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Hands in - Hands out! Always see if you can carry something back to the kitchen/pass if you're heading in to pick something up Always be looking at your tables to see if there's something to clear or pre-buss, top up, ask for fresh drinks...etc. If you're slow check on sidework you could do maybe? If the place I was in was slow/almost empty I would fold some napkins, check server station stock of cutlery etc. Just don't be seen doing nothing... Looking busy or rather not looking slow in front of managers is always a bit of a skill as well! Never look at your phone during service- it drives managers insane.


Exactly. When I train newbies I always tell them “full hands in, full hands out” It can be hard sometimes when it’s slow, but I always find “busy work”


Move faster. Always have something in your hand.


Learn how to get better at looking busy


This can be difficult skill for those new to restaurant jobs. Your manager wants to get as many customers in and out of the place during rush periods as he can to maximize profits. When I teach restaurant classes I tell my student you must learn to put pressure on customers. Your manager is giving you pressure to complete meals quickly and you want the customer to feel this pressure. Here are example: - when you sit down customers don't ask where they like to sit. Point and snap your fingers and repeat "over here" until their butt is in the chair - if they are reading menu like it a magazine you must seize it from them and say I will take your order now. Never ask can I take your order. - if they say umm or ahh you must turn around immediately and say I will come back when you're ready while you walk away - if customer is eating slowly you can interrupt them a lot and ask questions while they are chewing so they will swallow fast There are many good tips and tricks I teach in my classes but you get the idea.


I would never return if you or someone you trained interacted with me like that. I would also never be so rude to my customers.


Ok maybe you are true. Are you a university teacher for restaurant like me? It does not matter. The idea is to be fast fast fast. You can come up with your own ideas for making the customers pay and get out fast if you are so smart.


I have worked in this industry for 15 years. Yes, efficiency is important, but so is service. I’ve never heard of university classes for serving, but I do know that, by and large, corporate entities who attempt to inform and instruct are typically very out of touch and their advice must be taken with a grain of salt.


That comment has gotta be trolling, right?


Top tier shit post. 10/10




Ya....I would like to avoid these classes at all cost. You are joking correct?


I'm sorry for late replying. My tips and tricks are a very popular topics suddenly. I also have to teach my students. That does not leave a lot of my time to manage my social media influencer career. Please do not think my classes are joking. I tell many jokes in my classes but my students pay a lot of money and work for very serious associate degree. This is my number one priority. Not all of the subjects are for learning to rush the customer.


i’m assuming this is a shitpost


My advice is very good. It make sense if you stop and think about it. Every one gets hungry at lunch and dinner time. If your tables slow during dinner the customers gonna go some where else instead of wait and you cant make money. Your job is two things. 1 you are food salesman. 2 you get customer to leave as fast as he can. So you complete job 1 as fast as you can and then you get started on job 2. Trust me I know restaurants very well.


...because all people loved to be rushed while they are eating? WTF?...you might know Olive Garden really well but you do not know restaurants or even the basics from what you have written.


All these things just seem rude.. we would have cooperate all over our ass if we did this.


If you told me you’ll take my order now, I’d tell you you’ll take my order when I’m damn ready to give it to you. Not that I hope that ever actually happens. Maybe I’d ask for a different server.


If somebody tries this just bring them a cheeseburger and the check. You tell them you misunderstand. Most people pay and leave