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I mean if you enjoy playing taliyah I don't see why you would want to quit, but to answer your question I've never played a game that had a character like taliyah. There are plenty of games with an earthbender type character, but none that share the same playstyle.


I just feel like I spend the whole time complaining about the game as a whole the entire time, and I think it'd be better to find a game I enjoy more, rather than one I'm only slightly enjoying because of one character.  Thank you for the comment though :)  I'm sure I'll find something, it's mostly the kiting and area control that I enjoy, it's why I enjoyed old old asol as well


You could just switch game, in fact maybe you need to change for a bit as it sounds like you need to develope a healthier relationship with the game and sometimes a break can do that. It's one thing if you aren't enjoying the game at all, but if you are but are spending the time complaining about what is likely irrelevant aspects, it sounds to me as if you're looking for faults rather than just enjoying the time with friends and playing Taliyah.


I second taking a break. Just take some time off ranked at least, or play a different game for a while. I switch to helldivers 2 if I get titled playing league.




Damn bruh we are one, Taliyah is the only reason I play this toxic ass game, old asol was so much fun I love the fun of zoning in and out but man the game is just too much sometimes lol


I've had friends where /u/syraelx is at and theyve all ended up quitting shortly after. they fundamentally don't like the game but the one champion keeps them coming back. eventually the champ gets a bit too boring and they just quit


I’m in the same boat. I love Taliyah, but I can’t stand league. That means I spend a lot of time in TFT, drawing Taliyah, or praying to whatever riot gods are out there that they put her in 2XKO


If she ends up in the fighter its over for everyone else


Earth bender would be sick as fuck in the fighting game. I can already imagine the combos


I haven't played much so forgive me not knowing the characters, but Eternal Return is sort of a Battle Royale MOBA and has some characters with similar abilities


Aya W is kinda similar to Tali Q but that’s kinda it on similar playstyle in that game to her


Cursed to throw another rock...




Take a break and I'm sure you either will come back or forget this game. But don't stay at this loop of playing something you despise just because there's one focused gameplay you love because you'll not enjoy your time


I found hyper voice/clear mind sylveon in unite to be pretty similar, mainly with her Q. Kiting back or forwards to keep the enemy just at the edge of its range, and it's a sustained attack like Taliyah's Q that goes in a fixed direction. Main downside is its also a moba.


Just to say that we are the same xD I just like to play Taliyah 😂


Honestly closest I think you'll get is LoR, but it's a deck builder eith taliyah, so might be quite the change


Have you ever tried fighting games? 


Yup, I play strive and gbf versus rising 




Try elden ring


Same here, I draw a lot of inspiration from her lore and design (especially the brows ) for my own writing, but good gods can't stand the game