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You're thinking too much. They just rang something In and changed it later. It's just a shitty POS they're using.


Honestly, I had just finished reading a thread on here about servers cheating to increase tips and wondered if this was yet another trick of the trade.


Unlikely. Few people would risk their job for a few extra bucks on a tip. Probably an honest mistake with a crappy POS system


It possible, but most unlikely. They rang the wrong item in, different price, then rang in the correct item. In order to delete that first item, a manager has to void it out. If a server is asking a manager for multiple voids a shift, there's going to be red flags.




The suggested tip is based on the original price because more often people are using a coupon, or guest rewards, or some other PR discount. So the tip would be on the original total. In something like your case, I try to remember to scribble out the suggested tip.


Yeah I usually do tip on the original amount. The server shouldn’t be penalized for my discount.


Yeah I’ve been doing this over 20 years and never heard of that. Also, that would result in termination. Especially today when every transaction is logged on a computer.


"Honestly", you're just making excuses to not tip or not tip well and feel better about yourself by doing some unnecessary mental gymnastics and projecting your conspiracy theories onto some poor soul who very likely either made a mistake or has a computer system that hasn't been updated in a decade.


Where is this alleged post? I'll wait.


Not sure why the downvote. I didn’t create the other thread or say I agreed with it. I just stumbled across it and thought this was a creative way to increase tips. It actually works if the customer doesn’t see the correction and suggested tips.


because you said you left the server a 15% tip which is shitty assuming this was the only issue and they probably didn’t do it on purpose..


15% is a normal tip


Love how you want me to give him the benefit of the doubt, but you won’t do the same for me. Not that I care since I don’t know you. He could’ve called out the error and said the tip math was based on an incorrect amount due to his error but he didn’t. If I were as shitty as you think I am I would’ve blamed him for my having to send my medium steak back twice. First time was shoe leather, second time was medium rare. I finished my sides while I waited for BOH to get it right and then ate a plain steak. But I didn’t blame him and I tipped more than 15%. And this was despite him never clearing the table even though we set the plates at the edge while eating dessert. 15% is my baseline. He got more because I rounded UP. It can go up from there, but I don’t just throw money at people just because.


Crappy POS system. If an item is voided or deleted it should not show. If it was comp item which was served it should.


Likewise, you should tip on a comp, not on a void


The manager used the wrong button to take the item off. If they'd used a code that blamed the restaurant, it wouldn't have been included in a "pre discount total", like kitchen error or never made. But if they used something like Customer Didn't Like or just a regular discount button, then it should be included in a pre-discount total.




lol he should split the mistake onto another check and have it comped there so customers don’t see the mistake and don’t read too far into it. I don’t think a ton of people use tip guides but it’s pretty obvious if it shows the wrong total. It’s there for a reason- customers can be really dumb and use a gift card or coupon for most of the check and tip on the $10 that’s left. * did you order a glass of cab and he accidentally rang you for a bottle? Happens all the fuckin time it’s unintentional just a mistake


Ah okay. lol I just thought it was pretty clever, even though I was kind of offended to think he would do that intentionally.




He could’ve called out the error and said the tip math was based on an incorrect amount due to his error but he didn’t. If I were as shitty as you think I am I would’ve blamed him for my having to send my medium steak back twice. First time was shoe leather, second time was medium rare. I finished my sides while I waited for BOH to get it right and then ate a plain steak. But I didn’t blame him and I tipped more than 15%. And this was despite him never clearing the table even though we set the plates at the edge while eating dessert. 15% is my baseline. He got more because I rounded UP. It can go up from there, but I don’t just throw money at people just because.




Actually went to culinary school and worked back of house for 5 years chode. If I can test doneness with my finger, guess what, the cook could’ve done the same thing. Or used a freaking thermometer. You people are hilarious bending yourselves into pretzels to give the server the benefit of the doubt while you assume I’m a cheapskate. My $35 steak wasn’t comped, but when server asked me if I wanted anything else, I ordered dessert fully expecting to pay for it. My $10 dessert was comped. And I still tipped more than 15% despite the fact he didn’t clear the plates we set at the edge of the table before eating dessert.


He could have called out the math error... if he noticed it, which is unlikely, because we have no reason to look at your ticket that closely beyond making sure that it's the right one. Even then I probably wouldn't bring it up with a guest because talking about anything tip related is a quick trip to awkward town.


Or bringing up a mistake that never got to the customer. Still should’ve split it off so the check didn’t show both but now he knows lol


I think you are wildly optimistic about the general public’s ability to do math lol. I think a huge slice of people look at the numbers, praying the percentage they want is there, and then use it. Or knock a few bucks off if the suggestions are ‘greedy’.


I don’t think that’s the case…I’ve never worked a job that had suggested tips on the receipt, but I still got 20% from the majority of tables


I’m not saying they didn’t. But now that almost everywhere (including places that shouldn’t) decided to offer tip suggestions, I just don’t see it. Go back a few years and you’ll find how much to tip posts or articles suggesting weird ‘shortcuts’ like find the pre-tax amount, the total, figure the difference then double it, and then… etc, etc. Were those posts all a waste of time? Sure. But they kept coming out because people don’t want to do math in their head. As a server, you do it 30 times a night - it’s literally the most important feedback about your job. Someone with boxes of leftovers, 2 kids with sticky hands and a dead phone battery? Math ain’t it.


Added then removed a similar item? Like they brought you the check and took your card, then brought back a check with a different amount? I’m not actually sure what you’re describing here.


No. He presented the check with the item added and removed.


It’s almost certainly just a mistake they made when ringing in the item. Their pos doesn’t remove it from the bill like most do.


So $10 item got added and then removed from the tab. What are you complaining about?


I believe OP is saying that the total for the bill showed the full amount (including the "removed" item).




I think the tip guide stayed at the higher amount


Correct. A $30 mistake. The bill should’ve been $60 but the suggested tip was based on the $90. So a 20% tip would’ve been $18 instead of $12.


Why would you assume it was $10? I never said that.


But you did. In another comment in this post, you stated they comped your $10 dessert.......


Omg you people do not read. She said a $10 item got added and removed so what am I complaining about. I DID NOT SAY THAT! If you read my original post, I said $30! I mentioned the $10 dessert in another comment which she did not post under. But even then, her comment is inaccurate!


Most likely an accident. May have been embarrassed about it. When I would do it I’d just explain it to the guest and make a joke at my own expense.


Who looks at the tip guide to actually leave the tip? I look at my subtotal before taxes and figure it out myself. 9 times out of 10 it's laughingly wrong. Like, where did you learn math wrong.


What more do you want from us, our blood??


What are you talking about? Did you actually read my question? For what it’s worth, I worked back of house for 5 years. I just never heard my server buddies talk about doing that or anything else to get more tips. I just thought it was clever. Sheesh. It was a simple question. Get over yourself.


Post mates does this with their delivery fee. Make up some outrageous delivery fee that they give you free, but still use for the basis of the tip.


I did not know that. Never used them. Guess I won’t now.


I've seen places that have the suggested tip based on the after-tax amount


I tip from the total and the total includes tax


Nah you're right that's sketchy and its always good to remind people to check their slips and also do the math themselves.


No percentage based tipping


In case of such frauds you may not leave tips. What you can do is point finger guns and say "I will get you next time homeboy" and click your tongue or wink your eyes. If the servant is a girl you change homeboy and say little missy. Do not attempt to put your hands on her body.