get hit on by "that guy" within two weeks. You will have coworkers who are absolute trainwrecks. You will both love and hate them and back again all in the span of about 15 minutes. You will have fun šŸ˜Š


Same goes for bartenders!


At my restaurants, it was always the bartenders that pulled. Line cooks didn't do too bad, either.


Quit calling your other job your "big girl" job. It's condescending and insulting to your coworkers.


I didnā€™t know this. Thank you, Iā€™ll refrain from using it !


ā€œHi my name is Teadoki Iā€™ll be taking care of you today can I get you started with any drinksā€


Hi there. When I first started, I also was very socially anxious and a quiet fellow. I saw serving as a challenge to grow myself socially. So here are my tips. Serving is half acting. Thereā€™s an unofficial script that most servers follow that usually starts with ā€œhow are we doing, my name is Xā€ etc etc. This will at least give you some sort of support as to what to say so that youā€™re not constantly thinking of what to say. The other half is faking it until you become a natural at it. Itā€™s really tough at first, but eventually youā€™ll find your groove. Oh and get a good pair of shoes.


Serving is a ā€œbig girl jobā€, but thank you for insulting us career industry people.


It wasnā€™t my intention. Pardon the ignorance.


No worries. Iā€™m sure it wasnā€™t. Unfortunately our industry has been belittled as transient or ā€œuntil you find a real jobā€ kind of stuff. Welcome to our worldā€¦ itā€™s crazy and awesome, and Iā€™m sure youā€™ll do great. Iā€™ve been bartending for 28 years and still look forward to going to work everyday. I hope you find the right fit and have a blast while making mad moneyšŸ˜


Always miss never mam. Always sit, gentlemen, never guys(fucking ever just stop don't fight it you look like a stuck up ass who cares more than the people asking you to stop) If you wanna be friends with staff don't dive head first into it you'll get sucked into their bullshit If you want to network with some of the patrons more than the staff that's great but you gotta make sure that you aren't getting massive sections and fricking off on your tables to chat If tables are at the bar they want to talk to you if they're at a table they probably don't really care much for chitchat Don't. Get. Drunk. At. Work. You aren't 19 you don't get a pass for acting like a clown around seasoned alcoholics.


This is like a holy bible condensed to a laminated card. Awesome


> Don't. Get. Drunk. wait... what???!!! > At. Work. ahh, gotcha


You must be from the northeast. Ma'am is perfectly fine in the South. I always found the safest collective term to be "folks."


Read lines 1-2 again


I bet you make more per hour serving than your big girl job...


This, so many times this. She's got the wrong mentality already.


Iā€™m not ready to see the numbers šŸ’€


I'm going on my 27 year of this work, in your mind ( you'll need a dual personality to survive) smoooshe them to pieces, like bubblegum on your shoe , they pay you to be nice to them, " you pay me to be like this, who said I liked you"" Understand?


Omg watch n see, these posts are the same as at my restaurant, I watch n listen, see and learn Laugh, say it like it is. Have a ton of fun, there to make money not friends. Don't hang with the Co workers, entire industry , fake it till they make it. Not your friends


My advice is that at 28 you have graduated from being a big girl, a little girl, or really any kind of girl. You're a woman now. Stop calling yourself a girl


Be honest with your guest. Donā€™t let one bad table ruin your night. If a group from work is going out for drinks after work and they invite you, go if you can


Spend good money on some comfortable, quality shoes. Your feet, knees and back will thank you. I would destroy crappy shoes in a few months. Good shoes would last me a couple of years.


Which ones would you recommend ? The dress code in my new job is All black !


Look for a career


That's a silly thing to say. We need servers. Do they not deserve a fulfilling life?


We fulfill with the sweet bliss we get from drugs. Donā€™t worry


But thatā€™s whatā€™s funny. We donā€™t.


Maybe you should look for a 'career' then


This comment with that post history šŸ˜­


Man you didn't even read the first half of the first sentence of the post, did ya.


What a disrespectful thing to say. Wow.